So that my volume is in the game. Review of the game My Talking Tom on Android and iOS. The essence of the My Talking Tom application

A good game in the Tamagotchi style, which has attracted many users both on other platforms and on Windows Phone, My Talking Tom is free, but as it turns out, there is a donation in the game. Thus, in order to upgrade your pet and buy him various things, you will have to pay real money. But there is a way to increase money in the My Talking Tom game for Windows Phone itself.

How to have fun in the game My Talking Tom

We will endeavor to read every question, but we cannot guarantee that you will answer every one. Because some questions may have already been answered elsewhere or simply because they are not appropriate for this section. This is not the best place to announce new products or features, or to address issues that we have already thoroughly analyzed elsewhere.

Given the obvious difficulty of balancing the game between Bronze and Professional levels, why not implement two different patches, one dedicated to higher and lower spec diamonds. By regulating the game in two different settings, it becomes increasingly difficult to evaluate the strategic choices of professionals. It may even become difficult to know whether a great game is the result of ingenuity or pure luck. Secondly, it's always nice to see a professional pick your favorite champion or one of the ones you know best. psychological issue, but some of that fun would be lost if the pros played a “different” game than you. We have tried to come up with more creative solutions to address variety and game balance for the professional scene.

If you still want to earn coins or money in the My Talking Tom game for Windows Phone and not pay from your wallet, read the instructions below:

3. Go to the "Isolated Storage" tab, find My Talking Tom, expand the list of game files.

4. Find the file vca.db, click "Get" below. Save it wherever you want.

5. Download the program SQLite Database Browser to edit the file (6.8 MiB) and unpack the archive.

What do you do to counter scripts?

To take a basketball example, in professional meets the three-point line is further from the basket than in college team games. All these changes can have unpredictable consequences. Believe me: for a designer, sometimes this solution is really tempting. We could turn Azir into ordinary mortals! We don't want to talk at all about the tricks and the efforts we make to counter them. These are conversations we've thought about several times already, but we've always put them off to avoid inadvertently drawing attention to their existence or to make it easier to bypass our detection systems.

6. Launch the program, in the window that opens, click on the open file button and select your vca.db.

7. Then go to the tab Browse Data and open the window after account and under value.

However, we have noticed that our silence has led to various speculations, and this does not make us happy. We want to be clear: using apps that give a quantitative advantage to the player goes against every foot of League of Legends. Scripts allow the program to perform actions instead of the player. We always strive to identify and remove this type of trick. We have an experienced team that uses many different methods to combat the use of tricks. Obviously, we can't go too far to prevent this information from being used against us.

8. Edit the value "balance" and put as much money in it as you want. I do not recommend betting more than 7 nines, because the game may not start. Click Apply Changes.

9. Save the file by clicking on the appropriate button and close the program.

We are confident in our ability to find scripts, even if we cannot reveal our secret methods. Anyone who tries to use tricks for a long period will be identified without any exception, and even if we do not mention any specific name, we detect all the tricks you are talking about.

How do you select samples to include in free spin?

Free spin gives players the opportunity to try out characters they don't have. It's also helpful for everyone to have access to a sample that appears frequently at meetings, as it allows them to learn how to play against Champions you are less familiar with as well, so when we select free samples to include in a rotation, we ensure that for each positions should have at least two characters, and also keep in mind meta-related changes in the role of different champions.

10. Check the box in Windows Phone Power Tools "Overwrite Existing".

11. Click "Put File", find the file you edited.

12. Close WPPT, turn off your phone, launch the game. Ready. There are now exactly as many coins in your account as you bet! I managed 99.9 million and having overpaid a little I bought the latest clothes from the list :)

HACK Talking Tom: Run for Gold. CHEAT for gold and crystals.

How to hack Talking Tom Gold Run for gold and crystals?

The game world takes the breath away of many adventure lovers. The excitement of the game allows you to temporarily escape from the routine of life and get the desired adrenaline dessert. Hack Talking Tom Gold Run| Talking Tom Gold Run is a great opportunity for new experiences. Such actions are aimed at changing program settings in order to optimize certain criteria. Special cheats will never be an unnecessary addition to solving the question: How to hack Talking Tom Gold Run? Thus, the gamer will have the opportunity to freely build his strategy and not worry about the number of gold coins and crystals. A hacked game is the key to success in difficult missions.

The game's plot introduces the player to cheerful cat, who performs a noble mission and is able to put a real criminal in prison. The essence of completing missions will be to overcome various obstacles along the way. The game is filled with active dynamics and constant stimulation. This saturation is achieved due to the presence on the track large quantities cars and road structures. Along the way you will come across coins and game points. Your level of development and the arrangement of your furry’s personal home will depend on their number. Reaching levels will open up new opportunities for you and attract a reliable assistant to help you.

Testing many new products in the field of games always gives rise to the idea of ​​hacking the application. Now this is not a big deal. A small program can change the programmed game data and increase gold coins and crystals to the maximum level. Thus, the player gets a chance to simplify the completion of tasks and gain access to non-standard bonuses, surprises and tasks. Will immediately come to the fore additional features: new equipment, devices, material base, magic spells and much more. Installation file cheat verified antivirus program and is a completely safe source for use by the device. Therefore, there is fear that this program will damage operating system absolutely not necessary. Cheat for the game Talking Tom: Gold Run- this is a real chance to reach a more serious level of play. Completing difficult missions will turn into real pleasure, and not into constant turmoil. The existence of an anti-ban system will allow you not to worry about blocking on the server that controls game process. This hack will effectively cope with the task.