What to do to prevent the laptop from working. What should you do with your new laptop? The cooling system is broken or faulty

Here are a few things that are important to do with your new laptop. This small contribution can save you a lot of headaches and frustration in the future.

Update your operating system

If you bought a laptop from a store, it probably hasn't turned on for several months. During this time they were probably released important updates, without which it is unsafe to stay online. Turn on Center Windows updates and do not put off this step for too long, otherwise you may become a victim malware Once, on a wonderful day.

Remove unnecessary firmware

We are talking about pre-loaded software, which is undesirable or unnecessary for the end user. These apps are rarely used but waste a lot of valuable storage spaces. Windows laptop manufacturers are notorious for loading their products with dozens of useless programs.

Install antivirus software

All laptops need antivirus software - yes, even Macs and Linux! The myth that Windows is the only vulnerable operating system has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. If you don't want a background service protecting you in real time, at least install a manual scanning tool like MalwareBytes and scan your computer for infections once a week. It's happening in our online store!

Install anti-theft software

Laptop theft is one of the worst things that can happen. You will not only lose your device, but also all the important data on it. Luckily, Windows 10 has a built-in Find My Device security feature that can locate your laptop if it's stolen or lost. If you don't like this feature or are using Mac or Linux, you can always download free version Prey (which also supports mobile devices).

Optimizing Power Settings

  1. If you frequently use your laptop outside the home, then maximizing battery life should be a priority. Some simple settings will provide a gap of between six and nine hours per charge. First, turn down your display brightness. In Windows, you can adjust the power settings to make the screen dim when the laptop is not connected. On a Mac, you can set up the power saving feature to do the same.
  2. We recommend using Sleep and Hibernate modes. They can save a lot of time battery life when you travel with a laptop. Finally, stop using Chrome if you're running on battery power. He is known for using a lot system resources and severely drains the battery. Yes, there are ways to reduce the load, but it is still worse than in other browsers. We recommend using Opera browser, which comes with an excellent battery saving mode.

Set up automatic backups

Six months or a year later, your laptop is now filled with documents, projects, presentations and all other personal data. If it suddenly fails, all those important files will be lost. Don't let this happen. Set up the system backup copies right now, while it's still possible. Windows 10 has several native backup methods, including System Restore, backup and recovery, Recovery Drive Creator and much more. Mac has a Time Machine feature. Settings cloud storage and SynchronCloud storage - great way make your data accessible no matter where you are. Three most popular services- Dropbox Google Drive and OneDrive. They each have their pros and cons, but they all offer free plans, so try them all and see which one you like best.

Video: 7 Windows 10 settings you should change right away

Decide which type of troubleshooting method to turn on your laptop suits you best. In this regard, there are two main types: technical and software. Technical methods are aimed at working with changing the connection of laptop components. In this case, you will have to work, and the laptop will seem completely faulty. Software tools are usually based on changing the parameters of the laptop boot process. This may be due to either boot changes operating system, as well as preventing devices from loading in the BIOS settings.

Technical means

If you need the laptop to appear completely “dead,” then the easiest and most effective way is to turn off the power circuit. This means that you will have to unplug the power plug at motherboard. However this method is dangerous if you are not very well versed in the intricacies of connecting computer components and you do not have any experience in opening a laptop.

More simple technical means are disabling the laptop's power button or disabling items such as HDD or RAM. Disabling the button will allow you to disguise the operation as much as possible, but it is not always possible to get close enough to the connection point of the button to disable it. Hard drive and bracket random access memory, as a rule, are in plain sight.

Remove the back case of the laptop using a shaped screwdriver. Do not use excessive force if any part of the housing cannot be removed. Try to unscrew all the screws and carefully remove the cover. When you remove the lid of the laptop, you will immediately notice that you have access to the hard drive, RAM, and also the connection for the cooling fan (cooler). Disabling any of these elements will prevent the system from working.


Use software to disable your laptop's ability to boot if you don't want to get inside your computer. Turn on the laptop and at the very beginning of its boot press the F2 key. A window will appear with BIOS settings. By going to the Boot tab, you can see a list of devices loaded by the processor when the laptop is turned on. The devices in the list are arranged in the order they were loaded. To prevent the operating system from loading, select an item in the list with the name hard drive. Press Enter. A list of devices appears. Select another device from the list or, if possible, an empty item. Press F10 to save settings and reboot. Now your laptop will stop booting almost immediately after turning it on due to the inability to use the hard drive.

Is your laptop unbearably slow and you don't know what to do with it? There is no need to yell, get nervous, throw the mouse or hit the keyboard with your hands. This won't help! I have more effective ways

. If your laptop worked quite normally immediately after purchase, but today it started to glitch and slow down, then you will find a solution to your problem in this lesson. How, is very familiar to me. I myself have a laptop that I have to optimize from time to time for normal operation. Let's look at 8 steps that will make our laptops work well.

Laptop overheating

Today, a laptop is the type of equipment that most often heats up well, and if you don’t clean the device from dust for a long time, the laptop simply overheats and starts to slow down. The user begins to notice this in games, and a little later glitches appear at every step ( when watching a video, opening a browser, launching programs, etc.).

First of all, use the program AIDA64 to look at the temperature of the processor and video card. You can download it.

After installing AIDA64, on the left, open the Computer tab and then Sensors. The temperature will open on the right. pay attention to CPU(processor) and GP(video card).

If the temperature is very high, it means that it’s time to disassemble the laptop, clean it of dust and apply new thermal paste. If there is no experience in this topic, then of course I would entrust this work to a specialist.

Viruses in the system

If the speed of the laptop did not deteriorate gradually, but sharply, that is, it worked well yesterday, but today it is terribly slow, then the problem may be due to malware. If you caught it somewhere, then it may be because of it that the laptop may be slowing down.

I advise you to scan your system for malware. Installed antivirus It’s unlikely to work here; it’s better to download the free CureIT utility. It is free, does not require installation and always has the latest databases.

Run the downloaded file and click Full Scan.

At the end of the operation, neutralize the threats found and restart the laptop.

Of course not always laptop slows down due to viruses or overheating, since in order to bring components to overheating, you need to work hard, and malicious software gets into the system mainly from novice users. In your case the reasons " glitches and slowdowns" can be completely different, and let's talk about them further.

Startup programs

The more programs you run on your laptop, the slower it will run. Sometimes we ourselves don’t pay attention to how many different applications are running. The fact is that some of them are added to startup, that is, they are automatically launched when the laptop is turned on. These include Skype, ICQ, torrents, antiviruses, download managers and the like. Some of these programs are extremely rarely used, so why do they always work? Let's deal with them!

Press the WIN+R key combination on your keyboard and in the launched program Execute enter the msconfig command.

The launch will be carried out System Configurations, where you need to open the tab.

If you have Windows 7, then here you will see a list of all the programs that run with the laptop. And if you have Windows 8 or 10, then to open Startup you will also need to click the link " Open task manager". In this window, sometimes there are several dozen programs that, in addition to slowing down the startup of the system, also slow down the laptop during operation. So it turns out that the laptop is slowing down due to the load on the RAM and processor. Uncheck those programs , which are not needed to work immediately after Windows starts.

Please note that there may be names of programs unknown to you. Do not rush to remove this program from startup. First of all, use a search engine and read the description of this program. Then draw your conclusions!

After removal unnecessary programs From startup, all that remains is to apply the changes and restart the laptop.

Low system disk space

If system disk, on which Windows is installed, is packed to capacity, then this may also be the reason for the unstable operation of the laptop. I recommend freeing up disk space using the following methods:

Littered registry

From all rubbish - an important step towards stable work laptop. If you frequently install and uninstall programs, the number of unnecessary entries in the registry grows greatly, and this affects the work. If you don't want to wonder from time to time, why the laptop slows down and what to do, then remember to keep the registry clean.

You can clean the registry by pressing a few buttons in free program CCleaner. Download, install and run.

Open the Registry tab and click Search for Problems.

The found records need to be corrected and the operation repeated a couple of times.

6. Low RAM

Right-click on the Computer section and select Properties.

In the window that opens, find the line Installed memory . It shows the amount of RAM on our computer.

If you have 2 gigabytes or even less, then this may be the reason slow work programs, their sudden closing or even freezing. Ideally, you need to increase the amount of RAM to 4 gigabytes by purchasing one or two memory sticks. Of course, it is not always possible to do this, so at least make sure that y is set in the system ( A paging file is an addition of RAM at the expense of hard drive memory).

Checking and defragmenting the disk

The next step to saving your laptop is hard check disk for errors and defragmentation. You can read more about this in my other lesson, but here I will just show you how to do it correctly and thereby speed up access to files on your hard drive.

Download Defraggler program and install (free and easy).

After launching, we need to right-click on the disk and select Advanced - Finding errors on the disk.

Once the analysis is complete, you can begin defragmentation. Right-click on the disk again and select the next item Defragmentation.

This procedure is not a quick one. It can last a few minutes or several hours.

The laptop is very weak

If your laptop is slow, you can speed it up by following all the steps described above. I want to say right away that this is not the solution to all problems, especially if you have the cheapest and weak laptop. Don’t run too many programs, make sure your laptop doesn’t overheat, don’t clutter it with junk, and remove viruses at the slightest danger. These will be the basic rules for more or less stable operation of a weak laptop.

Bonus chips!

If nothing helps you and laptop still slows down, then I'm extremely surprised. Usually these 8 methods solve most of the problems and the laptop starts working much better. But in case of emergency, I have additional tips.

Installing an SSD drive

My incredibly slow laptop after installing an SSD disk on it and Windows installations 10 to this disk, it began to work much faster.
I already wrote about this in my article: . There I described all the "miracles" of this type drive. Unlike the classic hard drive (HDD), the latest SSD drives much faster, which greatly affects the launch of the system, programs and work in them.

Reinstalling Windows

I understand that it is not always possible to fork out for a new thing. In this case, follow all the above points for optimizing your laptop. Let me remind you, there are eight of them! Well, if nothing helps, then you will have to, in order to “kill” all possible systemic problems at once.

Buying a new laptop

Of course, if you have a laptop purchased a couple of years ago, then it’s too early to look for a replacement.
And if your friend“It’s been 10 years now, I think it’s extremely outdated and all I have to do is either put up with constant slowdowns and glitches, or buy a new modern laptop.

I hope my great article helped you" rock"your laptop. I wish you good luck and see you in new articles and video tutorials.

IMPORTANT! P.S. Well, if your computer is lagging, then I advise you to read the lesson: There I told you a few more tricks on optimization.

We often receive questions: my computer is slow, how to speed it up; the laptop started to slow down, what should I do? Windows laptop slows down, what is the reason, what program to install to speed up the work; The Internet on your computer is slow, what can you do to make it work faster? The laptop is running slow, how can I make it work faster? There may be various reasons for a slow computer or laptop. This material will talk about ways to increase the performance of a laptop or computer.

There are several reasons for a slow computer or laptop. One of the reasons is the weak hardware of the device. It often happens that having bought an inexpensive laptop or computer, after installation necessary programs and Windows operating system updates, it becomes uncomfortable to work on the computer, windows open slowly, the Internet browser slows down, and Internet pages take a long time to open. Modern programs, including Internet browsers, are designed to consume decent computer resources, which does the work for weak computers not comfortable for the user. When choosing a computer or laptop, it is better to purchase devices with a processor frequency of at least 2000 MHz and at least 4 GB of RAM. If you purchased a computer with weak characteristics or you need to speed up your old computer, one of the ways is to upgrade your computer.

Replacing laptop or computer components to increase performance

An upgrade is the replacement of computer hardware (components) in order to increase the speed of the computer. An upgrade is not always justified; for laptops, replacing components can be expensive and it is often more rational to consider buying a new laptop; for computers, it is reasonable to upgrade if the computer is not older than three years. When upgrading, a way to significantly speed up the operation of a computer or laptop without spending significant money is to increase the amount of RAM. If your computer or laptop has less than 4 GB of RAM installed, increasing the memory to 4 GB will give a significant increase in computer performance. Depending on the slots on the motherboard of a computer or laptop, you can purchase additional RAM or, if there is only one slot, purchase a 4 GB stick. It is necessary to remember about memory compatibility; sometimes it happens that the memory suitable for its characteristics is not determined by the system.

Our advice. When buying RAM, it is better to bring a computer or laptop to the seller, ask them to select, install and check the compatibility and operation of the RAM. Computer component sellers often provide such services free of charge. This can save time and solve the problem of RAM selection and compatibility.

Replacing a processor is often not justified due to the high cost of processors and compatibility issues. You can significantly increase the performance of a computer or laptop by replacing the hard drive or installing an additional SSD hard drive on which the Windows operating system is installed. After installing the operating system on SSD hard disk the computer runs much faster. The downside of this solution is that SSD drives are not cheap.

ReadyBoost technology (ready boots) to increase the performance of the Windows system

To slightly increase the performance of computers running Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, you can use Microsoft ReadyBoost technology. ReadyBoost speeds up your computer by using storage space on a flash memory card or USB flash drive. For laptops, which are almost always equipped with a flash card reader, it is convenient to use an SD card, which you need to purchase and insert into the flash card reader in the laptop. The higher the class of the SD card, the faster it is, and therefore will work more efficiently. For ReadyBoost to effectively speed up your computer, the memory card must have at least 1 gigabyte (GB) of available space; Microsoft recommends flash memory to installed RAM ratios ranging from a minimum of 1:1 to a maximum of 2 ,5:1, that is, if the laptop has 4 GB of RAM, you can install an SD card of 10 GB in size. You can install more, but installing a very large SD card for this technology does not make sense. To use ReadyBoost technology, experts advise formatting the device for file system exFAT.

How to setup ReadyBoost. It is not difficult. You need to insert the SD card into a flash card reader and format the card to the exFAT file system. Then find this card in Explorer (it will be displayed as removable drive), select it with the mouse, right-click Properties, select the ReadyBoost tab and set the settings as in the picture below and click OK. After that, opening this disk double click The mouse should display the ReadyBoost icon, which means that the acceleration technology is enabled and working.

If the card is large, you can use not all of it for technology ReadyBoos, and partially used for data storage. Partial use can be configured by selecting “Provide this device for ReadyBoos technology” and use the slider below to indicate how much space will be used for ReadyBoos technology.

Disabling visual effects

To improve your computer's performance, you can turn off visual effects. After this, penumbra and other beautiful features will disappear, but at the same time the speed of the computer will increase. Visual effects are disabled as follows: Start - Control Panel - System and Security - System - Advanced Settings - Advanced tab Performance click the Settings button - click Get the best performance, then OK and Apply.

Using software to increase computer speed

We are often asked the question: what program should be installed on a computer or laptop to make it work faster. There are various programs whose developers claim that their programs speed up the operation of a computer or laptop. The authors of the article do not know of a program that will guarantee and reliably increase the speed of a computer or laptop. We are of the opinion that a set of measures is needed to speed up your computer. Using various tweakers without understanding and the necessary preparation can often not speed up the system, but slow down or even cause the operating system to crash.

After purchasing a new computer or laptop, the buyer may be faced with the fact that the device has good characteristics, but it slows down and works slowly. This may be due to many needed by the user programs installed by the computer or laptop manufacturer. You can read about setting up a new computer on our website in the article How to set up a new laptop. Sometimes it makes sense to reinstall the Windows operating system without installing necessary programs and activate Windows license key, which is located on a sticker on the computer or laptop case. All necessary drivers can be taken from the official website of the laptop manufacturer in the support section for this model.

To make the computer work faster, it makes sense to replace monster programs that require a lot of resources to work with lightweight ones. quick programs, which do not consume a lot of computer resources. To view PDF files instead of Adobe Reader you can use Sumatra PDF, to surf the Internet, instead of popular browsers that consume a lot of computer resources and because of which the Internet slows down, you can use a fast one modern browser K-Meleon, which we talked about on our website in the article Which browser is the fastest. .

To make your computer run faster, you should not install a lot of programs on it that are not used. Install only those programs that are needed. The less installed on your computer, the faster it runs. After repeated installation and removal various programs the system becomes clogged, remnants of old programs remain in it and it begins to slow down. Sometimes the best solution the operating system will be reinstalled.

Many programs get into startup during installation. Some programs offer to add them to startup during installation. This means that the program will start and work together with the startup of the operating system. In this case, the program will work and use computer resources, even if the user is not using it. To make your computer run faster, you should avoid programs that start when your computer boots. It is better to start the program if you need it and then turn it off. There are programs that are installed into startup without asking the user during program installation. You can disable or remove a program from startup using various special programs, for example using the CClener program.

The presence of various viruses and Trojans on your computer greatly slows down your computer. You need to monitor the health of the operating system, configure automatic update all updates that are related to computer security (critical updates). To reduce the chances of your computer becoming infected with viruses, it is recommended to install antivirus program and regularly scan your computer for viruses. Lately cases have become more frequent when Trojan programs are inserted into pirated versions computer games. Trojan horse is engaged in making money for its developer using computer resources (mining bitcoins), and the owner of the computer cannot understand why the computer began to work slower and slow down.

What else can you do to increase the speed of your computer or laptop?

After some time of operation, the laptop or computer begins to slow down due to overheating. This happens because dust accumulates on the computer or laptop. It is necessary to regularly clean your computer and laptop from dust. It is easier to clean the computer; you need to remove the case cover and vacuum the inside of the computer, carefully sweeping away the dust with a small brush. For a laptop, access to internal parts is more difficult. You can open the accessible compartments and use a vacuum cleaner to blow out the holes. This type of cleaning will not remove all the dust, but it will reduce the amount of dust. To clean your laptop, you need to take it to service center. For computers and laptops, it would be a good idea to change the thermal paste on the processor to combat overheating. To replace the thermal paste, it is better to contact a service center. To avoid overheating of the laptop, we recommend using special laptop stands with a fan.

The settings of modern operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 8, etc.), according to the developers, should satisfy the majority of users, regardless of the model and modification of the laptop. However, practice shows the opposite: due to system overload and the presence of many unnecessary programs Laptops are unable to process information, malfunction, and their performance drops. Most effective method- this is “overclocking,” but there are other methods, which will be discussed in this article.

Increasing laptop performance is advisable for the following reasons:

  • will improve the performance of your laptop;
  • will help your laptop last longer than usual.

Several ways to speed up

Replacement of main components:

  • Replacing the hard drive and increasing the amount of RAM.
  • Installing a cooling system on a laptop.

A series of simple manipulations with your laptop:

  1. Cleaning up automatic downloads.
  2. Disable background services.
  3. Optimization and defragmentation of the hard drive.
  4. Setting up power plans.
  5. (separate article).

How to improve laptop performance with simple steps

Method 1: clean startups

The laptop almost always performs automatic downloads from the Internet. And while some startups are necessary for the device to update current versions of programs, others are completely unnecessary. The user does not use an impressive portion of these downloads at all when working on a laptop.. It’s just that their presence in the device’s memory, as well as automatic startup and operation in parallel with the operating system, greatly affects the speed of the desktop computer.

To clean startups you need:

  1. Open the device's main Start menu.
  2. Go to the “Run” tab.
  3. In the line that opens, enter the following combination of letters, switching the keyboard to English layout: msconfig.
  4. Next, click on “Enter”.
  5. A new window will open in which you need to select the “Startup” item, unchecking all programs that you do not use.
  6. To save your actions, click the “Apply” button and then restart the system.

Method 2: Disable background services

The default desktop design provides different visual effects. Of course, visualization makes work more enjoyable, but it is this feature that intensively consumes the resources of the processor and RAM of the video adapter. To improve laptop performance, it is better to disable such “decorations”.

For this:

  1. Go to the main menu of the device “Start”.
  2. Click “Run”.
  3. In the line that opens, enter the following combination: services.msc.

After this, a list of all enabled background services will be displayed with brief description each of them. Go through the list and select the services you don't use. When you click on the name of the service, a small menu will pop up in which you need to select the “Disable” button.

You must perform all actions carefully, disabling only those background services that you really do not need. Otherwise, “forced shutdown” may cause the device to malfunction.

If you wish, you can always restore disabled settings by selecting the most correct operating mode for your laptop. Disabling background services will significantly relieve the processor, while simultaneously reducing the amount of RAM consumption. As a result, the laptop's performance will increase and it will work much faster.

Method 3: optimize and defragment the hard drive

During operation, many fragmented files accumulate on the device’s hard drive. Every time you access these files, the system spends a lot of time, which is expressed in the form of freezes and slowdowns. To eliminate such phenomena, you should periodically defragment your hard drive..

This operation can be performed using special programs (utilities). The most popular utilities that really help improve system performance are Defraggler and CCleaner. Once launched, they automatically optimize the system and defragment the hard drive, clearing the system of temporary files and errors accumulated on the disk.

You can also defragment the disk manually using the built-in defragmenter. To do this, go to the main menu of the device “Start”, then go to “Programs” - “Accessories” - “Services”, find “Disk Defragmentation” and launch the application.

Method 4: Set up power plans

Modern operating systems (for example, Windows 7) provide the ability to manage energy saving options; in particular, the user can independently configure power plans for his laptop. The default system can use one of the modes:

  • “Balanced” is a mode that turns on automatically as soon as the laptop is connected to the network.
  • “Economy” is a mode that is used when operating the device on battery power.

If you customize the Economy plan in more detail, you can further improve your laptop's performance. If you activate the “High Performance” mode, then all device resources will be used to the maximum without any restrictions.

To authorize this plan and access the settings of the center responsible for the device’s energy consumption, you need to click on the “Battery” icon. After this, a new window will open in which you need to select “Advanced power options”. Once the plan is activated, it will appear in the “Power Options” window. Typically, laptops have the High Performance mode hidden by default. You can display it by clicking on the “Show additional plans” arrow.

To set up the “Economy” plan, you need to click on the “Set up power plan” link, which is located opposite the name of the mode. This will put the system into economy mode, i.e. the device will automatically consume a minimum amount of energy.

How to speed up a laptop by replacing its elements

You should not perform these operations if you have never dealt with assembling a computer before, you can seriously damage your laptop. In this case, it is best to contact a professional!

Step 1: Replace the hard drive and increase the amount of RAM

It is impossible to replace the processor or video card on a laptop, especially at home. However, you can improve the performance of the device by replacing the hard drive and RAM. Initially, you will need to replace the hard drive with a special drive SSD type. This will make it possible to significantly reduce the time it takes to open the main device programs and speed up the process of loading the operating system, and will also generally increase the performance of the hardware.

As for RAM, many manufacturers, in order to reduce the price of the finished device, significantly save on RAM by installing the simplest and cheapest modules in laptops. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the “native” modules of the machine with more modern and high-speed memory modules, for example, the SODIMM type. But before replacing, you should definitely check which memory standard your laptop supports (DDR3, DDR2 or DDR), as well as what is the maximum allowable amount of memory that can be installed on your machine.

It is better not to save on the purchase of basic system components, since replacing other system elements on a laptop yourself is extremely problematic, and sometimes impossible. In general, in order not to encounter such problems, you need to purchase laptops in advance with those processors that correspond to the tasks facing the laptop. In order not to make a mistake in this choice, we recommend the article ““.

Step 2: install a cooling system on the laptop

You should not ignore the cooling system, since how quickly the laptop “heats” directly determines its performance, operability and duration of its operational period. When choosing a cooler (a device for cooling a laptop), it is advisable to give preference to well-known and trusted manufacturers (for example Cooler Master, Zalman or Thermaltake). The cooling system will provide the device with quieter and more reliable operation in the most extreme operating conditions.

It would also be a good idea to install a fan in the laptop, which will cool the front panel of the device, where the hard drive cage is usually located. You can additionally install a fan at the rear of the system unit.

You can also increase productivity using modern programs (utilities) that automatically clean your hard drive of unnecessary information, and using thin system settings. However, you can basically save and increase the results if you do not download programs from suspicious and unverified sources onto your laptop.

By downloading various pirated content, as well as various software from suspicious sites, you expose your laptop to a serious threat!

It is definitely worth it, which will block all attempts of unauthorized access to your personal data.

In addition to protecting your laptop, an antivirus will also help it better job thanks to the ban on malicious software.

I hope we were able to explain to you how to speed up your laptop quite easily. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below in the comments.