What the folder cannot be used for. What is a shared folder and how to use it. Using Libraries to Access Files and Folders

You receive a "Can't sync files" error when you try to sync files using the File Sync feature in Creative Cloud? Use the solutions in the table below to resolve the error and avoid potential conflicts in the future.

First, make sure your computer is connected to the Internet and signed in to your Creative Cloud account.

Remember that the differences between operating systems regarding valid file names can lead to synchronization problems between these OSes. The Creative Cloud desktop app can handle many incompatibility issues, but if you can't resolve the issue, an error occurs. If an error occurs, a notification is displayed, but synchronization continues for all other files.


As a first step to resolve the error, pause file syncing and then re-enable it. Performing this step can resolve many sync issues. Depending on your version of the Creative Cloud desktop app, do one of the following:

Serial number Error message Solution
1 Can't sync because the file is locked. Close this file in any open application and make sure you have write access permission. Cm. .
2 Can't sync due to an invalid file name. You cannot use the symbols |, “, ?,<, >, /, \, *, and: in file names. Cm. .
3 Virus detected in . This file will not download.
4 File too big, it cannot be loaded. Cm. .
5 The assets and collections in your Creative Cloud account are too large. Empty the archive folder and remove other resources that are no longer needed.
6 Too many files in the folder . Synchronization performance may decrease if you do not reduce the number of files in this folder.
7 Can't sync , because the owner has exceeded its storage quota. Contact the owner .
8 Files cannot be synchronized because the system time is not set correctly. To continue syncing files, set your device to the correct time. Set the correct system time and try again.
9 Can't sync because some files in the folder are open. Close everything open files in this folder. Cm. .
10 Can't sync because the file path is too long. Rename this file or change the corresponding folder to make the name shorter. Cm. .
11 Can't sync . You do not have write permissions on the destination folder. If the problem persists, check the folder permissions.
12 The content is no longer available because the account encryption key has been disabled. Contact your IT administrator. Contact your IT administrator.
13 cannot sync because this file is view-only for collaboration. You cannot edit, rename, or create files in view-only mode while collaborating. To sync this file, move it to a viewing and recording location in your Creative Cloud files folder. For more information, see Collaborate with Creative Cloud Libraries and folders.
14 Unable to sync files. HDD filled. There is not enough disk space. Make room. Synchronization will automatically resume.
15 Not enough memory.

Creative Cloud storage quota has been used. To continue syncing files, do one of the following:

16 Can't sync due to an error on the server. Please try again later.
17 Can't sync according to file access rights. Check your permissions and try again.

Prevent the use of Windows reserved characters in file names

  • < (знак меньше)
  • > (greater than sign)
  • : (colon)
  • " (double quote)
  • / (slash)
  • \ (backslash)
  • | (vertical bar or vertical line)
  • ? (question mark)
  • * (asterisk)

Also avoid the following file names reserved by the Windows operating system: CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, ​​COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7 , LPT8 and LPT9.

For more information about incompatible characters and file names, see Naming files, folder paths, and namespaces.

Use short names for files and folders

Windows allows file and folder names of 260 characters or less. To synchronize files and folders with devices running Windows control shorten their names that exceed the length limit.


The Creative Cloud desktop app will fail to sync files if the default folder is replaced by a folder with a name that contains high ASCII characters or Cyrillic characters such as ä, è, й, Ç, or ӯ. To resolve this issue, you can exit the Creative Cloud desktop app and launch it again, or disable and resume file syncing.

Removing Trailing Characters

Files and folders whose names end with a period (.) or a space do not sync properly between operating systems.

Files whose names contain spaces or periods at the end cannot be synced correctly in Windows, but they can be synced with cloud storage from Mac computer. If an error occurs with any file during synchronization, synchronization will continue for all other files. However, the error message will remain until the conflicting file is modified or deleted.

If you get an error about a file or directory that doesn't exist in Windows, open the file in the Creative Cloud web app. Then rename it, removing the inappropriate symbol.

Prohibition of using resource forks (aliases or shortcuts)

Avoid syncing files that use metadata (or resource forks), including Mac OS aliases or Windows shortcuts. These file types typically only work on the operating systems in which they were created.

Close files in use

The Creative Cloud desktop app displays a "Can't sync files" error when you try to sync a used or locked file from another app.

Some applications have locking mechanisms to prevent conflicts that occur when opening a file from one or more folders. For example, Adobe InDesign creates a *.idlk file while working with a *.indd file.

To resolve the synchronization issue, save and close the file when you are finished working with it.

What are conflicting copies?

When you modify or sync the same file on multiple devices at the same time, the device that completes the upload takes higher priority. The Creative Cloud desktop app does not automatically merge changes. Instead, all changes after the first upload (which was given a higher priority) are synchronized as a "conflicting copy" of the file. The new file name matches the previous name, but has a "conflicting copy" entry added to it. The file name also includes the name of the device or computer responsible for the conflict and the date the conflict occurred. Thus, all changes made are saved.

Please note that large files may take some time to sync

An error may occur when trying to sync large file using the Creative Cloud Files folder.

When you copy a large file to a Creative Cloud Files folder, the file won't sync until the process of copying it to the folder is complete. As a file is copied, it is marked and desktop application Creative Cloud displays the message "Unable to sync files." Once the copying is complete, the file will begin syncing to Creative Cloud.

Hi all! Today I will tell you Howdelete a file or folder that cannot be deleted different ways, just in case you’ve already tried everything you could, but it still didn’t help. This article I decided to write because I myself once encountered a similar problem, that my themes that were in the folder did not want to be deleted or moved. Why, they couldn’t even be opened or renamed.

Often when PC users try to delete such files, the following messages may appear: the file cannot be deleted, access is blocked, the disk may be full or write-protected, the file is occupied by another application, this process busy, folder is not empty. These errors occur for many different reasons, which you must first understand and understand what the problem may be before you try to do anything. So, there are not many reasons for this, here are some of them:

— You are trying to delete a file that is used by other programs. For example, if you were watching a movie or listening to music, but before you had time to close the player, you are already trying to delete the file being played, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to do this until you close all the corresponding applications that use this file in PC operation ( Personal Computer). It also sometimes happens that this file or folder is used by other applications, but you do not see them, although they are displayed in the task manager, which will be discussed below.

— You are trying to delete a file that is used by other users. For example, you downloaded it through a torrent tracker and then wanted to delete it, but for some reason it just doesn’t want to be deleted. The thing is that on the Internet you have this game another user is downloading, and until you turn off the Internet or exit the torrent program, the file will not be deleted.

-You don't have enough rights to do this. What does this even mean? Am I the owner of my computer or who? The fact is that you probably, like me once, could have placed your files or folders in the system folders Windows operation, to which access is prohibited for your own safety. This limitation was created to prevent you from ruining your computer by deleting any important file from the Windows operating system.

— Files or folders that you wanted to delete were quarantined by your antivirus program. In other words, your antivirus program didn’t like something about them, so it blocked them so that they could not harm your PC in any way.

Ok, we figured out the reasons. Now all that’s left for you to delete your non-deletable file is to simply try all the methods that I described for you below.

How to delete a file or folder that cannot be deleted via a computer?

Method 1. Just restart your computer, in most cases this will be enough.

Method 2. Turn on task manager. Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete if you have Windows 7 or XP and Windows + X if you have Windows 8. A window will appear in front of you, go to “processes”.

All programs that are on this moment work on your computer. Try to find exactly the one that might use your file. If it doesn’t work, then just select any one at random and click “end process” each time trying to delete the file again.

Method 3. Turn off your computer and turn it on again. During the boot process, press the F8 key many times. A black screen will appear in front of you, where there will be several options to boot your PC. Select " safe mode" As soon as the computer boots, try to delete the file or at least move it to another location.

Method 4. If the file is simply not deleted, but can be transferred, then you can proceed as follows. Just drag your file onto an empty flash drive and format it. Be careful, after this process everything will be deleted from it!

Method 5. Open your computer and find your non-deletable file on the desktop. At the top of the window, click “service”, then “folder options”, go to the “view” tab and uncheck the box if it is next to “use simple file sharing” and save the changes. Try deleting your file or folder.

Method 6. Change administrator rights. Right-click on our file, select “property”, then in the window that opens “security” and click “advanced”.

Another window will appear, click on “owner”. Here simply select another administrator and click “apply”. Personally, this operation helped me remove restrictions from my WordPress templates, which I wrote about.

Method 7. Disable all processes associated with this file. This procedure is very similar to the task manager, but it has a more powerful effect. Click "start" on your desktop, then "run". In the window that appears, enter msconfig and press OK.

Another window will appear in front of you. Here go to the “startup” tab and in the list of running processes try to find the name of your non-deletable file and uncheck it, and click ok.

How to delete files and folders that cannot be deleted using special programs?

Method 8. To solve this problem, a very cool and at the same time simple program“UnLocker”, which is capable of deleting non-deletable files in 90% of cases. You can download the program from the official website. During the installation process, be careful and uncheck the box where you are offered to install another application in addition to the program. If you don’t do this, then at the end of the installation your antivirus program will swear for a long time.

No need to explain. Mostly inexperienced users, or, as they are sometimes called, dummies, face this question. Well, let's try to briefly consider this topic.

What is a folder on a computer?

If you approach this issue from the point of view of finding a simple answer, we can say that a folder is essentially a container (call it whatever you want) that contains data in the form of files or subfolders.

In other words, in the case of nested folders, this is somewhat reminiscent of the matryoshka principle, when the figures (in which you can put something else) are folded into one another. If a folder contains only files, it looks, roughly speaking, like one box in which various small items are collected, but there are no other boxes.

The only difference is that in our case the size of the box (or nesting doll into which many others can be inserted) does not matter.

By analogy, let’s say the folder of a program installed on a computer may contain both executable files and components, as well as subdirectories containing some additional data. What's most interesting is executable file or the dynamic library may not always be contained in the main folder.

Folder structure

However, speaking about what a folder is, one cannot fail to mention that the above-described matryoshka principle allows you to organize the so-called tree structure, which is used in many file managers, including the standard

But here we need to make a small reservation. The fact is that files are not stored in such a structure on the hard drive, that is, they can be scattered throughout the hard drive and have different actual location addresses. Based on this, we can conclude that the folder is a kind of virtual storage, shown as a container in the system’s graphical interface for ease of use.

And if we were to explain what a folder is in scientific language, correct definition It is generally accepted that a directory is a file that is responsible for virtually organizing files into one structure and contains records about the root location and the contents contained in it child elements. Although for the user it is not a file.

How to make a folder in the simplest way?

Now let's look at the easiest way to create a directory in any file manager. For example, in the same “Explorer” (naturally, in the selected location) or on the “Desktop” you can right-click on free space followed by selecting the command from the drop-down context menu"Create..." / "Folder".

After this, a new directory will be created with the default name " new folder", and the title will be in the editing stage. All that remains is to set the desired name and press Enter.

Other file programs work the same way. Sometimes you can use the main File menu and select the appropriate command.

Special types of folders and methods for deleting them

As for the types of folders, they can be roughly divided into system and user, hidden, read-only, etc. There can be quite a lot of attributes. Folder name experienced user can say a lot. So, for example, the directory is a standard Recycle Bin, the System Volume Information folder contains registry entries about control points recovery, etc.

But there are also some types of folders whose names sometimes say absolutely nothing. Let's see MSOCache. In fact this directory contains setup files Microsoft Office, so that if it is removed from the computer, re-installation is performed from this location.

The folder is hidden, and you need to delete it very carefully and carefully. You can't just remove everything. To completely “erase” it, you need to use disk cleanup, where the line pointing to the MS Office installation files is selected as the components to be removed. Otherwise, you will have to delete undeletable files for a very long time, and even edit them system registry, sequentially deleting all keys related to the installers of applications included in this package. And this is not the only example.

In general, with system folders and installation packages, you need to be extremely careful, in particular with Windows installation files or drivers. As they say, you never know. But if necessary, you can restore the system’s functionality within a few minutes.

20.12.2016 Frank 0 Comments

The shared folder was introduced in Vista and can be used by all subsequent versions that followed - Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.

This is a special folder that can be useful in some scenarios.

To help you understand its role in operating rooms Windows systems, in how to use I decided to create this guide.

NOTE: depending on the OS version you are using, there may be some differences, so if you find any inconsistencies or difficulties, please write in the comments.

What are shared folders in Windows

It can be found in the following path “C:\Users\General” in all versions of Windows.

All Accounts users on Windows have access to this directory.

That's why it's called "General". All users of a computer or laptop have access to each file stored in it.

Depending on your access settings, its content can be accessed using other computers and network devices.

What's in the shared folder

By default, it has subdirectories: downloads, documents, videos, photos and music, and depending on Windows versions there may be some additions (hidden libraries, favorites, etc.).

These folders can be removed from the standard libraries if you don't plan to use them.

How to use a shared folder

The main role of this folder is to quickly exchange files between users of the same computer or other users of computers and devices on the same network.

It is not mandatory, but rather a personal choice, depending on the context and personal preferences.

For example, I prefer not to use it because I am the only user of the computer I work on.

But if you have a computer shared by multiple people, it can be useful.

Any user can add and edit files in it, and they will be immediately available to others.

I already said earlier that a shared folder can be used to share files with other computers and network devices. If you decide to share with someone on your network, they will receive it.

It could be quick way exchange, especially if you have network computers with operating rooms Linux systems or OS X, as they cannot use features such as HomeGroup, and sharing a shared folder is in a simple way replace it.

To enable or disable folder sharing in Windows, you need to go to "Advanced sharing settings".

There you will find the “shared folder access” section where you can enable or disable it.

Many people ignore this feature, although it can be useful in some scenarios. Good luck.