How to search for movies on YouTube. How to find a video by video on the Internet? Do such services exist?

When it comes to music videos, they are much easier to find than some abstract recording. Having remembered at least a couple of words from the song, you can try to find a video based on them. If the search does not produce results, you can try to search for a song using these words in a search engine, most likely you will get the name of the desired composition and full text. Just by the title you can search for the desired video on YouTube itself.

You can try to find music video by the name of the artist, if, of course, you know it. Many modern musicians have their own channels where most of the music videos, concerts and videos they create are stored. Just find the channel of the desired artist and look at the video gallery. Each video is presented in this gallery with a still frame, which sometimes allows you to get a rough idea of ​​its content. If still images don't help, try reading the video descriptions; they usually contain useful information.

How to search for other videos

If you're looking for a non-music video, this may be more difficult. The first step is to determine the keywords by which you can find the video. The easiest way to search for the video you need is not by whole phrases, but by individual words. If you remember exactly what happened in the video and can formulate it in a simple sentence, you can try using it.

Searching for keywords and phrases such as “cat diving” typically yields several thousand results. They can be filtered by several parameters. For example, if you are sure that the video you need was short, look for it in the appropriate group. Other search criteria can include the time it was downloaded or the rating. To filter out the videos you need, use the Filters button above the displayed results.

If you have an account on YouTube and you have watched the video you need from your computer or other device that is constantly connected to this service, the search is greatly simplified thanks to the history saving function. On the main YouTube page in the left column at the top there is a History line; if you click on it, you can go to a page where all the videos you have watched for the entire time you have been logged in to YouTube are presented. Usually this is a fairly impressive number, which can be measured in the thousands. However, quickly viewing a thousand still frames is much easier than searching for a video at random among millions of videos.

Tip 2: How to find a song if you don’t know the title and artist

Wait a few seconds until the program checks the melody excerpt against the library of songs in online stores. After this, you will see the name of the song and artist on the screen. It is important that the sound source is of sufficient quality and that it is not mixed with extraneous noise. In this case, the accuracy of determination increases significantly. There are similar programs on other mobile systems and devices, such as TrackID on Sony phones.

You can try to find a song if you don’t know the title and artist based on the words in it. Try to remember at least one phrase from the chorus and enter it in one of the Internet search engines. Perhaps the results will lead you to one of the sites with song lyrics, among which will be the one you need. Also try listening to radio stations and watching music channels more often so that you can hear or see the song title and artist when it starts playing. In addition, the author of a song can sometimes be determined by the manner in which a particular composition is performed, its unique features characteristic of this singer.

Why has Youtube become the 3rd most popular website in the world? Thanks to openness, a large number information and format. The video format allows you to convey information in a visually condensed form. The principle “it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times” works here.

What do you do when you look for an answer to your question on the Internet? Go to Yandex or Google and enter it in the search. But these services are more focused on working with texts. Try it go toYoutube and search there. I think you will be surprised that there is practically no topic on which there is no material on this service. If you want to know how to grow this or that plant in your garden, please do so. Are you concerned about your health? Learn about healthy and unhealthy foods. Would you like to see information about your favorite artist? Just enter his name in the Youtube search.

Today I want to introduce you to some techniques that will make your search easier on this popular resource.

How to find the right video on Youtube

Before considering working with the service, I will make a few clarifications. Enabled by default on Youtube safe search mode, in which the results do not include videos of dubious content (with scenes of violence, eroticism, etc.). If, suddenly, this is not the case for you, use the “ Safe mode" (see picture below) at the bottom of the page. Click it and select one of the options “On”, “Off”. Then click on the “Save” button. The set mode will only apply to the current browser.

So. The easiest way to find something on Youtube is to write a query in natural language. For example, [how to grow greens on a windowsill]. As a result, we will receive the following answers in the form of videos: “how to grow basil and oregano on a windowsill”, “how to grow a mini garden at home”, “garden on a balcony for dummies”, etc.

Found videos are shown as a list. On the right is a frame from the video, on the left is its name, author, “age” of the video, number of views and description. The "HD" mark indicates that the video was filmed in good quality.

Click on the title to go to view.

Advanced search with filters

You can refine your search results using a filter. After you have performed the initial search, a “Filters” button with an arrow appears above the list of found videos. Click it to expand the advanced search bar.

It is a set of parameters. Let's look at them:

  • By date added(for the last hour, for today, for this week, for this month) – apply this filter when you want to watch new videos. For example, if you specify that you need to select videos “for this month,” the system will provide you only with those videos that were posted no more than 30 days ago.
  • Result type(videos, channels, playlists, shows).
    Video- all videos.
    Channel is a Youtube user’s personal tool with which he can publish and manage his videos. Typically, channels are devoted to addressing some issue, for example, embroidery, car repair, fitness, etc.
    Playlist– a collection of videos on a specific topic collected by the user. One user can have many playlists on different topics.
    Show- These are web series united by a common storyline. The series are combined into seasons. One channel can host multiple shows. Such materials are usually officially provided by media companies.
    Movies- You can watch and on Youtube, but most of them are available for a fee.
  • Duration(short, long). Typically, good long reviews on a topic are longer than 5 minutes. Use this option to exclude short videos.
  • Peculiarities(high definition, with subtitles, 3D, etc.). By using these specific options, you may miss useful material. On the other hand, if you are looking for a video in 3D format, then you need to install this filter first.
    If you want to use materials from Youtube for your projects (including commercial ones), look for videos with a Creative Commons license (the author allows everyone to use his content).
  • Arrange(by relevance, by date added, by number of views, by rating). Relevance is the degree to which a video matches your request. The higher the relevance, the more accurately the video content answers the query (according to Youtube). The number of views and rating can also be useful when selecting videos.

Installing a filter is done by simply clicking on its name with the mouse. The cross next to it disables the filter. The values ​​can be combined, but not all. For example, if you are looking for channels, then the video duration parameter becomes meaningless, so the “Duration” filter becomes unavailable. All set values ​​are displayed in the line to the right of the “Filters” button. You can disable selection using the “Remove all filters” link.

Using Query Operators to Search Youtube

To reduce search time the desired video In addition to the filter, you can use special operators. Many of them repeat filters, but there are also those that complement them. An operator represents a symbol or word on English language. For example, [bicycle, channel]. The word “channel” is translated as “channel”. As a result you will get a list Youtube channels dedicated to bicycles. It will look like the one shown in the figure below.

Please note that the action of this operator is similar to the “Channels” filter.

Let's look at other designs that will help you in your search on Youtube.

today(for today) this week(for this week) this month(for this month) year(for this year) – correspond to the “By date added” filter. They are written like this [white nights, year].

video(video), channel(channels), playlist(playlists), movie(movies), show(show) – analogues of the “Result type” filters. For example, [ionizer, playlist].

short(short), long(long) – these operators allow you to select videos by duration. They can be used instead of Duration filters. Indicated by commas after the main phrase.

HD(high resolution video), 3D(3D video) – HD and 3D filters from the “Features” filter group. The first selects videos with resolutions from 720p (1280x720) to 1080p (1920x1080). The second is only videos in 3D format. To view 3D video you need special equipment.

«» — by enclosing the search phrase in quotation marks, you indicate to the service that it should search for videos in the title of which it is present in exactly this spelling. For example, “tying sea knots.”

+ – this operator indicates that the word that comes after it must be present in the name or description of the video. For example, [tying + tie]. There must be a space between + and the word!

– the opposite operator. Excludes a word from the search. For example, [tying a tie]. There must be a space between - and the word!

intitle:- search in the title. The phrase should definitely be in the video title. The complete design looks like this: . None here There should be no spaces after the colon!

partner– search for videos, which is called “first-hand”. These can be materials provided by a TV channel or clips of a musical group provided by the copyright holder, etc. This way you can weed out amateur videos.

Operators can be combined with each other to achieve more accurate results. For example, [knitting + crochet, long, hd] means that we are looking for videos on knitting, always crochet, lasting 20 minutes or more. in high resolution.

Try using filters and operators to search on Youtube and you will immediately see their usefulness. I hope this knowledge will reduce the time it takes to find the necessary information and help you do it more accurately.

Youtube is the undisputed leader among all platforms for storing and viewing videos. Users watch about 3 billion videos every day, and 48 hours of new videos are uploaded every minute. In such a stream of data, it becomes increasingly difficult to find what really interests you. Today you will learn how to use Youtube search more effectively, so to speak “Like a pro”, and you can easily find the videos you need.

To do this, let's look at some principles and special keywords for searching on Youtube.

How to effectively search for videos on Youtube?

Unlike Google search, Youtube uses several other special operators to refine the search, although there are similar ones, such as framing in double quotes. Basically these operators are written after the search query using a comma, for example: "search phrase, operator".

Search by exact phrase

To search for an exact phrase, you can use quotation marks, as in Google search - just enclose the desired text in quotation marks and press search, for example:

"Atlantis. Bimini Road."

Channel search

To find a specific channel, you need to add a comma and the word “channel” to the phrase, for example:

zemfira, channel

Search videos by time they were added

You can set a time period for searching videos. To do this, you need to add one of the words to the search phrase:

Include or exclude a word when searching

If some search results are missing, you can force the display of results - to do this you need to add “+” and a keyword, but we do not specify exact phrase. For example, we are looking for Shakira in Amsterdam:

By using the “-” (minus) sign, you can, on the contrary, exclude from the results all videos that match the keyword. To find all Shakira videos with the keyword 2010, but not in Amsterdam, enter:

shakira +2011 – amsterdam

Search in titles

This operator is copied from Google search, it can be used to search for videos by title, that is, our phrase should definitely only be in the title. For example:

intitle: Walker, Texas Ranger

Search for official videos from partners

Sometimes it is important for us to find the official video of our favorite artist; it is much easier to do this by adding the “partner” operator. This way we can weed out amateur videos and watch only partner channels. Example:

never say never, partner

This feature has been quite unstable lately.

Search movies on Youtube

Yes, yes, you heard right. Surprisingly, many people do not know that there are full-length films on YouTube and there are tens of thousands of them. You can watch online both “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears” and any film starring Bruce Lee.

To easily search for movies on Youtube, add the word "movie" to your search:

Finding the best quality videos

A modern TV can easily connect to the Internet and you, using the built-in browser, can watch movies on its screen. Of course, not all videos on Youtube are of good quality, but you can search for videos in high resolution by simply adding “HD” to your request:

This search will show results with resolutions ranging from 720p (1280x720) to 1080p (1920x1080).

Search 3D videos on Youtube

Yes, there is such a thing. Notice the 3D icon next to the video size on the player. If you have 3D glasses (red and blue) lying around, you can easily watch videos or even films in 3D format on your computer. Example request:

Search playlists

Sometimes we want to watch several video clips of the same artist, and different ones. For this purpose, there are playlists without repetitions on Youtube. By launching such a playlist, you can watch all of Pugacheva’s video clips, for example. Add "playlist" to your search:

Finally, you can use several at once keywords at the same time for more precise search. Separate them with commas, and you will be happy. These are not official search operators on Youtube, but this method can make your life much easier when working with the service.

Everyone knows that YouTube is one of the most popular video resources on the Internet. A huge list of documentaries and feature films, TV series, clips, videos for every taste and theme, cartoons, creative videos and a huge amount of other video content make this hosting one of the most significant on the modern Internet. Of course, in order to understand this abundance, you need to use special approaches to the capabilities of the YouTube search service, since the standard input of the searched names in most cases does not justify itself.

Most often, when creating complex queries, the “Filters” option is used. But its biggest drawback is that it can only be used after the search results appear. In this case, any clarification leads to page overload. Both of these conditions force us to look for a different approach to searching with a more practical solution and, of course, faster results. This solution is to enter standard search queries in a regular search bar, but with a non-standard addition, in which all search parameters are set right there, in search bar separated by commas.

So here are some secrets to finding videos on YouTube:

  1. Search for new videos. To view the latest videos, just add to the search query one of the word parameters that determine the time boundaries: hour (for an hour), today (for today), week (week), month (month), year (year). This way, the user will limit the search area to a time frame and old or previously viewed video content will not be reflected in the results.
  2. Movie search. The resource archive contains a lot of legal films. The only difficulty in the search is to find a legal version of the desired film in good quality, and not part of it, a trailer or a creative video from a fan. The “movie” parameter entered separated by commas in the search line will help with this.
  3. Search in playlists. Many users create their own playlists. This could be a collection of New Year's video clips, detective films, music videos of your favorite group or artist, documentaries, interesting sports moments, home videos, and so on. Searching through playlists will provide greater opportunities for the topic of the request, because in the playlist itself, videos are most often selected on a specific topic and this is how you can find Additional information or something completely unknown, but relevant to the topic. Adding the “playlist” parameter to the query will help you search for playlists.
  4. Search for videos in HD quality. Everything is simple here - to search for such videos, just add the letters “hd” to the name of the request. The search engine will select all results only in this quality.
  5. Search by video length. Sometimes it becomes necessary to select small or, conversely, longer videos for viewing. The following parameter words will help you specify a search for these requirements: short and long. It is necessary to take into account that by specifying “short” for the search, the user will receive videos up to 4 minutes long, and by specifying “long”, the user will receive videos lasting from 20 minutes or more.

Using these add-ons, each user will be able to formulate a search query so that the necessary results will be obtained almost immediately and there will be no extraneous or off-topic results among them.

If you have recently started using Youtube, then you should watch a video about the basic settings of this service.

Dear readers of the blog site. I have already written articles about others social services, such as Social network Facebook, Twitter. Today I will look at another important service: Youtube, namely, I will address the following questions:

  • video search on youtube
  • how to search for videos in general
  • how to find a video of interest on YouTube

Most people enter a few keywords into the YouTube search box and start scrolling through the results. There is also a filter option located just above. Here you can filter by number of views or date added. But there are also links to these filters, and they are in the search box itself. Here are some tips for finding relevant videos on YouTube that I use on a regular basis.

How to find movies

Do you love movies? Do you want to rent one of the films for a small fee, or watch a free film on YouTube? You can do this directly in the search bar by simply placing a comma after your query and entering the word "movie" like this:

How to watch HD video

Maybe you are an ardent video fan high definition, and prefer to watch movies only in high quality. If so, then you are in luck... Enter “HD” into the modifier, as shown in the figure:

Please note that there is a small HD icon to the left of the videos to indicate their quality.

How to find a video by date

You may know that the video you are looking for only recently appeared. This can help when searching by date, displaying videos that were most recently added that match your query in descending order. Technically, this is not a date search, but still. You have three options to choose from: today, in a week, and in a month. Let's say you love football and you want to watch best moments matches in a week. You can enter a query and select a filter for the week:

How to find partners

Do you want to watch only “professional” content and filter out amateur content? You can only search by YouTube partners. Here you can find channels such as RussiaToday and others.

How to find a specific channel

Sometimes users search for both a video and a specific channel—maybe to watch a new video from Google or Apple, for example. You can search for channels by adding the words "channel":

Please note that the first result is the official MSU channel... The “channel” modifier gives me exactly what I want. While a simple search for “mgu” would reveal a lot of unnecessary information.

How to search by comments

Did you know you can only search comments on YouTube? You can do this by searching the comments.

Now you can find out what people are saying about your brand or videos in the comments on YouTube.


There are other modifiers. For example, searching only 3D videos or using quotes to find exact word. With these additional operators, you can modify and filter queries right in the window, saving significant time.

If you know of any other modifiers or tips, please post them in the comments below.