How to hide a VKontakte page as much as possible. How to hide a page on VKontakte

Many people are now asking the question of how to close a page in Contact? I want to disappoint you - no way. The developers of this social network Since February of the eleventh year, access to the statuses and pages of all system participants has been opened for all registered users. It is now impossible to hide your page in Contact. This was officially stated by the web developer of this portal Vasily Babich.

Each user who has an account on this social network can now easily view the personal information of other participants. This includes photographs, statuses, videos, audio compositions, wall posts, notes, gifts, as well as the entire list of friends. This applies to all data that users made public during registration, while limiting the ability to navigate to their page as a whole. These innovations made it impossible for profile owners to completely close their Contact page.

This information was also fully confirmed by the head of the press service of the social network, Vladislav Tsyplukhin, to representatives of RIA Novosti. When asked how to close a page in Contact, he stated that this is truly impossible, and such an innovation has a place to be. And this is not a system error. The decision was made consciously by the portal’s management. He made no further comments.

As for the founder of the VKontakte resource, Pavel Durov warned all users a week before in his blog. He announced upcoming changes to privacy settings. According to him, such a solution can make the social network much clearer and more consistent. And so that the user does not search for how to close a page in Contact, but communicates with friends.

Also cancelled. open registration new members. Now you can register only based on an invitation from a limited circle of VKontakte participants. So to everyone who asks how to close a page in Contact, I answer - it is impossible.

How to close your VKontakte page

Go to your page. On the left in the list, find the “My Settings” button. At the top (under the blue bar), find and open the “Privacy” tab. Privacy settings consist of 4 points: “My page”, “Posts on the page”, “Contact me” and “Other”.

Opposite each sub-item you can select the corresponding position. For example, in the sub-item “Who can write me messages” there are options: “No one”, “Only friends”, etc. After changing the settings, do not forget to see how other users see your page by selecting the blue link under the settings.

How to close your page in Odnoklassniki

On your page, under the photo, look for a closed lock icon that says “Change settings.” From the list of settings, select the “Publicity” tab (the dark glasses icon).

Check necessary settings in the appropriate circles. For example, if you do not want to display your age for everyone to see, put a dot next to the item “Who can see my age” - “Only me.” Change all the items as you wish and click the green “Save” button below.

How to close your Facebook page

There is a blue menu bar at the top of the page. Click the penultimate button in the form of a lock and stripes. The quick privacy settings will open. In the “Who can see my content” tab, change “Shared to everyone” to “Friends”.

To tame annoying guests and spammers in quick settings there is a tab “How can I stop annoying communication”, where in a special column you can enter a name or email the user you want to deny access to your page.

If you do not want certain groups of users of the VKontakte social network to see any information about your page, then you can always configure these parameters in the menu of your VK account. You have the opportunity to block viewing of almost the entire page or its individual parts. In addition, you yourself choose who these rules apply to. Follow all instructions to hide partitions.

On your VKontakte page, find your avatar thumbnail in the upper right corner. There you will find a small light triangle, click on it.

In the drop-down list, click on the “Settings” line.

Here you will see two fields: a list of tabs on the right and a settings menu in the middle of the screen. In the general settings tab, you cannot configure the display of your page for other users; here you can hide only your gift block by checking the box next to the “Hide gift block” line. For further settings, in the list on the right, click on the “Privacy” section. IN you will be able to set privacy values ​​in detail for all sections of your VK account. The first section is the “My Page” settings; in it, select who can see the basic information of your page, this includes your date of birth, city, education, your preferences and status about your personal life. Each item has its own audience, for example, by selecting “Friends Only”, you open this data to all users who are added to your friends, but close it to everyone else.
Not to show this information to no one at all, select “Only me”.

Do this algorithm with all sections in the “My Page” tab. You have to set values ​​for viewing photos, groups, audio recordings, videos, hide some friends, as well as the location in the photo.

Now go to the “Page Posts” section. Only two lines affect the display here, these are “Who sees other people’s posts on my page” and “Who sees comments on posts.” You can also close them completely by setting the value to “Only me,” or allow certain groups of people to view this data.

The penultimate tab “Contact me” will allow you to configure notifications from users. If in the line “What friend requests are notified about” you put “From no one”, then you will stop receiving requests from other users.

And the last point is that you can prevent all people on the Internet from viewing your page, for example, if they type your name into a browser search query. Of course, a search within the VKontakte network will still find you, but not other services.
To look at your updated page from a third party, click “see how other users see your page.”

In the top line, set the value to “Unfamiliar user” and see how many sections you managed to hide.

Unfortunately, the ability to completely close your page from other users has long been removed from the VKontakte social network, but if any user greatly annoys you, you can simply add him to the blacklist. Then access to information about your page will be completely blocked to this person, and the ability to write to you will also be prohibited.

So, let's see with you how to close a profile in Contact. There are several quite interesting approaches here that are sure to interest every user. Let's get to know them quickly.


Well, it’s worth considering the fact that we will have to work with the so-called privacy settings. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know what exactly we need.

Before closing your profile in Contact, let's take a little look at privacy in this social network. For what? Yes, because we need to clearly understand what we want to hide from prying eyes.

In Contact you can hide your entire profile (only your avatar and your name will be visible), as well as its individual parts. This includes friends, music, wall, videos, albums and extended information. In general, all objects present on a social network. Now let's see with you how to hide your profile in Contact.

The points

So, let's start with perhaps the most interesting approach. The thing is that the user’s profile can be simultaneously open and hidden from prying eyes. That is, they will be able to write messages to us, but they will not be able to view profile elements. Only an avatar, main information and username. Let's see how this approach can be implemented.

First, you will need to log in to the social network. Only after this can you think about how to close your profile from prying eyes. Honestly, it's not that difficult. All we have to do is go to “My Settings”, and then to the “Privacy” section. This is where we will work. Now all that remains is to set “Only me” in all items, and then save the changes. That's all the problems. As you can see, nothing complicated. True, that's not all. Let's see what we can do besides this step to solve the problem and how to close your profile from strangers in another way?

From prying eyes

Well, now we will look at a more interesting and at the same time simpler answer to our question. The point is that if you are wondering how to close your profile in Contact, you can do this using the same privacy settings, but slightly changing the actions.

The point is that we can hide our profile from strangers on a social network. That is, we are talking about the fact that a person who is not registered in Contact, and who is not your friend, will not be able to view your profile. How to do it? Very simple.

After you are authorized, we will need to go with you to “My Settings” and then visit “Privacy”. This window is already familiar to us. Now we scroll through the page to the very end and look for the inscription “Who can see my page on the Internet?” Set it to "Friends Only". In this case, the profile is available for viewing only by your friends.

If you want your profile to be visible to everyone registered on the social network, then select the “Only users in Contact” option. You can also open access to everyone. To do this, select "Show in" search engines". That's all. Choose the item that suits your taste, and then start acting. Save the changes. Done. Now you know how to close your profile in Contact."

Black list

True, there is another rather interesting approach. If you want to completely block your profile from a certain user (both for viewing and for contacting you), you can use the so-called blacklisting. In other words, ignore it.

In order to do this, go to the profile of our “victim”, and then copy the profile address to the clipboard. Now you need to visit "My Settings". Find "Black List" there. In the line that appears, you need to write the victim’s address and click “OK.” That's all. Now you know how to close your Contact profile from annoying users once and for all.

How to hide your VKontakte page from prying eyes?

VKontakte there are two ways to hide information on your wall. The first method: involves hiding other people's posts on your page and prohibiting commenting on your posts.
For this:

  1. Go to "My Settings".
  2. Review the Posts on Page section. In this section you can select the circle of people who are prohibited from viewing the above information.

Second method: blacklisting the user. In this case, the person will not be able to write to you and will not see all the data on your page: friends, basic information and posts on the wall. Only the date of birth, city and website (if they are publicly visible) are displayed.

How to hide your friends in VKontakte?

If you have a lot of friends, then it won’t be possible to hide them all. VKontakte has a limited number for this function, so it is possible to hide only 30 people from prying eyes.
For this:

  1. Go to the "My Settings" section.
  2. Click on the "Privacy" tab.
  3. In the “My Page” section, find the “Who is visible in the list of my friends and subscriptions” field.
  4. In the window that appears, enter the names of the people from the list.

Moreover, you can hide your friends from the eyes of just a few people, not full list all your subscriptions.

How to make a link with a word on VKontakte?

Making a link using a word in a contact is very simple. To do this, follow the following recording rule [link | word], where the link is the full address of the site, copied from the address bar of the browser, and the word is a description of this link in your own words.

How to tag a person in a contact on a video?

Unfortunately, the VKontakte administration has removed this option. But, you can send the video to several friends. To do this, click on the “Share” button, select “Send a private message” and tag the people for whom this video file is intended.

Videos in contact and their sorting.

The VKontakte developers came up with a surprisingly convenient thing - sorting videos into folders. Now contact users no longer need to scroll through hundreds of videos in search of the one they need. To categorize the video:

  1. Go to the “My Videos” section.
  2. At the top right, find the inscription “New Album”.

By clicking on it, you will need to enter the name of the album and in the future, add your videos to it. To sort existing videos into new folders, hover over the video thumbnail and click on the pencil that appears. In the new window, select the album in which the specified video will be located.