Why can't I install the application on Android? What to do if the necessary applications are not installed on Android? If simple methods do not help: use a patcher, reset to factory settings

In this article, I will tell you about the ten most common reasons why programs will not install. You will learn about the symptoms of a particular cause and will be able to diagnose and eliminate it yourself.

So, let's go - ten reasons why programs are not installed on Windows.

The most common reason why programs are not installed, this is the absence system library NET Framework required version. This library contains resources that are needed for the normal operation of a particular program. Therefore, if it is not there, then the program will not be able to install.

It is recommended that you install all versions of the NET Framework on your computer, starting with 2.0 and ending with the highest version that your Windows supports. This will ensure normal operation of all programs compatible with your OS.

To find out which NET version Framework is installed on your computer, click on the “Start” button, select “Control Panel”, then open the “Programs” section, and then “Programs and Features” (example for Windows 7).

You can download the versions you are missing on the Microsoft website.

As a rule, if programs are not installed due to the lack of the required NET Framework, a message appears indicating the version that needs to be downloaded.

Lack of Visual C++ and Direct X required version

The next common reason why programs are not installed is the lack of Visual C++ and Direct X components. Visual C++ is necessary for programs written in the popular C++ language, and Direct X is required for most games. As with the NET Framework, there is different versions these components.

You can find out the version of Visual C++ in the same way as the NET Framework - in the “Programs and Features” section.

And in order to find out the version of Direct X, click “Start” and open “Run” (or ctrl + R). Write down the dxdiag command and click OK.

As a rule, if the program does not install due to the absence of these components or their correct version, a corresponding message appears. Required Versions Visual C++ can be downloaded, and Direct X.

Incorrect Windows bit depth

Windows can be 32-bit or 64-bit. You can install 32 and 64 bit programs on 64-bit operating systems. And at 32 bit systems Only a 32-bit program will work. Therefore, you will not be able to install a 64-bit program on it.

To determine the system bitness, right-click on “Computer” and select “Properties”.

The bit depth of the program can be found in its description. If it is not suitable, a corresponding error will appear during the installation process.

Damaged installation file

If, when installing the program, an error appears stating that the installation file is damaged, you should obtain this file again. This can happen due to the fact that the program file was not fully downloaded, or was posted on the site already damaged. To solve the problem, you need to try to download the program installation file from another location.

Missing required DLL

A rare reason why programs are not installed is the absence of some libraries in the system that should be there by default. This happens if you use an unofficial Windows assembly or these libraries were removed intentionally.

The problem manifests itself in a message that complains about some DLL file.

To solve this, you need to download the required DLL file and place it in the desired directory (in system32 or SysWOW64). You can download the libraries.

After this, you should register the library. To do this, click “Start” and select “Run” (or press ctrl + R). Then write cmd and click “OK”. IN command line libraries are registered with the command regsvr32 file.dll, where file.dll is the name of the library file.

Program build curves

A frequent reason why programs are not installed is because of the crooked hands of pirates who hack them and give them to you for free use, or somehow modify them, that is, make their own assembly (repack). To avoid this, read the comments of those who have already tried what you are installing.

It is difficult to say what errors may occur when installing such programs. It could be anything.

Without administrator rights

If you work in an office, then you may encounter that your user does not have administrator rights. Your System Administrator may intentionally prevent the installation of programs. To solve this, ask him for help.

This can happen not only in the office, but also at home if your user on the PC does not have administrator rights.

Blocking by security programs

All computers have antiviruses and some software can be blocked by them. This is also a common reason why programs are not installed. The solution is simple - disable your antivirus or other security program and install the program. If necessary, add this software to the trusted list in your antivirus or security program.

Be carefull. If you are not sure of the reliability of the source of the program, then it is better not to install it if the antivirus complains.

Conflicts with older versions of programs that were not completely removed

If you are updating a program version and first uninstalled the old one, and then try to install a new one, a conflict may occur if the components old version were not completely removed. This often happens when using the standard Windows uninstaller.

To fix this problem, you must remove all components previous version manually. You can also use cleaning programs, such as CCLeaner.

Equipment disadvantages

Today there are programs and games that can no longer be installed on all computers. So they can make special demands on video cards, RAM, and processor.

You won’t be able to solve this problem by downloading some files. Here you need to upgrade your computer and buy additional hardware.

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To fully use a gadget with Android OS, you need to install various applications on it that will help you comfortably watch videos, process photos, communicate on social networks, etc.

Usually everything goes fine, but sometimes it is impossible to install a game or application. Why is this happening?

Most common cause: random failure

Any equipment is not insured against accidental failure. If the installation failure occurs for the first time, it is most likely an accidental malfunction. Just turn off your phone (tablet) and then turn it on again, i.e. reboot the device.

As a rule, this is enough so that the next time you start the installation everything goes fine.

Low memory

Loading applications on Android devices always occurs only in, and not on the memory card. After installation, some of them can be copied to the card, but not all. If your device's internal memory is full, or the app you're downloading takes up a lot of memory, you'll need to make room for it to install.

  1. Check whether your tablet or smartphone has free memory.
  2. Browse the list installed applications, delete those that you no longer use.
  3. Transfer files for which Android allows this action to the memory card. Usually these are photographs, video and audio files, texts, etc.
  4. Run a program to clean up memory from garbage - temporary files left behind after running applications. If cleaning has not been carried out for a long time, then a fairly large amount of memory may be freed up after it.

After completing all these operations, try downloading the application you need again. If free space a lot, then it should install without problems.

Unlicensed or incorrect application

Check the source from where you want to install the application. Many gadgets today are used with the installation antivirus programs and other security systems. If the application being installed turns out to be incompatible with the official version of the Android OS or contains viruses, it will not be installed. The Android OS developer recommends using only applications from the Play Market for installation, since he can guarantee their safe and correct operation.

If you still want to install an application from another source, go to your security settings and allow the installation of third-party software. It is possible that in this case it will be downloaded to the memory of your Android device as a file, and then you will have to launch it using a special installer. But in this case, no one can guarantee that it will work correctly on your device and will not conflict with other applications.


In the case when all of the above did not help, or if, after various attempts to change the settings, Android almost stopped working altogether, the last resort remains - resetting the settings to the original ones. Before performing a factory reset, remove the memory card and try to save it to desktop computer a list of your contacts and other important information.

Remember that after resetting the settings, all personal information will be deleted from the device memory. But after the phone’s memory is cleared in a radical way, you will most likely be able to install the application you need there without any problems.

Created for Android OS a large number of interesting applications and games. You can find them in the Google Playmarket brand store, or on the Internet: forums and thematic sites. But what to do when applications on Android are not installed, despite the fact that you new phone with high performance? There can be many problems in this case: lack of free space, infection of the operating system by a virus, and others. Let's take a closer look at the most common of them, and find out how to avoid them.

The main problem why your favorite game or application may not be installed on your phone is the lack of free memory space. This may be due to a large number of multimedia files that occupy the memory of a smartphone or tablet:

  • Photos.
  • Music.
  • Other applications and games installed in the internal memory of the phone.

In this case, it is recommended to clear the internal memory of the device manually. While deleting unnecessary or rarely launched application files through the programs tab located in the menu system settings. Another solution to this problem could be to transfer them to a mircoSD card.

But in most cases, you can clear memory using third party programs, which will help get rid of application cache, browsers and other garbage. One of the most popular utilities of this kind is Clean Master, which you can download from the play market completely free of charge. Clearing the cache in it occurs in one click, and the application can also optimize system operation and clean RAM. We recommend watching a training video on how to use the application and its main functions.

Virus cleaning

The infection of the smartphone OS by a virus is another possible reason why applications on Android may stop being installed. You can add them to your device by viewing unprotected Internet pages in a browser or by installing unverified apk files. To prevent such problems from arising, it is recommended to install an antivirus software. Turning on active background mode, the utility will promptly respond to the arrival of an infected file on the system and block it. There are many similar antivirus programs in the playmarket: Dr.Web, Kaspersky Internet Security, McAfee Mobile Security, etc.

To scan your device for viruses using the Kaspersky Internet Security utility, you must perform the following steps:

  • Launch antivirus software.
  • Go to the quick scan tab.
  • Click on the “start” button.
  • After waiting for the result, you will be asked to select an action on the found viruses (quarantine, treat or delete).

If the smartphone is infected with a virus and it is impossible to install anti-virus software on it, the situation becomes a little more complicated. You can try to manually search for a malicious file and delete it using file manager. If this method does not help, then you need to check the phone's memory with an antivirus from another device or roll back to factory settings. SD card is damaged or inaccessible

When you try to transfer or install an application directly to an SD card, the error “memory card is damaged or inaccessible” may occur. In this case, you must first check the corresponding slot in your smartphone or tablet. If the card is inserted correctly, but the error remains, then most likely it has failed, since solid-state drives have a limited operating cycle.

If it is displayed in the file manager, you can try to revive it. To do this, just format it directly from your phone or through Personal Computer by first inserting the SD card into the card reader.

There are other problems associated with installing programs on Android, which have their own solutions. In most cases they are to blame system errors caused by incorrect flashing of the device OS. Therefore, it is recommended to use only official updates, released by developers specifically for your smartphone model.

The debate about which is better: Android or iOS is not groundless. It so happened that with Apple smartphones There are always a lot fewer problems and failures. The system rarely produces errors and almost always has 24/7 support by the company's employees. But Android can only envy this.

Problems with this mobile operating system happen for various reasons. Sometimes it is installed incorrectly, sometimes due to user errors, sometimes due to incomplete updates.


It happens that Android does not install applications. Of course, this can cause discomfort to the user, since sometimes there is an urgent need to load a map or office program to work with the software.

How does the crash occur? Sometimes an Android smartphone writes: “The application is not installed.” Also, the system may not issue any notifications at all, and the user will wait a long time to receive at least some information from Google Play.

By the way, if you install applications from an unverified source, then failures here are not at all surprising, since many unscrupulous developers make copies popular programs in order to make money from inexperienced users.

Is it possible to install applications on Android from unknown sites? Of course not, because along with the software itself, malicious files and advertising can be installed on the device. Best used for Google installations Play, but at the same time check each application for the presence positive feedback and a good GPA.

First step

If the application is not installed on Android, what should I do? It is immediately recommended to reboot the system. Sometimes the OS gets overloaded and crashes like this. You need to be prepared for this and not panic right away. Usually, after rebooting the phone, Google Play starts working correctly, and the desired application is loaded into the device’s memory.

But what if this option doesn’t help? this issue? Better to deal with it first possible reasons why the application is not installed on Android.

Reasons for Google Play failure

One of the main reasons is considered to be a shortage internal memory phone. If the archive is filled with personal data, it will not allow you to install or upload new files to the system.

There is also a possibility that the installation is hampered by an unstable Internet connection. Therefore, it is initially recommended to download programs when connected to Wi-Fi, since Mobile Internet may not always provide a stable connection.

It is also worth thinking about the compatibility of the program with the system. This is especially related to where the software is installed from. If this regular file apk extension, there is a possibility that there will be problems due to version mismatch.

Finally, even Google can experience temporary glitches. Therefore, you will also have to check your account.

Lack of memory

As mentioned earlier, lack of memory is the main reason why Android does not install applications. But this problem is not difficult to solve. It is enough to free up memory. This can be done in several ways.

Firstly, you can simply get rid of applications or files that are on your phone and may be unnecessary. It is also advisable to get rid of temporary files and clear the cache.

Secondly, if a memory card is installed, you can configure the transfer of applications to microSD. In this case, all downloaded programs will be transferred, and the internal memory will be freed. This will allow you to download applications.

But before you transfer files, you need to check where the downloaded data is saved. To do this, just go to “Settings” and find the “Memory” section. After that, just find the “Installation location” item. Options may be listed there:

  • "Device memory".
  • "SD card".
  • "The choice of system."

Here you just need to select a memory card, and then all installed programs and files will be downloaded to it. It’s worth noting right away that it doesn’t matter where exactly the applications are installed, they will work correctly both on the memory card and on the phone’s internal memory.

Internet problems

It often happens that you need to install an application while on the go. But mobile Internet does not always provide a stable connection. Therefore, Google Play may crash. Of course, with the advent of 4G, everything has changed significantly, but even so, not everything can go so smoothly.

Therefore, it is best to get a stable connection. Need to connect to wireless network, and in this case it is advisable to use a proven one.

Application and system compatibility

If "Android" there may be a compatibility problem. Most often, such a failure can occur when installing programs from unverified sources. If the user uses an apk file downloaded from the Internet, a compatibility conflict may occur.

In addition, as mentioned earlier, usually third-party program files contain a lot of advertising and malicious elements. Therefore, incompatibility is the least to be feared in this case.

Still, it’s better to download programs from Google Play. Majority popular applications tested by antivirus, and also have many reviews and a good average score.

Account problems

If the notification “Failed to install the application on Android” appears, you need to check your Google account. Sometimes account errors may occur. You may need to delete your account and add it again:

  • In your smartphone settings, find the “Accounts” section.
  • Select Google and click on used for Google Play account.
  • IN additional settings it might be possible to delete account.
  • Reboot your smartphone, and then add an account.

Before doing this, it is advisable to make a backup copy of your data, otherwise some information may be deleted.

Correct installation

To avoid problems with Android not installing applications, you need to learn how to do it correctly. So, in order for the program to be installed correctly on your smartphone, you need to:

  • Launch Google Play and add an account if you don't already have one.
  • You need to enter the name of the application in the search.
  • On the page of the software you found, you need to check the reviews and average score.
  • Next, you need to click on the “Install” button and accept the permissions.
  • All you have to do is wait for the download and installation to complete.

If everything is done correctly, a notification about installing the application will appear.

A similar process can be carried out using a computer. But it's better to do the same through Google Play. You need to open your browser, go to the application store website and enter the required software into the search. Then you will need to click on the “Install” button and save the program on your PC.

Next, you need to transfer the file to your smartphone. Manual installation applications does not take much time. You just need to prepare for it beforehand. In the system settings you need to find the “Security” section. It has a setting for installing programs from an unknown source. It is enough to check the box so that the smartphone allows you to install the necessary software.

Now just click on the installed APK file. The system will automatically start downloading and installing the application. This option is also possible, but more complicated, since you will have to connect the phone to the computer and transfer files.


Android is not the most perfect system. Problems often occur with it that can affect the performance of the system. But if suddenly such a failure occurs, and the above options do not help, you will have to reset to factory settings.

To do this, just go to the smartphone settings and select the "Memory and backups". In this menu there is a line "Reset to factory settings". But it is important to remember that after this all data will be lost. It is better to transfer it to another device or to the cloud in advance.

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Unlike iOS and other closed systems, Android developers provided the ability to install various applications independently, without the participation of Google Play Store and other content stores. Having the .apk file in your hands, you can install it yourself paid application without paying a penny for it.

"Why resort to self-installation by using. apk files? "- you ask, and then that not all applications are presented in the Google Play Store and, moreover, most of them are paid and cost money. All applications for Android have .apk extensions - in fact, this is a kind of archive, the contents of which can be viewed by anyone archivist.

Where to begin?

The first action you need to perform is to allow the installation of applications from unknown sources, go to Settings -> Applications and put a tick next to the item Unknown Sources and click OK.

1. Installing applications using a file manager

After this simple step, you can copy the .apk file to the SD card of your phone. Next, to install the application, you can use any file manager that recognizes and understands apk files. ASTRO File Manager or ES File Explorer are suitable for these purposes.

Launch the file manager, find the apk file, tap on it and install the application using the standard Android installer.

2. Install applications using the application manager

In addition, to simplify the procedure for installing applications for Android, there are special programs - application managers. One such program is SlideME Mobentoo App Installer.

This popular application manager for Android will automatically scan your smartphone's SD card for the presence of apk files and help you quickly, in one click, install the required application. Isn't it convenient?

3. Installing applications using a computer and USB

However, the most convenient way installing Android applications by connecting your smartphone to your computer via USB cable. To do this, you will need the InstallAPK program and USB drivers. Install it on your computer, don’t forget about the drivers, connect your smartphone via USB cable and double-click on the apk file.

InstallAPK will independently identify the apk file and start installing the application on your Android phone. You will only need to agree to install the application and click the "Install" button.

4. Other ways to install Android applications

In case you do not want to install any additional programs, then you can install the application from apk files the old-fashioned way. Run standard Android browser and enter the following link in the address bar of your browser and the installation will start automatically:


This method is not very convenient and is suitable for those who rarely install programs for Android.


In this article, we tried to describe all the methods known to us for installing an Android application from apk files. If you know other ways to install programs, write to us about them in the comments and we will definitely include these methods in this article. Stay with us.