How to record video from Yandex. Several great ways to download from Yandex.Video

The procedure for downloading videos from the Yandex.Video service is similar to saving videos from YouTube and other video hosting sites and is carried out either using special programs or using special browser extensions. Someone will ask why save a video from Yandex in order to watch it, because it is possible to see it online without taking up space on your hard drive. This is true, however, if your computer does not have high performance (and a netbook, even more so), then online video will periodically slow down. By saving the recording to your computer, you will save yourself from this problem.

The first way to download videos from Yandex is using specialized programs, called savers (from the English. saver - keeper). There are a great many of them, both paid and free, and free ones function no worse than those for which they ask for money. One of the most common such programs is Download Manager, which works great with all browsers. Most savers allow you not only to save videos from Yandex to your computer, but also sort them and convert them to different formats(MP3, AVI, etc.). Particularly valuable are those savers that, in the event of a connection break, allow you to continue downloading the video from the same place where the break occurred, and not start it all over again.

The second way to save videos from Yandex is using online services that do not require the installation of any software on your computer. All of them work on the same principle: there is a field in which you need to enter the URL of the video to be downloaded, and after that the service will issue a link where you can download this very video quickly and without viruses.

And finally, there is another option for downloading videos from Yandex using a browser. To do this, it is desirable that your browser is updated to latest version. To download videos, you need to install a special plug-in in your browser settings, which, in turn, is downloaded from the official website of the browser. For example, for Mozilla, this is the Video DownloadHelper plugin. If it is available, you will just need to go to the "Media" tab in the "Settings" menu in the video window and click on "Download".

In the era of fast Internet, many people prefer to watch videos on the Web without downloading them to their computer. There are many video hosting sites, among which Youtube and Yandex.Video are the most popular. Thousands of gigabytes of videos are uploaded every day by Internet users. And all this is available with one click of the mouse.

But what if you decide to download the video on your PC and show it to your friends on your smartphone or tablet? And did you even think about saving the video for later viewing? How to download a video from Yandex to a computer in the easiest way?

Various Ways to Save Videos to PC

In fact, there are four ways to solve the issue of downloading a video from the Web:

  • via Download Master,
  • thanks to the savers,
  • using extensions (plugins) for the browser,
  • using special services.

The first three methods require the installation of additional software on the PC. As for special services, you can download a video from Yandex in a few clicks.

Save video from Yandex using Download Master

Download Master is perhaps the most popular downloader that supports multi-threading, auto-resuming downloads when the connection is lost, and much more. Moreover, most users already have this bootloader available. If you do not have Download Master, then using the search engine we find the installation file and install the program on the PC.

Right-click on the video and click "Copy link/Copy video url".

Open Download Master and click on the "Add" button at the top.

The program automatically picks up the link copied to the clipboard and offers "Start download". Click on this button and wait for the download process to finish.

Downloading videos from Yandex using services

There are many sites on the Internet that allow you to save a video from video hosting. But the most popular and effective service is SaveFrom.Net, which, in addition to downloading videos from Yandex, allows you to save videos from YouTube, Vimeo and other video hosting sites.

First of all, open the site Paste the copied link of the desired video and click on the "Download" button.

After a few seconds, a list of available extensions and bitrates will open. Choose what you like and click on the file extension.

After a couple of seconds, the download of the file will begin (in Google Chrome) or the browser will offer to save the video to a folder.

Using savers when downloading videos

For the convenience of millions of users, developers have come up with special programs, called savers (from the English. save - "save", "save"). These programs make life easier for users who download files from video hosting sites every day.

For example, DownloadHelper is very popular among savers. It is automatically built into your browser, be it Opera, Chrome or Firefox. After you start the video, DownloadHelper will recognize it and automatically give you a link where you can save the video to your PC. In addition to downloading videos, this software can also recognize audio files.

You can learn more about the operation of the above program using this video:

Saving videos with browser plugins

How to download a video from Yandex? One answer to this question might be the following: using a browser plugin. Popular browsers have their own extension stores, where you can download a plug-in to your browser for free / for a fee that expands the functionality of your Internet browser. One such special plugin is Video DownloadHelper, which can be installed on both Chrome and Mozilla. For example, by installing in Mozilla DownloadHelper extension, go to the "Settings" >> "Media" tab in the video window. Next, click "Download" and wait for the video to finish downloading.

Choose the most convenient way for you! Happy download!

Hello, friends! Today we will figure out how to download a video from Yandex.Video. Internet Mirror has already closed its video hosting, but there are a lot of videos on it and you need to download them. Consider how to do this using online services.

Copy link in browser select it with the mouse and press CTRL + C or right-click on the selected link and select "Copy")

Paste the copied link into the field and click the "Download" button. Download links appear below. Select the desired ( if there are several) and the video is downloading

I, in this information, are interested in the size and resolution of the video.

As in the paragraph above, copy the link in the browser to the video. We open new tab in and write "zasasa" or "Download video from Yandex" and go to the site

We copy the token that appears (as I understand it, this is something like a hash sum for a file) and click "Download video"

Choose a format and download.

Set the name, location and save the video from Yandex.


We figured out how to download videos from Yandex. Considered 3 fairly stable and reliable online service. The simplest one turned out to be There is no need to enter any tokens. - for some reason I was slowly downloading today.

In preparing the article, I tested several programs. I especially remember streamtransport. It installs quickly and with it 5 more programs and one extension are installed in my favorite browser. I didn't like it for some reason and decided to delete it. Removal was quite confusing. This is half the trouble. Weighing the charm in the browser extension that broadcasts ads. The extension was removed, but the ads are broadcast again and the browser spontaneously terminates its work. Run a virus scan. Installed automatic removal and went to sleep.

It turned out 19 objects were infected.

Indeed, modern phones have long ceased to be ordinary communication devices, whose technical potential was designed only for the reception / transmission of digital signals, as well as their decoding into analog sound and coding of oscillatory movements pronounced into physical primordial nature. Today we use smartphones equipped with a full-fledged operating system, which means that we, the users, have access to all the joys of the virtual space, that is, the Internet. However, not every owner of a modern mobile phone understands the principle of practical saving of multimedia files in the memory of his device, while much of the Web is worthy of special offline attention. Well, today, we will talk about how to download a video from Yandex to your phone, dear readers. Let's break down, so to speak, the whole process of downloading files from the Web on the shelves.

Today we will look at:

Introduction: what can my phone do?

It is foolish to believe that your phone is “omnipotent” and capable of anything. The titanic possibilities in terms of technical perfection of a separately presented smartphone (even if it is the most powerful one!), today, are also characterized by limitations inherent in everything that is in our world. Therefore, before wishing for anything, it is worthwhile to figure out how justified your expectations are? And if you are sure that the downloaded file format is unmistakably recognized by your system, and the amount of allocated Internet traffic allows you to “download”, then why not - we will load in full!

And yet, make sure of the competent ability free memory. Well, now you know about the main points of “How not to waste your time”, it's time to start directly downloading videos from Yandex.

Advertising fraud: there is simply no working software for downloading videos from Yandex to your phone!

To date, there are only two really workable methods for downloading video from the Web - this is the use of a specialized Internet service, the second is to install mobile version Mozzila browser with Savefromnet-helper extension.

Let's tell the truth, the methods described below sometimes do not work either. The latter circumstance may be related to the restriction of the rights to use, which are dictated by the copyright holder. In other words, you, dear friends, will not be able to download a video protected by a certain script to your phone. Certainly, nothing is impossible. However, we will not go into a very confusing digression on how to get around this kind of protection, because this is not a right thing and is fraught with a certain danger.

So, all other applications like various downloader utilities are advertising zilch. They may have worked in the past, but today they don't! Therefore, do not trust all those who instructively advise you to simplify the functionality of downloading videos from the Yandex service or YouTube video hosting. To date, there are only two options for downloading multimedia content, and these are:

  • After you tap on the play button on the player, touch the touch panel again with your finger (in working area video player) - select "Save address link" from the context menu. Perhaps something similar will be displayed in the list: copy video URL.
  • Paste the copied link into the address bar of your browser.
  • Before the name of the resource, write two characters "ss" and press "Enter".

  • Across certain time(quite a short period of time, usually equal to 5-10 seconds) a checkbox will be displayed on the screen with a download format option - click on the checkbox, and you can select an acceptable video format for saving the video.
  • Finally, click on the "Download" button.

Install Mozzila Firefox you can use a proprietary application from your manufacturer: for Android devices, this is Play market, presentable Apple devices will be upgraded with software in the AppStore. Download the specified browser, then install the Savefromnet-helper add-on. After you want to download a video from Yandex or Youtube service, just click on the arrow under the video - select from the context menu "Download".

Everything is elementary! However, as mentioned earlier, not all video files can be downloaded freely. Alas, you will have to put up with the terms of the copyright holders.

In conclusion

Once again we remind you, dear friends: experiments with third party applications fraught with consequences, up to a complete breakdown of your phone. Be wise and selective!

16 November 2014 17740

Now video hosting is extremely popular with a large army of Internet users. Among their countless number, hosting and Yandex.Video are the most visited.

With the help of special software, you can download tens of thousands of gigabytes of video annually from these and similar video hosting sites. It only takes one click to start the download.

There are a couple of great ways to download videos from the Yandex.Video service.

Solving the issue of downloading videos from video hosting can be easily solved in at least four ways:

1. By resorting to the use of ;
2. Using software savers;
3. By resorting to the help of special extensions or so-called plug-ins for browsers;
4. By resorting to the use of special services.

The first three announced methods will require the user to download software to your computer. As for the latter option, you can use it to download videos in just a couple of mouse clicks. Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

Download Master rightfully deserves the title of one of the most popular downloaders around the world. It supports both multi-threading and auto-resuming downloads that are paused or disconnected, and a number of other great features.

If you do not have this program installed on your computer yet, you will need to download it. To do this, you can enter into any search engine a query about Download master. The very first site that opens will allow you to download the program. The program is completely free, so you will not have any problems downloading and installing it.

As soon as the program is installed on the computer, we go to the Yandex.Video website. In the address bar of the video host, we find the video that we need to upload to Personal Computer.

Run it and right click on it. A small menu will open in front of us, from which we will need to select the item "Copy video url".

The program will automatically pick up the link you just copied and paste it into the appropriate field. Now you just have to specify the path where the video will be downloaded to your computer and click on the button "Start download". It remains only to wait for the download process to complete.

Method number 2. Downloading videos from Yandex.Video using online services

The Internet is replete with sites that allow you to save video and audio from various hosting sites. Most popular service in Runet - It allows you to save videos from a huge number of resources, including Yandex.Video.

This site is a pleasure to work with. The copied video link should be inserted into a special line on the site and click on the button "Download".

Now it remains to wait 10 seconds. You will be shown a list of available download options: video in good or poor quality, only audio or only video without an audio track.

The download can be started by clicking on the desired video quality. After a couple of seconds, the browser will display a window asking you to save the file.

Method number 3. We use savers to download video files

Many years ago, independent developers came up with various programs that are called savers, which means "save" in English. Programs greatly simplify the life of many users who try to download videos from various hosting sites day after day.

The following is very popular among many savers - DownloadHelper. It integrates seamlessly into any popular browser. After you start playing any video on Yandex.Video, the DownloadHelper program will recognize this action and automatically copy its link by displaying a notification. By clicking on this notification, you can immediately download the video clip to your personal computer. It is this program that also recognizes audio files from many popular sites.

Method number 4. Last but not least, a convenient way to download videos using special. plugins

Download video from Yandex.Video service? Sure, not a problem! Especially if the extension is built into the browser. So, the most popular browsers have their own app stores at their disposal. In such stores, you can download many add-ons, both paid and free, that allow you to use the browser more conveniently and productively.

A plugin called . You can install it on and on.

After loading and simple automatic installation extension, you will be able to download videos in exactly the same way in a couple of clicks as in the methods described earlier.

Now you know how you can easily download a video file to your personal computer. Now it remains to choose the most suitable and most convenient way for yourself. We wish you a successful download!