Where to call to update the program on your computer. Automatic program update or program for updating programs on a PC. Library for installing new programs

Most software updates are automatic by default. But, nevertheless, you should know how to check for updates and update the program yourself. By keeping your computer software up to date, you increase the stability and security of your computer.

Operating system update

Installing the latest updates operating system is one of the most important processes in protecting your computer from viruses, malware and other Internet security threats.


To update Windows OS, open Control Panel. In the search bar type update and select "Check for updates".

The installation may take significantly longer than searching for updates, so during this time you can break away from your computer and grab a cup of coffee. Once the installation is complete, you must restart your computer for the updates to take effect.

Mac OS x

To update Mac OS X, open the program App Store(app store) and click the "Updates" button in the top bar. OS X updates will be at the top of the list of available updates. On the right side of the screen there are buttons for updating individual applications and an "Update All" button to apply all available updates.

Software updates

For many programs, regular updates are not that important, since they will only come with some improvements or new features, but not security improvements, so there is no need for them frequent updates. However, for more essential software, such as a web browser or antivirus software, updates are just as important as operating system updates.

Most programs automatically check for updates. If there are updates, the program will notify you about it. Well, for other programs, study the program menu yourself and find out how to start the update.

For example, Kaspersky antivirus: you can start the update in the control center.

Hello dear visitors. In this tutorial, I will show you a couple of ways on how you can update all the programs on your computer quickly and easily.

Some users will ask me a question, Why update programs at all?? Everything is very simple.

Corrected in new versions various errors and new features appear. Therefore, I don’t see anything bad in the new versions! On the contrary, if the update appears, it means the developers did a good job!

You can update programs on your computer either manually, opening each one individually, or automatically using a special program. Let's consider both methods!

Update programs using FileHippo App Manager

Using convenient program FileHippo App Manager you can update all programs installed on our computer in the floor automatic mode. Now I’ll tell you how to do it correctly.

First of all, download FileHippo App Manager from the official website and install.

Immediately after installing and launching the program, it will prompt you to select an operating mode. Select the third item I’ll do it manually (I will do it manually) and click OK.

Immediately after launch FileHippo App Manager will scan all our programs and will show on the Updates tab the software that can be updated. In my case there are 17 programs.

To update any program, there is a Download and Run button opposite it.

WARNING! Don't try to update all programs. Especially it concerns paid programs, which were activated with a key found on the Internet. If you update such a program, the activation may fail. Be careful!

As you can see, I have 17 updates, but I won’t install everything completely. Let me update just some programs.

For example, I have updates for CCleaner. This is a great program for . To update it, I click Download and Run and wait a few seconds while the latest version is downloaded.

Once complete, I will be prompted to update by installing new version of this program.

I updated some other applications using the same method.

This program is convenient because it allows you to see all applications for which updates are available in one single window. But of course you can update programs manually, let's look at this method.

Manually updating programs

Any program can be updated manually. Of course, the process in different utilities may differ slightly, but the essence is the same everywhere and let’s look at a few examples.

To update the Google Chrome browser, click on the tools button and in the menu that opens, select Help - ABOUT Google browser Chrome.

The program is already checking for updates and if there are any, it will automatically install them and ask you to restart the browser.

To update the Mozilla browser, you need to open it by clicking Alt key and go to the Help menu that appears, then About Firefox.

If there is an update, it will download and install.

To update Avast antivirus you need to click on the gear.

Then open the Update tab and at the bottom in the section Program click Refresh button.

To update Skype, run this program and click the Help menu - Check for updates.

To update uTorrent, click the Help menu - Check for updates.

Like this update programs manually. Apply these tips and update necessary programs to use the latest developments.

That's all, I wish you good luck!

As part of the work to bring Windows to market mobile devices Microsoft once created windows store Store is a single source of content for the operating system, where users can comprehensively install all the software products they need. Today, the Windows Store is the place to install minimalist applications, games and browser extensions Microsoft Edge. But only. Microsoft's ambitious plans to transform the Windows Store into a single web market with a huge assortment, where users could also get acquainted with desktop programs (just get acquainted, and download via a link from the developer's website), alas, have so far remained a project, not put into practice. So far, the Store is not a viewing platform for software that works with the desktop environment of the system, and it is still scattered throughout the Internet - on the websites of development companies, software portals, torrent trackers, etc. All these resources have to be accessed not only once to download program installers, but also periodically to update them, if this process is not automatically provided by the developers. Below we will talk about the update third party Windows programs– how often they need to be updated, how to do it manually and using special tools.

1. Why and how often do you need to update third-party software?

Updating third-party software is less useful than updating Windows itself, but in some cases this process can have a significant impact on the performance of programs or their individual functions. And some old programs that are no longer supported by developers may not even be installed in modern ones. Windows versions, since by default they do not provide for the activity necessary for their operation software platforms. For example, as is the case with . In program updates, developers correct errors, eliminate conflicts with hardware, adapt to changes in the operating system and software environments on which these programs operate, and add new features.

How often should third-party software be updated? Versions of programs and games are often represented by a sequence of numbers like “xx.xx”, for example, Counter-Strike 1.6. Programs and games may have intermediate versions that have a sequence of numbers like “xx.xx.xx”, for example, CCleaner v5.24.5841. Interim versions, as a rule, do not contain any significant changes, except for minor fixes that are unlikely to be noticed by a wide audience of users. If the program or game works fine, you don't have to waste time updating to each intermediate version. The only exceptions may be programs such as antiviruses, password managers, clients of banking and payment systems, etc.

The creators try to turn radical updates of large software packages into a significant event in order to attract the attention of the masses. Such software packages may have readable and memorable version numbers, for example, Corel VideoStudio Ultimate X10, or contain the year of release in the name, for example, Acronis True Image 2017. This kind of software must be dealt with separately, since it may turn out that the new version requires the purchase of a new one license key.

2. Manually updating third-party software

Software that does not provide automatic updates may simply offer a function to check for new versions. In programs with a classic interface this is usually last section Help menu. If this is not even possible, in the same help section of the menu you can find the address of the program’s official website, visit it and check if a new version has appeared.

3. Updating third-party software using special programs

To simplify the procedure for tracking and installing updates for users who want to have only the latest software on their computer, you can use special programs. Such programs usually scan the system, identify the software installed on it and, if there are new versions, offer to download them and install them on the system. And some programs even examine non-system drives to look for updates for portable software. Fresh distribution delivery system different programs for updating third-party software is arranged differently. Some can download a distribution of the latest versions of the software directly from the official websites of the developers, and some update the software using a single database on the Internet (usually a database of large-scale software portals). The latter usually offer the user a larger list of support for updated software, but, alas, even they are not a panacea, because there are a lot of programs and games for Windows.

Let's look at three programs for updating third-party Windows software below.

3.1. Kaspersky Software Updater

Free utility Kaspersky Software Updater from the eminent creator of antivirus products - Kaspersky Lab - was created with the aim of promoting paid software, but in the good old traditions of delivering quality software products regardless of the terms of their payment. The utility is created on the principle of “Take it and use it”, it has a convenient interface and clear controls. Quality often makes friends with minimalism, so the creators of the utility found it necessary to limit themselves to only a hundred supported programs from those in demand by a wide audience. Right after Kaspersky installations Software Updater can start searching for updates to the software available in the system.

Kaspersky Software Updater

Based on the scan results, the utility window will display a list of programs for which new versions are available. And we can immediately start the update process for each of the detected programs by clicking the “Update” button. The update process will be carried out automatically.

Kaspersky Software Updater

Other features of Kaspersky Software Updater include batch updating of all detected programs in one click, adding individual programs to the list of exceptions (they will no longer participate in scanning), selecting a search mode for updates (all in a row or only essential ones), and automatically starting scanning according to a configured schedule. Kaspersky Software Updater is added to startup and background monitors the emergence of new versions of software available in the system.

3.2. FileHippo App Manager

FileHippo App Manager is a program that works in conjunction with a single database of software installers; it is the client software of the FileHippo.Com soft portal. The program is free to use. The scanning period to detect new versions of the software available in the system is configured immediately when installing FileHippo App Manager. The program loads along with Windows, works in the background and notifies you of the availability of updates to the software available in the system with a message from the system tray.

Based on the results of scanning the system, in the FileHippo App Manager window we will see a list of programs for which new versions have been detected. Using the “Download & Run” button you can download new versions and start installing them on the system.

FileHippo App Manager

FileHippo App Manager stores downloaded distributions of new versions of software in a special folder. If necessary, its path, which is set by default on the C:\ drive, can be changed so that the distributions are stored, for example, on one of the non-system partitions.

FileHippo App Manager

3.3. SoftSalad Monitor

SoftSalad Monitor is a client program of the Softsalad.Ru soft portal. Other client programs also work with it, but SoftSalad Monitor has the advantage of being able to free use. However, during the installation process of the program, it is necessary to carefully monitor it so that companion programs are not installed on the system along with it.

Like other programs for automatic update software, SoftSalad Monitor is added to startup during installation and performs its work in the background. After installing the program, a system scan will automatically start to search for new versions of the software available in the system. In the scan results, next to each of the programs in the list, possible actions will be available - download a new version, ignore for the future, and go to the Softsalad.Ru page with a description of the program. Downloading new versions is possible in batch mode.

The process of installing new software versions is launched directly from the SoftSalad Monitor interface.

If necessary, in the program settings you can change the preset storage path of the downloaded distribution.

SoftSalad Monitor

Of the three reviewed, this is the most functional solution. SoftSalad Monitor scans the system for searches outdated versions Not only installed programs, but also portable programs. SoftSalad Monitor is also a directory for downloading and installing new software. In the “Popular” tab we will find several thematic selections of the most popular software. And to search for specific programs, you can use the internal search engine SoftSalad Monitor.

Have a great day!

Many users install new applications from Play Market on your Android smartphone. It happens that a user suddenly notices that a friend has exactly the same application that works differently than his. More precisely, a friend has new features and capabilities in the application, but for some reason our user does not have them. The user has serious doubts that he is using the updated application latest version. The question arises, how to update the application on Android?

Rice. 7. Click “Accept” to give Yandex.Mail permission to use device resources

Click “Accept”, the application update begins, this will take some time.

You can find out which applications are updated and which are not in the Play Market, “My Applications” option, “Updates” tab:

Rice. 8. Message in the Play Market that the Yandex.Mail application has been updated

Setting Up Update Notifications

It happens that update messages arrive completely inappropriately and you want to turn them off. You can turn off the sound that occurs when such updates appear, or block them from receiving them.

To turn off notifications, you need to open the Play Market settings. To do this, you need to follow the steps described above in Figures 1-3. When the “My apps and games” option is open on your Android smartphone, you need to scroll (scroll) the window down so that “Settings” appears (Fig. 9):

Rice. 9. Play Settings Market

Open "Settings" Google Play Market, and click “Alerts” (1 in Fig. 10):

Rice. 10. Update notification settings. Application auto-update settings.

Having opened “Alerts”, check the checkboxes. If you DO NOT want to receive notifications about the availability of updates for applications, you need to uncheck the box next to “Updates” (1 in Fig. 11). Also in this case, you should uncheck the box next to “Automatic update” (2 in Fig. 11):

Rice. 11. Check/uncheck the boxes for notifications about updates and for automatic application updates

If you uncheck the boxes, you should not receive notifications about the availability of updates and about automatic updates.

We configure automatic application updates to save Internet traffic

Everyone chooses their own settings for automatic application updates. In Fig. 12 “Only via Wi-Fi” option is selected. It's convenient to

To keep up with the times and use the computer more efficiently, each user needs to constantly update software, i.e. install newer (fresh) versions of frequently used programs.

Well, what program is the most used by almost every user? Of course, a browser is a program for surfing the Internet. Therefore, in this lesson, let's talk about how to update a program using the example of updating a browser.

But before we start updating, let's figure out how updating a program differs from a regular installation.

Updating a program means installing a new version of a program over the old one. With this installation, the program saves individual settings from previous version. Those. if we update the program, then all our settings, bookmarks, panels (and so on) will be saved. If we first remove old version program, and then install a new one, then all settings and bookmarks will need to be restored again manually.

Therefore, keep in mind the following - if the program works stably and we do not notice any deviations in its operation, then the program can simply be updated, and if the program starts to malfunction (for example, after changing its settings or installing add-ons), then perhaps the correct way This program will need to be reinstalled (uninstalled and reinstalled).

Got this sorted out! Now let's proceed directly to the update.

In this tutorial I will update the browser Internet Explorer(IE) – I’ll install version 9 on top of the previous version (I have IE 8).

Before installing the new version, you need to download it. It’s best to do this on the manufacturer’s official website, so download installation file IE 9 on the Microsoft website.

To do this, find a button there Download:

In the next window, first of all, select the language and version of your operating system so that the version that is suitable specifically for our computer is downloaded. To do this, select the desired item in the drop-down list (I have Russian 32-bit Windows 7), and then boldly press the button Download:

If you probably don’t know what Windows is installed on your computer, you can find out this information by right-clicking on the icon My computer and selecting the item Properties. On Windows 7 it looks like this:

After pressing the button Download A window like this will appear in which we press the button Save(to save the downloaded file to your computer):

In the next window, select the location on your hard drive where we will save our file (for me this is the folder I.E. on Desktop):

Now click on the file icon to begin the installation process. In the window that appears, we agree to the installation by clicking the button Install:

After that, just wait until the installation is completed:

When the installation is finished, we will be asked to restart the computer to make changes. We reboot (observing as the system starts how changes are made to the operating system settings) and launch the updated IE 9 browser.

As you can see, everything is very simple!

Now, using the same principle, you can update any other browser, as well as most programs that you use every day in your computer activities.

But keep in mind that this update method is only suitable for free or purchased programs, so if you are using a hacked version licensed program, then it is better not to use such an update. After all, by doing so, you will install a licensed version on top of the hacked program, for which you did not pay, and therefore the program will be limited in its capabilities or the period of its use (and a message will appear stating that your program is not registered).

In addition, remember that the new is not always better than the old - sometimes a version that has been tested over the years works more stable than a hastily released “raw” version, so before updating a program that is important to you, ask on the forums about the reliability of its new version.