How to disconnect the game from your phone. How to remove a credit card from Google Play

You can pay for almost everything with a bank card: purchases, reservations, cellular communication, Internet, various services, including utilities, etc. To complete a transaction, indicate the card number, CVV2 or CVC2 code, expiration date, as well as owner information.

How to disable a bank card in iTunes and Google Play

In order not to enter data every time, services offer card binding. In particular, this Google Play and the App Store, where you can buy programs and games for mobile devices.

A bank card is unlinked in several cases:

  1. If an Android or iPhone smartphone is in the hands of a child who may spend more than you can afford.
  2. When a gadget is sold to other owners. But you can do it differently - return the device to factory settings.
  3. For personal safety reasons.

Disabling a map in the App Store is very simple - you need to run iTunes app, log in under your account by entering your username and password. Click on the icon with your name and select “Account Information”. On the page opposite the information about your card, click the “Edit” button. In the payment method information, you must select “No”. After this, you need to click the “Done” button. This method also disables a credit or bank card from the App Store.

To unlink a card on your iPhone, you need to go to “Settings” -> “App Store, iTunes Store”. Click on your “Apple ID”, then “View Apple ID”. On the payment information page, in the “Payment Type” tab, select “No” and click the “Finish” button. The bank card has been unlinked.

How to unlink a Sberbank card from a phone number

To do this, you need to contact the nearest Sberbank branch with a request to disconnect the card from the phone number. This option is not available in your Sberbank Online personal account. You must have a passport or other identification document with you. You may have to write a statement. If necessary, you can link another phone number at a Sberbank ATM.

If you have created an account on the AliPay service, then you need to log into the AliExpress website under your account. In your personal account, go to AliPay, where in the “Manage Cards” tab, delete the existing card. If it is linked and you do not have an AliPay account, you will have to create one. This is done from your personal account on AliExpress.

  • When creating a profile, the first one is confirmed e-mail address, then fill in information about yourself. Russian localization available. After creating a profile, you can delete the card using the method described above.
  • When creating accounts, you must take a responsible approach to linking bank cards. Despite the security of the systems, data can be stolen by third parties. Therefore, it is better to enter data every time you make a purchase or transaction.

If you decide to disconnect your account from Androis or iOS, then here I will show you how to delete Clash account Of Clans.

This way you can have, for example, 2 accounts on one iPhone Clash games Of Clans.

4. Store Clash Of Clans saves on Google+

To save game saves to Android smartphone or tablet, be sure to sign in to your Google + account in the game. So that saves are transferred every time to Google +. If you do not sign in to Google+, then your saves will only be saved on your tablet or smartphone, and if you reset your device to factory settings, all your Clash Of Clans saves will be erased and it will be impossible to restore them.

To do this, go to the game on Android. Click settings at the bottom right. In the game settings, click on Google+ disabled to connect to Google+ in the game and so that all saves are saved to Google+.

Wait while you log in to Google+

Ready. Clash Of Clans is now synchronized with Google+ and all saves will be stored in Google+

And here is a video on a similar topic.

on 2017-01-31

Phoenix Active User

Messages: 1,546 Likes: 1,468


It is well known that any device under Android control(at least what is certified by Google) contains not only components collected from AOSP, but also an impressive number of proprietary Google programs. These are the same Google Play, Gmail, Hangouts, Maps and a bunch of other applications, including a dialer and a camera (starting with KitKat).

For all these components there is not only source code, but also, by and large, any explanations about the rules of their work. Many of them are initially created for the purpose of collecting certain types of information and sending them to Google servers.

This is how, for example, GoogleBackupTransport behaves, which is responsible for synchronizing the list installed applications, passwords and other information, GoogleContactsSyncAdapter, which synchronizes the list of contacts, or ChromeBookmarksSyncAdapter, whose job is to synchronize browser bookmarks. Plus collecting information about all requests in the search engine.

In the very fact of synchronization, it goes without saying, there is nothing bad, and this is an excellent mechanism that allows you to configure new phone in just 60 seconds, and Google Now also manages to give us the necessary data based on domestic data (from time to time). The only trouble is that all this destroys domestic privacy, because, as Snowden demonstrated, under the hood of the NSA (and, probably, a bunch of other works) is not only some evil empire called Microsoft, but also Google and many second companies from the “we are not evil, but fluffy philanthropists” crowd.

In other words: Google will merge us all without any trouble, and it’s not a fact that its employees, sitting in their own offices with dogs and masseuses, are not laughing at the names from your contact book (everything is encrypted in that place, yes), drinking 15-year-old Pu'er from Yunnan Province. Or perhaps to the line given by Google? Let's take their Android and let them go through the forest?

What is Google Apps

The latest version of custom firmware based on KitKat for my smartphone weighs 200 MB, but in order to get a real experience from the smartphone, I have to flash the gapps archive on top of it, the size of which is 170 MB. Only then will I take a set similar to that pre-installed on Nexus devices, with all the goodies in the form of a desktop integrated with Google Now, a screen lock based on a face shot, a camera using a spherical kilogram and shooting Google software, from Google Play to Google Books .

I repeat once again: all this is closed software from Google, which, in a good way, by and large cannot be distributed without their knowledge (based on this, it is not in custom firmware like CyanogenMod), but since it is quite easy to extract it from the firmware of Nexus devices, then On the Internet it is possible to find a huge number of similar archives, as well as very severely truncated ones. To release an Android smartphone with a set of gapps on board, the manufacturer is obliged to send it for certification to Google, which, after evaluating the performance and quality of the smartphone, will either give the go-ahead or kick it (but by and large this does not stop the Chinese).

This is how Google Apps get to your smartphone. Of the users, 99% or use pre-installed applications, or install them yourself on completely clean and completely unknown firmware. And then, from the moment the username and password are entered, the draining and synchronization of information begins.

In order to figure out how this happens, let’s unpack the same archive with gapps and look inside. We are interested in the /system/app and /system/priv-app directories; during installation, their contents are copied to the directories of the same name on the smartphone. The second directory is a KitKat innovation, apparently invented to store private applications that are cheap only to the administrator (owner) of the device and invisible to other users in the community.

In the /system/app directory we will find many different Google applications, easily recognizable by the name of the package: Books.apk, Chrome.apk, Gmail2.apk and even then. Each of them will share information differently, but that's completely fine (yes, Google will know you've been viewing Paulo for seven days through their app!). The biggest danger here is GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk, which is only responsible for sending a list of contacts to a remote server.

We write down the name in a notepad and move on.

Most of the files from the /system/priv-app directory are services and frameworks needed to run all the surveillance and this synchronization machine:

  • GoogleBackupTransport.apk - synchronizes data from installed applications, Wi-Fi passwords and some settings;
  • GoogleLoginService.apk - connects the device with a Google account;
  • GooglePartnerSetup.apk - allows third party applications gain access to Google services;
  • GoogleServicesFramwork.apk - a framework with various auxiliary functionality;
  • Phonesky.apk - Play Store (no matter how unusual);
  • PrebuiltGmsCore.apk - Google Services, as the title suggests, is the core of the entire gapps set;
  • Velvet.apk is a Google search that includes a search bar on the desktop and Google Now.

In essence, this is the part of Google Apps that is important for leaking domestic personal information. Let's try to get rid of all this.

SpoilerTarget Spoiler: Method number 1. Disabling through settings

The easiest way to unlink your smartphone from Google is to use standard settings totality. The method is optimal in that it does not require root rights, installation of custom firmware, or custom recovery. Everything can be done in any stock firmware without losing access to applications and an account like Gmail (if necessary).

But no one will vouch for the efficiency, since it is entirely possible that some gapps components will continue to send data.

The main location for synchronization settings is the menu “Settings - Accounts - Google - [email protected]" Here you can disable things like synchronization of contacts, application data, Gmail, Play Music, Google Keep and more. All you need to do is tick the desired menu items. Then go to the “Settings - Reset and Recovery” menu and uncheck the “Data backup” and “Auto recovery” items.

The Google Settings application, which is part of Google Services, is also responsible for many synchronization settings. With its help, for example, it is possible to disable Google’s access to a location (“Access to geodata - Access to my geodata / Sending geodata / Location history”), disable sending personal data to the search engine (“Search - Individual these”), disable Google Now (“ Search - Google Now") and disable remote control (" Remote control— Remote device search / Remote reset and lock settings").

In the same “Google Settings”, by the way, it is possible to disable any application that uses a Google account for authorization. At the same time, the appeal is not only about the software installed on the device, but also, by and large, about all applications ever used, including websites. For example, I found many sites on this list that I had not visited for at least several years.

In the event that you generally do not plan to use Google services, it will be easier to disconnect your smartphone from your account entirely, in other words, through the settings: “Settings - Accounts - Google - [email protected]— Menu button — Delete account.”

Most Google applications can be safely disabled through the settings: “Applications - ALL - required application - Disable”.

SpoilerTarget Spoiler: Method number 2. Cleaning the official firmware

In the event that the stock firmware has root rights, you can get rid of Google Apps by easily deleting them from your smartphone. As I said, they are all saved in the /system/app and /system/priv-app directories. For example, with KitKat, the list of Google applications in the first directory will be like this:

  • Books.apk - Google Books;
  • CalendarGoogle.apk - Google Calendar;
  • Chrome.apk - Google Chrome;
  • CloudPrint.apk - a set of cloud printing;
  • Drive.apk - Google Drive;
  • GenieWidget.apk - weather and news widget;
  • Gmail2.apk - Gmail;
  • GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk - contact synchronization;
  • GoogleEars.apk - Google Ears (similar to Shazam);
  • GoogleEarth.apk - Google Soil;
  • GoogleHome.apk - home screen with integrated Google Now;
  • GoogleTTS.apk - a set of speech synthesis;
  • Hangouts.apk - Google Hangouts;
  • Keep.apk - Google Keep;
  • LatinImeGoogle.apk - gesture keyboard;
  • Magazines.apk - Google Publishing;
  • Maps.apk - Google Maps;
  • Music2.apk - Google Music;
  • PlayGames.apk - Google PlayGames;
  • PlusOne.apk - Google+;
  • QuickOffice.apk - QuickOffice;
  • Street.apk - Google Street;
  • SunBeam.apk - SunBeam live wallpaper;
  • Videos.apk - Google Movies;
  • YouTube.apk - YouTube.

In the /system/priv-app directory, in addition to those previously listed, the following files are also stored:

  • CalendarProvider.apk - stores these calendars;
  • GoogleFeedback.apk - sends a report on the use of Google Play;
  • GoogleOneTimeInitilalizer.apk - installation wizard for additional Google applications;
  • SetupWizard.apk - setup wizard on first launch;
  • Wallet.apk - Google Wallet;
  • talkback.apk - voice notification about events on the device.

The Gapps kit for KitKat, among other things, also includes a proprietary camera using spherical shooting and a proprietary desktop with integrated Google Now.

But that is not all. Google Apps depends on several frameworks, which are located in the /system/framework directory. These files are, and There are also many libraries in the /system/lib directory that are used only by Google applications.

It is not necessary to remove them, but it is possible. Easy to clean up debris. You will find a list of them on the website ][.

In past (and in future) assumptions, the content of Google Apps is different, based on this, before deleting, I advise you to download gapps the required version from the site unpack using WinRar and view the contents. In addition, you should take into account the dependence of some applications from the market on Google applications, I will tell you more about this later.

SpoilerTarget Spoiler: Method number 3. Custom firmware without gapps

The previous method can be significantly simplified if the smartphone has custom firmware without Google Apps. In this case, the smartphone/tablet will be crystal clear without any connection to Google. The disadvantage of this method is the absence of Google Play, but it is possible to either replace it with a third-party application store (more on this below), or use the following method, which includes installing a stripped-down version of Google Apps.

SpoilerTarget Spoiler: Method number 4. Google Play and counting nothing

This method of partial decoupling from Google is a kind of compromise. It does not solve the problem of surveillance - at least without the settings from the first method - but it allows you not to clutter up the system with a bunch of unnecessary software that will hang in the background and eat up memory. The essence is simple - install custom firmware and upload a minimalist version of gapps on top of it, which only includes Google Play.

There are many such minimal gapps assemblies on the Internet, but I would recommend using time-tested BaNkS Gapps, in particular the “month-dateGApps Core4.4.2” file. They work on any smartphone, are compatible with ART and include only the main gapps files, a list of which is given in the “What are Gapps” section, framework files, and a couple of libraries. Essentially, it's Google Play, synchronization tools and nothing else.

Changing the search engine to DuckDuckGo

In addition, after completely disabling synchronization, the “built-in” Google search bar will remain on the home screen. IN stock firmware Some manufacturers (Samsung, for example) are just a widget that can be easily removed from the screen.

IN pure Android and devices from many third-party manufacturers, it is “built into” the home screen, but it can be removed by disabling the entire search from Google (along with Google Now) through the menu “Settings - Applications - All - Google search - Disable” or by installing a third-party launcher. Then just download DuckDuckGo from the market or another application store and add the widget of the same name to your home screen.

Press to open.

Third party market

The second and third methods involve complete salvation from Google Apps, including Google Play and the ability to log in using a Google account. Based on this, we must find a method for simple and ergonomic installation of applications that would not force us to download them ourselves and then drop them on the card memory and install manually. One such way is to install a third-party market.

There are now three more or less viable alternatives to Google Play. This is the Amazon Appstore. Yandex.Store and 1Mobile Market. Each of them has disadvantages and advantages, which mostly come down to payment methods and the number of applications:

  • Amazon Appstore is the most recognizable application store after Google Play. Contains more than 75 thousand applications (compared to 800 thousand in Google Play), the quality level of each of which is manually checked, just like in iTunes for iOS. You can pay using a credit card or Amazon Coins, which are given as a gift for purchasing a Kindle Fire tablet or as a gift from another user. One of the most entertaining lines of the store is the daily free distribution of one of the paid applications.
  • Yandex.Store is a store from the Yandex company. Contains more than 85 thousand applications, each of which is scanned by Kaspersky antivirus. It doesn’t really stand out in any way, but it has a killer feature in the form of the ability to pay for purchases through the Yandex.Money service or a cell phone account.
  • 1Mobile Market is the largest third-party repository of Android applications, including more than 500 thousand software. It differs from others by the presence of only free applications (not to be confused with pirated ones), which is why it allows you not to go through the account registration stage and maintain anonymity.

Applications in all three markets have unique digital signatures from application developers, which allows them to be used at the same time. An application installed from one market can be updated without any trouble from another, and if deleted, it will disappear from the list of installed ones in all of them. Indeed, you will have to take them separately.

Open Source Market

Apart from those outlined in the article, and many other lesser-known application stores, it is possible to find an F-Droid repository on the Internet that is different from the rest. It is completely unknown and contains only free software distributed under licenses approved by the FSF. There are only a thousand applications in F-Droid, but all of them are guaranteed to not contain backdoors or other systems for disclosing personal data.

F-Droid is used as a default market in the free Android firmware Replicant.

Press to open.

Solving the problem of application dependence on Google Apps

Despite the fact that gapps components are not part of the official Android API, some applications still expect to encounter them together, which is why a series of troubles can arise - from the application being completely inoperable to the loss of some of its functions. Some applications will refuse to install due to the lack of a Google Maps API, others crash immediately after launch without finding it, others include direct links to Google Play, which can lead to incorrect operation and crashes.

In order to solve these troubles, XDA user MaR-V-iN started the NOGAPPS project. within the framework of which a set of open components is being developed that replace the unique functionality of Google Apps. There are currently three replacement components available:

  • Network Location - geolocation service based on Wi-Fi and basic GSM stations. Based on Apple's IP address database and open base station database;
  • Maps API - replacement of the interface to Google Maps based on OpenStreetMap;
  • BlankStore - an open alternative to the Play client Store. Allows installation free apps from the Google store, but is not recommended for use due to possible sanctions from the search engine (this is not permitted by their rules).

The components are installed separately and various methods. Network Location just needs to be manually copied to the /system/app/ directory in Android 2.3–4.3 or to the /system/priv-app/ directory in KitKat (in this case, use the NetworkLocation-gms.apk file). Maps API is installed via the firmware file via the recovery console. To install the market, you will have to not only copy the file, but also generate an Android ID on a huge machine, but since this is not recommended, I will not talk about it and will limit myself to a link to the instructions.

Upon completion of all manipulations, the software must receive it correctly.

For the company Google Android without its own applications it is unnecessary, so it is not unusual for a company to take out the most delicious parts of the aggregate in them and leave the code closed. But in this article I demonstrated that there is a life without gapps and it may also be simpler and more ergonomic than with Google.

P.S. In the distant past I was looking for an answer to this problem and now it turns out that I am on the right track..

Many of our readers are wondering how to get out of the system Play Market? Today we will tell you in detail about the actions that need to be performed if you want to change or completely delete one of the payment methods in your Personal Account.

So, if you are using mobile devices that are powered by Android systems , then to fully use all its capabilities you will need the Google Play service.

It contains a huge number of different applications that are created for maximum ease of use of the smartphone/tablet, as well as for our entertainment.

Today, the Play Market system is very popular among owners of mobile devices based on Android. It allows you to download to your device various programs, which greatly simplify the life of the owner of a smartphone or tablet, for example, programs for:

  1. playing sports,
  2. for counting time,
  3. to make plans,
  4. for editing photos and videos,
  5. watching videos and listening to music,
  6. for entertainment, etc.

It is noteworthy that all applications here they are divided into two categories, namely – free and paid. And if to download the first you just need to click on the appropriate button, then to receive the second you will need to make a non-cash payment.

In the latter case, payment is made using bank cards, and they can be either debit or credit. A prerequisite is the status of the card - it must be no lower than Classic for payment to go through, systems Maestro, as well as instant delivery products cannot be used without a security code.

If you plan to make purchases in the Market repeatedly, then you don’t have to make one-time payments by entering your data again each time, but link your card to your account.

This opportunity is very convenient because the process of transferring funds in this case becomes as fast and convenient as possible, because all the necessary payment information is already saved in the system, and all you have to do is confirm the transaction.

How to add a payment method:

However, sometimes there are situations when you need to remove your card from your account for various reasons, for example, there is no longer a need to make such purchases, or the card has been lost and you are afraid that fraudsters may gain access to it.

How to remove a card in an application from a PC or laptop

Here step-by-step instruction, which will help you unlink your debit or credit card from google play:

  • First, through any browser with Internet access, follow the link;
  • Then log in using your password. This is a security requirement that cannot be circumvented. Such a request will appear even if all other services are open for access;
  • Next, you look for the “Payment Methods” line on the left side of the screen and click on it;
  • Next, all linked cards/wallets appear, you select the one you need and under it click on the “delete” button and confirm this action.

If you want to perform similar actions from your smartphone, then:

  • you need to open the app first,
  • then press the “Menu” button and select “Account”
  • then click on the “Payment Methods” section;
  • “Other payment settings” will appear below it;
  • then you also enter the password for your personal account, wait for the list of cards to appear and click delete on the one you need.

note, that if you have any active paid subscription, then these operations will not be possible. So, you need to first go to your Personal Area, on the left, find the “Accounts and Invoices” section, select the desired subscription, find “Pay with” in the drop-down menu and select another payment method, i.e. link another credit card or e-wallet.

How to change your payment method: