When will the update be released on mac os x. macOS Mojave is out. Dark theme and new features. New Finder display mode

Fair, not overpriced and not underestimated. There should be prices on the Service website. Necessarily! without asterisks, clear and detailed, where technically possible - as accurate and concise as possible.

If spare parts are available, up to 85% of complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. Modular repairs require much less time. The website indicates the approximate duration of any repair.

Warranty and responsibility

A guarantee must be given for any repairs. Everything is described on the website and in the documents. The guarantee is self-confidence and respect for you. A 3-6 month warranty is good and sufficient. It is needed to check quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and realistic terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that they will help you.

Half the success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so a good service works directly with suppliers, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven spare parts for current models, so you don’t have to waste extra time.

Free diagnostics

This is very important and has already become a rule of good manners for service center. Diagnostics is the most difficult and important part of the repair, but you don't have to pay a penny for it, even if you don't repair the device based on its results.

Service repairs and delivery

Good service We value your time, which is why we offer free shipping. And for the same reason, repairs are carried out only in the workshop of a service center: correctly and according to technology can only be done in a prepared place.

Convenient schedule

If the Service works for you, and not for itself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule should be convenient to fit in before and after work. Good service works on weekends and holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals consists of several points

Company age and experience

Reliable and experienced service has been known for a long time.
If a company has been on the market for many years and has managed to establish itself as an expert, people turn to it, write about it, and recommend it. We know what we are talking about, since 98% of incoming devices in the service center are restored.
Other service centers trust us and refer complex cases to us.

How many masters in areas

If there are always several engineers waiting for you for each type of equipment, you can be sure:
1. there will be no queue (or it will be minimal) - your device will be taken care of right away.
2. you give to Macbook repair an expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, a specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
So that you can imagine what exactly you need.
They will try to solve the problem. In most cases, from the description you can understand what happened and how to fix the problem.

Everything we know about macOS 10.14.

macOS 10.14 Mojave - a new version operating system for Mac computers and laptops. macOS 10.14 Mojave presentation date - June 4, 2018. The release date for macOS 10.14 Mojave is the second half of September 2018. This material contains information about all the innovations in macOS 10.14 Mojave.

The main innovation of macOS 10.14 Mojave is the dark interface mode. Night mode support has appeared in all standard macOS 10.14 Mojave applications, including Xcode. macOS 10.14 Mojave's UI theme can change automatically throughout the day, going from light to dark.

A new feature in macOS 10.14 Mojave is Desktop Stacks. It allows you to group similar types of files on your desktop to clean and organize your workspace.

macOS 10.14 Mojave introduces a new Quick Look app for taking screenshots and recording videos of your Mac screen. The new Continuity Camera utility lets you instantly transfer images and documents from your iPhone or iPad to your Mac directly to your Documents folder.

Three new apps in macOS 10.14 Mojave: News (not available in Russia), Voice Memos and Home. All applications are designed in the style of the original ones from the iPhone, but are fully adapted for Mac.

Mac App Store App Store completely redesigned in the style of the App Store from iOS 11. The Mac App Store has completely new sections: Discover, Create, Work, Play, Develop, Categories, Updates.

Note: Below is all the information that was available about macOS 10.14 before the official presentation.

macOS 10.14 concept

What will macOS 10.14 be called?

Apple always gives its Mac operating systems unique names, not just numbers. Since 2013, various locations in California have been chosen as names. At the same time, Apple regularly registers trademarks with the names of mountains, beaches, deserts and other places from its native land.

At this moment accurate name macOS 10.14 is unknown, but Apple has a lot of registered ones in its arsenal brands. Their full list looks like this: Redwood, Mammoth, California, Big Sur, Pacific, Diablo, Miramar, Rincon, Redtail, Condor, Grizzly, Farallon, Tiburon, Monterey, Skyline, Shasta, Mojave, Sequoia, Ventura and Sonoma. One of these names should become the name of macOS 10.14.

At the end of May 2018, Apple registered the name Mojave(desert in California) in two other countries. In this regard, many experts began to believe that this is the name macOS 10.14 will receive.

Universal apps for macOS 10.14 and iOS 12

At the end of 2017, a number of trusted sources, including the authoritative publication Bloomberg, announced that Apple was working on a unique project codenamed “ Marzipan" As part of this project, Apple is combining apps for macOS 10.14 and iOS 12, making them universal.

According to sources, universal apps for macOS 10.14 and iOS 12 can make life much easier for both users and developers. U iPhone users, iPad and Mac will no longer need to purchase versions of the same application for different platforms. They will be able to purchase one universal application that can run on mobile devices, and on computers.

Developers will not have to create two versions of the application. They will implement one universal version, starting to spend much less time and effort on development.

One of the most famous third-party developers, Stephen Troughton-Smith, who has repeatedly found interesting references in the code of Apple operating systems, is impressed by the Marzipan project. Universal apps are the biggest change, he says. software platform Apple since the advent of iOS.

In May 2018, journalist John Gruber expressed doubts about the appearance universal applications with the release of iOS 12 and macOS 10.14. He said that Apple is indeed working on the Marzipan project, but its launch is scheduled for 2019.

macOS 10.14 concept

Note that even if the platform for creating universal applications is not ready for the presentation of macOS 10.14, Apple can still announce it.

iOS apps

According to rumors, macOS 10.14 may include more apps from iOS. Apple is expected to add News, Health, Activity, and Home apps to the new Mac operating system. The applications will allow Mac and iPhone owners to synchronize their devices as efficiently as possible.

Menu Bar Extensions

Smartwatch users Apple Watch have the ability to add various extensions to the watch face screen, allowing you to quickly launch applications or perform any actions. It is expected that such extensions will reach other Apple operating systems.

According to rumors, extensions, including customized ones, will be able to be included in the menu bar in macOS 10.14. This should provide a better experience for Mac users.

File system improvements

macOS High Sierra was introduced new APFS file system(Apple Filesystem), the main goals of which were to speed up the Mac and improve performance with SSD drives. However, upgrading to macOS High Sierra with APFS has been a nightmare for many Mac users with Fusion drives. Moreover, full support for Fusion drives has not yet been implemented in macOS High Sierra. Analysts believe that in macOS 10.14 Apple will correct this misunderstanding and work on optimizing the file system.

macOS 10.14 concept

Group calls via FaceTime

The ability to make group calls via FaceTime will be a common innovation in iOS 12 and macOS 10.14, experts believe. According to numerous rumors, the feature was supposed to appear in iOS 11 and macOS High Sierra, but Apple did not have enough time to create it. Experts logically assume that when creating new versions of the software, Apple resources will be sufficient for the long-awaited addition of group calls for up to 4-6 people.

Optimization and bug fixes

macOS High Sierra, like iOS 11, has become one of the most unsuccessful firmware Apple. In November 2018, it was found critical vulnerability, which made it easy to access your Mac without an administrator password. Apple fixed the “hole” very quickly, but a serious aftertaste remained. Because of this, the company even had to formally apologize to clients and promise to improve the situation in the future.

According to Bloomberg, Apple intends to keep its promise. It is known that in both iOS 12 and macOS 10.14 the company will pay special attention to eliminating bugs, in particular those related to security. In addition, a decent increase in productivity should be expected, the source said. Considering that the speed of macOS High Sierra was far from ideal, such an innovation is really necessary.

macOS 10.14 presentation date

macOS 10.14 concept

macOS 10.14 will be officially presented on June 4 on the first day of the WWDC 2018 developer conference. The WWDC 2018 presentation is scheduled to begin at 20:00 Moscow time.

When will the first beta version of macOS 10.14 be released?

The first beta version of macOS 10.14 should be released on June 4, immediately after the end of the presentation. In previous years, Apple released the first test builds of macOS without any delays, so the same is expected from the company this year. macOS 10.14 beta 1 will initially be available exclusively to registered developers. However, regular users will also be able to install the update by activating a special beta profile. We will tell you in detail how to do this in a separate instruction on our website.

macOS 10.14 release date

The final version of macOS 10.14 will be released in the second half of September. In the first half September Apple will hold a traditional presentation, which will show new iPhone models and Mac. Firmware for new devices will be launched 2-3 weeks after the announcement.

However, it is possible that macOS 10.14 will be released in October. This was the case with OS X 10.10 Yosemite, which launched after Apple's second fall presentation in 2014. In subsequent years, new versions of macOS were released in the second half of September.

Which Macs will support macOS 10.14

A number of sources have stated that due to its technical focus, macOS 10.14 will be compatible with all Mac models that support macOS High Sierra.

  • MacBook late 2009 or newer.
  • iMac late 2009 or newer.
  • MacBook Air 2010 and newer.
  • MacBook Pro 2010 and newer.
  • Mac Mini from 2010.
  • Mac Pro 2010 and newer.

Know and use:

  • How to copy iPhone contact book to SIM card
  • How to restore an iPhone if the apple light is on the screen

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New features in macOS Catalina help everyone get the most out of their Mac. With Voice Control, users who aren't comfortable with standard input methods can control their Mac with voice commands. And new tools for people with low vision will allow you to enlarge the text of a paragraph or the entire screen.

Video description for a film about universal access

Turn on.


The volume indicator on the Dictation microphone icon fluctuates as Ian's voice changes in tone.

(Ian dictates)

The text dictated by Ian appears in the Notes.

(Ian dictates)

This new way do what your heart is in, period. Like this. Correct the word "heart".

The word "heart" is highlighted in blue. A numbered list of options for that word opens. It has options for replacing it with other words or images of hearts.


The word “heart” in the text is replaced with a red heart.

Ian is at home. He sits in a power wheelchair in front of his iMac.

Open Photo.

The Photos app opens from the Dock. In the photographs in the folder with the dates “May 15-19,” Ian is riding along the road in his wheelchair with his cyclist friends.

Scroll up.

The photographs in the folder with the dates "April 12-14" show a man on a mountain bike and forested mountains sloping down to the edge of a lake.

Show numbers.

Numbers appear on the folder buttons and on each photo.


The photo opens. A man stands on the shore of a lake, raising a bicycle above his head.

The Messages app opens and the photo appears in the message.

The name "Tim" appears in the "To:" field, and then the autocomplete function substitutes it in its place [email protected].

Next field. Let's go for a ride today. Thumbs up emoji.

The text and corresponding emoji icon appear in the message.

Click "Submit". Open Maps.

The Maps application opens.

Show grid.

A grid with numbers is superimposed on the map.

Press and hold "twenty".

A pin appears on the map with the label “Located Location: Olympic National Park, Highway 101, Port Angeles...” and an “Information” icon.

Open Program Switcher.

Ian glances at the iPhone attached to the wheelchair. A notification appears on the screen: “Cards from Ian’s iMac.” The number four appears in the upper left corner of the notification.

The specified location opens in the Maps app on Ian's iPhone.

Ian's chosen contact, Tim, is highlighted, and the Messages app logo appears at the bottom of his photo.

Click "Tim".

The specified geolocation appears in a message addressed to Tim, who has already replied to the first message: “Let's go!”

Click "Submit".

The send button marked with the number 11 is selected on the screen.

[Music is playing]

Composition Jump by Atomic Drum Assembly

Ian, in his motorized wheelchair, rides along a pedestrian bridge over the river.

He is approaching a coniferous forest. The camera follows him.

Ian drives along a forest road, steering the stroller using his breath and the Sip & Puff switch. Tim rides next to him. They both smile.

(Ian and Tim talking)

I'm glad to see you!

Tim and Ian drive up to the shore of a lake surrounded by green hills. They admire the surface of the water.

Turn on Music. Turn up the volume.

(Ian speaks)

Enlarge text under cursor

Text Enlarger makes viewing text on your Mac screen much easier. Hover over any text and press the Command key. A separate window will open with large text in high resolution. You can choose the font and color yourself.

On the evening of September 24, it was released for all compatible Apple computers. macOS update 10.14 Mojave. This version of the operating system is named after the Mojave Desert, which occupies a large part of southern California.

The update can easily be classified as minor. However, there are plenty of useful, albeit small, changes. Let's deal with them.

But first, let's see which computers are supported by this version of the OS.

All 2012 and newer Macs are supported, as well as some older Mac Pros as long as their graphics card is compatible with Metal. Unlike iOS 12, which was received by all the same smartphones as iOS 11, with Apple computers was treated less carefully: devices from 2009, 2010 and 2011, including the latest plastic MacBook, lost support. Well, if you have been cut off from updates this year, then it’s time to seriously think about upgrading your computer.

Let's start with the innovations.

Dark design

The central feature of Mojave was the dark interface design, which had been awaited for many years in a row. By the way, they have been waiting for it in iOS for a long time, but so far it has appeared only in Apple’s desktop OS.

When you turn on the new design, the entire system interface is painted in dark colors, including all standard applications from macOS. As for third-party applications, Apple has given developers access to the API, which means there is a chance that most popular applications will be updated soon and will also get a dark theme. It will be activated automatically, depending on the system settings.

On this moment from popular programs The innovation was supported by Agenda, Simple Note, Airmail 3, Todoist, Things 3 and about three dozen other applications. For our convenience, Apple has created a separate section in the updated App Store (which we will talk about a little later), where all currently available programs with dark mode are collected.

Users' opinions on the dark design of macOS are divided, which is not surprising. One well-known blogger funnyly noted that with a dark theme, it seems that you are using the computer in “incognito” mode. As for me, I don’t consider myself conservative, but I’m not ready to use a dark interface on a regular basis - it’s very unusual and causes discomfort. Although this is probably a matter of habit. But you should definitely try it, I’m sure there will be people who care.

In addition to the design theme, 6 new color accents have appeared: purple, pink, red, orange, yellow and green. Everyone will find something to their liking.

And the last thing about the interface is dynamic wallpaper that changes depending on the time of day. There are two images available: a Mojave Desert dune and a gradient abstract.

Due to the fact that Mojave has both dynamic wallpaper and dark design, I had a logical question: where can I find a checkbox that allows you to change not only the desktop wallpaper, but also the design theme depending on the time of day? But, as it turned out, there is no such setting in the system. We will have to solve this shortcoming with a third-party application, fortunately such ones have already appeared, for example, NightOwl.


Desk clutter is commonplace, even for avid perfectionists like me. Apple took care of this problem and invented such a thing as stacks.

Using it is as easy as shelling pears: click on free space desktop with the right mouse button (either double tap on the touchbar, or ctrl + click), select the item “Collect into stacks”, and your files on the desktop will be grouped into stacks. By default they will be collected by type.

You can select the basis on which files will be grouped into stacks in the context menu.

In general, the feature is quite useful and convenient, especially if you use your desktop to store work documents or projects (there is a grouping by tags).


During the development of Mojave, a lot of attention was paid to the built-in file manager Finder. It has not undergone any global changes, like the entire system, but even these targeted changes will be very useful.

Gallery. The main and very long-awaited feature is that the outdated “Cover Flow” viewing mode, which debuted 11 years ago in Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard, has been replaced by the “Gallery” mode. Finally navigation in folders with photos, images and others graphic files became as clear and convenient as in Windows. I don’t know about you, but I’ve struggled with this for the 5 years I’ve been using Apple computers.

Hooray! In Gallery mode, you can scroll through large thumbnails using the left and right buttons, just like in Windows.

You can also perform one of the quick actions, including in bulk and without using other applications, for example, rotate a photo, make notes, or create a PDF document from a file. You can do this all right in the Finder without saving the file under a new name. You can create quick actions yourself using the Automator application.

And one last thing: the list of metadata in the “Gallery” mode is shown to the right of the image.

Quick view. Quick view, which is accessible by pressing the space bar, has also become more functional. Now you can not only quickly view a file, but also perform a number of typical actions that depend on the file type:

Last year, Apple pleased iPhone and iPad owners with a screenshot editor, and this year similar changes came to macOS Mojave. In addition, a whole new convenient menu has appeared, which is accessible by command “Command+Shift+5”. By the way, the old hot combinations “Command+Shift++3 or 4” have not gone away; they perform all the same actions, namely a snapshot of the entire screen or a selected area and saved to the desktop or clipboard.

The new menu eliminates the need to use QuickTime to record screencasts; now both the screenshot and its recording are activated in one place. This is what it looks like:

In the settings, you can specify the folder where pictures and videos will be saved, and also set the timer for 5 or 10 seconds.

After a screenshot or screencast is taken, its thumbnail appears in the lower right corner (similar to iOS). You can simply swipe it, and then the file will immediately be saved in the specified folder as is, you can immediately move the thumbnail to the right application or click on it to open the editor.

The editor completely replicates the functionality that appeared in Finder: a screenshot can be cropped, rotated, or made notes on it, and a screencast can only be trimmed in duration.

To summarize: working with screen content has become much faster and more convenient. Actually, all the screenshots and screencasts that you see in this review were made thanks to the new utility.

Continuity Camera

This is another applied innovation that allows us to save our most valuable resource - time. If you need to take a photo or scan a document, and you need the file you are looking for on your computer, then now you don’t have to take it first on your iPhone and then send it, for example, via AirDrop to your computer.

Calling context menu in any folder on your Mac, click on the “Import from iPhone” item and select what we need: take a photo or scan documents. Moreover, this function is supported not only in the Finder, but also at the level of built-in applications: “Mail”, “Messages”, “Notes”, Pages, Keynote and Numbers allow you to insert something made with using iPhone snapshot or scan via the File – Insert menu from iPhone. Perhaps Apple will open up Continuity Camera to third-party apps later, at least that would be logical.

New applications

In Mojave, applications already familiar to us from iOS, but completely new to macOS, have become available: “Promotions”, “Home” and “Voice Recorder”.

The first allows you to monitor stock prices and business news.

The second is designed to help you set up and use devices compatible with Apple HomeKit (formerly smart home could only be controlled from iOS gadgets). It’s strange, but adding new devices still requires iOS, that is, activating the new HomeKit gadget with Mac computer still not possible.

The name of the third application speaks for itself: now you can record a podcast, lecture, interview, or just a voice note on your computer, and the recordings via iCloud are automatically synchronized with your iPhone and iPad.

New Mac App Store

A year ago we saw a completely redesigned App Store on iOS, and now a new app store concept has come to Mac. I believe that it was the desktop version of the store that needed a total reboot, and now we saw it. What's next next? I hope iTunes. But let's return to the Mac App Store.

The design of the application has changed completely. The following sections are available on the left.

Review. It contains articles and videos about applications and their developers, application selections and top charts.

Creation. This section is entirely dedicated to creative programs: photo and video editors, applications for drawing, creating music or working with texts.

Job. This section contains everything that is useful for fruitful and efficient work: organizers, note-taking applications, project managers and system utilities.

Games. Nobody plays on Mac? No matter how it is. Yes, you won’t find any serious titles here, but if I had free time, I would play Firewatch.

Development. Everything you need to develop on Mac is here. No more, no less.

By the way, you will no longer find system updates in the Mac App Store; in Mojave they have been moved to a separate settings item.

And here there is a question about Apple’s logic: along with the OS update settings, a checkbox has been moved there that activates the auto-update of applications from the Mac App Store. If you grabbed too much when carrying it, don’t lose it.

Security and privacy

Traditionally, the new version of macOS has become more secure, and now it takes better care of your privacy than the previous one. Moreover, the changes are not only, as they say, under the hood.

Safari Data Collection Protection. The changes have occurred in the standard macOS browser. As Apple notes, the list of data that the browser reports about you to advertising systems has been significantly trimmed. Now this is (quote) “simplified system information only.”

Improved control. All third-party apps will ask for permission before using your camera, microphone, or conversation data in Mail or Messages. Subsequent permission settings, as before, are made in the “Protection and Security” settings item.

Automatic generation of strong passwords. An updated mechanism for creating complex passwords came this year not only to iOS, but also to macOS. Safari automatically generates, saves and substitutes them, and also warns you if you want to reuse an existing one.

Indeed, nowhere before have I encountered such a simple and in a convenient way creating and using passwords, as long as they are truly kept safe. And in our time we can’t always be sure of this.

A short line about the rest

Stability, performance and autonomy. According to my subjective impressions and the reviews that I came across on the Internet, nothing has changed in comparison with macOS High Sierra. Everything worked stably and quickly, and it still works. In time MacBook work I can't see any difference from the battery either.

Website icons on tabs. Another change affecting Safari browser. You can now enable the display of favicons on tabs.

Auto-substitution of security codes. In iOS 12, Apple finally implemented automatic substitution of security codes from SMS, but it did not stop there and equipped macOS with exactly the same feature. Works automatically if SMS forwarding is configured on Mac.

Recently launched in Dock. Icons of the last three running applications, which are not pinned to the Dock, similar to the iPad, are displayed in a new section of it.

Refusal of OpenGL and OpenCL. Along with the announcement of macOS 10.14 last summer, Apple announced that it was deprecating the OpenGL and OpenCL frameworks. Applications and games that use these technologies will still work, but stable work not guaranteed. Developers are strongly encouraged to migrate to the proprietary Metal and Metal Performance Shaders APIs.

OpenGL and OpenCL technologies are used in games, video, 2D and 3D graphics applications, as well as plugins for these programs. For users, refusing them means that a fairly large part software products at some point it will simply stop working until the move to the “new rails”.

Group FaceTime. The ability to communicate via FaceTime in groups of up to 32 people has not yet appeared, but is expected this fall with the update to macOS 10.14.1.


As you may have noticed, macOS Mojave will not bring anything radically new to your computers, but there are a significant number of small changes that are quite useful and practical in themselves. Such targeted “tuning” definitely benefited macOS, and the shortcomings are insignificant, so I recommend updating.

Happy update everyone! Don't forget to make backups!

Apple's new OS replaces High Sierra. The update, which includes dark theme support and a revamped Mac App Store like iOS 12, will be available for download later this year.

Years later, Apple heard users' pleas and added dark theme support to macOS Mojave. It will be activated automatically depending on the time of day, changing the design of the desktop.

A new feature called Stacks will help you organize your Mac screen by automatically organizing files of the same extension into neat groups. The Mac App Store, which had been without significant updates for a long time, finally received an App Store-style redesign in iOS 11. The app store now has a completely updated interface and a rich selection of editorial materials to help you choose useful programs.

Main materials

One of the key visual innovations of the macOS Mojave desktop operating system is . The background changes depending on the time of day; geolocation services are used for this. Everything would be fine, but in the standard OS set there are only two options for dynamic wallpaper. Today we will tell you how you can expand this list.

One of the key visual innovations of the desktop operating system is . The background changes depending on the time of day; geolocation services are used for this. Everything would be fine, but in the standard OS set there are only two options for dynamic wallpaper. Today we will tell you how you can expand this list.

In 2005, OS X introduced powerful tool for a search called . Apple's proprietary search technology was gradually improved, and today Spotlight can be used not only to search for files and applications, but also for arithmetic calculations, word translation and dozens of other non-standard actions. Some of these operations can be performed using hot keys. Let's look at this in more detail.

One of the key visual innovations of the desktop operating system is dynamic desktop wallpaper. The background changes depending on the time of day; geolocation services are used for this. Everything would be fine, but in the standard OS set there are only two options for dynamic wallpaper. Today we will tell you how you can expand this list.

One of the key visual innovations of the macOS Mojave desktop operating system is dynamic desktop wallpapers. The background changes depending on the time of day; geolocation services are used for this. Everything would be fine, but in the standard OS set there are only two options for dynamic wallpaper. Today we will tell you how you can expand this list.

One of the most significant innovations is the debut of a dark mode for all applications and elements in the system. The option turned out to be really useful - in addition to the aesthetic component, the strain on the eyes at night also decreased. If you often use the dark theme, it makes sense to customize it to suit your needs. And today we will tell you how to do this.

Tabletop operating system macOS Mojave brings many useful innovations. Among them are dynamic desktop wallpapers that change depending on the time of day. Such screensavers look really impressive and impressive. True, there is one thing - it offers users only two such screensavers. Especially for our readers, we found a few more dynamic shots.