The tricolor does not work for some reason. What to do if Tricolor TV does not work? How to return channels to Tricolor TV after updating

Most users know how to respond to “number” errors that occur during satellite television operation. But what if the Tricolor TV receiver writes: “The list of regions is not available” during the settings? Such a message may also interfere with the elimination of “number” failures. Let's try to understand the main reasons for the appearance of such messages and methods of dealing with them.

Reason #1 – problems with the antenna

Most often, the factor that provokes the situation when, when setting up Tricolor TV, the list of regions is not available, is insufficient signal level/quality. To evaluate this parameter, when an error occurs, press the “i” button on the remote control. Two scales will appear on the screen, displaying the strength and quality of the signal entering the dish. Their readings must be at least 80% - only then can we talk about the normal operation of the TV.

Elimination method

If the level of scale readings is not good enough, it is recommended to carry out the following work:

  • adjust the antenna;
  • clean the surface of the plate from debris, ice, etc.;
  • Make sure that there are no obstacles in front of the antenna that would interfere with signal reception.

Find out how to fill out and where to send Tricolor to clients.

Read about troubleshooting methods on the Tricolor receiver.

It is most convenient to carry out all these activities together with an assistant. One person works with the dish, and the second, near the TV, monitors changes in the quality of the broadcast.

Reason #2 – cable damage

The second most common reason why the list of Tricolor TV regions is not available is the loss of the satellite signal on the way from the antenna to the receiver. This may happen in the following cases:

  • the cable was damaged;
  • satellite dividers are installed on the cable from the dish to the receiver;
  • There are poorly made twists on the wire.

Important! Even with a well-tuned antenna, lack of cable integrity can lead to signal loss of 15-25%.

Elimination method

Everything is simple here - the damaged wire should be replaced with a new one. And instead of satellite dividers, it is worth installing a converter for several outputs (according to the number of TVs). This, at the same time, will make it possible to watch different TV channels on different television sets.

Reason #3 – software failure

A simple software failure can also cause the message: “The list of regions is not available” on Tricolor TV. What to do in this case? Depends on when the error appeared.

After update

If the problem occurs immediately after downloading new firmware from the satellite, you should check whether the new software installed correctly. Most often, this error is caused by such a small thing as a flash drive forgotten in the USB slot during the update process. The card should be removed and then the firmware download should be repeated.

During work

If the user did not perform any updates, but simply launched a search and saw that the list of regions was not available on Tricolor TV, in such a situation, two steps will be required to resolve the problem:

  • reboot the set-top box for power;
  • Reset to factory settings and then install again.

As a rule, the list is restored after a reboot. But if the receiver's software is seriously out of order, rolling back the settings usually helps restore it.

When the problem persists

If, despite all the actions taken, you were unable to resolve the failure on your own or it recurs regularly, we advise you to contact Tricolor customer support for help. Telephone 8-800-500-01-23 is free and available to Russian residents around the clock. As a last resort, you can contact the dealer from whom you purchased the equipment.

Even the termination of subscriber services and the lack of subscriptions to paid TV channel packages should not leave TV viewers without a basic set of publicly available channels. Therefore, if they suddenly disappear and become inaccessible, you should look for the cause of the problems and restore the broadcast. At the same time, it is not necessary to immediately call the support service and complain that Tricolor TV does not show free channels. Often, existing troubles can be dealt with on your own. This will help to significantly save time, and sometimes even money, which could have been spent on paying for the services of a telemaster.

To choose the right course of action and return the broadcast as soon as possible, you should find out why public channels disappeared. This is usually due to the following reasons:

  • receiver malfunction;
  • Smart card is not connected correctly;
  • confirmation of the subscriber’s personal data is required;
  • technical work on the server;
  • the need to update the receiver software;
  • equipment malfunction;
  • Difficulty receiving signal from the antenna.

Almost every one of the listed problems can be fixed on your own, without the help of specialists. The main thing is to approach this process with all seriousness and avoid rash, frivolous actions.

Free channels do not show on Tricolor TV - what to do

When faced with the lack of basic TV channels for the first time, you should immediately, without thinking about what to do, reboot the set-top box. Often this simple action is enough to get the show back. If there are no positive changes, you should reset the receiver settings to factory levels. To do this you should:

  1. turn on the TV and receiver;
  2. open the receiver menu;
  3. go to the “settings” (“installations”) section;
  4. click on “factory settings”;
  5. confirm actions;
  6. wait for reboot;
  7. enter the connection region and enable channel search.

It is important to remember that the basic package is usually at the end of the list, so do not despair if the first channels are empty. Simply start checking from the end to quickly detect working broadcasts.

Difficulties with the Smart Card

The next thing to pay attention to is the operation of the Smart Card. Often all the difficulties are associated with its incorrect position in the card reader, and then the question of how to correct the situation instantly disappears.

When the card is installed correctly, but the broadcast does not appear, it is worth finding out whether the subscriber data is confirmed. To do this, you can call the provider’s contact center (88005000123) or visit your personal account on the official website.

After making sure that everything is in order with your personal data, you should:

  • go to the receiver menu;
  • switch to the “conditional access” section;
  • select “DRE module”;
  • Find your ID number on the page that opens.

If it is present, then the card is working properly and it is necessary to look for other causes of the troubles that have arisen.

Software update

Sometimes the correct answer to the question why free channels are not shown on Tricolor is the lack of a software update. To install an up-to-date, working program, you should find the corresponding item in the menu and start the update process.

Please note that it cannot be interrupted or stopped.

Any emergency shutdown of the receiver or careless action by the user will lead to equipment malfunction. And, since the breakdown was caused by the actions of the subscriber, relying on warranty service and repairs will be pointless.

And the fee for software restoration at service centers is 500 rubles. Therefore, you should treat the installation of a new program with the utmost seriousness and caution, so as not to pay for unplanned repairs later.

Other reasons

We must not forget about other reasons for the lack of a basic package. It’s a good idea to check your satellite dish, especially if the TV channels disappear in windy weather. Sometimes the lack of channels is due to incorrect rotation of the dish, ice on its surface, or the presence of obstacles that interfere with receiving a signal from the satellite.

It is worth taking a closer look at the integrity of the cable, since each break will cause a loss of signal. You need to check the converter, which may be flooded with water or simply out of order.

A failure of the receiver cannot be ruled out. If the problem is with the set-top box, then you should take it to a service center, the address of which can be found on the official Tricolor website.

Another not-so-obvious cause of problems may be the old age of the receiver and its failure to meet modern technical requirements.

What channels should be shown for free on Tricolor TV

The last nuance that users should understand is the list of channels available for free in 2019. Subscribers are provided with access to the following public TV channels:

  1. Home;
  2. Star;
  3. Carousel;
  4. Match!;
  5. Muz TV;
  6. First;
  7. Friday!;
  8. Fifth;
  9. Ren TV;
  10. Russia 1;
  11. Russia 24;
  12. Russia K;
  13. Saved;

Additionally, 3 radio stations, 4 provider information channels and 1 TV store will be available. All of the above must be broadcast free of charge and uninterrupted. Therefore, if problems arise, you should use any available form of feedback with the satellite company’s specialists.

Sometimes the lack of television is due to technical work, and then you just have to wait for it to be completed.

Tricolor TV is a well-known Russian pay digital television operator. Service packages are regularly updated, new functions, options, and capabilities are provided. Sometimes viewing satellite channels is unavailable for technical or other reasons, so you need to perform a few simple steps.

This article will help you deal with the current problem yourself and at home, if possible, without resorting to the help of specialists.

If it happens that Tricolor does not search for channels, then you can first try disconnecting the digital receiver from the power supply and wait 5-10 minutes. The operator recommends resetting the tuner settings to factory settings once every 20-30 days. This procedure is described in detail in the tuner instructions.

If restoring factory settings does not bring the desired result, the user sees an empty channel list, no signal or a black screen, then there is another reason for the problem. Probably, the tuner is “not to blame”, but there is a problem in the TV.

Using the TV remote control, go to the “Menu” section. Missing settings indicate that the receiver is not connected to the TV, which displays a corresponding message.

Tricolor TV is not looking for channels, what should I do? You need to check the connection of the tuner to the TV. You need to press the red button on the remote control from the satellite receiver.

If the device is correctly connected, the selected channel will appear on the TV screen. When the time is displayed on the screen, the digital receiver is in standby mode.

The indicator of the digital receiver from Tricolor determines the output to which the cable is connected:

  • when the indicator blinks, the receiver is turned off;
  • turning on the top indicator indicates connection to the HDMI connector;
  • When the lower indicator is on, it indicates connection to the AV output.

Switching the output is available using the “Input Signal” button and occurs in 5-15 seconds.

How to update the Tricolor channel list yourself?

You need to go to the digital receiver menu, click on the search window that pops up. The list is then prompted to update. Using the left arrow, you need to click “Yes”, then “OK”.

A list of TV channels that need to be saved will be automatically generated; confirm the request to save and click “OK”. The list is available by clicking on the “OK” button; you can select the desired channel using the arrows.

What to do if Tricolor does not find channels?

If Tricolor TV does not search for channels, the message “No signal” is displayed on the TV screen, then the antenna has deviated from the satellite and needs to be adjusted.

Important! Before setting up the antenna, you should check the operator’s news; perhaps preventive measures are being taken that day.

The lack of TV channels depends on the reasons:

  • the receiver is not registered, the data is not confirmed;
  • the device freezes;
  • The tuner was turned off for a long period.

A new device must be registered, otherwise even TV channels from the Basic package will not be available. You need to call the dealer where the receiver was purchased.

Important! The activation code from the satellite takes no more than 96 hours.

Therefore, the device must be registered one day before installation; the antenna must be tuned to the satellite. After 8 hours, the tuner will be registered and access to TV channels will open.

If the registration data is not confirmed, the operator will refuse to provide the service and the channels will be unavailable. This data is confirmed on the company’s official website or by phone.

If the device freezes, it turns off, you should wait 5 minutes and turn it on again. If there are no channels, then you need to wait 10 minutes after turning on.

If the problem with the list of TV channels is not resolved, then there are 2 options:

  1. You should reset existing settings to default settings.
  2. You need to seek help from a specialist.

How to reset settings?

Resetting to default settings is possible with simple steps:

  1. You need to press the “Menu” button using the satellite receiver remote control.
  2. You need to select the “Settings” or “Settings” section.
  3. Next, enter the default PIN code: 0000.
  4. Access to factory settings is available.
  5. The reset is confirmed.

After resetting the settings, the receiver reboots. Then the initial setup wizard window will appear, in the “Operator” section you should specify Tricolor TV.


The list of TV channels may not be available due to various reasons. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, then it is better not to experiment, but to seek help from a specialist.

Satellite television is currently not a luxury, but rather a necessity. This service is in demand among Russians who live in small towns and villages where there is no alternative satellite television option. Tricolor is a company that is very successful in the field of digital broadcasting. It should be considered a national project, since it provides services at relatively low and affordable prices.

When problems arise

But not everything is actually smooth and good. Problems with broadcasting and broadcasting channels are often common. The most common one is a problem with the display signal. Undoubtedly, every owner of a satellite television package has more than once thought about the question of why Tricolor does not show. Not every user can solve this problem on their own, so you have to contact technical support and call a technician, which is costly in itself. And yet this does not prevent satellite television from gaining more and more popularity among users and potential clients every year. This fact, in turn, leads to the search for solutions to a number of problems related to satellite broadcasting.

Why don't they show the channels?

Reasons why Tricolor channels are not shown:

  • The most common problem that causes broadcasting problems is the influence of the environment, in particular precipitation. This is reflected in the quality characteristics of the receiving signal. Tricolor TV often does not show when it rains. The reason for this is the small diameter of the installed signal receiver. Typically, the cable service provider provides the consumer with antennas that are standard in size. In view of this, due to the numerous features of the terrain, in the presence of adverse weather influences, the power of a standard signal receiver is not enough for high-quality broadcasting.
  • The signal can be distorted or lost due to poor settings of the signal receiver itself - this will ultimately cause signal loss or cause image distortion. No matter how often this problem occurs, it won't be too difficult to solve. Such a broadcast disruption can also occur due to damage to the cable (connecting the antenna and the TV).
  • A fairly common problem that answers the question “why doesn’t Tricolor show” that worries consumers of satellite television services is various kinds of obstacles that arise in the area (the presence of trees on the site, neighbors’ houses or other types of buildings, etc.) . How to solve this problem? First, you need to understand the reasons for the broadcast disruption, and then you need to reinstall your existing antenna to another location. Possibly removing visible obstacles.
  • Sometimes the cause of signal transmission interference may be ice on the antenna.
  • Free Tricolor channels (or all channels) are not shown in most cases when technical work is being carried out on the satellite itself, in which case you need to wait for their completion.

You should not figure out the structure of a satellite television system on your own, even if you have the best intentions. You can damage already sensitive equipment.

Channels are not shown after payment

There is also such a situation - “Tricolor” does not show after payment. What is the reason for the lack of satellite television broadcast after making a payment, and what to do in such a situation?

  • If a number of channels are not broadcast, then a possible reason for this may be the fact that you need to pay separately to watch some channels. In such a situation, you will simply need to pay extra for the use of additional TV channels and thereby extend their viewing.
  • Perhaps the reason why Tricolor stopped showing after payment may be the lack of an access card. To do this, check whether the access card is inserted correctly into the receiver.
  • As the practice of using satellite television shows, as well as numerous reviews from consumers of the company’s services, the reason why “Tricolor” does not show after payment, as well as the reason for signal interference or possible failures, is the receiver itself. To eliminate existing interference, there is a switch on the rear panel of the receiver. You can try to turn the device off and on. It is recommended to wait 5 minutes after turning off the power itself and then turn it back on.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for such cases when on your own you are unable to find out why “Tricolor” does not show. For example, if the numbers “8888” are clearly visible on the receiver’s display, or the receiver blinks or does not light up. In this case, you will have to contact technical support to carry out repair work on the device. If the screen displays “”, this means that the receiver has factory settings and needs to be reconfigured.

After 1 year of using Tricolor TV satellite television services, the majority of TV viewers no longer receive paid packages of “Optimum” or “Maximum HD” TV channels. You subscribe for the next year, but it still doesn’t show Tricolor. The encrypted channel (package of TV channels) remains unavailable. It is clear that this is not very pleasant, especially since it is not very easy to call technical support, and you are trying to determine what the reason is and whether the payment went through, spending a huge amount of time.

Channel activation

Do not forget that after making the payment, you must activate the TV channels. By logging into the user’s personal account, you can place an order to send activation codes so that broadcasting can resume as soon as possible. If the payment was made successfully (you did not make a mistake when entering the DRE ID number or contract numbers), but Tricolor TV does not show, you should turn on your satellite receiver and leave it on on an encrypted channel for about 9 hours.

Free channels "Tricolor" are not shown

Since satellite equipment, like television, is tested, all sorts of breakdowns and malfunctions are common. You will learn about them and how to eliminate them by reading the material in this article. We will try to answer all questions and hope that the information written will be useful. Scrolling through the huge number of forums dedicated to the operation of satellite television, you can see a large number of user opinions who, first of all, express the hope that the quality of satellite broadcasting will become much better over time. And these people are right.

Suffice it to remember that many years have passed since the invention of telecommunications, and at the initial stage of the development of television there were a number of problems, the occurrence of which today can be avoided due to the fact that modern specialists have a certain amount of experience and knowledge regarding the operation of telecommunications. Due to the fact that the broadcast occurs from a satellite that orbits our planet, there is an impact from outer space. In other words, due to the vulnerability of the satellite, malfunctions in the operation of television may occur.

One of the significant problems associated with the operation of satellite television is that the free Tricolor channels are not shown. This is a very common problem that occurs quite often. What to do in this situation? Here you cannot do without reconfiguring the receiver and restarting it.

To do this, it is recommended to leave the receiver turned on on the “Russia 1” TV channel. This is a prerequisite that must be met to restart the encrypted Tricolor TV channels. After a short period of time (equal to approximately 9 hours), the free channels available on your TV open. If this does not happen, you can reconfigure your equipment to digital broadcasting mode and enjoy watching TV programs in digital resolution.

Advice: under no circumstances lose your Tricolor TV subscription agreement and be sure to save your DRE ID number.

If the message “No Signal” appears on the display screen, try updating the channel list. Quite often this helps.

"No signal"

The most common question asked to the technical support service of subscribers is: “Tricolor television does not show today. What should I do?” Let's try to answer this question.

Does not show It is necessary to determine where this message is being issued from: from a satellite receiver or from a TV. The best way to quickly determine this aspect is to work with the remote control of the satellite receiver. For example, when you press the "OK" button, the receiver should respond immediately. A message indicating their absence will appear on the TV screen. In such a situation, there may be several reasons for the appearance of the “No Signal” message.

“Tricolor TV” does not show in such a situation if the installation is made with a small diameter;

There is a failure due to strong gusts of wind or a snowstorm, in this case you cannot do without the help of a technical support specialist;

Channels are broadcast selectively; there may have been changes in broadcast frequencies.

Tricolor doesn't show, what should I do?

If there is no broadcast of TV channels on Tricolor satellite television after all the steps described above, you should reconfigure the existing TV channels. To do this, you need to use the remote control to go to the receiver’s menu and search for channels. Then you will need to press the appropriate key and scan satellite television for channels.

In addition, a number of other reasons should be listed that could cause interference or lack of broadcasting of Tricolor satellite television. Depending on the existing faults, you can fix them either yourself or with the help of qualified specialists. However, before you start understanding satellite broadcasting, try to pay due attention to the data you enter when activating your subscription. The fact is that satellite television is based on a subscription system, and incorrectly entered data can cause a lack of broadcasting.

Other reasons

So, what could be the hidden problem?

First reason. There is a malfunction of the satellite converter itself. In order to resolve the problem, the equipment must be replaced.

The second reason. A break in the coaxial cable connecting the satellite dish and the receiver.
The equipment does not respond to pressing "OK". In this situation, it should be assumed that notification of interference in the broadcast or the absence of the signal itself is carried out by your television equipment. The cause of problems with the signal supply may be the use of the wrong TV connector to which the satellite receiver should be connected. Connection is usually made using RCA, Scart or HDMI inputs. On the remote control of the television equipment you need to find the “Source” button, with which the television equipment is activated. By pressing the button, you need to switch to the input you need.

The third reason is that the Tricolor channels are not shown. If you use a receiver, a frequently occurring problem will be the random nature of switching the outputs of television equipment, carried out by the "Input Signal" key, located in the upper left area on the remote control. You can see the active output of the receiver using the indicator: if the upper indicator lights up (the indicator is located on the left of the front panel), then RCA is used, the lower part of the indicator lights up - the HDMI output is active.

Fourth reason. There is an inscription on the display of the television equipment: “DRE encrypted channel” or “no access”. It is necessary to determine the state of the Tricolor TV subscription (it must be active). You can check the status:

Through your personal satellite television account;

On the official website of the television company, you need to go to the “subscribers” section (by entering the ID number of the satellite receiver) and look at the expiration date of the subscription.

In a situation where the "Tricolor TV" subscription is in an active state, then make sure that the smart card is visible to your receiver and whether the ID number of your satellite receiver is determined. To do this, you need to go to the equipment menu and open the “Status” section.
- If your satellite television equipment has a smart card, disconnect the receiver from the power supply, remove the card, and make sure it is inserted correctly.
- If your device operates without a smart card (all receivers operating in MPEG2 format, GS 8300, GS 8300M), then there is a problem associated with a malfunction of the built-in module. Such equipment should be repaired.
The receiver is able to determine the ID number. Reset your television equipment, after rebooting, restart the standard settings wizard, click on channel search.

"Tricolor TV-Siberia"

"Tricolor TV-Siberia" is almost the same package of satellite television services as the regular "Tricolor TV". The difference is that the activities of the TV-Siberia company are focused on the eastern part of Russia. The main difference with this package is that it includes some local channels. Therefore, if a question arises about why “Tricolor-Siberia” does not show, the answer to it can be read in this article just above.


So, from all of the above we can conclude that satellite television is a significant step in the field of television broadcasting. However, it does not always show perfectly due to its sensitivity to environmental influences. But this does not reduce the popularity of this type of television, but, on the contrary, arouses interest among potential consumers of entertainment services. Perhaps there were problems with broadcasting in the post-Soviet era. Right now these are just minor glitches.

Definitely, in many ways, these problems are the fault of both the manufacturers of satellite broadcasting equipment and the workers themselves who maintain the hardware. Since satellite television is a relatively new method of signal transmission, there are a number of shortcomings that require qualified personnel to eliminate. However, at present it is not possible to solve this problem due to the fact that our education is based on the old system of knowledge delivery. Thus, the number of specialists who really understand setting up satellite television communications can be counted on one hand.

It is for this reason that the annoying question arises about why “Tricolor” does not show. However, this does not stop those who want to improve image quality by receiving satellite broadcasts. A special place in the field of sales of satellite broadcasting services should be given to the Tricolor company, which over several years of operation has generally proven itself to be excellent and has gained credibility among the majority of users.

The main thing is patience!

It also happens that when broadcasting from the Tricolor TV satellite, a number of problems arise, which raise the question of why Tricolor TV does not show. Channels may not work for any reason. In addition, failures happen in any complex system, and you need to come to terms with this. Do not create scandals under any circumstances, but try to explain the problem, and then they will be able to help you promptly. Well, if you couldn’t get through to technical support, you can find many questions and answers in this article! Good luck in solving your problems with satellite TV!

One of the most popular satellite broadcasting operators in Russia is Tricolor TV. Naturally, the problem of how to update the list of channels on Tricolor is relevant for many users. It is not surprising, because some programs disappear into oblivion, others come to take their place. Therefore, you need to monitor the situation and try to regularly update the list of channels so as not to lose your favorite programs.

The losses are due to the fact that television companies cannot find a common language with those who broadcast them, so cooperation simply stops. In addition, many programs disappear after a new firmware version has been installed on the TV. Then the receiver messes up all the settings and you have to search manually.

How to update Tricolor TV channels yourself?

First of all, you need to try to automatically search for channels. Perhaps the lists were not restored before simply because not all updates were installed after flashing, or there was a glitch in the system. So, to search for channels and test this theory, you need to take the following steps:

    Enter the menu;

    Select the “Settings” section;

    Enter the access code. It is the standard "0000";

    Launch "Automatic Search".

If all is well, the list will quickly be restored, although not in the same form as it was. Therefore, it will have to be reduced by removing unnecessary channels. If the instructions did not give any results, or Tricolor did not find all the channels that were there before, then the problem has not gone away, and the obvious solution will not work for it. You will have to use the manual configuration method. In this case, the algorithm of actions becomes more complicated, but nevertheless remains clear:

    Enter the “Menu” panel;

    Select the “Settings” section;

    Enter the already known PIN code “0000”;

    Go to the “Manual Search” section;

    Enter parameters - frequency, polarization, flow speed;

    Click on “Find”.

By the way, it is impossible to update channels on Tricolor TV manually if you do not know the broadcast parameters. To obtain this information, you must first go to the provider’s official website and look at the data for 2017. Once the procedure is completed, you can optionally sort the channels and create favorite lists according to your interests.

What to do if the list is empty after updating

It often happens that even if the channels are updated perfectly, at one point the TV will simply stop showing them. First, you need to conduct a search again, checking if the settings are lost. If even after this nothing works, then the reason must be looked for elsewhere. Most often the problem is either in the receiver, the cable, or the antenna.

But there are many advantages in the new software:

    High level of safety and security, making television better;

    After installation, the receiver works much more stable and there will be no problems with disappearing channels;

    Increased functionality, thanks to which TVs will be able to show programs only in the highest quality;

    Nice and interesting interface.

Updating the program is very simple. This process does not take much time. There will be instructions on the TV screen on how to go through the entire procedure step by step. Then it is advisable to search for channels and, most likely, the actions will give a positive result.