How to install themeforest theme on wordpress. How to install a theme on WordPress. Installing a WordPress theme from the blog admin area

How to install a theme in WordPress. In today's article I will talk about installing a theme on your WordPress site. I recommend that you read the following article before starting.

If you have already read it, then you have everything " OK". Based on this, I can guess)). That you have already looked at the theme template for your project. Then let's proceed directly to the instructions themselves.

The content of the article:

How to install a theme in WordPress through the site admin panel

As always, log into the admin panel, then look for the tab on the left side of the working window "Appearance". Click on it and see the corresponding window with parameters:

This window is responsible for displaying installed themes in your WordPress installation. As you can see, after installing the engine. It already has several templates installed by default. Let's take a closer look at this window:

  1. The Themes section is located under the Appearance tab. For example, if you go to another section of this tab. Then to return to the “Themes” window, you do not need to click on “Appearance”. Just click on “Themes” and a window will open.
  2. As you can see, three arrows point to three topics. These are the default themes.
  3. The theme search bar is only responsible for searching for already installed themes on your site. This is convenient when you have a huge number of templates. Although it is unlikely that anyone will install so much.
  4. The “Add New” button and window are responsible for going to the search window and installing new theme templates. Click this button to the next window.

Search and selection of theme templates for CMS WordPress in the admin panel

Let's look at it in more detail:

  1. As in the article, the “Load Theme” button is responsible for manual loading topic archive. To do this, the archive with the template must first be downloaded to your PC. Then you need to click on the button and go to the window for selecting the directory with the archive. Next, click the download button. The theme template will automatically download and install.
  2. The menu tabs of this window help the user in selecting the required theme template. Eg: Favorites - topics you prefer. Popular — Topics that are downloaded more often and Fresh new topics. And also l beloved— topics you viewed most often.
  3. “Features filter” is a very convenient thing; this filter helps to filter out unnecessary topics. Click on this tab! In the window that opens, check the boxes for the parameters that you need. Next, apply the parameters and the search will present you with relevant theme options. For example: if you need a template with (three columns, header settings), then simply check the appropriate boxes. And the search will show options that match your request.
  4. Theme template search bar. As with plugins, I recommend entering the theme name clearly. And of course match the language input. Otherwise, the search will not show you anything.
  5. This is an example of what the theme installed on your engine looks like in search.
  6. And this is what the theme template that I want to install on the site looks like. Click on the theme image to go to the details view window.

A window with a description of the installed theme for its activation

Let's go over it:

  1. "Description"— on the left side, there is a description with tags and other information. And on the right side, there is a visual representation of this theme template. You can click on the tabs in this window to view a display of all elements of the highlighted topic.
  2. Navigation arrows (forward and backward) - to view other options.
  3. “Install” button - if you like the theme, then don’t hesitate and click. After clicking you will see the following picture:

When the template installation is complete, you will be taken back to the installed themes and see the following window. It shows the active template and our installed theme. We will find out how to activate the theme further!)

Activating an installed theme in the site admin area

Your next action will be to click on established theme. The window shown above will open in front of you. Let's not hesitate and take a quick look at it:

  1. All the arrows that you see under this number are responsible for the details of the template. These include a description, tags for it, and a jump button to visually browse the topic.
  2. Well, this is just the “Activate” button. If you are sure that the topic really suits you. So feel free to press the button. Next you should see the following picture:

Congratulations on your installation new topic!!!


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in installing theme templates on the WordPress engine. The image above shows where you can click on the link and see what your new theme looks like on the site. Or click on the “Customize” button to go directly to the window with template parameters. In any case, I recommend looking around more carefully, and don’t rush with the settings. Look at how the theme looks on the site itself, maybe you won’t like it. I'm done for today! This is the third article today, my eyes are tired, my butt hurts, my fingers are like a rake))) Thank you for your attention! I hope that my articles are helpful and interesting to you. I wish you success in finding a cool design).

  • Read articles on this topic:

Greetings, dear readers of the blog site. In this article I will show you how to install a theme, or as it is also called a template based on the WordPress engine four different ways, to your taste and I will also introduce you to its structure itself in case you want to correct anything in the files of your site in the future.

Let's start with the fact that choosing a theme is a very important event at the initial stage, because the theme (template) should not only correspond to your theme, but also not be too variegated, colorful and crooked. I recommend that you choose a design theme mainly one in which the color structure is very harmonious. That is, the background of the publication itself should be white and the text black. But to be honest, this is not that important if you know at least the basics or have ever tinkered with templates like me ^_^.

If you have had such experience, then it will not be difficult for you to correct the color component in the WordPress theme template , which you liked. So I'm getting distracted, let's continue... In addition to all this, you need to take into account not only the style of the theme, but also its structure, which may be too confusing for a novice webmaster. Basically, they are all similar in design and differ only in the location of the sidebars (columns), which are most often located on the left or right, or on both sides at the same time. By the way, there are also themes that have two sidebars on one side, like, for example, Mikhail Shakin.

There are also topics with and without spoilers. This is a slider that shows publications or just pictures, scrolling through them under the menu. Ok, let's assume that you have already found the theme that you like, if not, just type into Yandex: download translated themes (templates) for WordPress. I recommend downloading from those sites that allow you to preview what the theme looks like in full size. Also, when choosing a topic, consider its translation into Russian. In this case, it will be much easier for you to understand the structure of your site and the ability to change various elements in it.

By the way, I completely forgot to tell you something. Here's a gift from me, a selection good topics(templates) that were prepared by me for my projects. You can download them. The themes are quite beautiful and of high quality, since I once spent three whole days searching for them. By the way, I once had a rather funny story with these templates.

I collected them a long time ago and put them in drive C to the service folders. Since then, I have been denied access to them, despite the fact that I read a mountain of articles on how to remove this bug (error), none of this helped. And now the time has come to write an article on installing a theme (template) on WordPress, and it would be a great sin on my part not to win back these templates from my insidious computer, which appropriated them for itself for six months. Here's the story.

So, once you download the template you need, first check it with any antivirus program on your computer just in case, then unpack the archive, one folder should appear with the name of the theme. If there are any other files, I recommend deleting them, since they often contain . If you open such a file through any html editor, then at the very end you can see a very strange code a whole kilometer long, and it is located on only one line. This is the virus.

Ok, now open your theme folder, there should be only the following files: header.php, sidebar.php, footer.php, index.php, comments.php, functions.php, page.php, single.php, archive. php, searchform.php, search.php, 404.php style.css, as well as folders with design images. If there are other auxiliary files, such as, for example, fgrs.php, serc.php, etc., then it is better to abandon this topic for two very serious reasons.

Most often, such topics are crooked and very difficult to understand, since what should have been in one file was shoved into another. All this creates confusion, which makes it very difficult later to fix those parts of the site that you don’t like or don’t need. Such files, by the way, are not easy to create. When translating a template into Russian, the programmer inserts a link, most often in the footer.php file (bottom of the blog) to his site in encoded form, when removed, the entire site stops working.

This is due to the fact that this code is associated with those left files that contain an important function for the blog, which will not work without finding this link. All this was done so that the webmaster could not even remove the link without breaking the entire site. Of course, this is not always the case and there are auxiliary files, but often they are not needed at all. So, let's get started with the installation.

How to automatically install a theme (template) on WordPress?

1 ) To do this, you need to go to your blog administrative panel (admin panel) and in the left column click on “ appearance" " Topics". At the top, click on “add new” then “upload”. Here you will need to select the theme archive, which should be on your computer in zip format. If anything, WordPress does not download themes in rar format and displays an error. After downloading the theme, go back to the “appearance” of the “theme” and activate your theme. If something is unclear, look at the pictures below.

2 ) Ok, as you have already noticed, the theme does not need to be downloaded from your computer; it can also be found through the “characteristics filter” that is built into WordPress. Here you can specify by what criteria and keywords to search for a topic (template). By the way, since design themes are created mainly by Europeans, and ours simply translate them, you must enter keywords in English, not Russian, into the search. In my case it would be , . I also don’t recommend that you set too stringent requirements, otherwise there may not be any topics at all, despite the fact that there are this moment already more than a thousand.

How to manually install a theme (template) on WordPress?

3 ) A long time ago, back in 2007, the WordPress engine did not yet have an autoloader for themes and plugins, and all this had to be uploaded manually through a special FTP client, which, by the way, is still used by many experienced webmasters, ignoring the ability to upload files through the blog’s administrative panel.

To download the theme you need to open, enter your data, such as: host, login, password and connect to your site. After that, you need to go to the following address: httpdocs (or public_html, www, domains) /wp-content/themes and upload the already unpacked theme to the themes folder, where all the blog themes are stored. After that, you need to activate it in the admin panel, as in the first example.

4 ) Now we come to the very last method of installing a theme (template) on WordPress. You can download it through your hosting website. I will show my example on, which I have been using for quite a long time. By the way, great hosting with cheap prices, I haven’t seen anything better yet. So, there is nothing difficult here, the whole procedure is similar, as with the FTP client. In the right column of “service management”, click on “sites” then “file manager”, open the themes folder and upload the already unpacked theme into it. Then we go to the blog and activate it.

Which files in a theme (template) are responsible for what in the WordPress structure?

I think after installing the theme, you will definitely not like something about it, and you will want to fix it, but how will you do this without knowing which files are responsible for what? As I wrote above, a design theme consists of just a few files that, like a Lego (constructor), puts your entire site together. So, here is a clear example and description of their functions.

header.php– is responsible for creating the top part of the site (header), which contains the logo (header) of the blog, menu and sometimes a spoiler.

sidebar.php– is responsible for forming a sidebar (column), which is located on the left or right depending on the design theme.

footer.php– responsible for forming the bottom of the blog (footer). Most often, left links are hidden in it and various counters are installed.

index.php– responsible for the formation and output of content (articles, pages).

comments.php– responsible for the formation and operation

In this tutorial we will look at detailed instructions(with pictures) on how to install and activate a theme for a WordPress site.

The first thing you need to do when you want to install a new theme for WordPress is to go to the site’s admin panel (Console). Then go to Appearance > Themes.

Here you will see all the themes that are currently available (already loaded in /wp-content/themes/). To install a new theme, click the “Add new theme” button.

Possible here 2 options: You can use the theme search on the official website, or download the theme from hard drive. Let's consider both options.

Option 1: Select and install a theme from the official theme catalog

The easiest way to install a theme on a website is to find it in the official theme directory. You don’t even have to go to the offsite; you can search for topics directly from the site’s admin panel. Each theme has its own labels and tags that describe its functionality, making it easier to find a suitable theme (template).

If you know the name of the topic, then it will be even easier to find it - just enter its name in the search bar.

But, as a rule, we look for topics not by name, but by its functionality (a set of specific characteristics). In this case, it will be useful to use filtering. For example, use filters by theme color (green in our example), number of columns (three columns), and functions.
Click on the “Characteristics filter” link and select the necessary criteria by ticking them.
Then click Apply Filters.

Now, from the results found, select the theme that suits you and click on the “Install” button under its description.

This will launch the plugin, which will download the theme from the official website and upload it to your hosting (at /wp-content/themes/)

That's it, you can update home page your site and see the installed theme in action.

Option 2: download the theme from your local computer

If you previously downloaded the theme to your local computer, you can install it directly without visiting the theme directory on To do this, go to the console: “Appearance” > “Themes”. Then click on the “Add New” link and then “Upload Theme” at the top of the screen.

In the window that appears, click the “Select File” button and locate the previously downloaded theme in .zip (zipped) format on your hard drive. Once you have selected the archive, click the “Install” button.

The system will need some time to download the theme and unpack it (it, as in the first option, will be downloaded to the address /wp-content/themes/). Now all that remains is to click on the “Activate” button in order to activate the new theme.

Refresh your home page and admire what you just created!

And in addition to the post, watch the video tutorial:

In this tutorial, we'll look at detailed instructions (with pictures) on how to install and activate a theme for a WordPress site.

Once you have installed WordPress and selected suitable topic WordPress, the next series of work begins. This article will describe in clear language how to install the selected one step by step. WordPress template.

There are two ways to install a theme on WordPress: automatic and manual. In any case, whichever method you choose, you will not need any special technical skills. Below we will look at both methods, and for better clarity we will attach a series of screenshots.

Manual WordPress Theme Installation

Download the WordPress theme zip file and extract the contents. Read the included Readme.txt or Readme.html file (if available).

Using an FTP client on your computer, connect to the hosting site where you are going to install the theme. Go to the templates directory. By default, the templates directory can be found in the \wp-content\themes section. Load the new template directory from local computer for hosting. You can read the article “How to Upload Files via FTP to a WordPress Site” to learn how to use FTP to move files.

Log into your WordPress admin panel, which is usually located at Using the menu on the left, go to Appearance > Templates. Select the theme you just downloaded and click “Activate” as shown in the screenshot below.

Automatic installation of a WordPress theme via the WordPress admin panel

1. Log into your WordPress admin panel, which is usually located at yoursite/wp-admin. Using the menu on the left, go to Appearance > Templates. Select the theme you just downloaded from your computer and click “Install Template”.

2. If you have not yet chosen a template, you can search for it in the database of free WordPress templates, which you can access through the admin panel. If you have already downloaded the template to your computer, click on the “Download” button - it is shown in the screenshot below.

3. Click on “Choose File” and navigate to where your WordPress theme is located on your computer. As is clear from the picture, the selected template must be in zip format and not unzipped. If you have just downloaded a WordPress theme, you can find its file in your Downloads folder.

4. Once you find the WordPress template file, click on the file and highlight it. In the dialog window that opens, click on the “Open” button. This will close the dialog box and you can begin the download process by clicking Install. This process takes literally a few seconds.

5. After successfully completing all the above steps, you will be notified that the new theme has been installed successfully, as you can see in the above screenshot. Click on “Preview” or “Activate” to preview or activate the template on your blog. Additionally, if you do not want to apply this theme now, simply click on “Return to Templates Page”. This will take you back to the templates page, and you can then choose any theme that was installed on your WordPress site.

Today, I would like to talk about ways to install themes on WordPress. After all, after creating a blog and its basic setup, we definitely need to make a resource that is not similar to others or with some kind of twist, but how to do this? Of course, setting the theme. But, if possible, it should be unique, although you can also use standard WordPress templates or themes that can be found on the Internet, freely available, and you can also buy a blog template. But the most the best option is a unique template that no one else has, because the theme of our site is its face, which the visitor remembers and can recognize our blog among others. And when it is standard or frequently used on many resources, your resource will be lost in this crowd of blogs or sites. Therefore, let's take a look ways to install themes on wp.

Method 1: Install a WordPress theme using a WordPress search.

First, in the WordPress admin you need to go to install themes. To do this, on the left in the menu there is an item “appearance”, and in this section there is a subsection “themes”. We need it today to install the template on WordPress. After going to the subsection, you can see two tabs - we need the second one, called “install themes”.

Using the search, choosing a template is quite simple; just specify the criteria you need and click on the “find topics” button. There shouldn't be any problems with this. Once clicked, pages will appear with topics that should match your criteria. There will be descriptions for each, though not in Russian, but now web browsers can translate, so there shouldn’t be any problems either. Each template will also have two options, installation and viewing. That is, before you finally decide to install a theme on WordPress, you will have the opportunity to “view” it and study it in more detail. And after that, make a decision - to install or not.

To install, just click on the “install” button and confirm the installation. After this, you will see a message about successful installation and all that remains is to activate the WordPress theme.

Also, using WordPress search, you can install a template by typing a keyword, author or tag in the search form. But this function does not work very well. It can be used knowing accurate name or at least a couple keywords from the title.

It's that simple, you can install theme for wordpress using search.

Method 2: Install a WordPress theme by downloading it from the WordPress admin panel.

The next installation option is no more complicated than the first. You need to find the topic on the Internet and download it to your computer. Please note that it must be archived in zip format. After that, in the “install themes” tab, you need to click on “download”.

To install, you need to select the file using the appropriate button. And click on the “install” button. After this you will see a success message. installing a template for wordpress. And all that remains is to activate it. That's it, our WordPress theme is installed.

And also, in this tab (“install themes”) you can see your favorite, fresh and recently updated templates offered by WordPress.

Method 3: Install a WordPress theme by uploading theme files to the hosting.

First, you need to find a theme on the Internet and download it. After that, if it is archived, it needs to be unpacked. And then there are two options: installation on a local server and installation on the WordPress engine located on the hosting.

1) Installing a WordPress theme on a local server: To install on the server, you need to copy the theme folder to the themes folder. You can find it using the following path: C/Webservers/home/localhost/www/your folder with the wp engine installed/wp-content/themes. Copy the template folder to the folder themes and restart the local server. After that, go to the WordPress admin area and in the “theme management” tab, we find our template. And click “activate”. The WordPress template has been installed on the local server.

2) Installing a WordPress theme on hosting. This depends on the hosting you use and your preferences. On the hosting I use, you can upload an archive to the desired folder and unpack it there. And after that, just go to “theme management” and activate it. Everything is very simple. But a more common method is to use an FTP client such as FileZilla. This is a free FTP client for uploading or downloading from FTP servers.

So, to upload a theme to hosting, you need to run the program and enter your data provided for working with FTP in the host, username, password and port fields. After filling in all the required fields, click on the button “ fast connection" In the right window, under the name “remote site”, look for the folder themes. It should be located in the following path: Your

Open the folder and copy the folder with the theme here. I do this simply by dragging and dropping. That is, I simply drag the template folder into the themes folder in the right window of the FTP client.

After copying, you need to go to the “theme management” tab and activate the theme.

Not like that in cunning ways you can install the theme on wordpress. I hope everything was clear and useful. Good luck in your endeavors.

Yes, and don’t forget to constantly develop yourself. To speed up your development, I recommend a video course: All Technical Points of Online Business in Video Format, from the famous author of video courses - Evgeniy Popov.