Why is there noise in the headphones? Extraneous sounds and noises in the headphones. Where do they come from and how to get rid of them? Damage to the connection cable is the most common cause of noise.

Connecting any device to a computer is a process that requires special attention. The more complex the peripheral component, the more complex the procedure. Quite often, headphones/speakers and microphones are connected to computers. These elements help you communicate online. It is very difficult to imagine a modern user without them.

On the one hand, connecting headphones and a microphone does not require anything special. Only after the idea has been brought to life, it often takes a long time to configure these components. They work with errors. Most often, users wonder how to remove noise from headphones on a computer. Why does he even appear? What will it take to fix the problem? And is it really possible to get rid of it? If you can answer everything questions asked, connecting a headset and working with sound on a PC will not cause any trouble.

Why is there noise?

Initially, it is important to understand where the noise in the headphones comes from. Many users face this problem. Sometimes this is a temporary phenomenon, in some cases the noise does not disappear for a long time.

In fact, the nature of the problem is varied. Noise in headphones (with or without a microphone) occurs for various reasons. It is problematic to predict which alignment will help correct the situation. For example, noise may be caused by hardware damage or misconfigurations. Next, you need to figure out how to get rid of noise on your computer.

Sound card

The first reason that can affect the sound quality in the operating system is that it is bad. If it is damaged or outdated, noise appears in the headphones.

The sound “breaks”; various crackling, squeaking and other noises may appear in the headphones or speakers. The situation can only be corrected by replacing or repairing the sound card. Only after that the headphones will disappear.


The following problem occurs very rarely. We are talking about the lack of grounding at the sockets to which the headset and speakers/headphones in general are connected. In this case, various types of noise may appear.

If we are talking about a laptop, most likely, connecting the computer to a grounded outlet will not fix the problem. As a rule, in laptops it is the boards on the mother card that may not be grounded. You will either have to replace them or accept the problem. In some cases, users prefer not to use a particular laptop.

USB devices

Are there noises in your headphones on your computer? Usually, different kinds of sounds occur when connecting various devices. They appear immediately, not after some time.

For example, when connecting a mouse, you may hear a monotonous sound. And if we are talking about a keyboard, most likely you will hear clicks when you press the keys.

This happens due to:

  1. Active transfer of information to the computer. Then it is recommended not to connect USB devices to certain ports. It is advisable to find other places. Or even start using a wireless headset and other devices.
  2. Damage to the USB port. It is proposed to carry out repairs. In practice, users simply reconnect all devices to different ports.

Fortunately, this situation does not occur very often. Modern computers and laptops are made so that users can work on machines comfortably. Therefore, such a situation is unlikely to occur in practice.


How to remove noise from headphones on a computer? Much depends on what type of headset the user has. The thing is that now all devices are divided into wired and wireless. This feature plays an important role.

Often noise in speakers or headphones is found on models connected via cable. This is where the main problem lies. For example, when the cable from a microphone or headphones is damaged, various types of noise arise. This happens due to poor-quality transmission of information to the sound card.

It is likely that the cable is damaged. Then the breakdown must be repaired. If wireless ones are used, this arrangement will not help.

Another trick that is advised to users with a wired headset is to remove the cord from the socket and reinsert it into the computer. This is the method that often helps get rid of noise.


But the next source of the problem is relevant for all devices. But in practice it rarely occurs. The thing is that strong noise in the headphones on the computer is a consequence of damage or lack of sound card or device driver.

In such a case, you simply need to reinstall or update the corresponding software package for normal operation operating system with a connected device. U wireless headphones As a rule, the corresponding drivers are included in the kit on a separate disk. As a last resort, you can download them from the website of the sound card or headset manufacturer.

Maximum sound - problems guaranteed

Background noise in headphones of any model is often encountered when the sound settings are incorrectly set. It doesn't matter whether a microphone is connected to the PC or not. After all, in this situation, nothing depends on him.

If your audio settings are set to maximum, you may experience noise or wheezing on your computer. Users who bought cheap speakers or headsets suffer from a similar problem.

The fix is ​​simple - by turning down the sound. For example, through a mixer in the operating system. You just need to click on the gramophone image (near the clock and date), then move the slider down. So that the noise disappears. Nothing difficult or special. This is why it is recommended to buy mid-priced headphones. They encounter this problem less often.

Microphone - benefit or harm

Now it’s clear how to remove noise from headphones on a computer. But these are not all the techniques that can help. What to do if all the previously listed scenarios did not work?

The presence of a microphone on a PC plays an important role. It is this that often becomes the source of noise in headphones. What to do?

It's clearly not worth giving up the microphone. Instead, you will have to make small adjustments to the sensitivity and volume of the device. Then you will be able to get rid of excess noise.

How to do it? You need to follow a few instructions. It looks something like this:

  1. Boot your computer. Be sure to connect a headset with a microphone.
  2. Right-click on the mixer on the right side of the screen. In the menu that appears, click on “Sound recording devices...”.
  3. Find the connected microphone. Double click on the corresponding line.
  4. Go to the "Levels" tab.
  5. Adjust the microphone volume and sensitivity by moving the sliders. If there is PC Beep, turn it off (move the volume mark to zero).
  6. In the "Improvements" section, check the box next to "Reduce noise level". You can also check the "Remove constant component" item.

All this will help to quickly get rid of noise in the headset. How to set the microphone settings correctly? This is an individual component; each user independently selects the option that suits him.

Conclusions and Conclusions

It doesn't matter which headset is connected to the computer - wired or not. The main thing is that the majority of problems occur on all device models. for a computer with a microphone are most often connected and used without much difficulty. And the main cause of noise in the headset is the high sensitivity of the microphone, as well as the really loud environment around the user.

How to remove noise from headphones? All of the above methods will definitely help correct the situation. If we are talking about wireless headset, then if there is constant noise, it is recommended to change the USB socket used as the receiver. Otherwise, all the previously listed tips remain the same.

Extraneous noise in headphones occasionally occurs due to virus infection. After curing the computer, the headset begins to work properly. Fortunately, these types of events are not that common. And the main methods of dealing with the problem under study are to reinstall the driver, reduce and adjust the microphone. From now on, it’s clear how to remove noise from headphones on a computer.

Where do the various noises and sounds in headphones? How to get rid of noise? Where does it come from? crackling sound in the speakers when connecting an external one USB hard disk? These questions are being asked more and more often not only by clients, but also by readers of my articles on various forums and question boards.

We will try to understand these problems and try to at least partially solve them.

To solve this problem, you must first understand the reasons.

Cheap sound cards are the main source of noise

For most of us, it is normal to use integrated motherboard sound circuits. Few users buy a separate board for sound playback, much less an external one. When packaging a motherboard, manufacturers strive to keep costs to a minimum; as a result, it only costs a couple of dollars to bundle a sound card integrated into the motherboard. High frequencies different schemes give rise to electromagnetic interference, which have almost no effect on the digital component of the audio subsystem, but have a colossal effect on the analog part, where noise appears.

Cheap PCI sound cards have the same problems, albeit to a slightly lesser extent.

Lack of grounding makes the problem worse

Electrical outlets with grounding are extremely rare in our homes. And the lack of grounding significantly aggravates the sound problem. But in the case of laptops, even the presence of grounding in the socket does not reduce the problem, because motherboard however, it is not grounded at all.

Noise when connecting USB devices

Often people don't even notice the noise until they connect USB devices, but as soon as they connect the external USB disk or USB mouse, or the keyboard, then complaints immediately appear.

In this case, the noise is quite specific:

  • when connecting a mouse - monotonous noise when moving;
  • when connecting a keyboard, you can usually hear clicks when pressed;
  • when connecting hard drives- crackling sound when copying information.

The problem is usually in the close proximity of the USB and audio circuits, and active transfer of information through USB ports negatively affects the sound output.

What to do and what to do? Getting rid of noise

Use the digital output from your audio system whenever possible. This method is guaranteed to eliminate noise, but requires speakers with their own digital-to-analog converter, but many of these systems do not have a headphone output, which limits their use.

Buy a quality external USB sound card. It's expensive, but extremely effective. This is especially necessary if you need to not only listen to, but also record sound.

Well, that seems to be all.

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Question from a user


I have a problem with my PC: there is some kind of extraneous noise coming from the speakers and headphones (resembles a crackling noise). I poked the wires - it didn’t help; I also rearranged the inputs - the problem did not go away. By the way, if you click the mouse, this noise intensifies a little. What to do?

Built-in sound card, Realtek (I don’t know the exact model). The headphones are new, the speakers are very ordinary, although they are already quite old (7-8 years old).

Good day!

In general, there can be a great variety of noises encountered in speakers and headphones: for example, the noise of a mouse wheel, various crackling sounds, whistling, intermittent and trembling noises, etc. They can appear for a variety of reasons.

The user problem with sound described above is quite typical (unfortunately), and it is not always so easy and quick to fix. However, in this article I will try to give all the most important points that you need to pay attention to first. By eliminating them, with a high degree of probability, you will make your sound better and cleaner.

If you have too much quiet sound - try the tips from the following article:

If you have no sound at all on a computer - I recommend reading this guide:

Causes and elimination of extraneous sound in speakers and headphones

Cable for connecting speakers/headphones

1) Is the cable intact?

Many people don’t attach any importance to this (supposedly what will happen to it), and the cable, by the way, can be damaged accidentally: if you move the furniture carelessly, bend it, or step on your heel. In addition, many people have pets in their home. In general, there are enough reasons without your direct intervention...

The photo below shows a damaged audio cable...

2) Broken audio connectors

Over time, any audio connectors begin to “weaken” (most often from intensive use) - and the plug is not clamped tightly into them, sometimes there is even a slight play (gap). If in this case you try to insert/remove the plug and twist it in the socket, you may notice how noise appears in the speakers and how they disappear. In this way, you can choose a position for the plug that will not produce noise. The cable can be secured with tape in this “ideal” position.

In general, if the problem is with broken sockets, replace them in the computer. service, the question is not too “expensive”.

3) Cable length

I also want to pay attention to the length of the cable. If speakers are located 2 meters from system unit- then using cables 10 meters long is unreasonable (especially if there are some adapters or extension cords). All this can cause “distorted” sound, a kind of interference. In general, I do not recommend using cables longer than 2-5 meters (in the most common situations, for household use).

4) Is the cable fixed?

Another reason that I had to deal with was the following: the cable from the system unit to the speakers was suspended, about 2 meters long. Naturally, if the window in the room was open, then the draft caused this cable to “dangle” and extraneous noise was observed.

Getting rid of the problem was very simple: using ordinary tape, we attached the cable in 2-3 places to the table and the noise disappeared.

By the way, the cable can also be touched by passing people (if your PC is not very convenient), pets, even your own legs (if the cable runs under the table). Therefore, my advice: secure (fix) or lay the cable so that no one accidentally touches it.

The photo below shows special holders/clamps that prevent the cables from getting tangled and prevent any wires from dangling. These Velcro holders can be placed at the back of the table and secure all wires and cables. By the way, you can use regular tape instead.

5) Front and rear audio jacks

Another important point: if laptops have only one audio connector (usually on the side panel), then the system unit has 2 of them (most often): on the back side of the unit, and on the front.

Many users find it more convenient to connect headphones (sometimes speakers) to the front side of the unit - and often in this case the sound is not as high quality as if you connected it to the audio connectors on the back wall of the system unit. This is due to adapters, extension cords, and other issues with connecting the front panel (from the back of the system unit - the audio outputs go “directly” from the sound card).

In general, the motive behind this advice is simple: try connecting headphones/speakers to the audio outputs on the back wall of the system unit.

6) Is the cable intertwined with other cords?

Also, background noise and extraneous noise may appear in the speakers due to the fact that the audio cable is too “tightly” intertwined with other wires. Try to carefully position it so that it is away from the rest. By the way, this advice overlaps with fixing the cable (see just above).

And one more tip: If you experience hissing and noise in your speakers, try connecting headphones instead (or vice versa). This will not solve the problem, but it will help find and diagnose the cause. If there is no noise in the headphones, then the reason probably lies outside the system unit (which is already something...).

Incorrect sound settings in Windows

Often, extraneous noise in the speakers is associated with not entirely “correct” sound settings in Windows. Therefore, I recommend trying to change them...

To do this, open the panel Windows management by the address: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound .

It will display several of your sound devices. Open the properties of the device through which the default sound comes (such a device is marked with a green checkmark).

Note: by the way, if the default device for sound playback is selected incorrectly, then you will not hear sound.

When will you open speaker properties(default playback devices) - look at the "Levels" tab (see screenshot below). In this tab, reduce all extraneous sources to a minimum: PC Beer, CD, Microphone, Line In, etc. (their number and availability depends on your computer configuration).

Next, I recommend opening the tab "improvements" and see if it is enabled "Loudness of Compensation" (by the way, in some versions of Windows it is called " Additional features/volume equalization").

Save the settings and check if the sound has changed or become clearer.

Lack of current sound driver/driver settings

In general, usually, when there are problems with drivers, there is no sound at all. But modern Windows versions(8, 8.1, 10) install drivers automatically. There is nothing wrong with this; on the contrary, they make life easier for novice users. But there is one big “BUT” - the drivers they install usually cannot be configured, i.e. there is no extra panels where important parameters for your equipment are set. As a result, certain sound distortions may occur.

In order not to repeat ourselves about how to check if there is an audio driver in the system, how to find and update it, how to remove it old driver etc. - I recommend reading this article:

You may also find programs for automatic update drivers in the system. I talked about them in this article:

I also recommend paying attention to the settings of the driver itself. To open audio driver settings: go to the Windows Control Panel in the section "Equipment and Sound" . Further at the bottom of the window, there is usually always a link to the settings: in my case, this is "Dell Audio" (in yours, for example, this could be Realtek Audio).

In the audio driver settings, check the volume of the main devices (play around with it), disable various “obscure” improvements, filters, etc. Very often they are the cause of all sorts of sound problems.

Checking speakers on another PC

If the above recommendations do not give any effect, I highly recommend connecting your speakers or headphones to another device: laptop, TV, PC, etc. This must be done in order to determine the source of extraneous sound:

- either it’s the speakers’ fault (if the sound on other devices is noisy);

- or the system unit itself is “to blame” (if the speakers behave normally when connected to other sound sources).

The reason may be grounding...

Grounding (sometimes called grounding) in ordinary residential buildings, most often, they do it in the basement. All sockets in the building are connected to this ground. If all equipment (including speakers) is connected to the same outlet, then problems with interference due to grounding usually never arise.

If the noise is caused by grounding, then the easiest way to get rid of this is to connect all equipment to the network through one common power outlet. Even better if it is connected to an outlet network filter(not Chinese, but standard quality, or UPS), to which the PC and speakers will be connected.

The photo below shows a surge protector for 5 outlets. Enough for most ordinary home PCs, you can connect: a monitor, a system unit, speakers, a printer, and there’s also room for a phone charger...

Important! In the absence of grounding, some authors recommend connecting the system unit case to a regular battery. I categorically do not recommend doing this (if the network is built in a certain way, you may get an electric shock)! In general, the issue with grounding is best resolved with an electrician.

Noise from mouse wheel scrolling

Sometimes the noise from scrolling the mouse wheel gets into the audio interference and is heard in the speakers. Sometimes such noise can be quite strong and it is simply impossible to listen to music while working.

If you hear sound from the mouse in the speakers, then I recommend taking the following series of measures:

Try replacing the mouse with a new one;

If you use a mouse with a PS/2 connector, replace it with a USB one (or vice versa);

You can also use PS/2 to USB adapters. For example, by connecting a mouse with a PS/2 connector to a USB port;

Try using a wireless mouse.

The photo below shows: a mouse with a PS/2 plug, a USB mouse, and adapters from PS/2 to USB.

Mobile phones and gadgets

If your mobile phone is too close to the speakers, then when you call it (or receive an SMS), you may hear a strong crackling sound and interference. You can, of course, try to shield the audio cable, but at home, in my opinion, all this is a waste of money, time and effort.

The best way out is to find a place for mobile phone not on the computer desk, or at least place the phone and speakers in different corners. Thanks to this, crackling and noise will be significantly reduced.

By the way, this can be observed from walkie-talkies, radiotelephones and other similar gadgets and set-top boxes. Anything that has an antenna and radio signals can potentially be the source of the strongest vibrations reflected in your speakers.

In some cases, even an ordinary printer/scanner/copier or an “unusual” desk lamp can cause noise in the speakers. Therefore, at least for the duration of the diagnosis, I recommend turning off any extraneous devices located near the speakers one by one and monitoring the condition and purity of the sound.

I think there is nothing more to comment here...

High volume on low-quality speakers

Volume above 50% on inexpensive low-quality speakers (and headphones) may well be the cause of noise (they say that the speakers are starting to make noise).

In general, all speakers and headphones produce noise. True, higher-quality speakers (and, as a rule, more expensive ones) produce clearer sound even at high volumes, and only produce noise at maximum. While cheap ones - when the volume reaches medium levels...

Also pay attention to the microphone. If your speakers are turned on loudly and the microphone is working, then a closed “ring” effect may be observed.

Low power supply (Eco mode)

This tip is more suitable for laptop users...

The fact is that laptops have several operating modes: economy mode, balanced mode, and high performance. Manufacturers do this in order to use battery power more economically.

In some cases, reduced power consumption does not allow output high quality sound. Therefore, I recommend going to the Windows Control Panel: Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Power Options . Then turn on high performance and save the settings (see screenshot below).

Installing an external sound card

For some reason, many people think that an external sound card is some kind of large device, expensive, etc. All this is a thing of the past; now there are modern sound cards, the size of which is slightly larger than a USB flash drive (and they look almost the same).

Yes, you cannot connect any specific equipment to such a sound card, but you can connect ordinary classic headphones and speakers, and a microphone to it, which is more than enough for many average users.

In addition, an external sound card can simply help out and help get rid of extraneous noise when other options did not solve the problem. Moreover, the cost of many models is more than affordable (the cheapest options cost no more than a few hundred rubles).

The photo below shows a USB sound card. Such a small “baby” is capable of producing fairly high-quality sound, which will be the envy of some built-in sound cards. And in principle, it will suit most users who are satisfied with the most “ordinary” sound.

That's all I have. Additions on the topic are welcome...

Almost all home computers and laptops are used for work, participation in a variety of game processes, traveling around social networks and other sites and, of course, you cannot do without playing audio and video recordings.

For this reason, users have connected special speakers or headphones to most devices. These elements help improve the sound and increase its volume. In some cases, both of these components are used.

But when using speakers, not only necessary but also extraneous sounds may arise. These can be a variety of noises. Quite often, users encounter this kind of difficulty. But since this interferes with enjoying watching a movie or listening to your favorite musical composition, you need to try to understand this issue and eliminate it.

This question cannot be called simple, although at first glance this is exactly the impression that users get. In fact, the appearance of crackling, trembling, and various other noises is provoked by a variety of reasons.

But it is pointless to consider all the reasons, since this process is incredibly lengthy. So it’s worth focusing on the most common scenarios that provoke this problem.

But first, it’s worth checking the functionality of the speakers, headphones, and connectors into which these elements are connected. To do this, you should use a third-party device. You will need to connect these components to it. To check the connectors, you will need to connect other speakers and headphones to them. If this is all right, then it’s worth considering other possible reasons.

Checking for the necessary drivers

Extraneous sounds can manifest themselves in a variety of ways. But if they have already arisen, then it is imperative to understand that this problem cannot be eliminated on its own. So let's start finding the causes and quickly troubleshooting.

Anything can happen due to driver problems. Very often, users may note that the gadget is not functioning correctly because it is missing several drivers or they are outdated. The reason is trivial, but these components may cause the device to fail.

If special drivers are not installed, the sound may not be played at all. Incorrect operation is also noted in cases where completely incorrect drivers were installed. It is extremely important that only those elements that are 100% suitable for the gadget being used are loaded onto the device.

Otherwise, all kinds of program malfunctions will begin. The sound card will eventually not provide sound playback in the correct mode. In general, the operation of numerous elements that together ensure the reliable functioning of the device is disrupted.

This is why, in the end, various noises appear. Problems of this nature may accompany the process of reinstalling the operating system. That is, when the user executed loading Windows or updated the system, then difficulties arise with the drivers.

The user can learn about this from the corresponding notification that will be shown on the PC screen. To check whether the job is running correctly or not, you will need to go to the Task Manager. To do this, activate this assistant.

This can be done using several keys or by going to the Control Panel, which is located in the main menu on the desktop. Next, go to the equipment and sound section. And after that, several sections will appear, among which you can find the Task Manager.

After this, you will need to open a tab called “Audio Inputs and Audio Outputs”. Now you need to carefully look at whether the devices are indicated opposite exclamation marks yellow or red. If none are visible, then the problem is not related to the drivers.

But if suddenly they are present, then the problem arose with these elements. In this case, you will need to check the presence of all necessary components. If necessary, all that remains is to load the missing objects. After this, there should be no more difficulties with sound. But this is only if the drivers were the culprits.

Difficulties with the cable. Common reason noise

There are often cases when users have to deal with a cable that is not working properly. This is one of the most common reasons. As a result, extraneous sounds, noises, cracklings, etc. may appear.

The problem is poor contact between the speaker and the sound card. Contact deteriorates for a variety of reasons. Most often this happens because the cable may be loose. At the same time, it can move to different positions, becoming damaged.

So the best solution is to attach the cable to a wall or piece of furniture. In this case, it will always be in one position and not be damaged by people and animals.

There are also frequent cases of damage not to the entire cable, but to its individual parts. In this case, the sound may disappear not in two speakers, but in one. To verify this type of damage, you should install the headphones to another device. During testing, it will be possible to identify the true cause. This means that its consequences can be eliminated.

Poor contact between the socket may also be detected network card device and the plug of the headphones connected to it. Sometimes some manipulation of the plug may be a way out of the situation. You can try taking it out and then putting it back in again.

You can also try it a little and turn it very carefully. We turn it in any direction and check whether the connection is ensured or not. In some cases, these simple steps can help.

In any case, it is necessary to monitor exactly how the cable is placed. It should always be attached to the floor or wall. In this position it will be least damaged during use. Also, you should not move the cable every time, rotate it, or perform other manipulations that could harm the signals transmitted through it.

Also, difficulties often arise for other reasons. If this element is too long, then you should not be surprised by extraneous sounds. This is due to the fact that the cable often bends. In this position, it transmits a damaged signal. So you should make its length optimal size and the problem will be fixed.

Adjusting sound settings

Difficulties often arise precisely for this reason. It's hard to even imagine what correct setting Playback settings can improve sound quality. But if the user has performed the settings incorrectly, noise and other sounds may appear.

In this case, the user may not even realize that he previously performed some actions incorrectly. Quite often, various kinds of noise in the sound can be observed due to PC Beer being turned on and line input. Often incorrect setting provokes changes in frequency parameters.

This is subsequently reflected in the sound quality. In this aspect, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the device used, since for each device the settings are made individually. Sound data adjustments are made in the control panel.

Users will need to go to the sound and equipment section. Then open the tab with volume settings. Now an icon with a picture of a speaker will appear, which you will need to click on. In this case, the device properties will open, which are displayed as “Speakers and Headphones”.

Users should slightly reduce the signal level, as well as make some other adjustments regarding the PC Beer section. You need to look at the data that is specified in the CD parameters, as well as in the line-in tab.

As soon as the work is completed, it is imperative to save the entered information. In some cases, after this kind of manipulation, the reproduced sound becomes much “cleaner” and more beautiful. So don't neglect the settings.

Poor quality equipment

Some users prefer to buy inexpensive products, but at the same time demand from them High Quality. But this happens extremely rarely. Often, users notice a decrease in the quality of the reproduced sound.

And the whole point is that when creating inexpensive speakers and headphones it is impossible to use expensive parts. Therefore, you should not demand anything supernatural from such components. Inexpensive models will not provide excellent sound. You should especially not set the volume level to the maximum, since in this case interference will be especially noticeable.

You should always adjust the volume level not only directly on the speakers, but also on the computer you are using. Only if harmony is achieved can sound be achieved good quality. In general, you shouldn't skimp if great sound is your goal.

Other reasons: grounding and power supply

This problem can occur if the speakers pass electrical signals through themselves. They also pass through the body personal computer. That is why you should not be surprised that various extraneous noises arise, which, in theory, should not exist.

In order to exclude this problem, you will need to use an incredibly easy-to-implement technique. It consists of ensuring the connection between the device body and the battery. All this is done using a regular cable or cord. It is possible to eliminate interference in this way if the cause was directly related to grounding.

But difficulties can also arise due to the power supply. Since this problem only affects laptops, it does not affect users of desktop devices. So laptop users can try to check sound card for food. If it is not enough, then this provokes the appearance of third-party noise.

You can check this in the power supply tab. You can find it in the main menu. Click on the “Start” button, after which many sections will appear, among which the Control Panel will certainly appear. Next we find the section with system and security.

Now all that remains is to enter the power tab. It must indicate the level of performance that is needed. Select the maximum value. In the additional parameters tab, specify the desired value. Often this section is hidden. So there is no need to be afraid of this.

Immediately after these manipulations, we try to connect the gadget to a power supply network. Only after this can you try to check the sound quality again. If everything is in order, then the problem was precisely the lack of power.

There is also another type of noise that may not occur often. It manifests itself in the fact that when scrolling the mouse, this sound can be clearly heard in headphones or speakers, if they are connected. This may not irritate some people very much, but a certain group of users are very stressed by it.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider this error option. The reasons can also be very different. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to establish the real “culprit”. So it’s worth trying a few manipulations that will really help.

You can also resort to connecting a mouse to a different port or use a completely different mouse. You can also purchase a wireless version instead of a wired one. This may help in some situations. So problems with the mouse can also cause unusual noises.

Whatever the cause, it can be identified and then all necessary efforts can be made to eliminate its consequences. This instruction will definitely help.

Probably everyone has encountered this problem - people close to you are sleeping around, but you want to listen to something while sitting at the computer. Or just watch a video with sound. It seems like high-quality audio no system is required for this, plug the headphones into the front jack of the computer - and have fun. It wasn't like that. Greetings, dear friends. My story began with the fact that I changed my personal computer case. The victim of my adventures was the AirTone MC-6010. I've been eyeing it for a long time, big, beautiful, well made...

I spat and bought it. How much can you poison your soul? And satisfied with the barrel of honey, the bear wandered home... But the bear did not rejoice for long. There was also a fly in the ointment here. Someone stepped on our bear's ear. I connect headphones to the front (front) panel connector, and I hear a beeping sound in them. I move the mouse and the squeaks change. I scroll through the pages with the wheel - it also changes. And this sound is so annoying that it was decided to change something.

The first thing I did was look for information on the Internet. I refused advice to update the BIOS, and realized that manual therapy was not enough. Apparently they did something wrong with the land layout. We'll open it. Having decided on this idea, I abandoned it for a long, long time. I just didn’t want to go through all the trouble of stirring things up. But by chance, I recently decided to check my friend’s motherboard, and shook up everything that was in my system unit. Well, I decided to figure out what was going on for the company.

So, we are faced with the first task. Disassemble the case and get to the insides of the front connector panel. Ok, let's get started. Having disassembled half of the body, removed the door opening mechanism and much more, I once again made sure that I had not noticed any fasteners somewhere. And so it turned out. So, our panel with connectors is attached: a self-tapping screw in the front part, access to which is through a rectangular slot in the metal from below. Two screws in the middle. And attention (!!!) there is another self-tapping screw behind the far latch under the wiring harness. It is this wiring harness that prevents it from being seen. After this, move the 3 latches with your hands and pull the top panel up and towards you. It will resist a little, since there are 2 more non-locking latches installed in the front part. Under our pressure, they also carefully emerge from their seats without any harm.

Hurray, the hardest part is over! I hope... We see a neatly made case in which everything is attached. We take a screwdriver and unscrew the two bolts on the sides that hold it...

The first thought is wow, there’s so much here... But my hands are already trying to move on) I must say that I liked the implementation. Everything is done neatly, everything is detachable for ease of use. Well, let's continue. So, we are looking for land. To do this, we need a pinout diagram for the HD audio connector and a tester. The first one is easily found on the Internet, the second one can be found at home. Well, or if you’re really unlucky, then in any radio store. Here is the first one from the list:

Having found the wire we need, we call it with a tester. I didn’t even have to do this, the color marking of the wires was done very carefully, and I had no problems finding the mating contact on the connection block to the panel. In the picture below it is highlighted in red.

Well, of course, the cause of all the problems is immediately visible. The pins of the ground buses of the audio path and USB/E-Sata ports were soldered together. We turn it over and make sure that the earth diverges into different wire harnesses. Of course, ours USB ports give strong interference, which is amplified by the resulting earth loop. So it needs to be cut. Scalpel please! Why not? Well... then a paper knife! (if you don’t have it, you can use the regular one, but it will be a little less convenient). We're cutting! Stop. What exactly are we going to cut? Well, I'm in a hurry again. We plug an empty plug into the audio connector and find where the ground is connected to it. In the picture above I marked it in blue.

What would be the best way to do it? Cut it off and connect directly to the wire? Then the panel will become one-piece. What if... After measuring the dimensions, I came to the conclusion that there is more than enough space in this case. Then carefully isolate these pins from the common ground polygon, and connect them to each other with jumpers from a piece of wire. Now let's cut!

Each pin pad is connected to a common polygon by four thin jumpers at the corners. Carefully cut them, to be sure, ringing them with a tester for lack of contact. Ready! Now we need to connect them to the main ground pin. How? You can use any wire that suits your aesthetic needs. Preferably, of course, without extremes. For some reason, I immediately imagine a thin ligature of an engraved pattern on the surface of the insulation... Ah! Let's continue! Well, I didn’t find the wire right away. From computer power supplies it is a bit thick, from twisted pair cables it is thin and brittle. No, I'm looking for something more civil. After rummaging through the bins, I found this work, probably from Soviet times. The next generation will no longer understand where he came from. I barely caught it myself

This is an audio cable that connected the optical drive to the motherboard. Just right! Cut off the black wires. Let's see. Stranded, tinned copper. It couldn't come at a better time. Great! We take a soldering iron, a desoldering pump, and get to work. We separate the required pin from the other three with which it is filled with solder. We complete the job with a knife, cutting the contact strips going to the common ground. In this place, be careful, there is a path next to the pin on the left, which has nothing to do with our showdown. You must be careful not to damage it. We use a tester to check the work done and carefully solder two jumpers from the chosen wire.

Rejoicing at the completion of the work, I assemble the entire case and turn on the computer. Hooray! No more noise in the headphones! True, there is no sound either... I collected it, of course. But he did everything carefully, it seemed like there was nowhere to make a mistake! After digging through the driver settings, I found out that not everything is so bad. The panel works, but it does not detect that a device is connected to it. If you disable the detection function, the sound goes through the headphones. Internet again? Are looking for!

It turns out that the panel I got was not HD Audio, but simply AC 97. After reading the information, I learned that this is exactly what distinguishes them. The ability to determine that a device has been connected. Not good. Having searched a bunch of forums, I still haven’t found information on what algorithm is used to determine it. But the pinout diagram, that is, of both standards. So, let's go looking. We disassemble the case again, this time removing only the top panel.

By the way, I managed to put the self-tapping screw that I was screwing through a rectangular slot in the metal in the wrong place, leaving marks on the board. Be careful, don't repeat my mistakes.

Having reached the board again and armed with a tester, I begin to make calls... Well, of course! How did I not notice right away! One of the four pins combined together also goes into the same wiring harness and belongs to HD Audio. As they say in the pinout, this is a certain “–ACZ_DET”. So it becomes clear what kind of contact this is. He is responsible for determining the type of connected panel. Again, take the soldering iron, desoldering pump and knife. We also separate it from the other pins, isolate it from the ground polygon and combine it with the HD Audio ground pin.