Guitar string material. Features and selection of nylon strings for classical guitar

For a beginning guitarist, sooner or later there comes a time when you have to choose guitar strings. You are going to buy an extra set of strings for your guitar, or replace old or broken strings. Which strings to choose and how to understand the wide variety of models presented? We will help you figure it out. When choosing a guitar, you have already made a choice towards nylon or metal strings. Now let's take a closer look at these types of guitar strings. Perhaps someone wants to change one type of strings to another.

Larger or smaller lines are added to the 4 traditional lines. However, many bass players who play these big bass basses face very specific needs, and the somewhat "automatic" progression of the strings in these strings is often disrupted. Tension to maintain despite serious tuning. Therefore manufacturers' strings will tend to, when they reach 5 or even 6 strings, no longer follow the rule.

There is a solution to this problem, which unfortunately multiplies the string selection problem: buy it strings for one, at least for extended case strings. Most manufacturers actually sell their strings for installation in a wide variety of ties other than pre-assembled packages. Don't hesitate if necessary!

Types of guitar strings

Nowadays there are mainly two types of strings on sale: nylon and metal (made from different metal alloys).
Nylon strings Most often installed on classical guitars. They are also easier for beginners to learn because they are softer and untrained fingers do not experience pain when playing. Sound nylon strings soft, velvety, dull.
Metal strings on the contrary, they are ringing, bright and more expressive in sound. They are installed on the dreadnought type, and . But it is better for experienced guitarists to play them, since they are more difficult to clamp and for beginners, their first playing lessons will inevitably be accompanied by painful sensations in their fingers.

Note that this mixing practice is common among double bass players, who tend to accept one to two lines of a brand and type, then one to two of a different type or even a different brand. Changing lines when breaking: This seems obvious, but it's better said: when a bass line breaks, that's what they wear. As long as you keep the sound consistent and don't have a new rope that sounds like a lot of trouble and the others are boring!

Change Your Strings When They're Dead: Yes, But When? In any case, when changing ropes, if you replace the game with the same thing, usually don't bother, go for it. You will find online guides on this topic of routine maintenance. Take these few minutes to do a little inspection: run a cloth or even polish on the body and handle, and a rag on the metal parts. If your bass is active, check the battery charge status.

String thickness

The thickness of the strings is indicated on the packaging and is measured in thousandths of inches. The thinnest strings are 0.008 or 0.009 inches. The packaging usually says 010 or 10 - this means a thickness of 0.010 inches. They can also mark sets of strings according to their thin string. For example, 9, 10 or 11.

Check as quickly as the intonation of your bass: tuner in hand, play a blank line, and then the same in the octave, then in the harmonic box 12. The blank note should be fair, as well as the octave and the harmonic. If you change the anchors or line type, or simply mark, the stress placed on the line by the lines can change the curvature of the lines. Control or even adjustment of the knob is important, as is adjusting the intonation of the bass. Whether you're a little crafter or an experienced one, it's far from impossible to do and you'll learn a lot about your tool.

Ernie Ball Guitar Strings

Guitar strings D "Addario

Warning: Make sure what you do as soon as you approach the truss rod. When in doubt, or if this is your first time rope replacement, call a professional. Many stores also offer this service. Some are better than others. Through word of mouth among friends, musicians will give you the right addresses. This way, you only need to browse manufacturers' websites to determine what your next set of strings will be. It is often underestimated how much a good set of strings, tailored to the bass and itself well adjusted, does a lot for playability and sound.

Alice Nylon Guitar Strings

Note that metal strings increase in thickness from string 1 to string 6, while nylon strings have three high strings that are almost identical to three low strings. The fact is that the first three strings are nylon fishing line, and the rest are made of nylon threads with windings made of various metal alloys, which we will discuss below.

What is the best string height for my guitar?

The most beautiful bass in the world doesn't ring with dead ropes and is set like a crossbow. Nice set ropes, good setup, and you will feel like you are wearing slippers! String height is one of the guitar settings that raises most questions as it directly affects the guitarist's comfort and playability.

It goes without saying that this tuning varies depending on the type of Alhambra guitar, whether it is a classical concert guitar, a flamenco guitar, or a cutaway guitar. to get the most out of the tool without exposing yourself to the feel of the gene. Their years of experience allow them to press the strings longer and with more force. The first rule is that the higher the lines, the stronger the sound. The second rule is that the lower the height, the less the finger must be forced to press and therefore the greater the feeling of comfort.

Winding strings

There are three types of string winding: round, flat and semicircular. In the image you can see how they differ from each other physically.

They differ in sound. The round winding gives a bright, ringing sound and has characteristic overtones when moving your fingers along the string (close to a whistling sound). The flat winding reduces the presence of parasitic overtones, but the sound itself becomes less sonorous. The semi-circular winding can be characterized as follows: the sound is close to the semi-circular winding, and the playing sensation is like that of “flat strings”.

However, it should be borne in mind that the height of the strings cannot be lowered beyond a certain limit determined by the appearance of "crimp". It should also be noted that the cords of flamenco guitars are much closer to the neck handle than classical models, by combining the given angle of the neck and the height of the saddles.

The playing technique of flamenco guitarists is very different from that of classical guitarists. For the first, the phenomenon of curling is not a problem, but rather a necessity. Conversely, the second one will have difficulty playing authentic flamenco guitars because his curling is too important.

First of all, they are selected according to the needs of the musician, his physiological characteristics and preferences. At the same time, special strings are selected for each guitar, in combination with which the instrument will sound much better. Let's look at some types.

Synthetic ones are most often used for playing classical guitar. Compared to other types, nylon ones allow you to quickly learn how to play an instrument, since they practically do not cut your fingers. Such strings are not used on large guitars, due to their high elasticity, their tension is weak, so the sound is not very harmonious.

What strings does my Alhambra guitar come with?

This way you don't need to use very strong ropes. You can choose a strong or normal tie. This choice will depend on your own playing experience, the acoustic qualities of the guitar, and the fact that each guitarist has his own way of plucking the strings.

In the case of flamenco guitars we use the same strings, although some manufacturers offer specific models. Sometimes musicians combine different brands for sharp strings and bass strings. We recommend using cords of this diameter because customers who have installed smaller diameters have noticed that their tool tends to over-tune.

If you are interested in the question: “Which strings are best for acoustic guitar", then it is recommended to look for the answer in the comments of professionals. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to give specific recommendations on this issue, since due to the individuality of each person, the material of the strings and their sound are perceived differently.

However, in modern world There was a clear belief that metal strings are the best for playing the guitar. In some ways, the public is right, since this type is made of durable and reliable material, and the instrument must also be made of good wood.


A tag attached to the action will let you know the line mark of your guitar. These models have an undeniable professionalism due to its production, as well as an excellent quality-price relationship that will be able to satisfy those who want to participate in guitar research.

Conservatory range

Mid-range guitars are very suitable for those who want to keep track of guitars. Good choice material and special attention to the processing of each part. All of these elements make these guitars excellent accomplices for the advanced student who needs a good instrument to develop his technique and musicianship.

Metal strings for an acoustic guitar sound louder and more resonant, but it is not worth learning to use them, as they dig painfully into your fingers, which causes bloody calluses.

Not so long ago, intestinal strings (vein strings) were popular. Their production is based on the processing of animal intestines, but such strings are difficult to find in Russia, while in the West their production is also reduced to a minimum, since they are short-lived and quickly fail. Therefore, today best strings for acoustic guitar metal. There are many other types and methods of making strings, but they are so unpopular that they are not worth talking about.

Concert series

The superb selection of hardwoods and materials used with completely artisanal construction make these guitars ideal instruments for the most advanced student. Commodity, strength, beautiful sound and various nuances are the main characteristics of these models.

The best production and price-quality ratio at the service of those who want to “initiate” the study of flamenco guitar. The guitarist will begin to understand and develop various flamenco chords with an instrument that will bring him good sonority and security of dominance in interpretation.

should be smooth, the strings should be tightened gradually, and if they are new, then it is necessary to tighten them and leave them in that position for 24 hours. Once the material has stretched, you can continue adjusting the tool.

If you can’t tune by ear, you can purchase a special tuner; fortunately, there are a great many of them in stores. In addition, there is free programs, which will allow you to tune the strings for an acoustic guitar in accordance with the desired tonality.

Pastry Conservatory Flamenca

Flamenco style will be pleasantly guaranteed with this series of guitars, manufactured according to the requirements of a good flamenco connoisseur. Each of the parts, the various manufacturing characteristics, the height of the strings and, in fact, all the criteria associated with the manufacture serve good tool for the “master talker” to be able to express himself in all his dimensions.

Cutting range

A guitarist who tries one of these guitars can experience following its excellent design. Guitars that are primarily straight oriented have distinct frets that are taller, as well as a comfortable grip that is shorter.


Its classic guitar body with a cut-out chest and the narrower neck characteristic of acoustic guitar design gives these guitars excellent versatility when composing a variety of styles.

When buying a guitar, you should replace the strings, since the manufacturer installs the cheapest ones, made using primitive technologies. This is done so that the buyer can test the tool. Of course, expensive models of instruments do not need such replacement, however, budget options are 100% with low-quality strings.

Additionally, this new guitar concept comes in nylon and steel strings. This guitar has a rounded tuning fork that allows the guitarist to play the steel string guitar while sounding similar to a classical guitar. These guitars are different appearance and sound offer the best of both worlds.

Where to buy a guitar in Alhambra?

L. recommends purchasing one of his guitars from establishments dedicated exclusively to the sale of musical instruments. Purchasing a guitar from an expert familiar with this type of instrument can be a great help. Minor adjustments may be required to adapt the new guitar to the user.

If the strings for an acoustic guitar have become unusable, then you cannot change them selectively, you must replace the entire set. Today, music stores sell strings individually, but not everyone understands that different sets sound different, since manufacturers make products using individual technologies, so the tonality and timbre will be different.

In case detailed review requires our intervention, it is imperative that the instrument is returned to the point of sale where it was purchased. A list of our Alhambra distributors and sales points is available on our web page. If you contact one of our distributors, the distributor can tell you which store is closest to you. If you contact us from Germany, Spain, France or Portugal you can easily obtain all the information by filling out the form available on our web page.

What is the difference between a classical guitar and a flamenco guitar?

Classical and flamenco guitars are different acoustic and aesthetic instruments, their technical specifications and the materials used to make them vary significantly. When a flamenco guitar is made, the angle of the handle at the point of connection with the table and tablets is also calculated differently. On the contrary, it is completely prohibited in the classical guitar world. In the case of the flamenco guitar, we use traditional woods such as hard cypress to build the back and sides and German spruce to build the harmony table. we use rosewood to build the bottom and sides, and spruce or cedar to build the harmony table, but please note that we use cedar more in the usual way. In recent years, the demand for flamenco guitars "Negras", built with rosewood top and sides, has been very important. The spread of this type of instrument is due to the fact that it is used by famous guitarists, and cypress has become a rare tree.

  • They are usually narrower for flamenco guitars.
  • It is generally lower for flamenco guitars.
  • This difference is not solely due to the use of lower saddles.
  • In general, this phenomenon is considered quite normal for flamenco guitar.
These aesthetic and design differences explain why, once a flamenco guitarist has reached a certain level of playing, his instrument may or may not limit his progress.