Optimizing MySQL queries. Multiple SELECT COUNT in one MySQL C query working with mysql multiple queries at the same time

October 9, 2008 at 11:37 pm Optimizing MySQL queries
  • MySQL

In everyday work, you encounter fairly similar errors when writing queries.

In this article I would like to give examples of how NOT to write queries.

  • Select all fields
    SELECT * FROM table

    When writing queries, do not use a selection of all fields - "*". List only the fields you really need. This will reduce the amount of data fetched and sent. Also, don't forget about covering indexes. Even if you actually need all the fields in the table, it is better to list them. Firstly, it improves the readability of the code. When using an asterisk, it is impossible to know which fields are in the table without looking at it. Secondly, over time, the number of columns in your table may change, and if today there are five INT columns, then in a month TEXT and BLOB fields may be added, which will slow down the selection.

  • Requests in a cycle.
    You need to clearly understand that SQL is a set-operating language. Sometimes programmers who are accustomed to thinking in terms of procedural languages ​​find it difficult to shift their thinking to the language of sets. This can be done quite simply by adopting a simple rule - “never execute queries in a loop.” Examples of how this can be done:

    1. Samples
    $news_ids = get_list("SELECT news_id FROM today_news ");
    while($news_id = get_next($news_ids))
    $news = get_row("SELECT title, body FROM news WHERE news_id = ". $news_id);

    The rule is very simple - the fewer requests, the better (although there are exceptions to this, like any rule). Don't forget about the IN() construct. The above code can be written in one query:
    SELECT title, body FROM today_news INNER JOIN news USING(news_id)

    2. Inserts
    $log = parse_log();
    while($record = next($log))
    query("INSERT INTO logs SET value = ". $log["value"]);!}

    It is much more efficient to concatenate and execute one query:
    INSERT INTO logs (value) VALUES (...), (...)

    3. Updates
    Sometimes you need to update several rows in one table. If the updated value is the same, then everything is simple:
    UPDATE news SET title="test" WHERE id IN (1, 2, 3).!}

    If the value being changed is different for each record, then this can be done with the following query:
    UPDATE news SET
    title = CASE
    WHEN news_id = 1 THEN "aa"
    WHEN news_id = 2 THEN "bb" END
    WHERE news_id IN (1, 2)

    Our tests show that such a request is 2-3 times faster than several separate requests.

  • Performing operations on indexed fields
    SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE blogs_count * 2 = $value

    This query will not use the index, even if the blogs_count column is indexed. For an index to be used, no transformations must be performed on the indexed field in the query. For such requests, move the conversion functions to another part:
    SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE blogs_count = $value / 2;

    Similar example:

  • Fetching rows only to count their number
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table", $link);
    $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
    If you need to select the number of rows that satisfy a certain condition, use the SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table query rather than selecting all the rows just to count the number of rows.
  • Fetching extra rows
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table1", $link);
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) && $i< 20) {

    If you only need n fetch rows, use LIMIT instead of discarding extra lines in the application.
  • Using ORDER BY RAND()

    If the table has more than 4-5 thousand rows, then ORDER BY RAND() will work very slowly. It would be much more efficient to run two queries:

    If the table has an auto_increment primary key and no gaps:
    $rnd = rand(1, query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM table"));
    $row = query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ".$rnd);

    $cnt = query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table");
    $row = query("SELECT * FROM table LIMIT ".$cnt.", 1");
    which, however, can also be slow if there are a very large number of rows in the table.

  • Usage large quantities JOIN's
    videos AS v
    link_actors_videos AS la ON la.video_id = v.video_id
    actors AS a ON a.actor_id = la.actor_id
    link_genre_video AS lg ON lg.video_id = v.video_id
    genres AS g ON g.genre_id = lg.genre_id

    It must be remembered that when connecting tables one-to-many, the number of rows in the selection will increase with each next JOIN. For such cases, it is faster to split such a query into several simple ones.

  • Using LIMIT
    SELECT… FROM table LIMIT $start, $per_page

    Many people think that such a query will return $per_page of records (usually 10-20) and therefore will work quickly. It will work quickly for the first few pages. But if the number of records is large, and you need to execute a SELECT... FROM table LIMIT 1000000, 1000020 query, then to execute such a query, MySQL will first select 1000020 records, discard the first million and return 20. This may not be fast at all. There are no trivial ways to solve the problem. Many simply limit the number of available pages to a reasonable number. You can also speed up such queries by using covering indexes or third party solutions(for example sphinx).

    $row = query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id=1");

    query("UPDATE table SET column = column + 1 WHERE id=1")
    query("INSERT INTO table SET column = 1, id=1");

    A similar construction can be replaced with one query, provided that there is a primary or unique key for the id field:
    INSERT INTO table SET column = 1, id=1 ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE column = column + 1


I've already written about a wide variety of SQL queries, but it's time to talk about more complex things, for example, an SQL query to select records from several tables.

When you and I made a selection from one table, everything was very simple:

SELECT names_of_required_fields FROM table_name WHERE selection_condition

Everything is very simple and trivial, but when sampling from several tables at once it becomes somewhat more complicated. One difficulty is matching field names. For example, every table has an id field.

Let's look at this query:

SELECT * FROM table_1, table_2 WHERE table_1.id > table_2.user_id

Many who have not dealt with such queries will think that everything is very simple, thinking that only the table names have been added before the field names. In fact, this avoids conflicts between identical field names. However, the difficulty lies not in this, but in the algorithm of such an SQL query.

The working algorithm is as follows: the first record is taken from table_1. The id of this record is taken from table_1. Then the table table_2 looks completely. And all records are added where the value of the user_id field is less than the id of the selected record in table_1 . Thus, after the first iteration, there may be from 0 to an infinite number of resulting records. At the next iteration, the next record of the table table_1 is taken. The entire table table_2 is scanned again, and the selection condition table_1.id > table_2.user_id is triggered again. All records that meet this condition are added to the result. The output can be a huge number of records, many times larger than the total size of both tables.

If you understand how it works after the first time, then it’s great, but if not, then read until you fully understand it. If you understand this, then it will be easier.

The previous SQL query, as such, is rarely used. It was simply given to explain the multi-table sampling algorithm. Now let's look at a more squat SQL query. Let's say we have two tables: with products (there is an owner_id field, which is responsible for the id of the owner of the product) and with users (there is an id field). We want to get all records in one SQL query, and each one contains information about the user and his one product. The next entry contained information about the same user and his next product. When this user's products run out, move on to the next user. Thus, we must join two tables and get a result in which each record contains information about the user and one of his products.

A similar query will replace 2 SQL queries: to select separately from the table with goods and from the table with users. In addition, such a request will immediately match the user and his product.

The request itself is very simple (if you understood the previous one):

SELECT * FROM users, products WHERE users.id = products.owner_id

The algorithm here is already simple: the first record is taken from the users table. Next, its id is taken and all records from the products table are analyzed, adding to the result those whose owner_id is equal to the id from the users table. Thus, in the first iteration, all goods from the first user are collected. At the second iteration, all products from the second user are collected, and so on.

As you can see, SQL queries for selecting from several tables are not the simplest, but the benefits from them can be enormous, so knowing and being able to use such queries is very desirable.

In the last lesson we encountered one inconvenience. When we wanted to know who created the “bicycles” topic, we made a corresponding request:

Instead of the author's name, we received his identifier. This is understandable, because we made a query to one table - Topics, and the names of topic authors are stored in another table - Users. Therefore, having found out the identifier of the topic author, we need to make another query - to the Users table to find out his name:

SQL provides the ability to combine such queries into one by turning one of them into a subquery (nested query). So, to find out who created the topic "bicycles", we will make the following query:

That is, after the keyword WHERE, we write another request in the condition. MySQL first processes the subquery, returns id_author=2, and this value is passed to the clause WHERE external request.

There can be several subqueries in one query, the syntax for such a query is as follows: Note that subqueries can select only one column, the values ​​of which they will return to the outer query. Trying to select multiple columns will result in an error.

To consolidate this, let’s make another request and find out what messages the author of the “bicycles” topic left on the forum:

Now let’s complicate the task, find out in which topics the author of the “bicycles” topic left messages:

Let's figure out how it works.

  • MySQL will execute the deepest query first:

  • The resulting result (id_author=2) will be passed to an external request, which will take the form:

  • The resulting result (id_topic:4,1) will be passed to an external request, which will take the form:

  • And it will give the final result (topic_name: about fishing, about fishing). Those. the author of the "bicycles" topic left messages in the "About fishing" topic created by Sergei (id=1) and in the "About fishing" topic created by Sveta (id=4).
That's all I wanted to say about nested queries. Although, there are two points worth paying attention to:
  • It is not recommended to create queries with a nesting degree greater than three. This leads to increased execution time and difficulty in understanding the code.
  • The given syntax for nested queries is probably the most common, but not the only one. For example, instead of asking


    Those. we can use any operators used with keyword WHERE (we studied them in the last lesson).

In this short article we will talk about databases in particular MySQL, sampling and counting. When working with databases, you often need to count quantities lines COUNT() with or without a certain condition, this is extremely easy to do with the following request

View code MYSQL

The query will return a value with the number of rows in the table.

Counting with condition

View code MYSQL

The query will return a value with the number of rows in the table satisfying this condition: var = 1

To obtain multiple row count values ​​with different conditions, you can run several queries one by one, for example

View code MYSQL

But in some cases, this approach is neither practical nor optimal. Therefore, it becomes relevant to organize a query with several subqueries in order to obtain several results at once in one query. For example

View code MYSQL

Thus, by executing just one query to the database, we get a result with a count of the number of rows for several conditions, containing several count values, for example

View code TEXT

c1|c2|c3 -------- 1 |5 |8

The disadvantage of using subqueries, compared to several separate queries, is the speed of execution and the load on the database.

The following example of a query containing several COUNTs in one MySQL query, is constructed slightly differently, it uses the IF(condition, value1, value2) constructions, as well as the summation SUM(). Allowing you to select data according to specified criteria within one query, then summarize them, and display several values ​​as a result.

View code MYSQL

As can be seen from the request, it was constructed quite succinctly, but the speed of its execution was also not pleasing, the result of this request there will be a next one,

View code TEXT

total|c1|c2|c3 -------------- 14 |1 |5 |8

Next, I will provide comparative statistics on the execution speed of three query options for selecting several COUNT(). To test the speed of query execution, 1000 queries of each type were executed, with a table containing more than three thousand records. Moreover, each time the request contained SQL_NO_CACHE to disable caching of results by the database.

Execution speed
Three separate requests: 0.9 sec
One query with subqueries: 0.95 sec
One request with IF and SUM construction: 1.5 sec

Conclusion. And so, we have several options for building queries to the database MySQL data with multiple COUNT(), the first option with separate queries is not very convenient, but has the best speed result. The second option with subqueries is somewhat more convenient, but its execution speed is slightly lower. And finally, the third laconic version of the query with the IF and SUM constructs, which seems the most convenient, has the most low speed performance, which is almost two times lower than the first two options. Therefore, when optimizing the operation of a database, I recommend using the second version of the query containing subqueries with COUNT(), firstly, its execution speed is close to the fastest result, and secondly, such an organization within one query is quite convenient.