Folk instruments of the Ukrainian people. Stringed musical instruments.

Basic information Adyrna is an ancient multi-stringed plucked musical instrument. Used by the ancient Turks and Kipchaks. Initially it was made in the shape of a bow from wood and leather. Pegs are attached to the horns, then the strings are pulled. Sometimes the instrument was stylized to resemble horned animals (deer, deer, goat). The technique of playing the instrument is plucking the strings with your fingers. Video: Adyrna on video + sound Video from

Basic information Acoustic bass guitar is a plucked string musical instrument, an acoustic type of bass guitar. Belongs to the guitar family. Video: Acoustic bass guitar on video + sound Thanks to these videos you can get acquainted with the instrument, watch real game on it, listen to its sound, feel the specifics of the technology: Sales: where to buy/order?

Basics Acoustic guitar- stringed musical instrument. Unlike electric guitars, acoustic guitars have a hollow body that acts as a resonator, although modern acoustic guitars may have built-in pickups, either magnetic or piezoelectric, with an equalizer and volume control. The acoustic guitar is the main instrument of such genres as art song, folk, and occupies an important place in Gypsy and Cuban folk music.

Basic information The harp is a plucked string musical instrument. It is believed that she surpasses all her neighbors in the orchestra in the beauty of her appearance. Its graceful outlines hide the shape of a triangle, and the metal frame is decorated with carvings. Strings (47-48) of different lengths and thicknesses are pulled onto the frame, which form a transparent mesh. At the beginning of the 19th century, the ancient harp was improved by the famous piano maker Erard.

Basics Baglamazaki is a Greek plucked string instrument with three double strings. "Baglamazaki" literally means "little baglama" in Greek. That is, baglamazaki is a smaller version of bouzouki (which is often called baglama). Used as a solo and ensemble instrument. It is part of the Greek National Orchestra, along with bouzouki (baglama). For orchestras playing in the rebetiko style

Basic information Balalaika is a Russian folk stringed musical instrument. The length of balalaikas is very different: from 600-700 mm (prima balalaika) to 1.7 meters (subcontrabass balalaika) long, with a triangular, slightly curved (in the 18th-19th centuries also oval) wooden body. The body is glued together from separate (6-7) segments, the head of the long neck is slightly bent back. Metal strings (In the 18th century, two of

Basic information Banjo is a plucked string musical instrument with a tambourine-shaped body and a long wooden neck with a neck on which 4 to 9 core strings are stretched. A type of guitar with a resonator (the extended part of the instrument is covered with leather, like a drum). Thomas Jefferson mentions the banjo in 1784 - the instrument was probably brought to America by blacks

Basic information Bandura is a Ukrainian folk stringed musical instrument, has an oval body and a short neck. The strings (on old instruments - 12-25, on modern ones - 53-64) are partly stretched over the neck (the so-called bunts, longer, low-sounding), and partly attached to the soundboard (the so-called pristrukki, shorter, high-sounding). Pandura tuning is mixed, in lower case

Basic information A baritone guitar is a plucked string musical instrument, a guitar with a longer scale (27″) than a regular one, which allows it to be tuned to a lower sound. Invented by Danelectro in the 1950s. The baritone guitar is a transitional model between a regular electric guitar and a bass guitar. A baritone guitar also has six strings, just like a regular guitar, but they are tuned lower.

Basic information Bass guitar is a plucked string musical instrument, a type of guitar designed for playing in the bass range. Used in many musical styles and genres as an accompanying and, less often, solo instrument. Since its introduction in the mid-20th century, it has become one of the most common bass instruments, especially in popular music. Bass guitar part in a piece of music

Basic information Bouzouki is a plucked string musical instrument, a type of lute. Derived from the ancient Greek kithara (lyre). Also known under the name “baglama”, it is common in Greece, Cyprus, Israel, Ireland (“zouk”) and in a slightly modified form in Turkey (Turkish bouzouki). The classic bouzouki has 4 double metal strings (archaic - baglama - 3 double). To the bouzouki family

Basics The Valiha is a Madagascar plucked string instrument. In its classic form, it is a cylindrical piece of a hollow bamboo trunk. Strips of bark split off from the trunk (from 7 to 20, most often 13) serve as strings that are plucked with fingers. During the game, the performer holds the wallah on his knees. The modernized shaft is equipped with metal or gut strings and pegs. Its length is

Basic information Wambi (ubo, kissumbo) is a plucked string musical instrument, common in Sudan and the tropical countries of East Africa. The body is hollowed out of wood or made from dried pumpkin, and covered with a wooden deck on top. There are no pegs; the strings are tied at one end to reed pegs in the lower part of the body, and at the other to flexible bamboo rods, which, trying to straighten,

Basic information Veena is an ancient Indian plucked string musical instrument. It is called Saraswati Vina, named after Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and arts. It is shaped like a lute. The sound of the wine is soft, rich in nuances. Its inventor is considered to be Narada, the son of Brahma. The most ancient explanations of its types are found in Soma, the author of the musical composition “Raghavibada”. Images of so-called Bengal wine are found

Basic information The vihuela is a Spanish plucked string musical instrument, close to the lute and having six double (tuned in unison) strings, the first string could be single. In the 15th-16th centuries, the vihuela was especially popular in aristocratic circles, the rules of good manners and aristocratic education required mastery of the art of playing the vihuela, the musicians who played the vihuela and wrote for it were

Basic information Guitar is a plucked string musical instrument, one of the most widespread in the world. It is used as an accompanying instrument in many musical styles, as well as a solo classical instrument. It is a primary instrument in styles of music such as blues, country, flamenco, rock music and many forms of popular music. The electric guitar, invented in the 20th century, had a profound impact

Basics The Warr guitar (or tap guitar, also Warr guitar) is a plucked string musical instrument designed by Mark Warr. Belongs to the guitar family. Warr's guitar looks very similar to a regular electric guitar, but can be played with tapping like a Chapman stick, as well as pizzicato. Traditional bass guitar techniques, such as slap-and-pop and double-tamping, can also be used.

Basic information Guitar-harp (harp guitar) is a stringed plucked musical instrument, a type of guitar. Contemporary Makers Charles A. Hoffman and Jim Worland Prominent Harp Guitarists Muriel Anderson Stephen Bennett John Doan William Eaton Beppe Gambetta Michael Hedges Dan LaVoie Andy McKee Andy Wahlberg Robbie Robertson (during The Last Waltz) Jimmy Page Pat Metheny Jeff Martin Michael Lardie Video:

The Guitarrón, or "big guitar" (in Spanish, the suffix "-on" indicates large size) is a Mexican double-stringed plucked musical instrument. A unique Mexican six-string acoustic bass guitar of very large size. Despite the obvious similarities with the guitar, the guitarron was invented separately, it is a modification of the Spanish instrument bajo de una. Due to its large size, the guitarron does not need

Basic information GRAN guitar (new Russian acoustic) is a plucked string musical instrument, which is a classical guitar on which 2 sets of strings are installed at different heights from the neck: nylon and, closer to the neck, metal. A similar idea was proposed by Stradivarius, but was not widespread. Invented by Chelyabinsk guitarists Vladimir Ustinov and Anatoly Olshansky. Thanks to the efforts of the authors, I received

Basic information Gusli is an ancient plucked string musical instrument, the name of which in Russia refers to several varieties of recumbent harps. Psalted harps have similarities with the Greek psalter and the Jewish kinnor; these include: Chuvash gusli, Cheremis gusli, clavier-shaped gusli and gusli, which are similar to the Finnish kantele, Latvian kukles and Lithuanian kankles. We are talking about the instruments that existed

Basic information Dobro is a plucked string musical instrument. Even though the dobro looks like a guitar, has 6 strings like a guitar, and fits into a case like a guitar, it is not a guitar. It is distinguished by a number of essential qualities, and first of all, the presence of a special resonator, which amplifies the sound and gives it a unique timbre. Origin This acoustic resonator was

Basic information Dombra is a Kazakh two-stringed plucked musical instrument, a relative of the Russian domra and balalaika. It is also found in Uzbekistan (Dumbyra, Dumbrak), Bashkiria (Dumbyra). The sound of the dombra is quiet and soft. It is extracted by plucking, blowing with a brush or a pick. Folk storytellers - akyns - accompany their singing by playing the dombra. Performing musical compositions on the dombra is a favorite form of artistic creativity of the Kazakhs. Under

Basic information Domra is an ancient Russian stringed musical instrument. It has three (sometimes four) strings and is usually played with a pick. Domra is the prototype of the Russian balalaika. The domra consists of a neck with pegs in the upper part and a wooden body with a shield in the lower part. Also, strings are attached below and stretched to the pricks. Information about

Basic information Dumbyra is a Bashkir stringed musical instrument. Closely related instruments are also common among the Kazakhs (dombra), Uzbeks, other Turkic peoples, and also among the Tajiks. In comparison with the Kazakh dombra, the dombyra is noticeably different in its shorter neck length. Dumbyra is a traditional instrument of folk storytellers-sesens. Epic tales and kubairs, as well as songs, were performed to her accompaniment. Dumbyra had

Basic information Zhetygen is a Kazakh and Turkic ancient stringed musical instrument, resembling a gusli or a recumbent harp in shape. The classic zhetygen has seven strings, the modern reconstructed one has 15. The most ancient type of zhetygen was an oblong box, hollowed out from a piece of wood. This zhetygen had neither a top deck nor pegs. The strings were stretched by hand from the outside

Basic information Kantele is a Karelian and Finnish plucked string musical instrument, related to the gusli. Ancient kantele had five gut strings, modern ones are equipped with metal strings and their number reaches thirty-four. When playing, the kantele is held on the knees in a horizontal or slightly inclined position and the strings are plucked with the fingers of both hands. They play the kantele solo and accompany the runes.

Basic information The Kayageum is a Korean multi-string plucked musical instrument. One of the most common string instruments in Korea. The appearance of Kayagym dates back to the 6th century. It has a flat, elongated resonator body with two holes at one end. The number of strings may vary; The most popular is the 12-string gayageum. Each string corresponds to a special movable stand (“filly”), with the help of which

Basics The cithara is an ancient Greek plucked string musical instrument, similar to the professional version of the lyre. It has a deep cavity used as a volumetric resonator. The kithara is one of the most common plucked musical instruments in Ancient Greece. For the Greeks, it personifies the universe, repeating Heaven and Earth in its form. The strings symbolize the different levels of the universe. Attribute of Apollo and Terpsichore. Kiphara, like

Basics Classical guitar(Spanish, six-string) - a plucked string musical instrument, the main representative of the guitar family, a plucked string musical instrument of bass, tenor and soprano registers. IN modern form has existed since the second half of the 18th century, used as an accompanying, solo and ensemble instrument. The guitar has great artistic and performing capabilities and a wide variety of timbres. The classical guitar has six strings, the main

With 4 (or more) paired strings. The kobza consists of a body and a neck; on the neck there are 8-10 frets, with the help of which the sounds of a chromatic scale can be obtained on each string. There were also instruments without frets. The predecessor of the kobza is a small lute-shaped instrument, probably of Turkic or Bulgar origin.

The name "kobza", "koboz", "kobuz", etc. can be traced back to 1250, both in Slavic and non-Slavic written sources. Therefore, the appearance of the instrument can be dated back to more ancient times. Semantic studies prove the existence of similar instruments in other countries: “kopuz” - Turkey, “kopus” - Croatia, “koboz” - Hungary, “cobza” - Romania, etc.

Thus, the location of the kobza’s homeland exclusively in the ancient territories of Ukraine will be unjustified, but, undoubtedly, in these lands the instrument acquired its final appearance.

Kobza should not be confused with the modern bandura, which belongs to the family and appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. Although, due to the confusion of the nomenclature, the name “bandura” was used to describe kobza until 1800. There are several theories of the origin of this name, based mostly on semantic research: “pandura” - Assyria, “bandora” - England, “bandurria” - Spain, “panduri” - Georgia, “pandzura” - Bulgaria, “pandura/tambura” " - Serbia.

It should be noted that the original name has little to do with the specific instrument. So the English bandora and the Ukrainian bandura, except for their names, have nothing in common. However, the namesake from England has common features with the Ukrainian bandura. The Poles learned the name of the instrument from numerous Italian musicians at the beginning of the 16th century. These Italians (mostly Jewish settlers and musicians) were the ones who spread the term to England and east to Poland during the Renaissance.

Historical notes

A classic of Ukrainian literature, Taras Shevchenko immortalized in his work the image of a kobzar - a folk storyteller who accompanied his songs and thoughts by playing the kobza.

Ibn Dasta in the 10th century, speaking about Rus', notes the following: “They have various musical instruments, such as kobza lutes, as well as pipes almost two cubits long, while the kobza has eight strings. Their drink is made from honey..."

The kobza bandura eventually became the favorite instrument of the Ukrainian Cossacks and spread widely among the rural population of the lands of the Polish kings and Russian tsars, where it played the role of Western Europe. Unfortunately, the kobza, like the lute, gradually fell out of use after 1850 and was replaced by the modern bandura, and.

K. Hildebrandt, a member of the Swedish delegation to Hetman Bohdan Khmelnitsky, visiting Ukraine in 1656-1657, describes in detail his stay and the reception provided by the hetman. In an informal setting, the hetman played the lute.

The Dane Adam Olearius also mentions a certain type common among Ukrainians in the 17th century.

"IN Polish dictionaries the bandura instrument is described as a Cossack lute." (O. Famitsyn).

The Ukrainian kobza is an integral attribute of the Cossack Mamai, a character in the Vertep puppet theater.

Around 1700, some Ukrainian kobza lutes acquired additional strings. Such instruments are preserved only in drawings. It is not known whether the improvement was a local invention or came from Europe, but what is certain is that these instruments were the immediate ancestor.

Ultimately, there were three types of instrument:

1. kobza with frets
2. kobza with frets and tufts
3. kobza without frets, but with finches.

It should be noted, however, that the absence of frets is controversial, since the frets were made from guts, tied to the fingerboard and could simply get lost over time.

Video: Kobza on video + sound

Thanks to these videos, you can get acquainted with the instrument, watch a real game on it, listen to its sound, and feel the specifics of the technique:

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To learn about the rich musical heritage of Ukraine, it is worth visiting the small museum of Ukrainian folk instruments, which is located in Lviv, and take an interest in the numerous exhibits of strings, percussion, noise and wind instruments. In most cases, for the production of tools at that time, as a rule, the most available materials were used: wood, animal skin, and later metal.

So, the most common folk musical instrument of Ukraine is the wind instrument: sopilki (also called pipes), flutes, spring whistles, pipes and calfs, which differ not only in appearance, but also in the number of holes. The wind instrument was made mainly from wood, less often from bark. Historians believe that the ancestor of all wind instruments was the ancient Greek cithara. The first wind folk instruments were mainly popular among shepherds. At the same time, in the western part of the country, trembitas and various horns were more popular.

Among the stringed plucked instruments, the following were popular: banduras, kobzas, gusli, basoli, torban, dulcimer, which were owned by poets and singers. The main difference between all plucked-bowed musical instruments is the shape and number of strings, which plays a major role in the sound and timbre of the sound. Today, most often the sound of folk instruments can only be heard in folk ensembles.

Percussion and noise instruments

An earlier Ukrainian instrument, which arose back in the days Ancient Rus'– various noise and percussion instruments. So, to reproduce a dry and sharp sound, they used such a folk musical instrument as rattles. Another noise instrument is the ruble, which was used to create a stream of dry sounds. The ruble is a ribbed board with teeth on which you need to play using a thick stick.

But the most famous percussion musical instrument is the tambourine. The peculiarity of the tambourine lies in its indefinite pitch. The tambourine is a thin rim made of wood, covered with leather on top. In addition, there are tambourines with bells hung on the sides, resulting in a brighter and richer sound.

Today, many folk instruments can only be seen in museums, but they are still prototypes of modern musical instruments, which already have a completely different appearance and sound.