It says the page is not working. The browser does not open pages. Causes and treatment. Invalid DNS address or server unavailable

What to do if the VKontakte (contact) website does not work (does not open)? There are several ways to solve this problem. The choice of the most suitable one depends on the cause of the problem with logging into this social network.

The most common reason for the inability to log into Contact is a virus entering the computer and a failure in the settings that causes the problem of logging into this site. However, first of all, you should check your Internet connection and see if other websites are loading.

Why Contact doesn't work - probable reasons

Any user of a social network, sooner or later, may encounter the fact that my contact page does not open. There can be many reasons for this, some can be resolved quickly, in other cases it will take some time and more advanced computer knowledge.
Except random technical problems, there may also be deliberate actions of third-party programs or scripts launched on accidentally opened Internet sites. Such programs contribute system changes to important areas of the computer responsible for connecting network pages to the system.

Let's try to figure out step by step why the contact is not working:

1 . Internet connection problems

  1. If your computer cannot access the VKontakte website, you should check the status of your Internet connection and make sure that the network is accessible, opening any other sites. Having determined that the connection has been established, and the traffic used ensures the loading of Internet pages, and my VKontakte website page does not work, we will consider the following probable reasons.
  2. It also happens that problems are related to the router itself. To reject this possibility, you need to turn off your router for more than 3 minutes. — the modem’s temporary parameters will be reset and the IP address will be changed (very often providers distribute a dynamic IP address, depending on the moment of connection). It is also recommended to restart your computer.

2. The problem is in the browser itself

There are very common cases when the contact page (VK) does not open due to a browser failure.

  • In simple cases, a corrupted copy of a site template (cache) may be saved, and upon further opening, distorted page details are loaded from temporary files. You can solve this problem by simultaneously pressing the buttons " Ctrl+F5“, after this the page cache will be completely updated.
  • You can also open my Contact page in another browser(if there is no other browser on your computer, you can download it from the link on the page)
  • In frequent cases it helps cleaning your computer from debris special programs, which clear temporary files and delete fragments of previous activity of operating system programs. One of the most popular programs for cleaning is CCleaner - download link and brief instructions in the article.

3. Antivirus scan

Another way to solve the problem with Contact not working is to check your computer for harmful viruses. You should do a full scan of the system, while allowing the removal of infected files found by the antivirus program.

  • In addition to the standard antivirus, we recommend checking with a special healing utility. These utilities work precisely in this direction and today have a large database of viruses that make malicious changes to system files, designed to connect your computer to websites. Their installation has temporary in nature, downloaded unpacked in case of inspection. While standard antiviruses can detect nothing.
  • If you don't have an antivirus installed on your computer, be sure to install it. You can use free versions Kaspersky, Panda, AVAST, Avira, AVG or free antivirus Microsoft, download links on the page.

4 . Redirect to another IP address

  • Frequently occurring cases of problems with popular social networks are deliberate malicious changes to the site’s IP address and redirections to another. You can find out by typing, for example, in the browser instead of address or by entering it IP address(you can find out the IP address on the Internet, for example on 2ip - see in the picture below). Perhaps the phishing program has set a trap for just one specific method of entering the name of a website.

  • Enter the received address into the address bar of the browser and press enter
  • If as a result the VKontakte page will open, this means the virus has made changes to the system files of the computer and redirects to another ip address.
  • In the case when the VKontakte site still does not open, the existing redirection, unfortunately, cannot be determined for sure either, since viral changes can redirect all transitions, since every day the creators of such viral schemes improve their skills. We need to understand further.

Such changes can redirect to pages that are duplicates of the social network site, outwardly indistinguishable from the original, and the user may not immediately determine this, follow the suggested instructions for restoring the page (this is the most likely), or simply re-enter his data (login and password). As a result, you may lose money on your phone account or own account, and maybe all together. At the moment, unfortunately, protection against such fraudulent activities Even an antivirus program does not provide complete protection.

5. VKontakte does not open due to changes made to the Hosts file

If you cannot enter a certain page on the Internet, and especially a social network, the entry ban is most likely contained in the hosts file located on your computer. Find this file To check whether the problems with VKontakte not working are related to it, you can go to: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc in the OS (for windows xp, 7, 8, 10).

  • Open the above file using Notepad (in our case, the default notepad is Notepad):

  • The information that appears will allow you to determine why Contact or other sites do not open:

Here is a standard page that does not prohibit access to any sites. If below you see the address of a site that you cannot access or the IP of this site, this means that your problem is related to the hosts file, which contains a list of corresponding IP addresses and domain names. If an incorrect IP address - domain pair is entered, then there will be a problem with logging into the VKontakte website. By typing the address, you are taken not to this site, but to another one - empty or fake.


  • You can get rid of the above problem by deleting all unnecessary references in this file, as shown in the example of the changes made. Ideally, this file should look like the picture we provided (in the previous one).
  • The situation with this file can be even more complicated if the virus created a fake hosts file and specified the system path to it. In this case, attempts to view and clean the file by specified address will lead to nothing, since it is not active. To solve this case, read more in the article.
  • If you cannot save this file after making the changes, then read the article.

6. Automatic system recovery and file entries

If you are afraid to make any changes to the system files, you can try to restore the system to the moment when you were able to access the site you need without problems. To do this you must enter the menu " Start» -> « Control Panel" and select " Recovery»:

  • Next, you should select the option to restore your computer without deleting files from it.
  • By following all the steps described above, you will most likely get rid of the problem with a not working Contact.

7. DNS connection internet connection

Set the default DNS for your Internet connection, then check with technical support to see if the set DNS matches those used by your ISP. When a virus is introduced into the DNS, the computer stops accessing certain places and, as a result, the website (VK) does not work. After restoring it, the problem disappears.

8 . Reinstalling the operating system

If none of the above manipulations helped you solve the problem of logging into Contact, try reinstalling your operating system. You can do this from the version built into your PC, from the Internet or from a disk. But please note that this method is cardinal, so it should be used as a last resort.

Blocking by the administration at work or study

Don't be surprised if the social network doesn't open from your work or school computer. It is most likely impossible to log into the social network due to the fact that the entrance was blocked by the system administrator, who can only be deceived by using anonymizer sites (in the article). Not allowing employees to be distracted while working is the task of the system administrator, for which he is paid.

The account was blocked by site administrators

Other reasons why my VKontakte page does not open:

  • The page is blocked in order to prevent it from being hacked and to continue using the service you need to follow all the instructions provided and thus solve the problem that has arisen. To restore access to your page, you must click “Recover Password” and then follow the instructions provided. Don't worry if you forgot your secret question, it is not needed on the VKontakte network.
  • Problems have arisen on the social network server, for example, engineering works, such cases happen and users think that it’s their problem.
  • If you can't log into a social network, try doing it through someone else's computer. Once logged into your account, change your password.
  • Solve any problems that arise only yourself or by contacting

Sometimes a computer user may encounter a situation where the Internet is available, applications that require the network to work work fine, but the browser does not open pages.

In some cases, sites still open, but very slowly and with freezing of images, not to mention videos.

It also happens that the problem affects only one program, for example, Internet Explorer while the others are working fine.

To restore the functionality of the browser, you must first determine the cause of the problem.

The main reasons that the browser does not want to open when the Internet is available are:

Sometimes the browser may not work due to problems with TCP IP or static routes. Therefore, among the options for solving problems, these methods should also be mentioned.

1. Registry check

The first actions that are performed when answering the question of what to do if the browser does not work are checking and, if necessary, editing the registry.

To do this, you will first need to open the appropriate utility.

You can try to find it in Windows folders, but it is much faster to call through the command panel:

  1. Press “Win” + “R”;
  2. Enter the command “regedit”;
  3. Press "Enter".

The window that appears is the Registry Editor. On the left side there are sections, among which you should find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Now you should find the list of parameters on the right side of the window and pay attention to the AppInit_DLLs item. If its value is empty, everything is fine.

If the path to a file is indicated there, this text should be completely erased.

The parameter value is changed using the context menu that appears when you right-click on it.

The same parameter should be checked in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER section, making the same transitions through the subsections.

Having corrected it, restart the computer and try to work in the browser again. In 80% of cases the method helps.

2. Hosts file

If all browsers or at least one of them does not open a single page, but works, you can try to solve the problem by making changes to the file called hosts.

Although most often this edit is required when there is no access to specific sites, mainly social networks.

The file is located in a folder located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and has no extension.

By default, the text inside should be something like this:

The last line with the IP address should be " localhost".

If there are other similar sections of text after it, most likely they are unnecessary and were inserted there by some kind of malicious program.

Now you can restart your computer and try to access the network.

3. DNS problem

One of the most simple ways resolving the issue.

All that is required from the user is just to open the command line and try to ping a specific site that should definitely be working at the moment.

Guaranteed to remain operational Google server ping which by sending the command ping

If the answer is approximately the same as at the top of the image, then you have discovered the site failed.

And the problem lies precisely in DNS. You can fix it by replacing the Google server address with an IP address consisting of only eights.

If this helps, in the Internet connection properties you need to set the DNS addresses to or

At the same time, his automatic detection turns off. If the cause was only DNS, the Internet works as before, but pages are already opening.

4. Viruses

The reason that sites cannot be accessed from a browser, although the same one works fine, may be due to the action of viruses or other malicious programs.

They affect only certain applications, such as and often are not even detected by antiviruses.

Not being real viruses and affecting only browsers and access to the Internet through them, programs may not be detected by the user.

To neutralize such “viruses,” which we call malware (although abroad this word refers to any malicious program), there are special utilities - antimalware.

Most often, they are limitedly free, that is, they require a license, but can partially protect the computer without paying.

Some viruses, which are a type of Trojan.Winlock (but, unlike it, prohibit only logging into the network, and not using the entire computer) not only interfere with access to the network, but also block some browser functions.

For example, when you try to access a website, a window appears on the screen containing a request to urgently send an SMS to unblock it.

It is difficult to close it - the easiest way to do this is to close the browser using the “Task Manager”, and then check the computer for malicious codes.

Some viruses are capable of partially blocking access to the network, creating a situation where you cannot get to a specific page, but the Internet is available.

This usually happens with popular sites such as “” or “”, as well as all resources where you can download an antivirus.

To protect your computer from these and other viruses, you should provide on your computer reliable protection. They are best suited for this purpose.

Mostly these programs are paid, but they are protected important information not worth saving.

If the virus fails to cause any serious damage to your computer, you can also install a free anti-virus program.

5. Antiviruses and firewall

Another explanation for the fact that the browser has stopped allowing access to all or only certain sites is a ban by the Firewall, firewall, or one of the antiviruses installed on the system.

To be able to surf the Internet unhindered, it is worth changing the settings of these programs so that they allow browsing pages.

Important! If the problem affects several sites, it is possible that they are indeed dangerous for the system.

Setting up access through a firewall at the workplace is usually carried out by System Administrator.

6. Static routes

The problem may also be due to the presence of fake entries in the routing table. If there are many of them, removing one at a time will take too long.

And it’s worth using the “route” command with the “-f” switch specially designed for such situations:

  1. The command line is called (calling the execution menu “Win” + “R”, entering the command “cmd”);
  2. The command “route –f” is launched for execution.

This clears the list of routes and is often one of the final ways to solve the problem of not being able to access the network through the browser.

7. Reset TCP IP settings

It happens that none of the options helped, and only the last option remains - resetting the TCP IP system parameters.

To do this, call again and enter two commands in turn: “netsh winsock reset” and “netsh int ip reset”.

Now you should restart your computer and check the results of your attempts to restore access to the network.


Having figured out why the browser partially or completely does not perform its function and solved the problem, you can deal with it much faster next time.

If none of the methods helped, and the Internet continues to work partially (in applications, but not in the browser), it is possible that you will have to call a specialist.

The last method is radical, but it helps to gain access to the Internet relatively quickly (at least for Windows 7 and higher, since the XP version may require manual installation of drivers).

Problems that occur in the registry are often due to installation software, causing failure in the operation of the device. To eliminate malfunction, the registry needs to be cleaned. To quickly resolve the problem, you need to perform the following series of actions:

  1. Using a key combination Win andR, the command line appears. It must indicate " regedit»:
  2. When opening a new window, you need to go to the following address: " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows»
  3. Need to find Applnit_DLLs. If the address appears with additional inscriptions, they must be deleted and the new view must be saved.

Some users are accustomed to resorting to an alternative option using free program Ccleaner. This application helps optimize the operation of the entire system.

Blocking in the hosts file

Sometimes the site may not open due to actions spyware or suspicious applications that may be infected with a virus. As one of common reasons, the site does not open due to the blocking being enabled in the file Hosts. To check, you need open folder on drive C in Windows ( C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc).

The file is located here Hosts. We open it using the usual notepad and look in the list of addresses for entries with the names of sites that do not open. If they are present, then you need them in the file delete and save in modified form. Next, copy it back to the directory from where it was extracted.

DNS problems

“Heavy” sites stop opening due to a full DNS cache. Therefore, preventive cleaning can be a rational solution to the problem. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. To activate the console, call the command line and type cmd
  2. Next, you need to enter three commands in a certain sequence: Ipconfig/flushdns, Ipconfig/registerdns And netsh winsock reset. Then it will happen automatically cleaning, after which it is necessary reboot PC.

How alternative way, you can try to use the Opera browser and compress the site size, as shown in the following image:

Viruses on your computer

If a virus gets into your computer, the system for working with sites that cannot open changes. Normally, each user is directed to the original site, but when a virus is running, he ends up on phishing resource. The latter concept refers to the use by scammers of sites that help seize the user’s personal data. It is impossible to visually distinguish between resources, but using the Host folder you can see the difference.

As in the first point, it is necessary open file using a notepad and delete all data where the sites we need are located (in the screenshot it says “Garbage”). We save all changes in the file and move it back to the place from which the file was moved.

For detection virus programs, it is recommended to use an antivirus. You can use Avast, Dr. Web or Nod-32. The search must be carried out using an in-depth analysis of the content recorded on the PC. When detected by the program dangerous files, it is recommended to clear or delete all found data.

The firewall or antivirus is not configured correctly

Since the main goal for antivirus program developers is the maximum degree of PC protection, sometimes they include too strict system analysis, resulting in blocking visiting even harmless sites. If the antivirus has the slightest suspicion of a threat, the packet filter starts blocking all information that comes from this source.

To cope with such a problem, the antivirus needs deactivation. You need to open the settings or program options and select shutdowns. Next, you need to launch the browser again and check if the site opens. If everything works, then the problem has been fixed.

Cleaning up static routes

It is considered one of the best methods for solving the problem. To do this you need to open command line with administrator rights. Next we enter route-f.

Resetting Tcp IP

Resetting parameters is considered a last resort method when the above methods did not give the desired result. We call again command line with administrator rights and write in the appropriate sequence: netsh winsock reset And netsh int ip reset. Next, you definitely need a PC reboot.

Sites are blocked at the provider level

If your provider blocks, for some reason, visiting a certain Internet resource, you need to use an application that will help hide your visit to the prohibited site. Moreover, it turns out to be useful not only for solving this problem, but also helps to remain unnoticed by scammers. One such application is Host shield VPN.

All you need to do to use it is download installation file from a trusted resource, unpack and run. If at startup the program icon turns green, this means that the tunnel is free and you can start surfing the web.

There are several reasons why the browser does not open web pages of sites; you can read the solutions in the article. Modern users often encounter a situation where Internet-related applications function, but some social networks, individual web pages, or even all pages in the browser do not open.
In some cases, these sites may open, but for a very long time, with freezing and long loading of both images and other content on it.

1. Registry

First of all, let's move on to checking the registry. This is done through the Windows folder, but it is faster and easier to configure and check through the command line:
- Win+R brings up the command line;
- Enter the regedit command;
- Confirm the command entry.

The next window is the registry editor we need. On the left side there are sections where you need to find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE item. After which various components are selected one by one, we need to find the Windows component.
On the right side there is a list of settings, pay attention to the setting " Applnit_DLLs" If there is nothing in it, it is empty, then everything is fine. If any path is indicated there, then erase all the contents and confirm the changes.

Also in the registry, look in another section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, where you should do exactly the same as with the previous section. When the operation is completed, restart your computer and try to enter the required page. Most often this helps.

2. HOST file

If Skype works, but browsers do not accept any pages, then most likely the problem is in the hosts file. Although hosts often impose restrictions specifically on social networks, there are exceptions.
Path to HOSTS: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, the file has no extension. By default it contains the following text:

The last line is necessarily localhosts. If there is other text afterwards, then this is all code added by programs or other utilities that needs to be deleted, then restart the computer and try to log into the network.


It happens that the problem is in DNS - this is not uncommon. All the user needs to do in this case is to contact command line and ping a specific site that should, but doesn't.
To check, they usually ping search engine: google, yandex.

If the answer is the same as in the photo above, then was not detected. And the problem is precisely in the DNS. You can fix it by replacing the Google server address with all eights.
If it helps, now go to the Internet connection properties and insert these eights as full ones DNS servers. If the cause of the denial of service was DNS, then after configuration the ability to interact with a specific resource will resume.

4. Viruses

The reason for the inability to connect to a certain site from the browser when applications are running may be normal malware, popularly known as viruses.

Typically, viruses act specifically on a specific application: Chrome, Yandex, Opera, and it often happens that antivirus programs They don’t see them in the system.

To find and neutralize such viruses, there are special programs– Antimalware. Most often, these programs are free for a certain period, but usually they are needed only in emergency situations and hardly anyone will use it for more than 1 day.

Some viruses have the ability to partially block networks, creating a situation where it is impossible to connect to a specific address.
Usually some major social network type: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, less often Facebook.

To prevent such incidents from happening, you should install reliable and proven protection on your PC. Popular antivirus programs are suitable for such protection. Basically, most of them are paid, but you shouldn’t skimp on protection.

5. Firewall and antiviruses

It happens that websites are blocked by the firewall itself or by an antivirus. To continue interacting with a certain resource without problems, set your antivirus settings so that there is no ban on a certain resource.

6. Static routes

Sometimes entries in the routing table can be tampered with. If there are a lot of them, then it will take a long time to remove the excess. And in this case it is best to use the route command, with the –f switch special for it.

- Call the command line, in which we write route-f.
This command will clear the list of routes and allow you to interact with all sites through your browser.

7. TCP Options IP

It also happens that you may need to reset the TCP IP parameters. This is done, again, through the command line, where the following commands are entered: netsh winsock reset, as well as nets in ip reset.

Reboot the computer and try to connect to the network.

Network users often encounter this problem when, when working on a PC, some sites do not open in the browser.(Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and others). Maybe this site worked and opened earlier, but now, unknown reason, stopped. Or you visit the site for the first time, but you can’t open it. Why does this happen and what needs to be done in such cases?

Causes and solutions to the problem:

1. The proxy server settings are not set correctly.

In order to find the window you need, you need to go to the menu " Start» find icon « Control Panel" and go to it. Then select “” in the menu, then follow the sub-item “ Connections" and click on the option " Network configuration».

If you are using a proxy server, please specify correct parameters. If the PC is for home use, this option is usually disabled (there should be no checkmark next to the “ Use a proxy server for local connections»).

2. Sites do not open due to blocking in the hosts file.

It is also a common reason when viruses in hosts files introduce some website addresses without your knowledge, which are then automatically blocked. To search for this file you need to perform the following steps: through the option " Start» in the window that appears, enter the combination %systemroot%\System32\drivers\etc and confirm the action by clicking “ OK" Then a window will open in front of you where you need to select the item hosts, which opens using notepad (left-click on the file, a list of programs through which you can open the document will open, select “ Notebook»).

If you find the entry below in the hosts file " localhost"something like website addresses (for example, like the VKontakte site in the picture above) - delete them. Save all the settings and now you can close the file. Problem with hosts files must be resolved. If sites still do not open, we recommend the following actions: click Start, drive in " cmd" and then in a new command line " route –f". Now restart your computer and try to launch the site again, it should work.

3. Websites do not open due to a virus.

Manually searching for viruses is a thankless and time-consuming task. In this case, we recommend that you install new antivirus(downloaded from the official website), then reinstall the browser itself (the old one could have been badly damaged by viruses) and the entire system with a new antivirus, and also clean it.

4. An antivirus or firewall is blocking the browser.

You need to disable the firewall: in start, type “ Firewall", select " Windows Firewall", and click on the option in the left corner of the window " Turn Windows Firewall on or off", turn off the firewall.