Google Chrome: Updates are disabled by the administrator. What's the easiest way to update Google Chrome? How to fix chrome update error

How to update services Google Play to use the latest version offered by the developers? To perform this task you can use Play Market. Updates are installed manually or downloaded automatically, provided that the appropriate permission is set in the settings.

Automatic update

What can I do to ensure that the firmware updates itself? Launch the Play Market, go to settings and turn on auto-update. If this function is activated, the phone starts downloading updates for all programs. This way you can quickly and quietly update all Google Play services.

It is recommended to select the “Wi-Fi only” mode. Why? Updates are quite heavy, so if you download them for all applications using mobile traffic, you can quickly go negative. The app store itself also needs an update. Here's what to do to check for a new version and install it:

  1. Launch Play Market, open settings.
  2. Click on "Build Version".

If there is an update, you will be prompted to install it. If you see that the version is old, but the program is not updated, use manual installation.

Manual update

Let's see how to update Google Play manually if auto-update doesn't work or you don't want to use it. There is 1 simple way to check if there are updates and install them.

  1. Launch a store. Call the main menu and go to the “My Applications” section.
  2. Open the "Installed" tab. All installed applications will be here, including built-in programs.

For example, you need to upgrade Google Calendar. If there is an “Update” button next to it, then there is an update. If there is no such button, then the developers simply have not released the upgrade yet. In this way you can check all available programs.

To update Google Play and Google Play services on Android for free, you can download their APK files to your computer, then transfer them to memory mobile device and start the installation. This method will take longer than a manual update through the Play Market. But reinstallation will help if Google services are not updated.

If you decide to download Play Market and Google services for free, then download them from trusted sites - for example, In this case, you can be sure that you will install the latest versions of the software without unnecessary problems.

Uninstalling updates

If problems arise with updated applications, you can remove the updates by rolling them back to the original version. What to do:

  1. Open the Applications section in Settings.
  2. Go to the "All" tab.
  3. Find Google Play Services. Open and click "Uninstall updates". If the services have not been updated, the button will be inactive.

The button may be inactive for another reason - the activated Device Administrator function. To disable it, go to the “Security” section, go to the “Device Administrators” subsection and deactivate remote control by unchecking the box.

Go to the label on the Hello guys page. One of the most popular browsers today Google Chrome is not without its shortcomings. Sometimes various problems arise, for example, when you want to update the browser, but it does not update and instead throws an error and writes something like: Updates disabled by administrator. But what if you are one yourself and haven’t turned anything off? It turns out to be an interesting situation, a way out of which exists and we will now consider it. I will try to describe in detail how and where to turn on what we did not turn off. This instruction is supported by.

Honestly, I don’t know why such an error occurs when updates are disabled by the administrator in Google Chrome, but this problem occurs everywhere. I encountered it personally and now I know how to fix it. Only for this we will need to correct something there. Let's go to this registry branch:



On the right side we look for a parameter called Update, with a value of 0, select it and press Delete to delete it. By the way, the parameter may be called a little differently, for example, after the word Update there may be some numbers. The point is that you need to remove it.
After we have confirmed the deletion, go to the menu in Chrome and select the item: About the Google Chrome browser and check what is now written there. The update should now work and there should no longer be any messages indicating that they have been disabled by the administrator. Please write in the comments if this method helped you.

Enable updates in Chrome. Video

Friends, yesterday I encountered a problem, the solution to which took me about half an hour of time. I decided to update the Google Chrome browser (), but something went wrong...

As usual, in the program menu I selected Help, then About the Google Chrome browser, a page opened where it was stated:

An error occurred while checking for updates: The update check failed.

I restarted the scan several times, but got an error every time. It is noteworthy that its numerical code changed: sometimes 0x80004005, sometimes 0x80070005.

I found a hint on the Internet that in case of a similar problem, you need to close Chrome and restart it as an administrator. Close, go to the Start menu, right-click on Google Chrome - Advanced - Run as administrator.

We check for updates again, and lo and behold! The browser finds them, downloads them, after which a message appears:

To complete the update, restart Google Chrome. The Restart button also appears:

It would seem that everything is solved, but nothing like that... Click Restart, the browser closes, opens again and the same button appears again. I clicked on it ten times, but to no avail - the program is not updated.

I went online again, but didn’t find anything useful. Standard advice: uninstall the program and install it again (yep, do this every time a new version appears), restart the computer, clean the system registry, etc. Well, in general, absolutely useless advice. I decided to look for a solution myself.

This is what helped: go to Computer management and open Services. We find two points there:

  1. Google Update Service(gupdate)
  2. Google Update Service (gupdatem)

In the properties of each of them, set the launch type to “Manual” and click the Run button.

After that, open Chrome and click the same button Restart. Voila! The browser is updated to the latest version!

I hope my experience will help you, because someone will 100% sooner or later encounter a similar problem. It is noteworthy that in many years of working with Google Chrome, this is the first time such a problem happened with an update; before this, everything always worked without issues.

P.S. On September 4th, in honor of the tenth anniversary of its browser, Google released a major update for it. Appearance Chrome 69 has changed quite a bit (tabs look different, the design theme has changed), new features have been added (automatic password generation during registration, “live” hints, etc.).

Let's look at how to properly update Google Play services and get rid of errors during the software installation process on your smartphone.

What are Google Play Services for?

Google Play Services– this is a complex software, which is used by default by all gadgets based on . All installed services managed by one utility. Google developers recommend regularly updating standard software for stable operation systems.

If there is no service software in the main menu of your device, you can always install it from the official application store. Thus, the interaction of all applications will be carried out without failures or bugs.

Google services cannot be removed from the device, because they are responsible for the operation of the following processes:

Updates allow the device owner to use Google programs with the latest interface and new functionality.

Each update fixes previous bugs and improves program performance.

Method 1 – Using Play Market The first and easiest way to install updates for standard services

is the use of . The store icon is located in the main menu of the phone. To start downloading programs, you just need to log in using your account - you can use an existing profile or create a new account.

  • Updates from the Play Market come in two types:
  • Automatic;

Custom. In the first case, the system automatically downloads and installs updates for all gadget programs or only for a selected list of applications. The download of new components begins the moment the phone is connected to fast connection

with the Internet (via Wi-Fi). The second option is for the user to launch the update process for the program he or she needs. To set up, automatic update

go to the app store and follow the instructions: 1 Using a flip from left to right;

open the main menu tab 2 Click on the field;

"Settings" 3 In the window that opens, find the general settings section and select;

"Auto updates" 4 In the window for changing the option value, check the box"Always" or"Only via Wi-Fi" 4 In the window for changing the option value, check the box, if you want to save traffic. Also, it is not recommended to select the item if you frequently use the Internet. cellular network Automatic download

programs may exceed the limit of available MB, which will lead to additional expenses for the Internet. Ready. Now, immediately after connecting the gadget to a high-speed connection with, the download of updates for Google services and other software selected by the user will begin.

If you don't want to automatically download any content from the Internet (this may slow down your device), You can manually start the installation of the new version of the program:

  • Go to the page « Google Services» via the link ;
  • In the market window that opens, press the button "Update". If this button is missing and there are only “Delete” and “Open” keys, this means that the latest version of the software is installed on your device.

Check name latest version program, version history and learn about fixed errors and new build features, you can use the text field under the screenshots of the program on its page in the store.

About the release of updates you will be notified by a tab like this in the status bar:

Just click on the notification that appears to get there. Perform the update manually as described above.

Method 2 – Installing updated services from a third-party source

This update option should be used if the standard software store has stopped working on your gadget for some reason. You can solve the problem with the operation of services by installing them from regular file APK.

Pay attention to the source from which the installation file is downloaded. To confirm its safety, we recommend that you run it on the operating system before running it.

It will be impossible to install the program if installation from unverified sources is prohibited. To enable this option, go to your device settings. Then open the “Applications” tab and check the box next to the item shown in the figure below:

You can now run the APK file. Confirm your agreement with the developer's software usage policy and wait until the installation of the program is completed. The Google services icon will appear in the main menu of the phone.

Method 3 – Roll back updates and reinstall them

Often, after updating programs in the Android OS, users may encounter problems with the software. Bugs arise due to incorrect installation of components, a conflict between the OS and application versions, or due to the actions of the developers themselves.

Developers are usually quick to release bug fixes for their apps, so you should always stay tuned for updates. If problems arise in the Software, it is better to roll back the update and try to install it again, or wait for fixes.

Rolling back an update means removing all updates that have ever been installed on your gadget for a specific application. As a result of performing this action, you will receive the software version that was installed on the smartphone by its manufacturer.

To remove updates, follow the instructions: does not work, you cannot use the application store, or the installation of applications results in a system error message, you must perform one of the following fixes.

Clearing program data

Open the application window in the phone settings and click on the button "Clear data". This action allows you to delete all information that the software previously used on your device. All erroneous code executions will be removed.

To continue working with, you must log in again. Google system+. Information about everyone installed applications and their updates will remain.

If you've been using Google Chrome for a long time, you've probably noticed that the American company tries not to make significant changes in design, limiting itself to minor updates. But not at this time. A major update to Chrome coincided with the tenth anniversary of the legendary browser. On this occasion, many new and interesting features appeared in it, including those that we, the users, have been waiting for a very long time.

Updated design of Google Chrome 69

Familiar for Android smartphone users and mobile applications Material Design is now fully implemented in Google Chrome. Many interface elements have been simplified, and users can now independently select a picture for home page if your start page is set to with the most frequently visited pages. In order to change the standard picture, you need to click on the hash mark in the lower right corner and select “upload image”. After which, instead of the standard white background you can have your photo or any other image that you like.

Smart search in omnibox

To find answers to simple questions in Chrome 69, you don't have to switch to new tab and search in Google itself, just the necessary data is enough. Let's say you want to find out what the weather is like in St. Petersburg. To do this, start typing in the omnibox - a universal field for entering lines in Chrome - “Weather in St.” and the browser will automatically show you the weather in the Northern Capital right in search bar. A similar trick works not only with the weather, but also with exchange rates, for example, the dollar or euro exchange rate and many other requests.

Updated "password manager" in Chrome 69

It is difficult to remember the huge number of passwords that we use on various sites. Therefore, most of us prefer to save passwords directly in the browser. The updated Chrome can not only save your password, but also generate new ones when you register on a site (finally!).

It works like this: you enter your data ( email), and the browser automatically offers you New Password. If you agreed with the proposed password, then Chrome will automatically remember it in its manager, and the next time you log into the same site you will not have to enter the data manually: the updated password will automatically be “substituted” on its own. It's worth remembering that Google's password manager is cross-platform, which means that your data will be available on both desktop and mobile devices.

Picture-in-Picture mode in Chrome 69

Another feature that users have been asking for for a long time, the picture-in-picture mode, was also announced for Chrome 69. We are talking about a mode for viewing videos in a small window, in parallel with viewing other sites. Unfortunately, this function does not actually work yet. We tested it on Windows 10, Mac, and iOS. We really hope that it will work soon.

Mobile version of Google Chrome 69

The version of Google Chrome for iOS and Android has also undergone major changes. Here are just a few of them:

  • added a lower toolbar with access to frequently used functions;
  • updated the appearance of the tabs. The preview now shows pages opened on other devices;
  • 3D Touch feature has been added to iOS. When you press firmly on the application icon, you will see a list of possible actions;
  • data bank cards, entered into Chrome on one of your devices will automatically sync with Google Pay and you can use them on other devices.

How to update Google Chrome if you haven't already done so

In order to update Google Chrome, you can go in two different ways. Firstly, through the browser itself. Click on the "Settings" icon in the upper right corner of the screen and select "Update Google Chrome." Then press the “Restart” button. If you do not have the Google Chrome update, it means that the browser updated itself; no additional actions are required.

Secondly, a new version browser is always available on the corresponding website.

To update Chrome on operating systems iOS and Android go to App Store or Google Play and also click on the “Update” button.

It's worth noting that Google Chrome's design is the same on both iOS and Android, but since the update is rolling out gradually, you may have to wait a little longer to update Chrome on your smartphone. For example, we were faced with the fact that on iPhone X Chrome had already been updated, but on Galaxy Note 9 not yet. But there is no need to worry about this - the update will definitely reach everyone.