Instagram instructions for use from a computer. Promotion on Instagram: the most detailed instructions. Selling your services

Social networks have long been transformed from simple entertainment and another means of communication into a new and universal tool for earning money. If someone does not believe in this, you can convince him very simply: go to VK, Facebook or the same Instagram and look for yourself at the number of products that instantly appear before your eyes. In particular, these include pages with various cosmetics, electronic products, gifts and various souvenirs of a wide range. All of them were created by ordinary users and representatives of online stores in order to get closer to their potential buyer. And let’s face it, they succeeded.

Work on the profile

But in order to start making money on Instagram, you don’t have to own your own store. Each of us can, instead of looking at cats and funny videos, start promoting our account, attracting additional subscribers and increasing our audience. Spend a little time mastering the art of creating interesting content for users, and before you know it, people will start subscribing to your page. And this is a direct path to pleasant and interesting earnings on Instagram replacing your usual, not so exciting work. How to achieve this? What you need to do in order to start earning money social network for real? Read on.

The Instagram principle

So, in order for us to be able to get some money, we need to understand exactly how this or that social network works. If we are interested in making money on Instagram, then we should pay more attention to this platform. And for this you need to find out how this site is structured.

We know that this is a social network. In it, users share their photos, tag each other in pictures, and post videos with interesting content. Thus, this platform is somewhat more specialized in media materials than VKontakte. Because of this (and also due to its simplicity and convenience), it has conquered such a large audience of users.

It all works very simply: each Instagram member has his own followers - people in whose results his news is displayed. The more there are, the larger the audience with which he has contact. Therefore, to interact with many users, you just need to build a base of as many subscribers as possible.

Start. What is valued?

If we talk about the “weight” of accounts and how they compare with each other, then the number of those who subscribe to your page is the main “measure” of success. The more subscribers, the more promoted the account, and the more opportunities for earning money. After all, users who are in your subscriptions can be shown any material. All earnings on Instagram depend on how popular your account is.

The social activity of people who follow you is also valued here. This means that if those who follow you start commenting, liking and reposting your posts, you will become popular very quickly. Due to this, Instagram (the social network) brings money to the owners of “fat” accounts.

How to get a? First steps after registration

Buy a large number of subscribers is quite difficult. Previously, this was easy to achieve through some tricks, for example, simply becoming a subscriber of other users. As soon as they reciprocated, they could be removed from subscriptions. Thus, the effect is created that on your account A lot of people are subscribed, while you are not interested in them. This may indicate that you are some kind of celebrity or just a popular Instagrammer.

Today, getting a “fat” account with many users is more difficult. Members of the social network are faced with a huge wave of spam from all sides. Due to this, users feel less confident if they receive another notification from a stranger. What if he is just another scammer?

In addition, Instagram itself (the social network) has introduced restrictions on adding subscribers. So, per day (at the time of writing) you can add no more than 200 people at once. In real life, this is quite enough if you need to contact your friends. Moreover, as you understand, it will be somewhat difficult to engage in such activities for further income. Today's realities are such that in order to get a more serious account on this social network, you will simply need to devote more time to it. You will need to not only take high-quality and interesting photos, but also answer other users’ questions, tell them something interesting (for example, about your products), and help them figure it out. The more active you are on your page, the more popular it will become in the end.

How to use? Monetize your account

We have already noted that anyone can start own earnings on Instagram. By advertising other people's products or promoting others, you can earn income from an account on this social network without any special skills. However, after you have 100, 1000 or 5 thousand subscribers, the question arises - what to do with them? How to organize earnings on Instagram in this case? Reviews show that it is not as difficult as it might seem.

Creating a sales page

You need to set up your profile correctly. Make a “showcase” in it - present the products in the best possible way so that users are interested in learning more about them. Describe your services in more detail: present the pricing policy of your store or, if we are talking about advertising services of a special nature, indicate reviews of other users. Give your potential client the opportunity to learn the most about yourself.

We will not go into lengthy conversations about what Instagram is and why it is needed. As a starting point, we take the fact that you really need it, and you want to quickly figure out how to use Instagram on your phone. Don't stress! Everything is not as complicated as it might seem, but it is better to proceed in order so as not to waste extra time on repeated downloads and installations. So let's begin!

Installation and registration

To install something on your phone, you must first download it. Therefore we are looking for the right application in the AppStore or GooglePlay, download it and install it. There is no point in explaining how to do this, you just press the buttons according to the instructions of the gadget, and everything will be installed automatically. Finding Instagram is also not difficult - it is one of the first on the list of the most popular queries.

Next, the registration process begins. And here again there is nothing complicated. The app will ask you to enter your personal details and address Email, you will also need to come up with a password. For those who are not in the know, no verification code, notification letter, mailing or other spam will be sent to the specified “soap”, so you can safely indicate any email address. The same goes for your data. But since you will still be using Instagram, so that there is no confusion when integrating with social networks and finding friends, it makes sense to indicate normal, real data. For example, so that friends and potential clients can find you without any problems.

Let's check the steps:

  • you have downloaded and installed the application on your gadget;
  • you have provided your personal information and email address;
  • you came up with a password.

Welcome to Instagram!

You can start using the application right now. You will see a menu consisting of 5 items: “Feed”, “Camera”, “Popular”, “News”, “Profile”. Now you are interested in the “Profile” section - it is through it that you will make all the settings.


Notifications or push notifications are messages from the system about everything that happens to your account. With their help you can find out:

  • about comments or “likes” on your photos;
  • that you have been tagged in a photo;
  • a mention of you with a link to your account;
  • that your photo is posted on the “Popular” page.

In other words, you can't do without notifications, but you need to enable them first. To do this we proceed as follows:

  1. In the profile we find the gear icon - this is Personal settings your profile, that’s where we need it, click on it.
  2. A menu will open, in it you should find the “push notifications-settings” column. Let's choose it.
  3. Now all you have to do is choose who you want to receive notifications from: those you follow; from those who follow you; from all of us.

You can also turn off all notifications completely. But then you will have to learn about all the events from the “News” column on the main page of your Instagram account. They will also be displayed there, you just won’t receive a notification about it.

What is displayed in other sections of the menu:

  • “News” - here, as mentioned above, you can find out about everything that happened during Lately with your account or with the accounts of your friends;
  • “Feed” – the feed displays all the latest events, photos, videos added by users. You can view them, like and comment;
  • “Popular” – the most interesting posts appear on this page. If you use Instagram for business purposes, you should log in here several times a day, that's all.

There is no need to explain why the “Camera” section is needed, this is the main working tool of Instagram.

Integration with social networks

Why is it so important to figure out how to link Instagram to Facebook via your phone? Because it is through Facebook that you will manage your personal account and a business group, if, of course, you decide to create one. Actually, you won’t be able to do it at all without Facebook, so it’s still worth connecting.

Important: There is one more point to consider. Instagram is an application created specifically for mobile gadgets. That is, you can access it from a PC, but to do this you will have to download and install an Android emulator.

But if you link your Instagram account to the Facebook social network, using the application will become much more convenient.

How to do it:

  1. Go through your profile to “Settings”.
  2. Select "Linked Accounts".
  3. The program will display a list of all services with which you can integrate. All you have to do is select the ones you need and check the boxes next to them.

After you click the “Done” button, your Instagram account will be integrated with all selected social networks. Now all the photos you post will automatically be displayed there too.

Attention! Unfortunately, not all social networks are available in the Instagram application yet; for example, Google+ is not yet on the list. But since the creators of the application are constantly working on improving it, there is every chance that it will appear there until you learn how to use Instagram from your phone.

Adding photos

How to post a photo on Instagram from your phone - this is extremely important to master for those who run their own store, for example, and plan to regularly display latest photos of your product. We advise you to immediately get used to taking photos directly from the application. That is, first you go to Instagram, and then open the camera. Why is this better?

There are two main reasons:

  • It’s faster and easier, you don’t need to open the “gallery” and transfer the pictures you took, and besides, you can immediately apply filters to the pictures you took;
  • Instagram provides a specific 1:1 format; if you take photos directly from the application, you won’t have to crop them.

So, open the camera through the Instagram application. To take a photo, click on the bluish circle in the center below.

Now let’s look at the opposite situation: how to save photos from Instagram to your phone. No way. Everything is saved automatically. And, as mentioned above, it is transferred to all your accounts in other social networks with which you have integrated your Instagram account.

If you want to upload a photo to Instagram that you took earlier and saved on your phone, pay attention to the icon in the lower left corner of the screen when you open the camera. This is a link to a gallery of all the photos you have taken previously and decided to save on your device. Click on it, select the frames you need and transfer them to Instagram.


Filters are the very thing with which you can make your photos more attractive and beautiful. And they, by the way, are one of the main features of the application, for which everyone loves it so much. The creators of Instagram have provided two dozen filters - this is enough to make any photo taken in any lighting bright and colorful.

They are very easy to use. Immediately after you take a photo or download it from your phone’s gallery, it goes to the application’s processing page. All twenty filters are located in a ribbon at the bottom of the screen. You can simply scroll through and try them on one by one until you find the one you want, then save a beautiful photo and send it to everyone you want.

Immediately you need to talk about the “drop” at the top of the screen. This drop allows you to apply a blur effect to your photo. With its help, you can highlight one subject in the photo, sometimes this is very important. The blur can have clear square borders, slanted borders, or a circular shape. Those who are just discovering the “drop” begin to “blur” every shot. Don't overuse it, just know it's there.

There is nothing complicated about how to save a video from Instagram to your phone. Everything is similar to the actions with the photo.


  • tag the people shown in the photo;
  • add location;
  • Add hashtags to the photo description.

Find friends

It never hurts to find friends - after all, someone should look at your masterpieces and appreciate them! But this is especially important if future friends are also your potential clientele. We have already described in detail how to make as many friends as possible in separate articles. But about the quantity later, for now let’s talk about how to technically find a friend in the application.

You can search for friends on Instagram in different ways:

A little tip from experienced users: check the Popular page regularly. Here you will always find a couple of interesting accounts that you would like to add to your friends list. You can find out how many have already been added by clicking on the star in the main menu.


As mentioned above, the creators of the application are constantly improving their creation and adding new features and functions. Recently, you can perform all basic actions with your account on Insta. Therefore, follow our news and learn new features. And we told you about the main options that allow you to master Instagram from your phone.

Liya Kanarskaya

Why you need to create an Instagram account right now

You can only link your Facebook and Instagram accounts if you have admin rights on your company's Facebook page. If they are not there (or there is no brand page), then you can link them to your personal page.

To link FB and Instagram accounts, you need to select “Settings” – “Account” – “Linked accounts”:

Select Facebook and enter your login information:

You will now see the name of the page you linked your Instagram to:

You can skip these points if you have already linked your account to your company’s Facebook page at the first stage.

Afterwards you can configure a few more important parameters.

For example, disable commenting on your posts. To individual photos/videos or to all posts at once.

If anything, remember - you can always complain about spam directly in the comments:

By the way, Instagram is seriously concerned about – as Kevin Systrom (CEO and co-founder of the photo network) puts it – the “psychological comfort” of its users. This way, owners of private (closed) accounts can delete any subscribers without notice. And soon it will be possible to send anonymous messages about users who urgently need medical and psychological support. These are panic buttons for Self-Injury Posts (literally: posts of self-torture).

Stage 2. Description, link and avatar: register your account correctly

  1. Profile description.

Place in your profile description important information about your company: USP, short description nature of services. Don't fill the description with hashtags, big amount emoji (smileys). Please be aware of the 150 character limit.

To track traffic from Instagram, you can put a UTM tag at the end of the link in your profile description. But until recently, Google Analytics was not on good terms with Instagram. Traffic from the application in GA reports was attributed to the source - direct (direct traffic). However, some traffic from the application may still not be recognized by GA. This problem can be solved using a redirect.

So that the address looks like did not confuse users, we make a link like something similar) and add it to our profile. And then we set up a 301 redirect to a UTM link that will lead to our website. When a user clicks such a link in your Instagram profile, the added parameters will be sent to Google Analytics - and the corresponding data will appear in your reports. Plus, Instagram considers such links more reliable than shortened ones. Attention! Google Analytics is case sensitive: utm_source=Instagram and utm_source=instagram will appear as different traffic sources

  1. Link to your site.

If you want to make multiple links on your Instagram, use services like taplink - this one, for example, is internal application. That is, a URL like does not take you away from the social network, but can serve as an informational business card and a store. Classic content on the free plan would look something like this:

Stage 5. Pay attention to hashtags

  1. Hashtag Always must correspond to the topic of the post.
  2. Use 5 hashtags per post. Yes, the more hashtags, the wider the reach. However, 30 hashtags for one post will be placed on the screen so poorly that they can distract the subscriber from the main thing - the picture itself. Don't make your posts look like spam.
  3. Remember that the most popular hashtags in search will quickly move you down.
  4. Make a custom hashtag and experiment constantly.
  5. Mistakes are sometimes incredibly attractive. Typos can become a feature if you try hard enough. This is how the domain and name of one of the agencies in Moscow appeared, for registration and approval of advertising signs. The Reglama option delighted my customer. REGISTRATION and a deliberate mistake in the word advertising, do you understand?

Remember that not only usefulness and emasculated photos from the studio can sell, but also trash and humor:

Style will help you stand out, there will always be grateful users

Nature itself will help emphasize the mood of the brand:

Let's move on to the video. Previously videos in Instagram feed were limited to a 15-second interval, today the maximum time for a video post is 1 minute. Now we can say with confidence that posts with videos get much more reactions than photos.

And at the end of 2016, Instagram launched new feature– live video broadcasts. Live broadcasts can now be saved and shared with other users. Be sure to try working with live broadcasts: we told you how to launch them and make them watch.

But the laurels of YouTube certainly did not give rest to the developers of the social network, so Instagram in 2018 launched a new video platform IGTV, which is designed for long vertical videos.

Remember that the use of video must be justified by your brand’s digital strategy and pursue specific goals. Development, filming, and editing of video is not the cheapest expense item, so decide in advance exactly what tasks you want to solve with its help. Smart video marketing will allow you to stand out from your competitors and make your content varied and attractive.

If you don't know where to start, I've compiled it for you. best ideas brands to get inspired by:

  1. Make a social video. Social advertisement from PornHub - the best thing that could be done to draw attention to environmental issues. This is how the video service for adults outlined its position on the problem of ocean pollution.

Good afternoon friends. In this article we will talk in detail about how to use Instagram on a computer. And, what is very important, without installation special programs. There is a review article on the blog about this social network “”. If you are a beginner, be sure to read it.

It's no secret that many people, especially the older generation, do not like modern mobile phone models. And some people still can’t afford to buy an expensive device. And Instagram can only be installed on such phones. But to the delight of Internet users and lovers of communication using photos and videos, this social network has become available on computers. I personally use online service

You don’t have to download and install it on your computer, it works great online mode. Follow the link, go through a simple registration and immediately get to home page to your profile or account.

In principle, the interface is almost the same as on a phone, with slightly fewer buttons, since the computer analogue does not support some functions. But we are interested in a very important question. Is it possible to add photos and videos to Instagram while working on a computer? After all, this is exactly why we registered an account on Instagram.

It turns out it is possible. And most importantly, we can add photos and videos without connecting additional programs and services. You just need to connect a mobile device emulator. To do this, press the F12 key or the right mouse button and select the “View code” command. The developers page will appear. On the right we see the page code.

In order for the mobile phone emulator to appear on the left, you need to click the button with the image of a mobile phone. It is located above the page stake. To obtain a more accurate sample, we choose specific model mobile device by clicking on the Responsive button checkbox and updating the screen. See screenshot above. I chose the Galaxy 55 model. And after the update, the usual menu appears, almost like on a mobile phone.

You can change the scale. All functions of viewing photos, subscribing, writing comments work on a computer exactly as described in the article on the blog “. After reading this article, you will easily understand the service interface.

After we have a virtual mobile phone on the left, we click the camera icon and the boot window for your computer opens. You select the desired photo or video and click the “Open” button. You'll be asked to edit the photo or apply filters and then post the photo.

So we solved the problem of how to add photos from a computer to Instagram without using special programs. This is very important, because when uploading additional programs, there is always the possibility of downloading a virus. It is much more convenient to use the F12 key.

Moreover, after you have chosen the desired model mobile device and refreshed the page, you can disable the emulator mode and work in normal computer mode. Everything is exactly the same. And uploading a photo, and editing, and filtering, and publishing.

Editing and filtering photos

Photo editing functions when working on Instagram on a computer are limited. And it’s clear, there are a lot of programs on the computer where you can make a masterpiece out of a photograph and add the finished photo to Instagram. Editing on Instagram on a computer means removing and zooming in on the image and rotating it.

After editing, you can apply a filter. Filters are fully applied, all the main filters are there and can be used for their intended purpose. For example, you can make the image black and white.

The Moon filter is applied here.

Here I used a Reyes filter and increased the brightness. In general, you can experiment with filters; it’s difficult to give any recommendations here. The filtering function itself is available on a computer in the same way as on a phone. Study, try.


So, this article is for those who do not like to use modern mobile phones, or cannot afford them. But today everyone has a laptop or computer. This article will teach you how to use Instagram on a computer, how to add and edit photos. All other functions of working on Instagram were discussed in the article on the blog “”. For a computer, all functions are similar. Understand and master Instagram on your computer. Good luck!

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Dear Consultants!

We are pleased to inform you that we have published another training on how to work with online tools for successful business development. This training is dedicated to the now very popular application - Instagram.
It includes more than 50 slides that explain what Instagram is, how it works, and most importantly, how to use it in direct sales.

Before you begin active recruitment efforts on Instagram, you must first fill out the information in the user profile description.

You must complete your profile description as responsibly as possible, thoughtfully and carefully, because this is the first information that potential subscribers pay attention to. It should be short, clear, attractive in design, reveal the purpose of your resource, give convenient way for contact. The presence of a variety of icons from the Emoji keyboard character set provides ample opportunities for attractive and original design of profile information, which is mainly filled in in the “About Me” field.

It is important to note that an active link to an Internet resource, for example, a website address, can be placed only in one copy in the “Website” section. It is worth indicating a variety of ways to contact you that would be convenient and common among your potential audience. As you can see from the examples on the slide, the most commonly used types of contacts are: website address or page on a social network, WhatsApp number, Skype login. If a page on social networks or a website is used as a contact resource, then their quality and content of information largely determines whether your subscribers will decide to continue communicating with you personally or not. In the case of the site, we can this issue Statistics can be very helpful, from which we can see the number of visitors to the site, correlate it with the number of further contacts or registrations, and draw appropriate conclusions, for example, improving the site if the proportion of contacts is low.

Many, in order not to turn Instagram into a place for correspondence, but to immediately transfer potential partners to a more convenient and universal service for correspondence, for example, WhatsApp, specifically emphasize in the description that communication through Direct (messaging section on Instagram) – undesirable.

main idea– passive recruiting through a personal brand created and constantly maintained using Instagram network tools

The goal of such a profile is to create interest in your subscriber in you, in your image and lifestyle, and, as a result, in what allows you to afford such a varied, attractive and vibrant lifestyle.

Also, periodically (but not often, no more than 1-2 times a week), it is necessary to inform or remind your audience about the attractiveness and benefits of your offer, limited-time promotions, inform about ways to contact your audience and your willingness to share information with each of your subscriber. This can be done both in the text of the message to the uploaded photo, and “embedded” in the images or profile description.

main idea:

  • – formation of the necessary target audience in the form of subscribers to a created and developed group with a topic close to the product or service being promoted
  • — constant replenishment of the number of group subscribers different ways– subscription in “manual mode”, advertising, mutual PR with other groups, etc.
  • — regular posting of “recruiting” posts in the group
  • — work with responses – recruitment and activation

Creating, maintaining and developing your own thematic group on Instagram is a more complex and time-consuming process than maintaining a “personal brand page.” However, using this type of page has a number of unique advantages:

  • — the opportunity to establish personal contact and gain trust from potential partners;
  • — natural formation of the target audience;
  • - absence of widely used, repulsive signs and “stimulant words”: business via the Internet, work 2-3 hours a day etc.
  • — the potential for natural viral spread of information and growth in the number of group subscribers
  • - low probability of account blocking

The main difference between Instagram is that people come here exclusively for eye-catching content, while other social networks serve several purposes: communication, entertainment, obtaining information (for example, asking friends for advice on which frying pan to buy as a gift). That's why to promote a group you have to do anything but give the user that delicious picture. There are several tools to help you.


  • Idea
  • Content plan
  • The target audience

2. Content

  • Photo
  • Video

3. Additional tools

  • Hash-tags
  • Geo-tagging
  • Cross posting


Before registering your group's Instagram account, you need to understand what your “thing” might be. If you plan to post photos of your product from different angles, you won't do anything about it. at this stage it is necessary to formulate a clear strategy for the development of the group. Let's consider its main components.

Look at successful brand accounts or just Instagram bloggers with many thousands of followers, who may not be famous people. Each of them has some kind of idea. You must provide truly interesting content, or at the very least useful, without straying too far from your brand.

#Content plan

Content - (from Englishcontent- content) is absolutely any informationally significant or meaningful content of an information resource or website. Content refers to texts, multimedia, and graphics.

Content plan – planfilling your resource with content

If you decide to create and maintain a group on Instagram, then be prepared for the fact that this resource is used daily( 1-2 posts, no more) requires you to post relevant, original, interesting and useful content to your target audience. To ensure that you don’t wake up every day with the thought: “What else should I post so interesting in the group today?”, it is recommended to draw up a content plan (at least a week in advance) and prepare content in advance (take photos or videos, select images on the Internet , write and search for texts, etc.). Also, for convenience, you can use the “deferred posting” or “auto-posting” services, which will allow you to create and upload all planned posts in advance, set the dates and times for posting posts, and for this period “forget” about maintaining the group, because the service will do it for you

Here are some examples of auto-posting services:


# Targetaudience

It is important to reach your audience so that your content is interesting and useful to them - this rule applies to all social media marketing, and it also applies to Instagram. As with any social network, the effectiveness of your active or passive recruiting is primarily affected by the size of your regular audience, or the number of subscribers. At the same time, of course, it is also extremely important how targeted your audience of subscribers will be, because... The closer your audience is to your values, interests and needs, the greater the percentage of response to your offer you will ultimately receive.


There are two types of content on Instagram: photos and videos. The ability to shoot videos appeared not so long ago; the timing of videos is limited to 60 seconds.


We have already talked about the uniqueness of your content as a defining characteristic of successful promotion on Instagram. So this is actually very important: the content must be truly original. If you take any existing pictures, at least they should not be hackneyed. Here, various photo banks, of which there are a great many on the Internet, can help you.


It is often useful, in addition to hashtags, to add a description to each photo (some kind of brief explanation, question or comment). The main thing is not to confuse Instagram with Facebook and do not write long posts. A couple of sentences is enough. But remember: users prefer to like rather than comment. The like-to-comment ratio is around 33:1, so don't expect much discussion.

# Photo content

It can be interesting to everyone or narrowly themed, useful or purely entertaining. One thing is important without a doubt - it must be of high quality both in meaning and in the quality of photographs. Many people create content for Instagram exclusively using their smartphone camera. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but your branded account should not have any blurry pictures, pixelation and other pleasures of a pseudo-photographer. Use different options - still lifes, collages, portraits - whatever

may attract attention. Don’t limit yourself to photographing your products, think a little broader.

Remember to use filters within reasonable limits: filters are what users love so much in this application, but we have already said how important it is to speak to the audience in their language. But don't go overboard with them: filter filter stacked on top of filter will create a terrible impression. Don't be afraid to experiment with content format. So, against the background of a standard square crop, an image that has retained its original proportions will always be attractive.

# Video content

After increasing the maximum length of Instagram videos to 60 seconds, opportunities for use of this type content has grown significantly. At this time, you can put together a condensed presentation of a business idea, talk about a new product, demonstrate a product in use, collect a clip of your Wellness training or meeting with partners, make a dynamic slide show from photos of your trip, or record a fragment of a colorful event. Regularly “dilute” your photo content with high-quality, attractive videos - this will add variety to your group and interest among subscribers. Modern software capabilities for video processing do not stand still, and in modern realities directly on mobile device processing, editing, adding effects, etc. is possible. using programs such as:

Magistovideo editor

Splice– video editor and clip app


Adobe Premiere Clip

Also possible non-standard methods presenting information about your offer, for example, like this one - the image is divided into 9 squares and loaded sequentially, forming a single large image.

Obviously, this form of presentation can attract more user attention. All that remains is to choose the right picture-message, audience and profile design.

“Following” - subscribing to the publications of other users in order to reciprocally subscribe to your publications

Naturally gaining followers on Instagram - live communication

This is a free, most natural, most reliable, but also the most difficult and time-consuming way to increase the number of your subscribers. It consists in the fact that you yourself will need to find your target audience on Instagram, log into their accounts, like photos, leave comments and subscribe to them.

When you follow someone, the person pays attention to you, goes to your account and follows back. Out of politeness or because he really liked you.

The main way to find people is search by tags(or hashtags).

To do this you need:

  • go to the “Search” tab (the “magnifying glass” icon at the bottom of the panel)
  • select the “Tags” section (the same as tags)
  • Be sure to start entering the search word with “hash” - #
  • the hashtag search result will be displayed primarily in descending order of the number of publications for hashtags containing the search word

  • inside the publication, click on the number showing the number of “likes” and go to the list of users who “liked” this publication

  • select from the list a hashtag that interests us and is close to your target audience, for example, #baking
  • Among the list of publications for this hashtag, select a publication (preferably one of the latest) and go to it;
  • inside the publication, click on the number showing the number of “likes” and go to the list of users who “liked” this publication
  • “walk” through the list of users and either simply subscribe to them, or go to their profile, like their publications and/or add comments to their publications, and/or then click on “Subscribe”
  • In this way, we draw attention to ourselves, and potential subscribers get acquainted with our account and offer by going to an external resource using the link in the description or contacting directly

There are several nuances that give away cheating subscribers and “dead” accounts. One indicator is when the number in the right column (the number of people YOU follow) is much higher than the number in the middle column (the number of people who follow YOU).

If a person comes in and sees that you are only subscribed to 3 people, but 5000 are subscribed to you, you immediately seem very interesting to him! And it is psychologically much easier for a new user to click on “subscribe”, because he sees that 5000 people have already done this (k=1000)

What now, don’t subscribe to anyone?

No! Sign!

But then sometimes unsubscribe :)

Not in five minutes, but in a few days, clean your feed and make sure that the ratio of follows to subscribers does not go beyond the realistic.

Another very popular and effective way to attract attention to your account is to post a variety of relevant comments on other users’ posts.

IN this method, as elsewhere, there are recommendations that will improve the efficiency of this type of online prospecting:

  • first you need to select popular users - “stars” in the comments to whose posts you will subsequently post your comments and subscribe to them in order to see their new publications in your “feed” under which comments will be posted;
  • It is not recommended to post comments on publications of “stars” who have too many followers, because the high rate of appearance of new comments will quickly push your comment back and it will receive few views;