Make money by creating applications in the play market. How people make money on Google Play Market

Surely among Pikabu’s audience there are people who have long dreamed of creating their own mobile application, on which they could also make money. Most likely, many of them never began to realize their desire, either due to lack of time, or due to lack of knowledge, or because of fears that nothing good would come of this venture.

First, let’s talk about what Android is, and why learning to develop applications for this system is a very useful and profitable activity.

Android is universal operating system, which powers more than a billion devices: from smartphones and tablets to watches and even cars. Statistics are constantly changing, but I think I won’t be wrong if I say that Android has captured about 80% of the market mobile devices. For the developer, this means that if he writes even a little useful application, the chances that its development will bring in money, even small ones, are quite high. At the same time, in order to become an Android developer you will not need anything other than a home computer.

The following picture contains a sequence of steps that you need to go through to become a successful Android developer, as they say, “from scratch.”

Each of these steps will be discussed in a separate post, and we will start today with an introduction to the programming language. Of course, Pikabu is not the place for specific lessons with code examples (the whole Internet is at your service for this), so I will only limit myself to general recommendations and share my experience in learning the language.

Android applications are written in the popular object-oriented language Java. Familiarization with it is strictly necessary before you move on to studying the Android architecture and considering specific application examples, otherwise you risk losing all interest in development with the very first code example.

There are different ways to become familiar with a language. You can sign up for online courses, watch training videos, read endless code examples on the Internet, but there is one simple and reliable way, which I would recommend to everyone: just one regular paper book authored by Herbert Schildt called "Java 8. Beginner's Guide". It will be enough for you.

Thanks to a professionally written manual with well-chosen examples, in a matter of weeks you will understand data types and operators, classes, objects and methods, and the words “encapsulation”, “polymorphism” and “inheritance” will be able to load especially smart interlocutors in any company.

Be careful, as you get acquainted with Java, the following situations may occur, this is normal:

Remember that your goal is not to learn the language, but only to become familiar with it. You will learn it during the process of developing your application, so don’t be discouraged if something is not clear right away. Something will certainly be incomprehensible, however, everything will certainly become clear if you do not abandon the matter halfway, but methodically, day after day, take small steps towards your goal. This is the only way you will accumulate your unique experience and expand your knowledge of the language.

Once you have an idea of ​​what Java is and how to run the program you wrote on your computer, it’s time to move on to the next step: getting to know Android platform. More on this in the next post.

A modern smartphone is a gadget without which it is difficult to imagine everyday life. It replaces a huge number of things, from a banal calendar to a camera.

Interestingly, the mobile phone on the system Android can also become a place to earn money. Of course, you can’t get a huge amount of money this way, however, the extra money will be added to your account mobile phone or you can just earn some pocket money.

What methods of earning money are there?

Today, there are two completely different paths along which you can “move” to make a profit from Android applications:

  1. Working with other people's applications, that is, viewing ads, downloading, commenting, reviews, and so on. This is a simple option that does not require special knowledge to earn money. Typically, programs independently instruct beginners. Understanding this matter is quite simple, but the profit will be very modest.
  2. Development of your own applications, games and utilities. This type of activity will require knowledge of at least several programming languages, for example, C++ or Java.
    You can create programs either alone or together with someone, however, this is a rather complicated method, because competition in this segment is extremely high.
    In the future, you can earn huge sums. The profit of the Rovio studio - the creators of the sensational Angry Birds amounted to about 100 million dollars.

Each of these methods has its positive and negative sides. Therefore, you should understand all the nuances in more detail.

Completing tasks

A special case of the 1st work option. Very rarely you will find downloading, viewing ads, installing applications, commenting, etc. separately. Basically, all these actions are combined in one application (AppTrailers, AppCoins, Apprating), which give you a list of tasks for the day.

Sometimes you will need to leave a review, and sometimes you will need to install an application or view an advertisement. Each necessary action is described in detail in the technical specifications and is evaluated in its own way.

Downloading and opening applications

Today on the Internet there are many different services that pay for installing applications.

Most of them revolve around the idea of ​​“transmission” or distribution. This means that you will receive money whenever someone installs this application using your link.

It is worth noting that you will not be required to make any investments or extra costs, everything is absolutely free. This is necessary for the developers of a particular game to climb up the special ratings. How more quantity downloads, the higher the popularity and profitability of the application. This is what money is paid for.

What you will need:

  • Modern smartphone with Android operating system
  • Constant Internet access
  • Service account Google Play and on the exchange that offers this type earnings

Some tips:

  • Work with exchanges/applications that have been on the market for more than one year. There are now too many fraudulent organizations of this kind.
  • Invite your friends. Many services additionally pay for each person they attract.
  • Read the instructions carefully for each task

Rating and commenting on apps on Google Play

Another very common type of making money on Android games. The popularity of an application often depends heavily on its ratings and comments on Google Play. This is why some developers successfully pay for good reviews.

As a rule, this type of part-time job is included in a simple list of tasks that various “money” applications provide, for example, AppCoins or AppNana.

What you should know when performing such tasks:

  • Usually they ask for a detailed comment, which is impossible to write without playing the game for at least a couple of minutes. Options in the style of “everything is super”, “great program” or “ best app" - unsuitable. Write competently and interesting review, but don't get too carried away.
  • Be sure to re-read the technical specification several times. Perhaps there are more specific requirements for your words, etc.
  • Don't forget to give good mark application(even if it is not specified in the task).

Watching videos in apps

This type of earnings is also, in most cases, one of the options for tasks in applications like Apprating or AppCoins.

All you need to do is watch the video, most often in full or for a set amount of time. Usually this video talks about other games from this company and is of an advertising nature.

Viewing ads in apps

A special case of watching videos, though 95% All the videos you watch will be advertising.

Of course, such tasks are low-paid, but, on the other hand, you don’t have to bother too much and don’t even watch them. Just turn on your computer and do whatever your heart desires while the video plays.

Other original options

Google Play has enough a large number of applications that offer to make money on Android. However, even among them there are original ones.

The Mover program allows the user to go shopping and scan the barcodes of certain products, after which the user is awarded special points that can later be exchanged for real money. (Unfortunately, it only works in Moscow for now).

Clashot- created specifically for connoisseurs of the art of photography. All pictures that are uploaded to the application automatically end up on the Internet. The most original works are sent to auction. After a successful sale, the money goes to account Google Play.

There are other interesting types of applications, for example, taking social surveys.

Creating applications and selling them through Google Play

This is completely the other side of the coin. This kind of income can be called a real alternative to real work, but only on condition that you have talent, fresh ideas and the ability to bring them to life. There is nothing to do here without knowing a couple of programming languages.

It should be understood that selling your application even for $1 is not a very good idea for a novice programmer or a small studio.

Nowadays the model is much more popular free-to-play, so the main types of income are in-game purchases and, of course, advertising.

Creating applications and how to make money by placing advertisements in it

To begin with, you should push aside in-game purchases, because the simple toy you created does not reach the level of industry giants “Clash of Clans” or “Angry Birds”.

Of course, there will always be people willing to throw a few dollars into absolutely any game, but young companies and programmers should place the main emphasis on advertising.

This used to be a real privilege for successful developers, but today it is available to everyone. You should monetize your own application wisely; you should not use too much advertising, because it can scare users away from it.

Making money on Android applications is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Of course, you won't make a ton of money unless your games are truly original and interesting. When creating, pay more attention to advertising, because it is this that guarantees your profit.

As for using other people's applications, the main thing here is to understand their work. Clarify what is required of you, whether there are deadlines, and so on. Attentiveness and accuracy- the key to success in this matter.

Stanislav Matveev

Author of the bestselling book "Phenomenal Memory". Record holder of the Book of Records of Russia. Creator of the training center "Remember Everything". Owner of Internet portals in legal, business and fishing topics. Former owner of a franchise and online store.

Method of earning money Google Play, AppStore and MobiOffers is not particularly revolutionary, since partly the same technology is used in other methods of earning money. But the important thing is that in our specific case, we don’t need to sell anything and try to sell it to the buyer. Maybe someone has previously come across a manual that suggested making money on applications for the Android OS. In particular, it told how to install app Trailer and the like and then, by installing some applications, earn some money from it. This type of “earning money” won’t really bring you anything serious, just like answering questions and watching videos.

Our topic is completely different, but at the same time it concerns precisely these same applications for operating systems. Android systems and iOS and making money on Google Play and AppStore.

We will talk to you about one service that allows you to make money on applications, note the free ones, that other users will install. How can this be, you ask? This is what we'll talk about.

The service in question is used to promote mobile applications. But before we move directly to this service, let’s briefly dwell on the concept of “affiliate programs”.

Affiliate programs (AP) are today one of the most active and effective methods promotion of goods and services. Surely you have had to recommend something to your friends, acquaintances and relatives more than once? Probably yes! And you did it without thinking. It doesn’t matter what it concerned, maybe a certain type of cheese in the store or washing powder that effectively removes stubborn stains. By telling your neighbor on the site in the entrance, you thereby provided this trademark and the store in which this product is sold, a service to attract a new client. But no one will pay you anything for this, the most you will hear is gratitude from a neighbor who also liked the powder or from the seller of that store, and then if, say, the neighbor tells you that she came on your recommendation.

Closer to the point, now you understand that in this way you can sell a lot of goods and services. The first to take this path were direct sales companies that sell cosmetics, dishes, etc. PPs have fully revealed themselves on the Internet, a paradox, but until now many have not heard of PPs working on the Internet.

But they have long gained momentum and are used everywhere in virtually all possible services, be it an online store, hosting, paid service, discount aggregator.

Let's give an example. When you buy a course, you make payment through a service, for example, Glopart. This service helps in the sale of information products and other information goods through affiliate sales. What does it mean? If you buy a course through the link of one of the partners, you actually bring him some income! That is, from each sale through their special link, any partner, as a rule, receives 50% or more. From every sale.

This is exactly the kind of service we will now consider, only it will work in the field of mobile applications. Well, the most important thing! This is that you DON'T HAVE TO SELL ANYTHING! This is the most important thing, that is, if in other services you are paid for sales, then here you will RECEIVE MONEY for installing FREE APPLICATIONS!!! I think this makes our task much easier in all aspects!

Meet the MobiOffers service – a fresh solution for monetization mobile traffic. We pay for Android installations and iOS applications presented in our system. Offers are suitable for both arbitrage traffic and traffic from your own sites. You can use our solutions without fear of sanctions from outside search engines or antiviruses. After installing the application, the user receives exactly what was stated in the description. We provide detailed statistics and make weekly payments. Early payments are also possible upon request.

Actually, as we see in the screenshot, they will pay us for installing applications from 134 rubles to 235 rubles. In fact, the spread is somewhat higher.

But let's get back to this wonderful Mobioffers service. What we need to do is, of course, go through a simple registration first. Feel free to click the pink button in the upper right corner and get to this registration page. Fill out all the fields, agree to the rules and the Project Offer (after studying it first), and click on the “Registration” button.

We have completed registration, confirmed it, go to your personal account, at the top right is the “Login” button, enter your data, login and password specified during registration.

As soon as we got in Personal Area(LK), let’s move on to the most interesting, we’ll study the rest later. Click on the “Offers” tab.

And here we will stop in a little more detail, we will study these offers themselves, while we do this using a screenshot, and then you yourself in your personal account will look at the most up-to-date information. Because offers in Mobioffers change, new and more profitable ones appear.

Let's go over each column of the above table. The first column is an identification number of each offer, the second column is the name of the offer, the application itself. In the third column you can get acquainted with the offer itself by clicking the “preview” button and going directly to the store AppStore applications or Google Play. The fourth column shows the operating system, you can sort apps for Android or iOS only. Why this is necessary will be discussed below. Next, a very important indicator is geotargeting; I will also tell you what it is and why it is needed a little lower. Then there is a column with the amount of reward for each installed application separately. It says so many rubles per conversion. Conversion requires installation and at least one launch of the program. Well, the last three columns take into account the total clicks, installations and payments for each individual offer.

Now let's study all this using the example of one of the Mobioffers offers.

Game of War application for Android, please note that in brackets are the countries in which it is allowed to advertise this application. We are only interested in the RU zone, although it is too early to discount other countries, I’ll tell you why later. So, we see that this application can be distributed in 8 countries, one of which is Russia. And they pay us as much as 118 rubles for installing this application! And the best thing is that when you click on the “Preview” link, you will see that it is FREE! That is, a person only needs to install this gaming application on his smartphone or tablet and run it at least once, and you will already receive 118 rubles in net profit.

Let's check it out, click on “Preview”.

Click on the install button and see the following:

The app is completely FREE! Q.E.D. Go ahead.

Working with offers in MobiOffers

Let's start it with a fly in the ointment. As you probably already understood, the URL needs to be advertised. And anyone who has come across referral links knows that this can be done in both paid and free ways.

We will dwell on paid ones in more detail. In the meantime, let's talk about free ones. Free methods include posting messages on social networks, bulletin boards, forums, VK, OK public pages.

So, in our case, we will have to abandon all these methods, because the Project Rules, without any reservations, state that motivated traffic is PROHIBITED! SPAM is also PROHIBITED! See the highlighted fragments in the screenshot.

That is, it is absolutely clear that posting messages in groups or in comments will not work, because this is regarded as SPAM! Everything here is simple and clear.

Now let's look at what MOTIVATED TRAFFIC is! Motivated traffic is traffic that you attract for money, so that the attracted people do some action for a certain reward. This is what it looks like, example:

1. You register on the service, which is also called CPA affiliates, that is, where you pay for the action.
2. This means that when using a service, for example SEOSPRINT, you create a task there: “Install such and such an application at such and such a time.”
3. Accordingly, a person follows your link, installs the application, reports to you, you give him a reward of 3-4 rubles, and you yourself receive, say, 118 rubles from the service.

Interesting scheme? Undoubtedly! But I highly recommend that you not use it in this form! There are no fools at MobiOffers and links uploaded to such services will be identified in no time! The account will be banned along with the money, even if you previously earned all the money completely legally according to the rules of the project.



Here we smoothly move on to the next question, which actually follows from the first question, a little higher: what to do then and how to advertise? We will definitely answer it, but first let’s return to geotargeting.

Geotargeting is working with target audience. We see that the Get Taxi application is designed only for Moscow and Saint Petersburg(msk+spb). Accordingly, if you advertise in the rest of Russia, such installations will not be counted! Geotargeting can be either by city or by country. It may not exist at all. We will discuss how to set up geotargeting in advertising a little later in the corresponding section.

The image shows what operating system is used and the countries in which you need to advertise.

Now let's get to work. We will study how to work with an offer using Get Taxi as an example. Click on the name of the offer and get into the offer itself. Here we carefully study the advertising conditions this application, requirements. As we can see from the screenshot below: the application is only for iPhone, only for Moscow time and St. Petersburg. Also links to banners and other promotional materials.

It is important to understand that the affiliate link itself (we don’t have a referral link yet), in order to receive it, you need to fill out an application to connect the offer! To do this, pay attention to the field outlined in purple.

In the “Traffic source” field we write: Teaser networks, targeted advertising on social networks, contextual advertising on Google.AdWords and Yandex.Direct.

In the “Approximate daily installation volumes” field we write: From 20 to 70(100)!

In fact, you can write such text in all offers, it doesn’t matter much. The main thing is that before filling out the application, do not forget to look at the terms of placement; if the terms of the offer prohibit placement, say, in targeted advertising on social networks, then you do not need to write this accordingly.

After you have submitted your application, you need to wait a bit.

Actually, this is where our work with this offer is completed for now. Now we just have to repeat the same thing with other offers that interest us. After which we move on to work and familiarization with other functions of the project. Let's look at them further.

One of these important points on which you can earn money can be the PP of the project itself. I think that you have already understood that you make money by giving people the opportunity to use some services completely free of charge; this, of course, makes your task much easier, because you don’t need to literally push and sell paid goods through affiliate programs. Why don't you make money by sharing this method with your friends? This will not create much competition for you, but it will not hurt to receive additional profit from the profits of referrals.

To do this, use your referral link as shown in the picture.

Finally, I would like to say that you need to confirm your Mailbox, you will receive this warning in the service interface:

And you can track the results of the work done through project statistics:

This concludes the issue with offers. We can move on to the next part, in which we will look at advertising using paid methods.

Paid advertising

In this part we will look at two paid methods of promotion. Ideally, they suit us best and are optimal in terms of simplicity and efficiency. That's why I start with them, and not, as is customary, with free ones. But I’m also aware that most people start with free methods. That's why I saved them for last.

Teaser network KADAM

I won't focus on registration. It is quite simple and standard. Immediately after registration, you can proceed to creating an advertising company. The screenshot shows exactly how to do this and shows an example of a created company.

Then set up your company according to the prompts.

Then carefully set up geotargeting, as indicated in the screenshot, but do it in accordance with the selected region and the offer you chose.

After the company is set up and has passed moderation, you need to top up your account in the project. To begin with, you can try to get a small amount of 100-300 rubles, this amount will be enough to judge the effectiveness of the company you created. If it shows good conversion, then you can safely top up your account and continue advertising further. If the results do not impress you, make other ads, change offers, compare. This may take you a few days, but then you can receive income from the same offer indefinitely.

Please note that when replenishing via WebMoney the commission is 0%!

You can always ask your personal manager at the specified contacts with any questions!

You can develop this area and increase sales many times over using similar teaser advertising services. I only explained how to do this using the example of one of the networks. For most beginners, this network alone will be enough to start earning money.

Social network VKontakte

Now we have reached the second one we are considering paid method, this is the most popular social network in Russia. Today, VK is a storehouse of active and interested traffic. All of you have probably received messages based on viral marketing where you were asked to repost or like? And also many received spam and so on. But as we wrote above, we will talk about this, due to the fact that this is contrary to the rules of the MobiOffers project.

In fact, VK provides us with excellent tools for working with advertising and we can familiarize ourselves with them by clicking on the “Advertising” tab at the bottom left under the main menu.

As you can see, I noted two methods that are suitable for us. These are targeted advertising and advertising posts in communities. If everything is clear with targeted advertising, and it works on the same principle as the Kadam teaser network. Those posts in communities are an advertising exchange service that started working more or less normally not so long ago. Previously, in order to be posted in a particular community, you had to negotiate with the administrators of these publics, but now everything is done automatically through this exchange.

For now, we are interested in the first method, targeted advertising. Feel free to click on the button, we see the following:

Next, similar to the Kadam network, you choose who, where and when to show advertising. Everything there is as simple and clear as possible. Indicate your affiliate link, choose a colorful picture that matches the meaning of your offer.

It is important to correctly indicate the following:

  • Check the box: Limit to 100 impressions per person
  • Choose: Pay for impressions! (Not for transitions!!!)
  • We indicate an amount from 1.5 rubles to 3 rubles per 1000 impressions! Here you will be automatically offered an amount several times larger, but you manually indicate exactly these amounts that I wrote. Your ad will also work fine. If it does not work for a long time at an amount of 1.5 rubles, gradually raise the bar to 2 and so on. But as practice shows, everything works like that.

After that, you need to top up your balance with any in a convenient way for 100 rubles, send the ad for moderation. Be patient. Moderation takes some time. Carefully read the rules for posting ads so that you don’t have to redo it.

Here are some of the rules:

  • You cannot advertise anything from the prohibited list (the list is in the rules).
  • You cannot address yourself in an ad as “you”.
  • You cannot write in CAPS.

Free advertising

There are other methods that can be used very effectively and we will talk about them now.

Nolix and SeoSprint

We register in the Nolix service at and place our contextual ad there. This can be done both on the Nolix service itself and on other sites.

It’s simple here, come up with a simple title, write the text and put a link to the advertised application. We pay. Separately copy and save the title of the ad and the link to this site; below it will be clear why this is needed.

Choose a cheaper site, see the screenshot for how to choose. You can literally create an ad for 10-20 rubles.

We register and select “Paid tasks”.

On the screenshot there is an example text of what and how to write. You do the rest yourself, links, choose geotargeting, the amount of the task. Look, if you get, say, 30 rubles for installation, then don’t skimp and set the price for the task from 5 to 10 rubles. This way your task will be completed much more actively and with better quality.

After the task has been completed, you check the sent IP, look in the MobiOffers project statistics to see if there was an installation and whether the application was opened. Have you received money? After this, you confirm the completion of the task. Here is a simple and reliable method to bypass restrictions from MobiOffers.

ATTENTION! Under no circumstances post a direct link to the offer on the SeoSprint service! Get banned by MobiOffers instantly!

VKontakte and VK account store

Next no less effective method, this is the social network VKontakte again. Only now free way. The important thing here is that we can't spam the URL in messages. But it is quite possible to write a review for a specific application. So, write a few sentences of praise for the offer you want to advertise, add a picture and post it on your wall or blog or website.

It should look something like this:

Then you take the link to your post and you can spam it in communities and comments. Moreover, in order to increase the impact, you look for thematic communities through the VK search: “free applications”, “best application for calling a taxi” and others. It depends on what kind of offer you have and it turns out that you are not advertising the application itself, but just an article with a link.

VK sets a limit on the number of messages and can send your page to a ban, so use the special account store

As you can see, the price of just one account is only 2 rubles 90 kopecks. Therefore, it is better to buy 2-3 accounts and advertise your post through them.

In addition, you can automate this whole thing and put it on stream using the Quick Sender and Poster Free programs. But I will deliberately not provide links to download these programs. Because at the very beginning it is better to understand everything and figure it out yourself. And then, if desired, you can put it on stream using these programs.


This is actually a very working income-generating topic. Moreover, as you have seen for yourself, you need to offer people to install only a free application. They don’t need to buy anything - this greatly increases the chances of a very, very quick income!

Feel free to somehow modify and expand your advertising platforms. The more advertising, the better. Set up advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct as soon as you receive the first few thousand in income. Try to always put 30% of your income back into development and advertising. Then your source of income will never dry up!

Making money on the Internet is very popular now. And many similar methods are known today. We will tell you about a relatively new and simple option for making a profit online. This is how to make money from android applications. It is equally convenient for students and housewives.

The whole procedure is not as complicated as it might seem at first. It all starts with the site . There you will need to register your account page. This is the very first step that will allow you to move on. Then you will need to download a special application to your phone or tablet, which will become your main tool for making money.

To be able to earn money, you need to visit the AppTools website and create an account there

How can you make money through such actions? There are two main ways. The first involves selling paid applications and their development (shareware). And the second option allows you to work with already existing programs. Both of these methods are equally good. But the first one is recommended for people who have experience and understanding of the programming process. The second is a more appropriate method, suitable for beginners in this matter. So let's take a look possible options how to make money on android.

Types of applications for earning money

All existing applications are divided into certain categories. So, the most popular ones can be listed as follows:

  1. Photo apps. With programs of this category, you can earn money from the sale of your photos, processed, of course, on a device with the software installed. These photographs can be of various subjects. When your work is in good demand, orders for thematic photography will begin to arrive over time.
  2. Advertising-oriented applications. To earn a little extra money, you can simply watch commercials or files with advertisements. There is also an opportunity to benefit by marking your presence in different establishments and scanning barcodes. In addition, you can simply install, for example, games containing advertising on your device.
  3. Earning money from information. So, you can replenish your budget by answering paid surveys, writing reviews, movie reviews and selling other content you collected on the Internet.
  4. Gaming applications. Here you can earn income for completing any game. In addition, you can produce such a product yourself, and then successfully sell it.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options for earning money. The money will be credited to your virtual account or, as payment, you can get good discounts in stores that participate in this company’s promotion.

How to make money on games

The meaning of this idea is as follows. You need to install the game on your Android device and complete tasks. The first task will be a test. It is usually free. But subsequent levels and tasks will already be paid for. In addition, for installing some games you will immediately receive a small amount in your account. As you can see, this is completely easy. Although this income cannot be considered the main one, the money you earn will be enough to pay for the Internet or telephone, for example.

Many people are interested in how to earn bitcoins on Android. Some games allow this. For example, the game Flappy Bird ,candy Crush SagaBitcoin Flapper And Bitcoin Crush gives you this opportunity if you reach a certain level and take some kind of prize.

In some games you can even play for money with other players. So, your earnings depend only on your ideas and desires. Therefore, the answer to the question of how much you can earn from an Android application will be ambiguous. Here we can confidently say that the earnings will be at least 1 dollar, although active players say that they can earn much more.

On installation gaming applications Android and completing the game you can earn a little extra money

There is another advantage from working with Android applications. Players or users are the first to receive notifications about various updates and new paid products. Moreover, some companies provide the opportunity to test and install them for free.

How to make money from photographs

Before you can sell your photos, you need to install the application Clashot . Registered Facebook and Twitter users have the opportunity to log into the application from their accounts. True, you can log in the usual way, using email. Here you can view photos of people, and your page will be open to other users.

But this application has a number of small disadvantages. First, you won't be able to set a price for your photos. Secondly, the earnings will be 44% of the total amount, since the rest is Clashot’s commission. Money can be transferred to Skrill, Moneybookers or PayPal.

The application in question has a camera and the ability to process photos. But they are so non-functional and primitive that it is better to process the photo on Android and then upload it as a finished version to Clashot.

The Scoopshot app lets you set your own price for your photos.

Another Android app for making money - This Scoopshot . It differs in that it allows you to set the price for the product yourself and collaborate with media representatives. And another fundamental difference from competitors is the sale of videos and the availability of copyrights. In this case, you will receive an amount much greater than what you initially indicated. Another plus of this application is the opportunity to collaborate with companies such as Puma, Mango and Sony Entertainment Network. You can earn as much as $5 for using your photos if they are copyrighted.

Another application worth mentioning is Fotolia Instant . It allows you to earn money by viewing photos, videos, etc. This program is perfect for beginners and people who do not know how to take photographs.

Another, worth a look application for making money on Android – Iconzoomer . It is similar to its competitors. The difference between it and the named products is that photographs must be taken on the ordered topic. For example, a specific city street, or building. One such photograph costs 25 cents.


If you need an application where you would earn money just for viewing photos and videos, Earn Money – this is exactly it. You don't need to download anything - just browse what's already there. An older but well-known application of this type is Whaff Rewards . TapCash gives you the opportunity to earn money by installing games. All of the above applications bring in earnings in dollars.

You can also earn some money by watching various videos and videos.

As for the Russian market, here we can highlight AdvertApp . But due to the unstable economic situation in the country and increased competition, earnings have decreased significantly and there are few orders here. Although a persistent user will always find a way of mutually beneficial cooperation.

How to make money by visiting different places

Another way to make money on Android applications can be visiting different shopping centers, stores participating in the promotion, scanning products of major global brands (Coca-Cola, Olay, etc.). The work here is built on this principle. You receive a certain task and, having completed it, earn your reward.

As already mentioned, this could be money in an electronic account or discounts in stores that support and participate in promotions. If you are a fan of JCPenney, Target, Old Navy, Sports Authority, as well as American Eagle and Crate & Barrel, Macy's, Best Buy, this program is for you Shopkick .

If you lead an active lifestyle, pay attention to the application GymPact . It makes it possible to earn money by visiting the gym. This way, you can combine business with pleasure by leading a healthy lifestyle and at the same time receiving financial rewards for it.

GymPact app will pay you for going to the gym

The bottom line is this: you get back the money you paid at the beginning of the training, with some extras. This happens if you have not missed classes during the week. Moreover, the amount of payments is formed from contributions from interested people registered in such a project. For each missed lesson you will have to pay a fine. Therefore, it is not advisable to skip them. Moreover, the system will be able to determine your actual location.

Economic feasibility of installing different applications

How to make money on Android for collecting information? This is also very simple. To do this you need to install the application App Trailers . You will receive income for watching all kinds of trailers and leaving comments or reviews on them. For one such view you will receive 0.5 cents, and for installing the application itself from 1 dollar to 9.

By betting on your favorite sports team, you also get a chance to earn

Eat a good option and for football fans. This program ESPN Streak For The Cash . The principle here is based on the benefits of betting on your favorite sports teams. But you will only receive money when your predicted match outcome is correct. Let's say that you can earn no more than 2-3 dollars on all the above applications.


Of course, the methods listed above cannot become a serious and stable source of income. How can you earn an amount on Android that can be the equivalent of a good salary? There is another way to do this, which is popular. This is programming on the Android system.

Development and sale of new android applications can bring truly significant profits

Of course, here you need to have a certain level of knowledge, but, as a rule, having a desire to learn new information and learn programming, you can comprehend the basics of this skill.There are several options for making this kind of money:

  • you can distribute free Android applications and programs that contain advertising, and you can earn about $200–300 from this;
  • the development of paid multimedia applications will be the next option for earning money, and it can also be done to order;
  • solving the tasks assigned to you to improve and finalize programs will be another fairly highly paid way.

In order to do what is outlined in the first two paragraphs, you will need to install Android Market . This is where you will post your projects.There are the following types of tasks:

  • integration of applications and programs;
  • you can transfer games to the systemor collect information and make notes and references on various enterprises, firms, institutions, etc.

In order to earn decent money from installing Android applications, you just need to download it to the installed software several applications and after a while you will have your own client base from which you will receive orders.

We tried here to answer the popular question of many users: “How to make money on Android applications?” As you can see, everything is extremely simple. You just need to have desire, economic interest and an Android device.

To be able to earn money, you need to visit the AppTools website. You can earn a little money by installing Android gaming applications and completing the game. The Scoopshop application allows you to set your own price for your photos. You can also earn some money by watching various videos and videos. The GymPact application will pay you for visiting the gym. Placing bets on your favorite sports team, you also get a chance to earn money Development and sale of new Android applications can bring truly significant profits Completing various tasks for integrating applications onto the system can bring you good money Of course, income from installing applications will not be very high, but pay mobile communications you will be able to As you can see, you can get additional income if you only have desire and interest

It's no secret that today the mobile application market offers a wide range, which is updated every day with new versions of programs. However, few of us have thought about how exactly this system works and what the rating of the products that are presented in it is based on. It must be said that today promoting mobile applications on Google Play is a kind of way to make money, both for software developers and Google Play owners. Now about the main thing. How is the hierarchical ladder of applications on Google Play built, and what principle is embedded in it?

In fact, everything is simple here. There are only three simple but objective indicators. Each of them immediately evaluates the presented product from several points of view. As a result, when large number positive ratings for all these criteria, the application will take the highest position in the search results and will have a high rating in a specific TOP. As a result, the mobile application market will be replenished with another worthy new product.


Anyone who has ever used the Google Play mobile application knows that there are plenty of different ratings and TOPs in it. They can be combined into one small classification according to the following criteria:

  • by category;
  • by update;
  • recommended;
  • paid application;
  • free.

We must immediately clarify that such a classification of TOPs takes place only in our country, since in a number of countries there are no new paid or free applications. Also, the ranking of the tops for each country is different. Google, let's say, made sure that monopolists did not capture the entire mobile application market, and each of them got their well-deserved piece of the pie. In general, the ranking of tops and ratings is divided into two categories: paid and free software. For faster access to the Google site Play better set some price for your product and fall into the new paid category. Then you get fast promotion, traffic and some minimum income.

Where to start earning money?

In fact, everything is trivial and simple. Anyone can register on the market website and immediately create their own, albeit simple, application. Next, you need to upload it to the website, promote it and start selling. When free access, your income will be based solely on advertising inside the software. So, the general features that Google Play gives its users:

  1. download free software and earn money from advertising inside it;
  2. it’s easy to sell software for a small amount, but if you take into account the large number of downloads, as well as regular clicks on advertising, then here we are talking about quite decent money and decent earnings;
  3. add paid features to free software.

It is quite obvious that many people do not have even a minimal understanding of how exactly software for smartphones is created, but no one is saying that you cannot simply order software for Android. The price tag for such work will be around $100. Moreover, this basic shell can be used several times, changing only its filling. In this case, orders will cost you less, and your earning potential will only increase.

It is clear that we need to think about the very filling of the shell that we will create. There is room for your imagination: jokes, books, games, instructions, auto codes, etc. That is, everything that is in demand. Well, now let’s calculate how much you can earn from this.

What is the real income from virtual software?

As practice shows over many years Google work Play, the largest revenue comes from free apps. Today, the mobile application market allows you to promote your free product as effectively as its paid counterparts. Here are small calculations on the income that Google Play brings to its users.

As an example, we took the average Android application, with a click price from $0.01 to $0.05. Then, when the advertising banner is shown 1 million times, we receive a modest monthly income of $500. And if you recalculate these indicators taking into account the fact that there can be up to 500,000 downloads per month, then you can well imagine what amounts are hidden in even the most primitive applications. This, of course, is very, very difficult to achieve, but it is quite possible. The main thing is to put this goal and move towards her.

In fact, as the experience of software developers shows, the total number of clicks, even with an identical number of impressions, is strongly influenced by the profile of the proposed software and who it is intended for.

Therefore, even if we consider a Google Play application with 15,000 daily impressions, in one case the income will be about $50 per day, and in the other - $1. The only secret is that users can use your software without noticing the banners. Or by installing special program, which blocks all these ad units. Diagnostics of the profitability of the application are completed very quickly. You just need to pay attention to how much money it collects. If the amount does not exceed $2 a week, then you can safely quit it and start a new one.

Thus, considering how many new Android OS users are added every day, we can imagine what prospects the current market offers Google applications Play. The main task for you, as a developer, is to find an interesting idea and promote your product to the masses.

Apr 9, 2015 Sergey