Office 365 mail login. Integration with mobile devices. Share documents and information using SharePoint Online.

The NovSU corporate portal offers its users a new service - a package office programs Microsoft Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.).

This shared corporate resource is now available to all students, faculty and staff of the university.

Microsoft Office 365 allows you to edit and create documents from any computer, tablet or phone connected to the Internet, directly through your browser.

Here is the student account. For example, our student, who we limit trust, can only read and respond to received correspondence, but cannot forward or print. As a result, in mail client On the student's computer, the Forward and Print buttons remain grayed out and cannot be used. Even if our clever student tried to fool security and, by selecting "Reply" instead of "Forward", he tried to transmit a message, the person to whom the correspondence was received would receive it as an attachment and would not be able to read it.

This is one of the simpler scenarios, but it has practical use. This is an optional decision for customers using this plan. To illustrate their effect, we will use another example. This time we will focus on personal data. Each such message will be encrypted, the sender will be informed that such information should not be shared outside the company, and thirdly, the administrator will know that this security incident has occurred. From a business perspective, we allow Human Resources people to send a message containing personal information after confirming and justifying their willingness to complete such a transaction.

Below we will tell you how to get started using Office 365.


To fully use Office 365, you only need to have any modern browser, such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera or Internet Explorer older than version 8.

Don't know which browser you're using? It's OK! If the icon you click to access websites looks like one of the ones below, you have nothing to worry about.

We'll add this with an example. This operation will fail and two messages will be sent to Mailbox worker - one indicates that the message contains personal information and has not been sent; Another with a note stating that such correspondence can be sent, but requires additional confirmation. In this case we have two options. The first is to edit the message and remove personal information.

The second involves direction. Email moderation with a business justification for why information should be shared outside the organization. The sender is warned that the contents of the message should not leave the organization, but the administrator has been notified of this event.

Not like that? Then go to in the browser you are using and find the line there with the name of your browser:

If the “Your browser” column says Internet Explorer 6 or 7, then to use Office 365 you need to install a different browser. You can do this by following this link: download a new browser.

The content of this message and logo can be personalized to suit the company's needs. The third method is a one-time access code sent to an email address. Who can read an encrypted message? An alternative authentication method relies on one-time passcodes provided to the other party to allow the contents of the email to be decrypted.

This is a basic, multi-layered authentication mechanism that introduces an additional layer of protection against unauthorized access to services and data. Even if an outsider learns the access password, they will not be able to log in without requiring additional credentials. In the first option, the employee has mobile app on your smartphone, which generates one-time access codes. These codes are specific to the employee's device.


As a login, enter the email address issued to you by NovSU. As a password - the password from this email.

The passwords for the email and the website portal do not match! The email address and password for it are indicated on the registration card issued to you below the login and password for the portal.

Also on 11/25/13 a letter was sent to you with the subject " Reminder of registration data from your mail account. Required for Office365"with your email login and password. You can find this letter in the Mail section on the university portal.

The third method may be useful for the forgetfulness that happens to leave you mobile phone Houses. The implementation of these mechanisms should be done gradually, without forgetting to properly inform and train the employees who will benefit from this option. Otherwise, users will lose access to their applications. Ultimately, multifactor authentication is good idea include all employees who access online services.

The other party, the recipient, will need to log into their account using multi-part authentication mechanisms to access the content. Last practical example presented in this article is dedicated to the management mobile devices.

So, you've entered. But don't rush to start using Office 365. Cloud service Microsoft takes some time to set up the user environment (usually about 10 minutes). During setup, some services will not be available, and you will see the message “Almost ready” when you try to access these services.


University within Microsoft package Office 365 provides portal users with the ability to use Office products Web Apps. These products replicate the functionality of the set Microsoft programs Office 2013, but at the same time absolutely free for you and accessible directly from your browser!

As a result, we will be in the Compatibility Center, where we can manage mobile devices. But we can, for example, manage video conferencing on employee phones based on security groups. If you only need data to configure your email client.

Please send any questions or comments. The written request must indicate: - the government body or institution to which the request is made, - the information requested, allowing identification of information of public interest, - the name, surname and signature of the applicant and the address at which the response is requested.

To start using Office Web Apps, you need to go to the SkyDrive tab on the top panel.

This is where you will create and edit your documents. You can store them directly in the cloud, or after editing, save them to your local computer.

To create a new document, simply click “create document” and select the desired document type. The following types are available to you:

You save money and reduce your investment in hardware and software. Easily communicate with your team and partners wherever you are, whether you're on a desktop or laptop. Your team is in sync and therefore manage your important projects better. You control service delivery, monitoring and reporting through simplified management from a single self-service portal.

  • You save time - you get more done, in or out of the office.
  • Convenient - you have everything on one account.
  • Secure backup.
  • You have a professional email address that is easy to manage.
  • Manage and share important documents with your team.
  • Easily find people and important documents.
It also enables document sharing and real-time interaction using tools such as video conferencing and instant messaging.

  • Word document;
  • Excel workbook;
  • PowerPoint presentation;
  • OneNote Notebook;
  • Excel survey.

If you want to edit a previously created local document, simply drag the file from the Explorer window into a browser window with Office 365 open.

In addition to Office Web Apps in Office package 365 also includes the Microsoft SharePoint product, in which you can blog, communicate with colleagues, or edit documents together. However, we do not recommend using these functions, since they duplicate (often incorrectly) the capabilities of the NovSU portal. However, you may use SharePoint at your own discretion and risk.

In today's globally competitive marketplace, businesses need technology that meets the demands of an increasingly moving world information technologies. The cloud enables work environments to communicate and collaborate anywhere. You simply pay for what you use, with just one simple invoice once a month. For activation, a guide and video have been created to make activation as simple and direct as possible.

Once in business, we continue to offer business class support at all times. You can access your mail, calendar, and more anywhere across multiple devices. You can collaborate more easily and quickly with your work colleagues, whether you're in the office or on the road.

We wish you success in working with office services. We hope you enjoy using Office 365.

Portal administration

If you have any problems or difficulties working with Office 365, you can contact the portal administration for help by filling out the form feedback below.

This documentation has been archived and is no longer maintained.

If your laptop is stolen or damaged, your company email and information are stored securely in the cloud. All this makes the workflow more efficient throughout the business. Moreover, all information is stored in the cloud. How do I add a custom email account?

Then select Add account. Select an Internet email address, then select Next. In the User Information section, do the following: In the Server Information section, do the following: In the Login Information section, do the following:

Geek of All Trades: Office 365 Single Sign-On: Easy Installation Guide

Installation, configuration and activation single sign-on in Office 365 - long, but worth it process.

Greg Shields

Office 365 can be yours best friend. You can be freed from a large amount of administrative responsibilities. Purchase a monthly subscription and O Most of the headaches associated with managing Exchange, SharePoint and Lync will automatically be taken on by others.

All people who have access to your account. Your account may require one or more of the following additional settings. If you have questions about which settings to use, contact your email service provider.

Click " Additional settings" On the Output tab, check that the submission server is asking for authentication. You may need to change the port number depending on your ISP. by email. On the Advanced tab, under Receiving Server, make sure that this server requires an encrypted connection.

However, many Office 365 users are stumped when it comes to implementing single sign-on (SSO) functionality. You can download the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant (MOS SIA) to configure authentication for client applications, but it is not true SSO. It simply combines the two passwords that all users need: one for Active Directory and one for Office 365.

You may need to change the port number, depending on your email provider. Consult your dealer. If any information is missing or incorrect, you will be asked to enter or correct it. You can follow these steps. Click "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and then "Next."

In the Username field, enter your username. If desired, select one of the options. From any tab, select required parameters or report this to the administrator. Click "Check Name" to check if your server recognizes your name and your computer is connected to the network. The server and account names listed in steps 3 and 5 must be underlined.

Consolidating these two passwords into one requires implementing Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), which can be extremely complex. Read the corresponding guide on the Microsoft website and you'll quickly get lost in the confusing instructions. In this case, Microsoft provided too much information. As a result, Office 365 single sign-on with ADFS may not seem worth the effort, but it's not.

Make sure your mail server is enabled

If you are offline, check network cable. You can also try restarting your computer. If these steps do not work, contact your Internet service provider or system administrator. When a message remains in the Outbox, possible reason is the presence of a large investment.

On the left side, in the navigation pane, select Outbox. From here you can do the following. Just select it and click "Delete". Place the attachment on a file server or other location where others can access it, and then add that location to your message.

If you're someone who struggles with Office 365 SSO, consider this article a simplified installation guide. This does not cover every possible situation, but this guide is suitable for light-duty environments of medium and small businesses.

Step 1: Prepare your Active Directory domain

Office 365 SSO requires a domain name that resolves to the internet. This will be used as a suffix for all usernames. But don't be discouraged if your Active Directory domain name doesn't meet this requirement. In most cases this is true. You can get around this by assigning your users an alternate principal name (UPN) that matches any domain name you own.

It may take a few minutes to get out. If the button is blue, click it to sign in and then click Send All. Make sure you are logged in with your username and password. If you are connected and still have a problem, wait a few minutes and try again.

Make sure you are using the correct password

Enter New Password in the "Password" field. You will need to change your email password by changing your network password.

Don't forget to set up your email account

On the Email tab, click New. Launch the Add Account Wizard.

Let's say your domain name is, and the name is located behind the firewall Active domain The domain directory is contoso.local. The contoso.local domain is not resolved by Internet-hosted servers, so it cannot be used with Office 365 DNS servers. However, you can create a federation where each user's UPN is mapped to a publicly resolved domain name and users can sign in by name<Username>

Although users' UPN may look like an email address, it has nothing to do with SMTP or SIP (Session Initiation Protocol). This change simply ensures that user accounts in Active Directory are mapped to external addresses that Office 365 understands.

Open the Active Directory Domains and Trusts snap-in and view the properties of the top-level node. In the Alternative UPN suffixes field, enter the name of your public domain and click Add. After that, open the Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in and view the user account properties. On the Account tab ( Account) as User login name: Set the public domain name. Do this for each Office 365 user. After a few minutes, they will be able to use their Office 365 username.

Step 2: Prepare the server and install ADFS

ADFS can be installed on a domain controller or another server. But first you need to do some configuration. The following assumes that you install Windows Server 2008 R2.

Using Server Manager, it will install the IIS role and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1. Then purchase a server authentication certificate from a public certificate authority and install the certificate. Make sure that the subject of the certificate includes the fully qualified domain name of your server. Open the IIS console and import the certificate into the default Web site.