Windows xp operating system loader. Repairing the bootloader using the recovery console in Windows XP. Errors in editing multiboot mode

Hello, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that Windows doesn’t want to boot and it throws an error at just the wrong moment. Here I will provide a list of programs that can help you recover a lost bootloader.

1.Partition Table Doctor — a unique program for restoring damaged disk partitions. Damage can occur as a result of an unexpected loss of power, or a virus attack, as a result of which the disk stops showing any information (behaves as if it had just come from the factory).

The program automatically checks and restores home boot entry(MBR), file allocation table and partition boot sector. The following are supported file systems: FAT16, FAT32, NTFS/NTFS5, EXT2, EXT3, SWAP.

The program can create an emergency floppy disk (Ctrl+D inside the program). Included - boot image in IMA format for recording an emergency CD. In Nero 6, this is done as follows: launch Nero, select CD-ROM (Load) in the new project menu, switch to Image File and through “View” find “PTD Boot.ima”. Now you can click “New” and stuff whatever you want into this compilation. The recorded disc will be bootable, i.e. If you boot your computer from a CD drive, the DOS version of Partition Table Doctor 3.5 will appear.

2. DiskPatch is a professional DOS-based data recovery utility that recovers data by restoring damaged disk structures, such as partition tables, "in place."

DiskPatch is designed to solve most problems that prevent you from accessing your data; corrupted MBRs (Master Boot Records), corrupted partition tables, unexpectedly deleted partitions, corrupted boot sectors, and bad sectors.

Damage to the MBR, partition tables and parts of bootable sectors in most cases lead to massive data loss; situations where you cannot access a partition or an entire hard drive. You can fix these problems yourself using DiskPatch!

DiskPatch automatically repairs damaged, corrupted or lost partition tables and bootable sectors. Fast. Just. Safely.

To make recovery from subsequent disasters easier, DiskPatch allows you to create backups important disk structures such as MBR, partition tables and boot sectors.

3. Using a boot disk that includes bootloader recovery programMBR fix

4.MBR Editor— A program for editing the Master Boot Record (MBR) of a disk.
– viewing and editing the disk partition table;
– viewing and editing Boot Sectors
– saving/loading the entire BMR to/from disk(s);
– saving/loading the Boot Loader to/from disk(s);
– bootloader recovery from templates (Windows XP Professional SP2,
Windows 98 SE, MS-DOS 6.22);

But sometimes programs don’t help and you have to, which is the most reliable remedy.

Reinstallation operating system often means that you need to make your computer. Nevertheless, due to viruses and hardware failures, the process of restoring the Windows XP boot loader may be required at any time. You can reinstall the system bootloader without losing any files. Some of the main reasons for its failure are viruses, hardware failure or errors while running XP. Is a faulty bootloader your only problem? Below are instructions on how to restore the Windows XP bootloader without reinstalling the entire operating system.

This bootloader is called the master boot record, also called the MBR. He controls the launch hard drive and allows the computer to turn on its OS. The bootloader offers many useful functions and improvements. It also has a powerful system for managing the device. Unfortunately, some changes to your computer or a virus may damage, change, or delete it. This may affect the functioning of your PC. As a result, it will either be unable to boot at all, or will start with problems loading some parts of the OS. The Windows XP boot loader recovery process can be done using the operating system installation CD or a recovery disk.

You can restore the Windows XP bootloader by performing the following steps:

    Turn on your computer and install to run from the installation disc.

    Launch the recovery console.

First of all, you should insert installation disk Windows XP or disk into the optical drive and restart the computer. Now to download installed version Windows PC will start from the CD. You must press the required key when prompted, and then you must wait for the program to configure itself to load.

Launching the Recovery Console

A message should appear on the screen that the installer welcomes you. Press "R" KEY. This will launch you to try to reinstall Windows XP on your computer. If an administrator password is required in Windows settings XP, you must enter it. Then select Then wait for the command prompt to appear and enter the Fixmbr command. Press the "Y" key when prompted that the "FixMbr" utility intends to overwrite the corrupted bootloader with a new copy. After this, the Windows XP boot loader recovery procedure will be completed.

Tips for completing the process

Remove from drive boot disk and select "Exit" in command line. This command may cause your PC to reboot. This will allow the computer to download new file bootloader, and then you can continue Windows startup XP in normal mode. It is also recommended to install an antivirus software to remove viruses and protect bootloader files so that a repeat procedure for restoring the Windows XP bootloader is not needed in the near future.

Description of how to restore normal booting Windows XP. The manual shows in detail what to do if during boot the operating system produces errors like "", "", "" and many others.

Windows XP boot problems and their causes

Many users Windows XP encountered problems loading Windows XP. Typical situation: the user turns on a computer or laptop, and there is an error on the black screen like, Windows can't start due to hardware disk configuration errors or something else. Error Windows cannot start due to a corrupted or missing file: hal.dll often appears during installation Windows XP from the flash drive after reboot. There can be a great many mistakes. They look something like this:

The cause of all these errors is problems with the bootloader. Windows XP, which directly starts the system. Essentially, these are several executive files: file boot.ini with boot configuration, files ntldr, and bootloader in MBR.

It is quite logical that in order to restore normal operation Windows XP You need to restore this same bootloader. This is what this guide will cover.

Launching the Windows XP Recovery Console

To restore the bootloader, we first need to run the so-called . To do this, we need to boot from the installation disk or flash drive with Windows XP and start the installation. How to do all this is well described in the manuals:, and.

Boot up and start the installation. When this screen appears:

you need to press a button R. We wait a little, the system scans HDD for availability installed systems. As a result, a window similar to this should appear:

Enter the copy number in the list (usually 1 ), enter the Administrator password (if it was not specified, then simply click Enter). This is it:

Now you can proceed directly to recovery.

Windows XP Boot Recovery

To restore the MBR and bootloader, the recovery console has commands and . Let's enter the first one first:

Confirm the restoration with the key Y:

Enter the command:

We confirm the changes:

Now you can reboot. To do this, enter the command exit

If these operations do not solve the situation, then it is worth checking whether there are bootloader files. This is first and foremost C:\ntldr And C:\, and boot.ini. This can be done quite simply. Enter the command dir c:\. It will display the contents of files and folders on the disk C:\. If such files are not on the hard drive, then they should be copied from the disk. To do this, you need to determine its letter by brute force and the command dir. In my case, the Windows disk is d:\. Here is its content:

Now let's copy the files we need from it. To do this, enter the commands copy d:\i386\ntldr c:\ And copy d:\i386\ c:\:

You can also check your hard drive with the command chkdsk /R:

It definitely won't be redundant.

Solving the problem with hal.dll

Let's now move on to the error with:

On Russian versions Windows The error text looks something like this: Windows cannot start due to a corrupted or missing file: hal.dll

This loading problem often occurs due to incorrect settings in file boot.ini. To somehow correct the situation, run and enter the command bootcfg /rebuild:

A scan of available systems should start. Then you select the available one and add it to the download list:

Now you need to enter how the system will be displayed in the boot list:

Then you should specify the parameter /fastdetect:

That's all:

If it doesn’t help, then log back into the Recovery Console and enter the command expand d:\i386\hal.dl_ c:\windows\system32 (d:\ in this case it is a CD/DVD drive or flash drive).

In the future, the download list can be adjusted in Windows itself:

You can also via Start -> Execute -> msconfig -> boot.ini.

That's all.

Please ask all questions about restoring Windows in this forum thread.

This instruction, although not directly related to methods of combating infection under the general code name "WinLocker", but it is here because there are absolutely primitive blockers Microsoft Windows which are “limited” to replacing the bootloader. Apparently, some schoolchildren were having fun (they would have used their energy in a peaceful direction).

If you see extortion text just before loading the operating system as usual text mode, quite often with errors or “artifacts” on the screen, then try to simply restore master boot record MBR.

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And so is the process itself. First, let's go through the “old lady” Windows XP, or in common parlance “piggy”. For MBR recovery here we need an installation disk with the system distribution. We boot from it and at the very beginning select the recovery mode by pressing the key "r". In the terminal window that opens, we see a list possible systems For loading. In a normal situation there is only one. Enter the required number and click "Enter".

The next step is to restore the damaged master boot record. This is done with the command FIXMBR. We certainly respond to requests for confidence in our actions. "y".

Now let's write a new one loader V restored MBR. This is done by the team FIXBOOT. And, as in the previous case, we agree to make changes by entering "y".

Well, that's almost all. All that's left is to copy ntldr And NTDETECT.COM. And "reanimate" boot.ini.

The command will help you to copy "MAP", which shows a list of all connected (mounted) disks. We find our drive with the distribution kit. Typically this will be a disk "D:". Then copy with the following commands:

copy D:\i386\NTLDR C:\
copy D:\i386\NTDETECT.COM C:\

If a question arises regarding re-recording, we answer in the affirmative.

There's only one left boot.ini. Team "Bootcfg /add" will again display a list of systems available for boot.

  • Enter the number of the system to be added, usually "1".
  • Click "Enter".
  • Enter the name of the system to be added, let it be "Windows XP Professional".
  • Click "Enter".
  • We can enter, and it’s better to do it, the key "/fastdetect". This will hide the boot prompt to select a system to run.

Everything is ready, you can reboot and work.
And the option for the Windows 7 operating system will be considered.