How to open a private window in Google Chrome. Incognito - what is it and how to enable incognito mode in Yandex browser and Google Chrome

Good day everyone, my dear friends. Please tell me, when you visit website pages and don’t want anyone to find out where you climbed, what do you do? I know that most people just delete the history. But in fact, this is a rather ugly way of not showing your traces. At least to me it seems terribly inconvenient.

How can we make these actions easier? The answer is simple - incognito mode. Thanks to this, you can climb on other people's computers and not worry that your data will be saved there. It is designed so that the browser history is not saved in it, i.e. neither sites visited nor credentials. In addition, this mode can be used to enter another account, without leaving your main one. Of course, you can use a special extension for this, but hidden mode will not leave traces.

And today I’ll tell you how to enable incognito mode in Chrome to make our lives easier. Moreover, I will show you how to turn it on once, or so that it works constantly.

All we need for this is to log into the Google Chrome browser and click on settings. Then you just need to choose “New window in incognito mode”. Or you can do it even simpler, namely press the key combination SHIFT+CTRL+N.

A black window with a picture of a spy will immediately open. Hooray! We succeeded. Now you can log into your accounts on other people’s computers without worrying that your login and password will be saved. In addition, nothing is saved, i.e. if you exited the browser, but did not log out of your account, this is also not saved.

I just warn you right away that extensions do not work in incognito mode by default, so they must be enabled separately. To do this, go to “Settings” - "Additional Tools"- “Extensions”. Well, when you get into your installed extensions, you will see that under each of them there is a checkbox (square) “Allow use in incognito mode”. You can choose only those that you yourself want to see and use.

Constant use

Some people prefer to use this mode all the time, i.e. so as not to open windows in this mode every time you log in, but so that it is used by default. So, this is all real. And everything is done very quickly.

Go to shortcut properties Google Chrome(namely a shortcut!) and now in the “object” line at the very end, put a space and write this -incognito. Apply this and try to log into the browser as usual.

So how? Everything worked out? Well done. Now you can choose in what cases to turn on the hidden mode: when needed or constantly. And I'm wondering, do you use this thing or will you use it now? Share your opinion in the comments.

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

Millions of people use the Internet every day: they visit sites of interest, look for necessary information, enter passwords and personal data. But not everyone thinks that at these very moments their private information falls into the hands of marketing tracking systems and God knows who else. There are special programs and developments to protect personal data on the Internet. Incognito mode is one of these.

What is Incognito mode

Incognito mode (private mode) is a special browser feature that allows the user to remain anonymous in the Internet space. When Incognito mode is active, the browser stops saving your queries in search engines, entered passwords, cookies s, history and addresses of sites viewed. The collection of any information about you is also completely blocked. third party systems

. Your geolocation, gender, age, private requests and interests will remain confidential.

However, remember that private browsing mode cannot hide your social media status. Therefore, when you log in to your pages, you will be automatically marked “online”.

How to enable Incognito mode in different browsers The ability to use private browsing mode is available in all known browsers. Let's take a closer look at how to enable.

Google Chrome

this mode

  • To instantly switch the browser to privacy mode, use the hotkey combination “Ctrl+Shift+N” (valid for both Windows and Linux). To enable Incognito mode manually, follow these steps. At the top of the browser (right), open Settings and Google management
    Chrome" (three vertical dots).
  • Click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the browser to open Settings
    To enable private browsing, select “New window in incognito mode” in the settings.
  • Now you can use your browser freely - you won't leave any traces.

    In Incognito mode, your browsing history will not be saved.

    Video: How to enable Incognito mode in Google Chrome

    Mozilla Firefox

    To instantly switch to Mozilla Firefox use the combination “Ctrl+Shift+P”. To switch manually, follow the instructions.

  • At the top of the browser (right), find and click “Open Menu” (three vertical bars).
    In Mozilla Firefox, open the menu to enable private browsing
  • In the list that opens, select “Private window”.
    Incognito mode in Mozilla Firefox is activated in the “Private window” item
  • You are now in Incognito mode.

    A special icon will appear in the upper right corner of the browser window when private mode is enabled


    To instantly switch in Opera, use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+N”. The following steps will help you manually enable private mode.

  • At the top of the browser (left), click on the “Customize and manage Opera” button (labeled “Menu”).
    Go to Opera settings to switch to Incognito mode
  • In the list that opens, select “Create private window».
    By selecting the “Create private window” menu item, you will switch to privacy mode
  • Incognito mode is enabled, you can use it.

    A special icon will remind you that it is on private mode

    Internet Explorer

    To instantly switch the browser to “Incognito” mode, press “Ctrl+Shift+P” one after another or switch manually.

  • At the top of the browser (right), click on the “Security” button.
    IN Internet Explorer privacy is enabled through the “Security” parameter
  • From the list that opens, select “InPrivate Browsing.”
    Click "InPrivate Browsing" and Incognito mode will be enabled
  • That's it, private browsing mode is enabled.

    After enabling Incognito mode, the InPrivate indicator will appear in Internet Explorer

    "Yandex browser"

    Use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+Shift+N” to instantly switch the browser to privacy mode or enable it manually.

  • At the top of the browser (right), open “Yandex Browser Settings” (three vertical bars).
    Open the settings menu in Yandex Browser
  • In the list that opens, select “Incognito Mode.”
    Find the “Incognito Mode” item in the settings and activate it
  • Ready! Private mode is active. To exit Incognito mode, simply close the browser window. The next time you start it, it will start working in the same “open” mode.

    Incognito mode - reliable way protection of personal data on the Internet. It will hide your browsing history from prying eyes and will prevent the leakage of personal information to analytical companies and services. Turning it on is as easy as shelling pears, and there are only advantages to using it.

    To work in incognito mode when necessary hidden viewing Internet, you need to open the window in private mode.

    In incognito mode, all web pages you open, as well as downloaded files, will not be recorded in your browsing and download history. All new cookies will be deleted after closing the private windows. While changes made to general settings and bookmarks opened in this mode are saved

    What remains after working with the Google Chrome browser in incognito mode?

    When a user enables incognito mode in Google Chrome, it automatically switches to confidential use and the following data will not be recorded on the browser memory and memory:

    • Site visit history;
    • Cookies auto-fill forms and passwords;
    • Completely clear cache memory that was loaded during incognito mode.

    It cannot be said that using incognito in Google browser Chrome will completely make your actions invisible to external sites, search engines and your ISP.

    How best to hide your data and be unnoticed by everyone

    Here are a few practical advice for those who do not want others to see their actions:

    • Firstly, it should be said that you cannot hide from the provider. That is, your provider will see outgoing and incoming traffic in the Google Chrome browser in any case and no “incognito” mode will help;
    • The next valid option is to use incognito mode in the Chrome browser from Google;
    • Can be installed special utility to change the IP address, because some sites will not be able to open your geolocation after this;
    • To prevent search engines from remembering your queries and using them for contextual advertising and statistics selection, use less advanced ones search engines, such as: Bing, DuckDuckGo or Nigma. They don't remember requests and don't have a strong trading platform, but the search for information is no worse popular Google and Yandex searches;
    • Try not to register unnecessarily and do not give your real email e-mail address– this will prevent you from being sent spam by email and not transferring your data to other services.

    How to log out of incognito on Google Chrome

    The Google Chrome browser is very popular and covers a very wide range of platforms and operating systems. Among them are mobile android, iOS, and a personal computer.

    Each browser on these platforms has an incognito feature, and disabling it is very easy. For any platform, to close incognito mode you just need to restart the browser and then the incognito mode will disappear, and all data that was used during operation will be deleted.

    A slightly different way of complete and high-quality anonymity

    The maximum possible level of anonymity can be achieved by using other search engines that are less popular.

    Another way to protect your data is to switch to browsers that use anonymous networks when working with them. Of course, we do not recommend using them all the time, because... The functionality and network speed in them is much worse than the Google Chrome browser. But for your anonymous purposes, using such browsers is very practical.

    When viewing web pages, browsers (Yandex, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) save a lot of information. For example, browsing history, passwords for social network accounts and Email. But sometimes there is a need to hide traces of your time on the Internet, for example, if you decide to secretly give a gift to a loved one or access your email while visiting. Incognito mode allows you to enable private browsing mode, when entered passwords, as well as addresses of sites and pages that you visited, are not saved.

    What is private mode (aka “Incognito” and InPrivate)

    This function is available in the most popular browsers, sometimes there are different names for it. In Incognito mode, the browser does not save entered passwords, search queries, and addresses of visited pages. At the same time, changes in settings, downloaded files and added bookmarks are saved.

    Remember: private tabs do not make you invisible to sites. If you log in to a social network, your appearance will be noticed. Incognito mode is designed to hide your online history from other users of your computer. By opening a private tab, you are telling the browser not to use old cookies, cache, or local memory.

    In incognito, only the browser does not store your Internet activity. Other sources may see what websites you visit, including:

    • your employer (if you use an office computer);
    • internet service provider;
    • directly the websites you visit.

    How to enable the mode in different browsers

    In order to log in in private mode, you need to know what browser you are using. As a rule, the transition is indicated visually by an icon depicting a mask or glasses. How to open a private tab in Yandex Browser, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, read on.

    Google Chrome

    Yandex browser


    Mozilla Firefox

    Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer)

    How to quickly open a private window using hotkeys

    For quick launch Incognito mode, you can use hot keys: in Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex Browser, the combination Ctrl + Shift + N is used. In Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Edge The combination Ctrl + Shift + P is used.

    How to close or disable Incognito mode and exit private browsing

    To return to normal viewing and disable the use of private mode, just close the window. After this, the browser will delete all cookies created while working in it. This method to remove Incognito mode is suitable for any browser, including the most popular: Yandex, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome.

    Video instruction: how to log into Incognito

    To make it easier for you to understand how to open private browsing in any browser, we have selected video instructions that clearly show several ways to switch to private mode.

    If you need a computer while visiting, the best way to avoid leaving traces or passwords from your accounts is to browse in private mode, because this feature is implemented in every browser. When you use tabs or windows in private mode, data (such as history, temporary internet files, and cookies) is deleted from your computer as soon as you finish browsing.

    Hello, friends! If you work a lot in the Google Chrome browser, and periodically there is a need to hide your presence on some sites, or remove the latest downloaded files from the download list, then now we’ll look at how to quickly resolve such issues.

    In this article I will talk about incognito mode in the Google Chrome browser. What is it, how to browse websites using it and exit it.

    What does incognito mode do in Google Chrome?

    Incognito is a mode in the Internet browser that does not save the history of viewed pages and downloaded files. Let's look at its features point by point:

    1. In Google Chrome, it will allow you to view various pages on the Internet, but they will not be saved in the Browser History.
    2. The browser does not remember search phrases that you enter into the address bar.
    3. When you download files, they will not be saved in the “Downloads” section of the browser itself, but you can find them in the “Downloads” or “Downloads” folder on your device.
    4. When you turn it on, a new Chrome browser window will open. Accordingly, you can work in parallel with tabs opened in a regular window and in one that is running anonymously. You just need to switch between open windows.
    5. You will not have access to cookies stored in Chrome. And all new cookies received during the work process will be deleted after exiting the incognito window.
    6. All changes to browser settings and new bookmarks created will be saved and available in Chrome as usual.
    7. You still have access to passwords for sites saved in your browser.
    8. All extensions will not work. If desired, they can be enabled manually.
    9. The list of sites you visit is available to your provider. Your visit is also taken into account in the site counter. If the computer is working, then all information is available to the employer. When visiting social networks it will be clear that you have entered the page.

    How to enable the mode

    To enter such a window in Google Chrome, you need to do a couple of simple steps.

    This is what the page for opening a new tab in Chrome looks like, opened in the most normal way.

    To open it anonymously, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the browser and select “New window in incognito mode” from the menu.

    If you are used to using keyboard shortcuts in the browser, then the hot keys to enable incognito mode in Chrome are: Ctrl+Shift+N.

    After this another window will open Chrome browser, but in incognito mode. This will be evidenced by the inscription on the page itself, a gray background and a hat with glasses in the upper left corner.

    To open a new tab in Chrome in this window, you just need to click on the corresponding button in the line with tabs and go to the site of interest or enter the desired query.

    If you need the add-ons that you have installed and enabled in Chrome to work in this window, then you need to go to the list of add-ons and enable their use in this mode.

    To do this, click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner and select “Additional tools” - “Extensions” from the list.

    In the list with browser add-ons under the required extension Check the “Allow use in incognito mode” box.

    After this, in a Chrome window opened anonymously, you will also have access to the usual extensions.

    How to exit incognito mode

    Exiting it into Chrome is quite easy. Since this opens a separate browser window, you just need to close it by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner.

    If you do not need to close the window of the web browser itself, open incognito, and you just want to close a separate site, then click on the cross in the top line in the tab that you want to close.

    Opening incognito mode from an Android phone

    You can log into Google Chrome in a similar way with mobile phone or tablet. I’ll tell you in detail how to do this for devices with operating system Android. For owners of iOS devices, everything is exactly the same.

    Go to Chrome and click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the window. A menu will open in which select “ New inset incognita".

    This is what the Chrome page looks like, opened incognito.

    If you click on the " Open Tabs" – the number in the box at the top right, then a view of all tabs will open. Gray ones are those that are open in incognito mode. If you swipe the page to the right, you'll see the tabs you've opened normally.

    To close one tab, or exit it altogether, when viewing tabs, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and select “Close incognito tabs” from the menu. After this, all tabs opened anonymously will be closed.

    If you need to close not all tabs, but some specific ones, then while viewing them, click on the cross, which is located on the tab on the right.

    Use this mode in Chrome, it will greatly simplify your work in the browser. You will no longer need to clear your history or delete downloaded files from the corresponding list in your browser.