Text editor for large files android download. How to create a text document on Android. Or the simplest text editor. Text editor for tablet: best choice for Android, iOS and Windows

Hello everyone, dear readers. Today I will tell you about the best, in my opinion, clock editors for the popular Android operating system. I tried to make this selection as diverse and high-quality as possible in terms of the applications presented. I think you will find the most suitable text editor for your needs.

After selecting the format, confirm the "Save" button, you will still be asked to confirm reading and writing to your phone. If you answer no to one of the questions, you will be prompted to insert a replacement device. But it doesn't matter, you'll be back to the storage options again.

Enable read data Enable write data Options for storing and sending files by application

After successful saving, information about where the file is located and sending parameters. The details depend on the options of the specific phone type, the file is located on the memory card and can be executed using any supported one. The problem comes in understanding program usage and continuity. It's nice to be able to create short documents and send them when needed. However, there is no other editing option such as text editing, spacing, indentation.

Important: below I have placed links to download each of the programs in Google store Play. I recommend that you download applications from there, and not from third-party sites. This is done in terms of the security of personal information stored on your mobile Android device, smartphone or tablet.

The most popular text editor in the world. Now this powerful tool is available for mobile devices Android. Among the most inverse and useful features of the program, I would like to note the following:

Czech or any other language that uses a special encoding is incorrect if you want to open the computer on your computer. Therefore, there is no need to use characters without punctuation. On a computer the situation is better; all files using English characters open without problems. So you can continue editing the file.

It certainly deserves credit for that, but it ends there. The same applies to the application. Simplicity learns perfect perfection: let it be or let it be. These are the ones who know exactly what they need and what they use. Do you have a different opinion or are you using a different app? Share with others in the discussion.

  1. View, create and edit text files in DOC format. You can run files created on a personal computer on your phone;
  2. The ability to synchronize created documents with other devices that also have Word installed. This process is carried out using cloud storage OneDrive;
  3. All those tools that you are used to in this version are now available in Android versions, which, in my opinion, is very convenient. You won't have to get used to the new interface.

Minimalist text editors became a thing a few years ago, but their creators, for reasons unknown, chose to keep them in reserve - until today. It's true that good news, a review, or an article can be written in sticky notes, but the right tool makes it easy to put thoughts on paper. The problem with writing to the web is that you don't need a tool that renders the virtual page in the default view. Both programs were prepared for exactly the same purpose: allowing the user to write in a non-dispersive environment.

The tool is a text editor from the popular company Google (by the way, operating system Android was also developed by the same company). From the possibilities of this instrument I will note the following:

  1. Create and edit documents in various text formats, including documents created by Word;
  2. Access documents from any device with Internet access.

Unlike the improved word processor There is almost no interface here. The user receives only White background and black letters. Optionally, you can turn on existing edited paragraph blanking and a word counter at the bottom. Content formatting is done from the keyboard using simple markup syntax.

All other markdown editors were missing. Concerning appearance and capabilities, then the application is not much different from its protoplast. The editor has been in addition to sales for just over six months since release. Welcome to the next edition of Fantastic Three! Probably many of you have no idea how to write long texts on your phone screen. The situation is a little better for tablets, especially when we have a keyboard attached to them.

A very good, free tool for working with various text files. Features available in the application:

  1. Opportunity quick creation text documents, literally “on the fly”;
  2. Easy access to previously created records, nothing superfluous;
  3. Simple interface, accessible even for a beginner.

After all, it is unlikely to be possible to copy the text of a message into a file with the .txt extension using standard system tools. The idea immediately arose to use “Notes” for this, but nothing good came of it.

First of all, it's very simple program, intended mainly for people who use the word sign. The interface is very modest, limited to only a few tabs. Positive focus is also influenced by the focus mode that differentiates only the written sentence. Even in free version the number of functions would not satisfy one author. The editor itself is relatively minimalist, but it does, among other things, have a night mode and the ability to display additional buttons above the keyboard to make text formatting easier.

For supporters I have a bad message - support for it, but access to it only after purchasing the creative version of the application, the current cost is 30 zlotys. Very similar to a text editor on the phone. The program focuses primarily on writing in the markdown method, which is very useful for keyboard buttons. At any moment we also see what it looks like ready text. Do you see the need to use such text editors? Maybe you use a different solution every day?

Therefore, the simplest text editor for Android in Russian came to the rescue. Meet, Jota Text Editor:

Using this application is very simple. First of all, you need to download it from the official store using this link and run it. Then we copy the desired piece of text from the message in Viber and simply paste it into the text field of the editor using the "Paste" button:

Don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below! Future computer student, future soldier, enthusiastic mobile technologies, car and gun, one of the few Polish basketball fans. There are fewer of them because the choice has become more strict.

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If you want to buy something, be sure to hurry - promotions won't last forever, and the exact date the sale will end is not always known. In business, formal meetings and participation in events are often part of the daily ritual. But when the program gets busier, and when you have to go to the workshop directly from a business lunch, join a network where you can meet future clients, it will take several applications to come to your aid.

In the next step, all that remains is to click “Save” to save the contents in Text Document with a custom name:

Here you need to specify the desired location for saving, select the required encoding and finally click the "OK" button. As you can see, working with the Jota Text Editor is a pleasure.

Digitization of information from a business card. Business Cards is the order of the day in a business environment, be it formal meetings or networking moments, but it is often impossible to translate them all into a personal database and organize it. Stores information that can be accessed from anywhere.

Additionally, any changes to the files will automatically sync to all locations where the file can be accessed. Through the app, users can also store, archive, sync, edit and distribute scanned files to the cloud. The user has the opportunity to provide professional information about him and the business he represents, and the application identifies nearby professionals with common interests. The connection can be made through written messages or even through dialing if they prefer to publish their phone number.

That's all, friends, now you know how to create a text document on Android in a simple way. But if you still have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments. And now, as always, let's watch a cool video.