How to view a private profile on VKontakte. VkOnLook program for viewing hidden VKontakte data. What you need to know

Any user can hide their page. This is done through the use of VKontakte privacy settings (see). And what should we do if we really want to see what kind of information is published on such a closed page?

There are several tricks that can help us. So let's try view hidden VKontakte pages.

You'll find them above the timeline in the three-dot menu. There is a sub-place “invite friends” hidden there.

To see how the competition on the social network is beating gives you the opportunity to take a look at some of the more successful offerings. For example, sites that are growing quickly or have good engagement rates may make better use of content selection or sales. Keeping the competition in sight is always worth it.

Viewing closed VKontakte pages

The feature that allows you to do this is in the Statistics or Analysis area.

Not only can you monitor competitors' performance, but also the best contributions from competing sites. This is useful in many ways: on the one hand, you can see what common topics are currently viral. On the other hand, you can ensure that important industry news is not missed. You can find the overview under Stats, Posts, and then Top Posts of Pages You Remember.

What will you see when you try to access a hidden page?

Try looking at the profile of such a user. This is what will be revealed to you (see).

As you can see, only basic profile information is available - city of residence and .

Is it possible to see the rest of the information? Let's try.

Viewing closed VKontakte pages

Once we have a numeric id value, we start using the following links. Copy them and paste the id instead of the asterisks.

It's worth a daily look. By the way, this post may also interest you. Received full code, which you can copy and paste. But without a doubt, the one who wins is your user. Proper categorization of elements and articles on your site helps the user navigate the site. If you also offer additional description of what topics are covered in that category, you will help make the user's mind map of your blog or website clearer and more concise.

Learn how to view messages from pages you like on mobile

Have you checked if your category pages show these descriptions? That is, social network will mainly show you messages from friends, family and the pages you visit the most. However, if you liked a lot of pages, many posts won't show up on your mural, leaving you ignorant of the things you think are important - after all, you liked those pages because you care about them.

View all user albums:


Notes on hidden page:


User Applications:


By using each option sequentially, you will be able to view some information from the closed page.


If you use the search, you will find many sites on the Internet that offer viewing closed pages in contact with. I don't recommend using them. There is a high probability of losing your account, or becoming a victim of hacking (see).

But this can be changed; just go to the app settings and view hidden posts. Go to the list of pages, click "View all". Tap the Pages option. Once this is done, you will be able to view the contents of the tanned pages. If you don't want to lose content from your favorite pages on your computer, follow these steps.

Set page size to window

Only a subset of these tools are visible in the default toolbar view. You can use it to drag a rectangle around the part of the page you want to fill the display area, or simply increase the magnification to a given level centered on the point where you clicked. The Dynamic Zoom tool allows you to zoom in on an area when you drag and zoom out when you drag down.

Displays actual page size

However, the document may be set to a different magnification level during creation.

"vkontakte" is one of the most popular resources on the Internet. Statistics say that every third Internet user is registered in contact. Some fans of this site prefer not to advertise their personal data, including protecting their personal page from being viewed by strangers.

Despite this, the site contains several flaws that allow unwanted individuals to view closed (hidden) pages of “vkontakte”, and there are also a number of programs that allow you to do this. After certain actions, some of the confidential information becomes available, such as an avatar in the original size, country, city of residence, Family status, place of study, status history.

Change the scale using the zoom tools

Choose one of the following procedures.

Change magnification using the Zoom and Detail tool

Change the magnification using the page thumbnail. Change the default magnification. Open the Zoom pop-up menu, then choose a default zoom level. View hidden areas of an enlarged page. When you zoom in with a large magnifying glass, only part of the page may be visible. You can change the view to show other areas of the page without changing the zoom level.

Currently, cases of hacking of closed VKontakte pages are so frequent that every user has a need for protection own page. Without knowledge of the main methods of hacking, it is impossible to protect yourself. So what are the main methods of hacking and how to avoid it.

Viewing closed (hidden) pages in contact

In order to view the hidden pages of “vkontakte”, you need to find out the id (a unique number assigned to each registered user) of the person you are interested in. Next you need to go to hidden page, at the top there will be the user's id, after which all that remains is to enter the id into the online viewing form and you will see links to private photos, albums and other data.

Setting Page Layout and Orientation

Perform one of the following actions. Use the vertical scroll bars to move up or down the page, use the horizontal scroll bars to move around them. Select the Hand tool from the General panel and drag to move the page as if you were pushing a piece of paper onto the table. Changing the page layout is especially useful if you want to zoom in to get an overview of the document's layout.

Single Page View Displays a page simultaneously without visible portions of other pages. Two Page View Displays two pages side by side with no parts of the other pages visible. If your document has more than two pages, you can view the first page separately, on the right side of the document pane. Select Two-Sided View or Two-Sided Slide View.

This is not the only way to view private vkontakte photos. You can do this in the following way:

Find one of the friends of the user you are interested in, go to his page, in the section of photos tagged by other users, there will probably be a photo with the object you are interested in. Click on it and you will see two arrows at the top, by clicking on which you can scroll through the entire album, despite its inaccessibility to outside users.

Rotate page display

You can change the page display in 90° increments. This may change the page display, but not the orientation.

Change the default page layout

Specify your default Home View settings in the Settings dialog box. The parameter specified in the document properties takes precedence over the one specified in the settings. If you use the Document property, you must save and close the document for changes to take effect.

Use dual view

Double-clicking allows you to scroll the active panel, change its zoom level, or move to another page without affecting another panel. Spreadsheet Table View is useful if you want column and row header labels to be visible when you move a table or large table. In this mode, if you change the zoom percentage in a field, all fields report the change. Scrolling is also coordinated between different blocks: horizontal scrolling The slider also applies to the panel at the top or bottom; Vertical scrolling also applies to the left or right panel.

One caveat: the accelerated photo viewing mode must be enabled, but this is not a problem, since it is located and easily activated at the bottom of any page with a photo.

Closed photos

If for some reason you are unable to do this, the following method will definitely not fail: go to the website and enter the same username and password as “vkontakte”.

You can safely enter there personal login and a password, because the site was designed by the creator of “vkontakte” - Pavel Durov.

It is not surprising that the user pages there are the same as “vkontakte”, although the site design is different. Using the method described above, we find the id of the person we need. As a result, you should receive a page that looks like this: ******* (where ******* is ID the desired user). All you have to do is click Photos with user, this is the button that is located by the avatar, and the job is done! Enjoy closed photos, which are protected from viewing!

View a document in multiple windows

In Dual View mode, click a box to enable it, and then change the zoom level for that panel only. In dual view, click a box to enable it, then scroll to edit that panel only. Scroll horizontally to change the view in the active area and above or below. The new windows are the same size, magnification, and layout as the original window and open on the same page and above the original window. When you open a new window, the original file name is added to the number 1, and the new window is given a number.

User status history:

In a similar way, you can look through user statuses. As in the previous case, go to, open the page of the user who is of interest to us, in the address bar it should be ******* (where ****** * - ID of the desired user). Then, instead of *******, we insert: javascript: showActivityHistory()() and press Enter. Ready! A familiar window with arrows appears, only the user’s statuses are already visible in it, which can also be scrolled through.
Through you can view part of the closed data: To do this, go to, also entering the login and password as “vkontakte”, open the page *******, where *** **** - User ID of the closed page.

Hacking protection

Hacking protection is the complete opposite of these methods. Here are some tips that will help you securely close the “vkontakte” page, thereby protecting it from hackers:
1.Do not enter confirmation of your password and login unless absolutely necessary. If you receive a letter saying that you urgently need to confirm your password or login by following the link, be vigilant. There is no need to disclose such data. If you know that you have the correct login and password, there is no need to constantly prove it.
2.You should not click on links that look similar to “vkontakte” links. Always check whether these links actually lead to the desired site. Pay attention to the spelling, carefully check the link address and email addresses senders. Believe me, it is very easy to make a mistake!
3.Pay attention to the security question and your answer, which is necessary to restore access to the site. This is usually too easy an answer and people who know you at all can easily recognize it. All you have to do is not be lazy and come up with a question that only you can answer.
4. Do not save your phone numbers on the “vkontakte” page; through them you can find out other data.
5.Do not store your cookies in cookies. It is better not to trust programs to remember your passwords, but to enter them manually each time - then the password will not be written to the cookie. After all, cookies can easily end up in the hands of criminals. This is done using unfamiliar programs and scripts downloaded from dubious sources, as well as using Trojans.
6. Regularly check your computer with antivirus software, primarily for the presence of Trojans. Timely destruction of viruses will help maintain the integrity of your page.
7. We should not forget that there is no clear recipe for hacking. Despite the fact that modern programs and sites are so complex and well protected, errors and loopholes are constantly found in them, and accordingly, newest ways hacking Hence the conclusion: the only way not to be afraid of hacking is to stop storing on the “vkontakte” page the data that really shouldn’t be shown. The “vkontakte” site is still unreliable, so you shouldn’t post anything on this resource that could serve you badly. Including those pages that are securely closed.
8. Close as many pages as possible, leaving them accessible only to loved ones. In this case, the select circle of people who have access to your personal data will be quite narrow and the risk of hacking will be small. Restrict access to your page by changing the settings in the “My Settings → Privacy” section.