How to add a page to Yandex visual bookmarks. Adding visual bookmarks in different browsers. Visual bookmarks FVD Speed ​​Dial

The browser is one of the important programs in any operating system after antivirus program. Ease of use, easy accessibility of your favorite and frequently visited sites in one click are important details when working at a computer. Such accessibility and simplicity are provided by tiles of saved sites pinned in the browser. But in different browsers, the methods for installing and pinning bookmarks are slightly different.

Step-by-step instructions compiled for each browser separately, including methods for pinning bookmarks in the browser and recommendations for each of them, will help the user navigate the browser and learn how to easily and quickly save the necessary pages.

How to add visual bookmarks to your favorite sites in Google

In new Google versions Chrome is missing a feature called "Pin Visual Bookmarks". Therefore, many users do not know how to add visual bookmarks.

When you open a new tab, a quick access window appears on the monitor screen, in which there are eight tiles with snapshots of frequently visited sites displayed in them. This panel is dynamic and constantly changes as you visit different pages. Sites displayed in tiles cannot be pinned or moved in a standard way. You can only delete it. However, the browser has the ability to create a bar with visual bookmarks using extensions.

Installing extensions

If you don't know how to bookmark visual bookmarks, please follow carefully step by step instructions, which will offer you some pretty interesting ways.

First of all, you need to get to the Google Chrome store. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu, then "Additional tools" and "Extensions". At the end of the page, click on the “More extensions” link. So, you will be taken to the Google Chrome extension store, which, by the way, only has a huge number of extensions, applications and various themes not only from Google, but also from third-party developers.
  2. Can be opened new tab and in the address bar write the request “ Google Store Chrome". In the search results, follow the first link.

Shop Google Chrome very large, it contains thousands of a wide variety of themes, mini-applications, browser extensions, so to make the process easier, it is recommended to use the search function. In the right block of the page there is search string, in which you need to enter a search query for the “Visual Bookmarks” application, and then press the enter key.

In the list for the query “How to add bookmarks to visual bookmarks,” quite a few different proposals for working with visual bookmarks will appear. One of the most interesting is the free Speed ​​Dial extension.

Speed ​​Dial extension - speed dialing function

When you click on the name of the extension, the installation page will open with brief information and a link to the developer’s website. It is advisable to go to the official website for a detailed study of this extension, set of functions and capabilities. You can also find forums and discussions on the Internet dedicated to this extension, where users share their impressions.

  • Click “Install” and wait for the software compatibility check to complete.
  • After installation, in the settings window, select the style of visual bookmarks - 3D Style or Regular.

Visual bookmarks to suit your taste

Before adding visual bookmarks to Chrome, go to the settings menu and configure the Speed ​​Dial to your liking.

This is only a small part of the settings that this extension offers.

Quick Access Toolbar Settings in Mozilla Firefox

Browser Mozilla Firefox has a very flexible structure of settings and various modifications thanks to a wide variety of extensions. One such extension is the Visual Bookmarks add-on.

How to add a visual bookmark in Mozilla? You can install one of the browser add-ons by clicking on the menu button in the upper right corner and selecting “Add-ons”. In the search bar we write: “Visual bookmarks” and press the enter key. From the proposed list, select the extension you like for visual bookmarks in the browser. By clicking on the “More details” button you can find out Additional information about the extension you are interested in.

Visual bookmarks online

Knowing how to add a visual bookmark in Chrome, the same operation can be performed in the application Mozilla browser Firefox called "Visual Bookmarks Online".

"Yandex.Browser" - built-in browser functions

Now let's move on to how to add a visual bookmark in Yandex. By default, the Yandex browser opens a “Tableboard” with frequently visited sites. They look the same as in other browsers - like a quick access panel. But unlike, for example, Google Chrome, here you can pin pages and sites as visual bookmarks. Maximum amount There can be up to 20 tabs.

Tabs can also be dragged and rearranged, pinned to the “Scoreboard” by clicking on the “lock” (a closed “lock” icon indicates that the site is pinned). If you click on the “settings gear” in the upper right corner of each tab, you can change it to any other: just enter the corresponding site address in the line, and also give a description for it.

By clicking on the newly added bookmark, you will be automatically redirected to the saved site.

Add-ons for visual bookmarks in Yandex.Browser

Yandex.Browser supports the installation of extensions for visual bookmarks, which can be found and installed from the extensions directory for Yandex.Browser.

Go to the “Menu”, in the window that opens - “Add-ons”, scroll to the link “Catalog of add-ons for Yandex.Browser” to learn more about the information about extensions.

We look for a suitable addition in the catalog or use the search in which we write “Visual bookmarks”. The search will return a fairly impressive list of applications and add-ons that match the request. Which one to choose is up to you. By clicking on the extension, you can read a description of how to add bookmarks to visual bookmarks, as well as user reviews at the end of the description.

Extension for pinning and working with Motix visual bookmarks

Using the extension as an example, we will install this web application.

To work with the mini-application, you must be logged in before adding bookmarks to your visual bookmarks.

The Internet is where you can get free information. Text, pictures, video, music. To do this, you first need to open special program and in it go to some site. There are different programs: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex, or some other.

We just open the icon that we use for the Internet, and the program starts. Through it we get to the sites. By the way, this program is correctly called browser.

If we need to find some information on the network, we print a request and receive it. Now you don’t even need to open a search engine website to do this - you just need to enter a query in the top line of your browser.

But it often happens that we found some interesting site that we would like to return to later. Doing it the same way (via a query) is not very convenient, and the search results may change. In order to quickly open the necessary sites, any browser has such a thing as bookmarks.

Bookmarks are a special place in the browser where you can record information found on the Internet (website, website page). Then, to open it again, you just need to go to your bookmarks and select it from the list.

Moreover, you can not only record pages, but also sort them. For example, I found some interesting recipes. You can create a separate folder called “Recipes” and put these pages in it. And put your favorite sites on other topics into another folder.

How to add a bookmark

Important: the page you want to add a bookmark to must be open!

It is on it that all these actions need to be performed.

Google Chrome

Click on the star at the end of the address bar (top right).

A small window opens. At the top of it is written the name that Google Chrome is going to give to the page. Often it is too long. But you can change it - just print something else.

Just below in the window the program offers a place in the browser to save the page. This could be the “Bookmarks Bar”, the “Other Bookmarks” folder, or another folder that you created yourself.

"Bookmarks Bar" is the top part of Chrome, and "Other Bookmarks" is separate folder at the end of this panel.

And if you want to create new folder on the panel, then select “Select another folder...” in the list.

You can delete a bookmark from the panel or from a folder by right-clicking on it and selecting “Delete”.

You can manage pages added to the browser in another way: - Bookmarks

Internet Explorer

IN Internet browser Explorer bookmarks are called "Favorites". And when people add a site they like there, they say: “I added the site to Favorites.”

To do this, click on the star image in the upper right part of the program.

A window will open, inside which the already added pages and folders for them will be shown. Just above there is a button for adding to Favorites. It’s called “Add to Favorites”.

After clicking on it, a new small window will open in the center of the browser. In it you can change the name for the page, or you can leave it as it is. The folder where the bookmark will be sent is also indicated. You can choose one from the list, or you can create your own.

You need to look for added bookmarks under the asterisk through which we created them.

Mozilla Firefox

You can add a bookmark in Mozilla Firefox by clicking on the small star button at the top right of the browser.

The page is immediately placed in a special place next to the asterisk. This is the icon you need to click to open it.

True, the bookmark can be difficult to find, since the added pages end up in one folder, then in another. But you can put them in order by clicking on “Show all bookmarks”.


IN Opera browser To add a site to your bookmarks, you need to click on the heart at the end of the address bar.

The page is added immediately, you don’t need to click anything additional. But by default it is written to a place called “Unsorted Bookmarks”.

And to find it, you need to open a new tab (Express panel) and click on the heart at the bottom.

The added pages will open. They can be sorted in every possible way. There are a bunch of folders on the left side for this. You can also drag a page into the Express panel. Then you will not need to additionally go into the “heart” - the bookmark will be added to home page browser.

By the way, when adding a site to bookmarks, you could immediately indicate where it should be added - in the Express panel or in some folder. To do this, simply select the desired location from the list.

Or you can generally work with bookmarks in a different way: - Bookmarks (fourth item from the top).


IN Yandex browser, as in Chrome, at the end of the address bar there is a special asterisk for adding a site to bookmarks. Clicked and the page was immediately added. You can change its name and select a folder if necessary.

Then, to open the recorded page, you need to click on the small button with horizontal arrows at the top right and select “Bookmarks” from the list.

There you can also enable the display of added pages at the top of the browser by clicking on “Show bookmarks bar”. Then at the top of the program, right below the address bar, all the added pages will be located.

Here you can also manage them - delete, create folders, drag and drop them where necessary.

The bookmarks bar is a fairly convenient tool that is used by almost all modern users today. This service creates the opportunity to independently select for yourself several main tabs that are visited most often in order to subsequently access them by clicking the mouse button. It is worth noting that in some cases the bookmarks bar is necessary for the convenience of opening not the most visited sites, if it is difficult to manually enter them in the address bar or search through search engines. Thus, it is up to the user to determine how best to use the tool.

What is she?

The bookmarks bar is a specialized browser application designed to make it easier to surf websites. After installing it, every time you open a new bookmark (click on the “+” button and the like), instead of a simple white sheet, a table opens with various sites so that, if necessary, you can simply click on one of them. The bookmarks bar is configured independently by the user, that is, he himself determines which sites will be present in this table.

In addition, in the vast majority of cases, the panel also has a search engine assigned to it, so that if necessary, you do not have to go to the search engine’s website, but can directly set the query you need in the bookmark.

How are they different?

The first difference is, of course, functionality. Thus, some bookmarks provide the ability to change the number of cells, while others do not. The same applies to background image, which is sometimes selected from a specific set, and in others a loaded image can be used.

Some panels provide the ability to save a backup when you record the layout of this panel on a specially designated server or your computer and can later restore it if necessary.

Since in the vast majority of cases the most common bookmark bars are those from the search engines themselves, another difference is which of them will be responsible for processing your quick queries.

Yandex and

The Yandex bookmarks bar, as well as, are among the most common today, and this is not at all surprising, because these are the most popular companies in the Internet sphere.

The advantage of Yandex is that it allows you to post enough a large number of a wide variety of bookmarks and at the same time customize the panel format as you consider most convenient and comfortable (3x4, 5x3, etc.). Also mostly by herself search system Yandex works more efficiently compared to

If we talk about what advantages the panel from Mail has, it is worth noting that it provides, in addition to the bookmarks themselves, a full package of services from this company, which for the most part are useful. In other words, you can immediately find out the weather, latest news, etc. here.

How to add?

If you don't yet know how to add a bookmark to the bookmarks bar, it's quite easy to do. The algorithm of actions may vary slightly, but in the vast majority of cases it is the same:

  • click on an empty cell;
  • enter the website address we are interested in;
  • enter the name of this tab (often if the name is not specified, simply enter the name of the site itself or its address);
  • click “Ok”.

This way, all the bookmarks you need are added.

You can make a bookmark in Yandex browser desired page, you can import bookmarks from other browsers and there are visual page bookmarks that you can delete and add new ones.

Create a bookmark

To bookmark a page in the Yandex browser, you need to click the asterisk in the address bar, which is located on the right side.

Creating a new tab in Yandex browser

A small window will appear. In this window, you can change the name of the page in the “Name” line; this name will be displayed in your page bookmarks. In the “Folder” line, you need to indicate where the page bookmark will be displayed, for example on the bookmarks bar, or select to create a folder that will also be located on the bookmarks bar and then the bookmark will be located in this folder. By clicking on the “Done” button, the page bookmark will immediately appear in the specified location. If the bookmarks bar is not displayed in the Yandex browser, then you need to go to the browser settings.

Show the bookmarks bar in Yandex browser

In the settings you need to find the item “Show bookmarks bar” and put a dot next to the line “Always”, the bookmarks bar will immediately appear where the Yandex browser bookmarks are located.

Creating a visual bookmark

Visual bookmarks are already installed in new versions of the Yandex browser, and if visual bookmarks are missing, then the Yandex browser needs to be updated. To add a bookmark to a visual bookmark, click on “Add”.

Adding a visual page bookmark

In the line that appears, enter the address of the pages and press Enter.

Enter the page address

A new visual bookmark will appear immediately.

Removing a visual bookmark in Yandex browser

To delete a visual bookmark, you need to hover the mouse over the bookmark and press the right button, select “Delete”.

Importing bookmarks from other browsers

You can also import bookmarks into Yandex browser from other browsers.

Importing bookmarks

To do this, click the Yandex browser settings button and in context menu First, select “Bookmarks”; a new menu will open in which we select “Import bookmarks”.

Selecting a browser to import bookmarks

A window will open in which we select from the drop-down list desired browser and click the “Import” button. The bookmarks will be transferred to the Yandex browser and the “Finish” button and a message about successful completion will appear.

Finish importing bookmarks

By clicking on the “Finish” button, all imported tabs will be located on the bookmarks panel in the “Bookmarks” folder (the name of the browser from which the bookmarks were imported).

Hello, dear friends! I guess you have had to open the same website on the Internet regularly. And in order not to waste time and not constantly search for it through the search bar, you need to add it to a specific list of your installed web browser. Therefore, in this article, let us learn some of the basics of working with bookmarks in the Yandex browser. And, in order not to throw too much water, let’s immediately move on to practice.

How to save a bookmark in Yandex browser on Windows

Open your favorite site that you want to add to the list. On the right side, in the upper corner, in the address bar, find the asterisk and click on it. It was gray in color, and after pressing it should turn yellow. This means that we have successfully added this site:

All that remains is to correct the site name and click on the “Finish” button:

Bookmarks bar

And so, we’ve learned how to add sites to the list of favorites, now let’s display the panel on which they will be located. Click on the menu button in the upper right corner and select “Settings” from the drop-down list:

After this, the settings page will open. Find the line “Show bookmarks bar”, set the switch to the “Always” position and then check the box next to the “Show icons” item:

The required line appears at the top. In order to see all of them in full, just click on the arrow in the corner of the panel:

To remove it from the Yandex browser, right-click on it and select “Delete”:

Bookmark Manager

In the same way, you can delete or sort them into folders in the manager window. In order to get into it, click on the already familiar settings button and select the “Bookmarks” item:

How to add a visual bookmark to a scoreboard

In addition to the usual ones, there are also visual ones in the Yandex browser. We can observe them when opening a new browser tab. In fact, by default, their set on the scoreboard is formed by tracking the sites you most visit. But we can customize this board at our discretion and increase the number of bookmarks in Yandex browser.

To do this, click on the “Add” button at the bottom of the board:

At the next stage, enter the address of the desired site and click on the “Finish” button:

How to add a bookmark on your phone or tablet

There is nothing complicated here. Launch the browser and open your favorite website. After that, click on the menu button in the form of three dots in the upper right corner and select “Add to bookmarks” from the drop-down menu:

After that, correct the name and click on the “Save” button: