String selection. So how do you choose strings for an electric guitar? How to choose strings for an acoustic guitar.

Strings are one of the most common consumables for electric guitar lovers. Strings come in different qualities, materials from which they are made, gauges and price categories. You need to choose strings wisely, based on your musical preferences and financial capabilities.

So how do you choose strings for an electric guitar?

These controls typically control volume, tone, and the selection, mix, or phase ratio between various sensors. If you don't know what a knob or switch does, ask their sales team to explain it. Don't think that "more pens are better." In fact, if you're just starting out, too many buttons and switches can be downright confusing. Volume and tone controls should be easy to reach and knobs should turn smoothly. There should be no crackling sound coming through the amplifier when you turn the volume or tone control.

Before you go into a specialty store, ask yourself, “What style of music do I prefer and what tuning will I use?” For lovers of jazz and blues music, they offer an excellent selection of guitar strings from Ernie Ball and Dean Markley. For connoisseurs of such non-aggressive and light styles, strings of gauge 9-42 and 10-46 are perfect, which standard system our instrument will sound soft and ringing.

Play a note starting on one of the two lowest, thickest strings, and then play it starting with higher and higher notes on the guitar so that you try out all the different ranges of the instrument. When you play a note on the higher parts of the neck and then hold it, does the note persist or does it die out quickly? If high note cut too quickly, it may happen that the neck needs adjustment.

Depending on how you play guitar and the style of music you play, some guitars may suit you better than others. If you want to regularly adjust volume and tone as you play to sculpt your tone, you may want them very cloned for your hand. On the other hand, if you play rhythm guitar in a hard-driving rock band, you may want all the knobs and switches to be away from your hand.

Those who prefer heavy styles of music can enter the store confidently and with a smile on their face. For them, the choice of strings is not limited by anything. There are slippery ones for fans of fast riffs and hard ones for aggressive metal styles. An excellent choice for Heavy Metal would be strings from GHS and Dunlop, with gauges ranging from 9-42 to 11-52. If the emphasis will fall on riffs, then it makes sense to take strings with weighted basses. That is, the “ten” set has bass strings from the “eleven” set, for example caliber 10-52. For those who like to make braces, it is recommended to use strings in which the first three are softer than the others (or standard sets). That is, 10-46 and 10-52 for standard tuning, or 11-52 for formation in "D".

Another difference is its shape and the thickness of the guitar neck. The neck of an electric guitar has different contours at the back of the neck where the thumb slides along: ask the salesperson to show you guitars with different types neck so you can get a feel for which one feels most natural to your hand.

Electric guitar strings have a variety of pickups and construction methods. Nickel steel guitar strings provide a bright, crisp tone. Some people prefer the tone of pure nickel guitar strings, which produce a warmer, more vintage sound tone than nickel-plated steel strings. Other players such as stainless steel electric guitar strings because they are brighter than nickel plated steel or pure nickel. Jazz players often prefer flat-string electric guitars because they produce the warmest, smoothest tone.

Those who prefer to place the sixth string in a drop with the fifth were left with no choice. Elixir strings, gauge 10-53, 11-54, are perfect for you. This same manufacturer is also the most expensive, as it makes its strings with an additional coating that prevents them from becoming dirty and thus extends their lifespan; the same coating makes them slippery, which makes it easier to play reefs. The most common strings are “D`Addario”; they are the so-called “golden mean” between price and quality. From this company you will find a kit of almost any caliber. They can be used for Punk, Metal, Grunge, and other existing trends.

Another thing to keep in mind is the scale of your guitar. Many players prefer this setting because the 009 gauge can be bent too easily on the shorter scale length. Using calibration strings. 010 makes the guitar more balanced. Of course, you can use any gauge of electric guitar strings you like. Heavy-handed players may find that a medium-gauge electric guitar cord will break less and be easier to navigate than a lighter string.

However, with the help of an amplifier; They were able to produce pieces loud enough to play in the large jazz orchestras of the era. Without them, it's hard to imagine what the musical landscape of the last 60 years would have looked like. Along with the development of the solid electric body, there was the electric guitar of hollow and semi-hollow bodies. These devices worked well until the volume on their amplifiers was very high, at which point they produced large number unwanted feedback. To combat this feedback, the electric guitar with semi-hollow electrodes was invented.

Each company produces strings of different metals with a huge selection of gauges. Strings can have different sensations, life span and sound brightness. In order to decide which set of strings you need, try as many companies as possible with different gauges. For beginners, it is advisable to use ninth-gauge strings; they will be softer and more comfortable. Since there are no strict rules when buying strings for a certain direction in music, everyone chooses according to their taste.

They looked the same as their hollow bodies, but it had a solid piece of wood running from the joint of the neck to the bridge of the guitar. First, the wood of the guitar did not vibrate nearly as much as an acoustic style instrument. This helped eliminate unwanted feedback, because pickups were limited to collecting vibration from the electric guitar strings rather than the strings and bodies. The solid piece of body also provided a solid place to mount the guitar, which aided intonation and tuning stability.

Let's face it, playing the electric guitar can be expensive. You have a guitar and an amp if you want to hear yourself play. In this tutorial we will talk about electric guitar strings. For such a seemingly simple purchase, there are a surprising number of things to consider, and finding the right ones for you is an art and a science. We'll clear up all the confusing terminology and give you the tools to make great choices. Last but not least, we will make 5 solid recommendations for today.

about strings for electric guitar .
A very important point!
As you can imagine, the sound of your instrument is very dependent on the strings. More precisely, depending on what they are.
If you bought a new, inexpensive instrument, the strings of course are already stretched on it. First of all, it is recommended to change them. They can last for some time, you can even start learning to play using these strings, but their quality leaves much to be desired. And there is no guarantee that they will not rust or break in the near future. Therefore, it is advisable to change the strings.
What strings should I use? Now there are a lot of different string manufacturers. If you have just started learning, then there is no point in buying expensive strings. But the cheapest ones aren't worth it either. It is best for a beginning guitarist to purchase strings from manufacturers such as J.D. Addario, Ernie Ball, and GHS. price range from 250 to 300 rub. per set. These are good strings and very durable. Choose the thickness of the strings 0.009-0.042 (the thickness of the thin string and the thickest in one set of 6 pieces in inches). (I often write only “9 - 42” on packages of strings.) This thickness of strings is excellent for starting to learn to play the electric guitar, and does not greatly affect the deformation of the instrument itself if the guitar is not of very high quality. Strings are also produced by such well-known guitar brands as “Gipson” and “Fender”, although some guitar makers do not recommend installing them, and prefer strings from companies exclusively specializing in the production of strings, such as those listed earlier.
As a last resort, if you can’t pull the above-mentioned brands of strings, then you can choose the domestic manufacturer “EMUZIN Gold Star Master”, their price is from 60 to 100 rubles. Many musicians learned to play them. Although they are, of course, much less tenacious than their Western counterparts.

To better understand the world of electric guitar strings, it is important to first understand what materials they can be made from. and electric guitar strings are quite different. While acoustic guitar strings use copper-based alloys, in the electric guitar world, nickel and steel are the metals of choice. The metal must be magnetically conductive, so the vibration of the strings is transmitted to magnetic sensors. To the layman, the tonal differences between materials may seem subtle, but any experienced guitarist will tell you that different string materials exhibit very different characteristics.


Remember that when you purchase strings, you must explain to the seller that the strings are specifically for an ELECTRIC GUITAR, and not some other guitar, otherwise they may sell you something completely different.
- Don’t throw away the old strings. They may be needed as a last resort if a string breaks and you can’t get to the store.
- Even the most best strings They don’t live for more than six months, that is, they begin to change their characteristics. The sound loses its richness, heterogeneity in thickness occurs, and micro potholes may appear. Change strings every six months.
- If one string breaks, you can purchase the strings separately and not in a set. Try to buy a string from a similar set (same brand, same thickness, same alloy).

The lines are the first point of contact for your pick or fingers, which is why there is the old adage “tone starts with the lines.” Let's talk about some of the most common materials you'll encounter. Nickel Plated Steel: The most popular material you'll find, synonymous with a very "even" tone and feel. Pure Nickel: Described as “warmer,” “smoother,” and “rounder” than nickel-plated steel. These are also the same tonal characteristics of an antique tone, so if that's what you're after, pure nickel strings are a great choice. In terms of feel, they are softer, which not only makes them easier to irritate, but also wears down the frets on your guitar less aggressively. Another benefit of pure nickel is that they have a longer lifespan as they start out "warm" and even when they deteriorate you may not perceive their reduced brightness as much as there isn't much to begin with! Stainless Steel: The tone will be brighter, crisper and "cut through" more than nickel plated steel or pure nickel.

  • They provide a good balance between brightness and soft warmth.
  • A good all-round choice.
You should use different string materials for sculpting and fine tuning tones - you'll be surprised at the difference this can make!

Let's summarize.

Manufacturer: J.D. Addario, Ernie Ball, GHS
6-Pack String Thickness: 0.009 - 0.042 inches
Price per set: from 250 to 300 rubles.


There are many different strings according to their characteristics and appearance, but I want to note one particular nuance!
The fact is that the strings can vary greatly in appearance. It depends on the design of the electric guitar. There are three string options:
1. one end of the string is clean, the other has a stop roller. (the most common option, suitable for most electric guitars)
2. both ends of the string are clean. (for electric guitars with Floyd Rose tremolo system only)
3. both ends of the string with stop rollers (only for STEINBERGER electric guitars)

Electric guitar windings

Let's take a moment to learn about string windings. The wound thread is the wire that wraps around the wire and creates a tight spiral. The lowest three lines are wound lines. Here are the types of wound strings. There is a small bump between each winding and this causes a more squeaky or stern noise when you run the selection. Additionally, since the surface has more friction, they can wear out the bar faster. Less oil and dirt accumulate on these strings so they last longer and also have reduced squeak and don't wear out the neck as quickly. Unfortunately, it is more difficult to bend flat strings. They seem a little softer and more subdued than the round ones. With a plus you get a more "snappy" tone with more attack. . Sensor guitar string- this is an indicator of how thick it is.

If your electric guitar is not STEINBERGER, then in fact in other cases the first option is quite suitable for you. But be careful! Don’t accidentally purchase the second or third option (however, this is unlikely; such strings are rare in our music market). Consult the seller.
If you have an electric guitar with a Floyd Rose tremolo system, then the first and second options are suitable for you.
If you happen to become happy owner STEINBERGER electric guitars, then no other strings except the third option will suit you, or you will have to redo the mechanical parts of the guitar.

It is measured in thousandths of an inch; "Measurements in inches are the de facto standard, regardless of whether imperial units are used in a country." When asked about their string choice, colloquially, a guitarist might say, “I play with a 10,” or “I use lights.” No string calibration is best. This is largely a personal preference, and many factors go into choosing calibrations, such as what style of music you play, whether you're a beginner or an advanced player, what type of guitar you use, and just generally what feels good to you.