How to transfer a song from Android. How to transfer music via Bluetooth to Android. Data transfer instructions

If you have a feature like Bluetooth on your phone or tablet, but you have no idea what it is or how to use it, then you've come to the right place. After reading the article to the end, you will finally be able to turn on Bluetooth yourself and transfer a song or video to someone you know.
The first thing you need to do is turn on Bluetooth on your device and on the device where you want to transfer required document or music.

If you are using a tablet, then you need to go to its settings and turn Bluetooth to “on” (enabled). On the device where you plan to transfer information, you need to do the same. After this, you can start selecting the desired file to send. If this is a regular document or music, you can do this through the file manager. You can send a photo or video by going to the gallery. For example, if you need to send a photo, you go to the gallery where all the photos on your tablet are displayed and select the one you need. Next, you should call up the action menu, in which select the “Bluetooth” command.

After this, a window will appear in front of you, where you will search for all available devices within range that also have this function enabled. For example, you have found a Nokia 5530 phone. Next, select it and wait until the desired photo is transferred. As soon as the file transfer is completed, you will receive a corresponding message that will appear in the notification shade.

In fact, that's all. However, sometimes unexpected difficulties arise; more on them below.

Possible problems when transferring files via bluetooth on a tablet

You may see the message “The transfer device cannot be found.” To fix it, you first need to go to the settings on your tablet and see if your device is visible to other devices.

If you see “Not visible to other Bluetooth devices” on the screen, then click on this message once. Now your tablet will be visible to other devices. The same procedure must be done on the device where you are going to transfer.

You will then see it in the list of possible recipients for your file.

There is another issue that may prevent the file from being transferred. In this case, the device cannot accept a certain file type. To fix the problem, you need to go to the menu and select “accept all file types.” The same operation must be performed on the second device. After this you will be able to transfer.

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Don’t despair if you need to send a melody or photo to a friend, but there is no Internet, since in Android you can still transfer data via Bluetooth.

Contrary to popular belief that Bluetooth is a thing of the past and does not work on Androids, it is quite functional on both smartphones and tablets. Except that the transmission method is slightly different from what everyone used before the advent of smartphones.

What is needed to transfer data via Bluetooth in Android? Two devices that support the Bluetooth function and at least one user who is able to find and use this function in the devices.

Data transfer instructions

  1. Enable Bluetooth on both devices involved in data transfer.
  2. On the sending one, find the file that needs to be transferred.
  3. Using the dialog button, select “Transfer” or “Send”.
  4. From the suggested sending methods, select “Bluetooth”. If Bluetooth was not previously turned on, this can be done now at the request of the system.
  5. Now a list of devices that the phone has “found” appears.
  6. Select the smartphone or tablet to which you want to transfer data.
  7. After both Android gadgets have seen each other and docked, the sent information will be reflected on the device receiving the information.

Possible problems

What problems might arise?
  • As funny as it may seem, it is a very common situation when user brains are buggy. Fingers poke at buttons this way and that, and bluetooth module I just forgot to turn it on. So first of all, you should check your problem for such a simple error.
  • Check if pairing is successful on both devices. If it doesn’t work, you can assume that Bluetooth itself is faulty.
  • Test Bluetooth by transferring data to any other device.
  • If the device is old, then perhaps the problem is that Bluetooth only recognizes multimedia files (pictures, music, videos). In this case, you can use other programs for data transfer (Bluex or Bluetooth File Transfer).
So, if desired and necessary, you can transfer any data via Bluetooth and do not depend on the presence of an Internet connection.

Unlike the expensive iPhone with its iOS or Windows Phone - on Android still have it ability to send and receive files via Bluetooth, and not use them only for the headset, as is implemented in ios and wph.

However, many still do not know how to properly turn on Bluetooth so that other Android devices can find you, and how to send files. Now we will try to tell you.

How to transfer a file via Bluetooth on Android

For example, I want to transfer music or a document like a game to a person. And if in Moscow I would do this via the Internet, since it is available to 99% of residents, then in the provinces it will be easier for me to use technology Bluetooth .

To transfer a file via Bluetooth, you need to open a file manager. In the instructions on how to copy files, I wrote that Android usually a priori does not have its own file manager, but manufacturers often include it as such in their firmware.

You should go to the required file in FM, and then it all depends on the manager - in some you will need to make a long click to open the menu, and in others you will need to press once.

In the menu, you will need to click on Send -> Bluetooth. Next, search for devices and transfer to the desired one.

How to receive files via Bluetooth on Android

First, you need to unlock your device. Next, go to Settings->Bluetooth. There, drag the slider to ON, and check the box that makes your device visible for 120 seconds.

After that, confirm receipt and monitor the transfer process in the notification panel.

Transferring multimedia files via Bluetooth is not amazingly fast, but continues to be a fairly popular method that many users resort to mobile devices with Android OS. Let's see how you can transfer music via Bluetooth from Android to another phone or tablet.

Transferring files

To receive a song, you must turn on Bluetooth. You can do this in two ways:

  • Open settings and move the switch to the “On” position;
  • Lower the shade and click on the Bluetooth icon.

The module does not turn on immediately, so wait a few seconds before sending the file. Make sure other devices can detect you. For this:

The receiving equipment is configured, now pick up the smartphone or tablet from which you want to send music.

After turn on bluetooth start searching for available devices. The sending phone will detect the receiving device on which you previously activated the module wireless communication. Select it to start the file transfer. A window will appear on the receiving device notifying you that a file has been sent from another phone. Click "Accept" to save it to memory.

The duration of the transfer procedure depends on the file size. The transmitting and receiving devices must be in close proximity (preferably no more than 10 meters) for pairing to be established without problems.

If a song refuses to transfer, then the first thing you need to do is determine which device the problem is on. Bluetooth does not have any special settings. But if you have custom firmware on your smartphone or tablet (that is, an unofficial build of Android), then it may well have errors that interfere with the normal operation of the module. If the standard data client does not work, install from Google Play one of the applications for sending files via Bluetooth.
But before you add third-party apps, try the following steps.

Although operating systems such as iOS and Windows Phone, use the long-known Bluetooth technology exclusively for connecting gadgets, owners of devices based on operating system from Google still have the ability to transfer files. Let's talk today about how to send music via Bluetooth on Android.

How it works

Using Bluetooth, you can send documents, photos, videos, audio and other types of data. Sending data can be done in two ways: standard and using third party applications. Must be enabled on devices wireless connection and make their pairing, and then make an exchange. We'll look at exactly how to do this below.

We use the standard method

Most often you have to send media, namely audio files and images. Let's take a closer look at how to transfer music from Android to Android via Bluetooth.

Since it is not always convenient to install a new application for data exchange, let's look at how to transfer music via Bluetooth to Android standard method.

Turn on wireless module gadget that will receive the track:

Actions on the smartphone from which we will transmit the track:

That's how quickly and easily we figured out how to send audio using Bluetooth on Android.