Install the Kodi program in Russian. Kodi settings on Android: step by step instructions and practical recommendations. Unique features of the tool

The Kodi software package, formerly known as XBMC, is a powerful media center that allows you to organize a real cinema in your home and watch not only movies, but also television programs. Setting up IPTV viewing on Kodi should not cause any particular difficulties. But an ordinary user may encounter some nuances that you need to know about without fail.

IPTV Kodi: system shell setup

The Kodi program is cross-platform and can be installed in completely different operating systems Oh. The installation process is standard, and there is no point in dwelling on it in detail.

In the IPTV application, you must start by applying the general ones. After the first launch of the media center, the first thing to do is to make some important settings.

First of all, you should immediately go to the Settings menu of the System section, where you first go to the Appearance / International / Language submenu sequence. Russian or some other language is set here (English is used by default).

After that, the language and region menu is used, which indicates the location and the desired keyboard layout. Further, in the settings section, the “System” submenu is selected, where video and sound are output according to the configuration of the computer terminal or laptop (screen resolution, sound scheme, for example, 5.1, etc.).

Kodi: setting up IPTV (m3u playlists and adding single files)

Let's move away from watching TV for now, and instead, let's deal with the general principles of the program. Setting up IPTV Kodi 16.0 just involves understanding the principles of adding files to the media library.

This is done in the video section, where the menu for adding files is selected. Use the browse button to activate setting the location of a specific file or folder. If you need to add multiple sources, just use the "Add" button. You can specify either a local directory or a folder (or files) on a network share. Next, the name of the new directory is given. The selection is confirmed by pressing the "OK" button.

As you can see, it is not necessary that only multimedia files be added to the list. Quite simply, you can open M3U playlist files or any other format. Objects in such lists will be "pulled up" automatically.

Data classification

In the Kodi 16 program, setting up IPTV also provides for the verification of data listed in the media library according to several criteria (movies, series, music, etc.).

Obtaining metadata for each object is carried out using several built-in services, including the popular Kinopoisk plugin. The binding of metadata comes from Internet sources, so when setting sorting, you need to pay special attention to this moment.

It is also worth considering that for the Kinopoisk extension, you can set movie titles in any language, but always indicate the year of release. For musical compositions, metadata synchronized with resources located on the Internet will look like standard ID3 tags.

Media content management

In the Kodi application, setting up IPTV is not possible without understanding the means of managing the data entered into the program.

Movies, for example, can be accessed in the "Videos" section using the "Files" submenu. When using the right click on the selected object, a drop-down box will appear in which you can select the desired action. In order not to perform unnecessary actions, you can use the menu located on the screen on the left. Here are the view settings. Optionally, you can set the display so that the information is displayed directly, bypassing the use of the context menu.

DLNA settings

Let's move on to IPTV Kodi. is performed directly on the terminal where the program is installed. It is also possible to use the program as a UPnP client for DLNA networks. This allows you to broadcast the signal to another device, such as a high-definition TV panel. The network itself is automatically recognized by the application.

For IPTV Kodi DLNA setting implies the creation of a resource with public access. To get started, you just need to select the section for adding files in the "Video" menu. And specify the UPnP device as a resource. After that in system partition selects the category "Services" in which the line with the permission is activated remote control via UPnP. Thus, the media library turns out to be "extended", i.e., available to any user connected to this network.

TV settings

Finally, we proceed to the direct configuration of IPTV Kodi. The setting is made in the corresponding menu, located in the "System" section. Here the “TV” function is selected, after which it is activated by the power button. If a message appears stating that the this moment there are no active PVR managers in the system, it's okay. Just agree by pressing the "OK" button.

This is followed by a redirect to the PVR settings, where you need to select PVR IPTV Simple Client, and then activate and configure. In the client settings, the first two fields are subject to configuration. First, the location of the IPTV list is indicated (for example, remote on the Internet for self-updating playlists, location on a network resource or mobile Android device).

In the second field, the local location of the M3U playlist is entered if it is saved on the hard disk of a computer or laptop.

After filling out this form, it remains only to confirm the changes made by pressing the "OK" button, and then restart the program for them to take effect. When restarting, the TV item will appear in the main menu, upon entering which you can see and start watching.

Torrent playback

Only the possibilities of the program are not limited to this. An interesting "trick" is to view torrents in real time without first downloading the content to the hard drive.

To do this, you must first install a special Torrenter plugin using the search db repository. You can also use Kodi Repo or Installation is done in the settings section using the add-ons menu.

To activate playback in video add-ons (already in the Torreneter section), you just need to specify the right trackers and confirm their installation.

Kodi on Android

In the Kodi program, setting up IPTV for Android devices is practically no different from the stationary version. The only thing worth paying attention to is that mobile app can only work with one playlist, nothing more.

Some users complain that the program is somewhat unfinished. This is partly true, but setting the basic parameters is easier than it is on PCs or laptops.

But mobile version, as it turns out, can also act as a weather client. There is a special section here. In addition, it is better to change the parameters in expert mode. Application capabilities can be significantly expanded. For example, there is an item for using a forced stereo image, or, in the usual language, a 3D effect. You can even listen to ordinary audio CDs, of course, provided that the appropriate drive is connected to the device. This does not apply to smartphones, but you can experiment with some tablet models. Otherwise, the mobile release is almost exactly the same as the stationary version.


As you can see, for IPTV Kodi, setting up the program is not so difficult, although you still have to spend a little time initially, especially if you need to install add-ons to view torrent content without downloading. In some cases, it may be necessary to make the appropriate settings on the television panels, which automatically DLNA networks and UPnP devices are not defined. But here it all depends on the model of the TV. As a last resort, you should just read the instructions for setting up the TV panel or synchronizing it with the above devices, if any are supported.

For a long time nothing was written and did not respond. And it's not about laziness or "nothing to say", just the same! It's just that some events dragged on and spun ... And I said about these events, since they are directly related to today's hero. So, some time ago, I stopped paying the subscription fee to Viasat (such a satellite TV provider), and not because of greed, but because of the insanity of the provider - from the package of channels to which I subscribed, a third was replaced by an incomprehensible indescribable shnyaga and all requests to connect me to normal channels for the previous fee Viasat said nothing. So I did - a year and a half before the end of the contract, I was offended ... The insult, it’s worth saying, was mutual and the television was just completely turned off for me ... Oh, and their tuner is not stitched, by the way. So the question became: where can I watch cartoons?

The option to buy a new tuner was pushed back - for a while, though. And all because a year ago I actively used torrent-TV. And what is not? Many channels, delay up to a minute from broadcasting, everything is convenient. There is only one minus - mandatory advertising in a free subscription, and, despite all my loyalty to it, it simply tore me apart: the volume of advertising is one and a half times higher than the base one, and the subject can cause all sorts of nervous breakdowns and other turbidity. Especially in children. But I didn’t want to pay, again, not so much out of greed, but out of a sense of natural justice - I watch what they show me, so I pay as much as I see fit. In a word, in such a complicated way, I got to IP-TV and KODI. By the way, KODI- this is our hero! Let's get to know each other.

Once upon a time there was an XBMC player, and then it became known as KODI - I don't understand such a sharp rebranding, but it's a fact. And now there are as many as fifteen versions of the program, the last one for today is called Isengard, the 14th version is Helix, 13-1 is Gotham, and the twelfth is Frodo (or vice versa, I don’t remember). In this connection, the question is: who is Helix? Everything else clearly fits into the general comic-fantasy paradigm.

So, the application is a cross-platform media center program. So, with its help, we can view any type of media content (photos, songs, cartoons), television (including torrent and IP TV), organize a media library and automatically search for missing data on Internet resources, organize broadcasts on media clients. Again, translated into Russian: we watch and listen to absolutely any format of absolutely everything (with very rare exceptions).

So, the first launch will meet us with a somewhat strange interface for a phone. Besides, everything is in a foreign language.

To translate all this incomprehensible into human language, we need to go to "System" - "Appearance" - "International" - "Language". Where to choose the language we need, there are many languages, so, in addition to Russian, there are Ukrainian and Magyar. Here.

Since we got to the settings, let's set up a th-thread a little. So, in the same tab, we can choose the text encoding (there are different moments) and the keyboard layout. This moment is worth remembering - you will not have to type text often, but it is important, and you can change the input language only here.

Immediately switch to the "Expert" mode - at the very bottom, tap on the type of settings - nothing bad will happen, but we will expand the possibilities.

The time and date settings are somehow not surprising, which cannot be said about the temperature and speed settings. More precisely, it is not the settings that surprise, but the very fact of their presence - as it turned out, KODI can also predict the weather.

Everything is clear in the lists of files - we mark the necessary and that's it. I advise you, this is the most important thing to note.

But the point about the screen saver is an interesting thing. So, by default, two of its forms are available to us - dimming the screen or completely blackening it. In the settings, we configure and preview them accordingly.

But if you tap directly on the word "Screensaver" and select "More", then everything becomes much more interesting! You can install a leapfrog of pictures from an anime site, you can install an rss news aggregator, but I advise you to familiarize yourself with "VideoScreensaver", which can put any video on the screensaver, but, what is much more interesting, it offers to download very high-quality screensavers, videos with fireplaces, aquariums, falling snow and other popular things.

Or Enterprise...

And now to the very first category - "Cover". From simple? Yes, - the font type is simple and useful (note that here, along with Arial, there is also an enlarged font - I highly recommend using it), "increase" is no less necessary thing (all elements increase). Sounds? I turned it off. Well, the start window.

Here I select "Weather" - it looks pretty.

And now to the interesting. By clicking on "Cover", we will move on to their selection. Yes, all additional things are installed through the "More" button. There are many covers, and all of them are fundamentally different - this is not just a change in color or design, it is first of all a change in the presentation logic. I am sure that everyone can choose the best one for themselves and not put up with any shortcomings.

True, there is one point: themes, except for the two pre-installed ones, are not friendly with Russian fonts. Here at all. Or maybe it's just me.

Go down and go to "Video". Well, just outrageously many settings! Why all this?

No, it's something, of course, you can switch to the basic mode, but it's not so interesting.

Actually, all descriptions are absolutely understandable and do not require any description on my part - just choose the one you need.

In "Playback", by the way, there is a forced stereo image mode (3-D, that means, if in Russian).

And so on and so forth:

Music - almost everything is like in a regular player. Just a little more seriously. So, by ticking the "Get more information..." checkbox, we will activate the option to automatically search for information about our artists and albums, and in the two paragraphs below we can select the source of the update.

Unfortunately, the choice is not very large, so I left the "Universal Scraper". But with the next checkbox, you should be more careful - activating "Prefer online information" will not only display this very information, but also completely replace the tags. Of course, if you, like me, can study chaos theory by tags, it won’t be worse, but if your media library is in good shape (and for iPod users this is the case in 90% of cases, as for Windows Phone connoisseurs, - Zune - she's so...), then think twice...

In playback, we can set the rewind step and auto volume, both in terms of the album level and in terms of the composition level.

In the "File lists" level, we just specify whether the application should read tags and how to display song titles (it only looks complicated).

We will miss audio CD and karaoke due to my phone's lack of a CD drive and my fierce hatred of karaoke.

In the photos, there are only elementary viewing settings (and I don’t need more - it’s not Photoshop, right?).

And here is the Weather (Do you remember, we chose degrees and speeds?), and so, here we need to choose a weather provider. By default, there is none, in the familiar "More" item - as many as five. I advise choosing either Met Weather or OpenWeather.

Well, after that you need to set it up. In the first, actually and only, turn it concerns the location.

There is nothing particularly interesting in the "Additional" and "Expert" items - feel free to skip them.

And smoothly move on to the item "TV". This tab applies specifically to IP-television. So, having activated our television in principle with the highest point, we were faced with an incomprehensible message so far:

So, having clicked on "More" more than once, you probably guessed that all the functionality of the application is based on additional modules. By default, the application can do a lot, but not everything, but with add-ons - almost everything...

Here, too, TV work is carried out by PVR modules. There are many of them here. Each has a description, and we don't need all of them. Except one - "PVR Simple Client".

Found it, tapped it, and pressed the "Enable" button. That's all for now (but there is no TV yet - more on that later). For now, back to the settings.

"Menu / OSD" - this is when we switch channels, their name is displayed on the screen, so we choose how long it will be displayed, and whether it will be at all.

"Program" - it's EPG. The number of days - everything is clear, the update period - too. I just advise you to increase it to 700 minutes. Well, why do we need program updates every two hours? We buy a TV Guide once a week and the whole program is already in it. And so we will save a little charge by reducing the number of calls.

Here is an interesting option "Continue from the last channel" and its options.

So, if we do activate this, then when the program starts, TV will automatically start on the background (or not on the background), even if we went to listen to music ...

And the delay in switching channels (as well as the confirmation button) is useful when we do not just scroll through the channels in a row to take time, but purposefully scroll to the right one. For example, with both checkboxes inactive, pressing the channel switch (up / down) on the 5th channel, we will get to the sixth. If we activate the confirmation with the button, then we will switch exactly to the channel we want (flipping through the 6th, 7th and others, at least up to the 100th), and if there is a delay, then the switching will occur at the moment the paging stops (or our braking what happens).

By the way, we can also record the broadcast - it's not so difficult ... True, I think it's useless - there are archives of programs, there are torrents, there is a recording of channels ... But if we want, we can!

It's all about the media settings. Now to our functionality - "Add-ons".

Please note that a sort of bookmark has appeared on the right - you can stretch it out, select the sorting principle in the extended one and try to update the add-ons (you need to update them - their functionality is constantly expanding. Although, automatic update handles it well).

So, in "My add-ons" are all those that we have already installed or pre-installed.

But to install new ones, we need to visit the "Install from repository" item. That's just the developers threw some kind of vague repository, not ours, not Russian. I suggest you use this one.

This is an absolutely official thing, a repository of add-ons adapted and specially designed for our conditions. So, download to the device and select "Install from ZIP file".

Now, when choosing a repository, select Seppius and rejoice!

In video add-ons, everything is not so obvious, since there are incomparably more of them here. So, I like and the Ukrainian server (which works great in Russia too). On FS, you can find almost any series in any voice acting and in any quality, and there is also the possibility of creating an account with favorites and deferred. And this is not an advertisement, but a fact.

There are also modules torret-tv, youtube and fifty other useful things.

The source of information is an extremely useful bookmark. We pass and put KinoPoisk. Now we will always have complete information about our collection of films.

Software add-ons - will slightly expand our functionality.

But photo additions will add jokes and demotivators and cats from VKontaktik.

And we are all in the settings yet. Let's take a quick look at the system settings - there is nothing special here.

Well, here it is somehow. Now let's see how this miracle works. Here are our photos. We can install add-ons and view pictures of different sites and repositories, or we can specify our own folder.

Browsing is simple, tapping on the name takes you to full screen, flipping - with a swipe, swiping up / down changes the orientation of the picture.

Video is exactly the same. Select the folder with our content.

Only now, we have to additionally specify the type of content: clips, series or movies.

Based on this, Kodi will look for additional data and make beauty. In my case, I select clips. And that's it - click, agree, wait, enjoy ...

The information about the song and the cover of the album were pulled up.

But not everything was found: Kipelov and Spleen - no problem, but Sukachev and BG - not so much. They are not lost - they can always be launched through the file menu.

And this is what the add-on looks like:

We just need to find what we need and run it.

Music. Here the idea is good, but the implementation let us down - either there was no information about SerG and Knyaz on the server, or Olvi turned out to be too difficult, but something didn’t work out with the search for information. But "Ivan Tsarevich", a much less popular group, was very determined and showed an example of how it should be. And in general, it reads information from tags, and not from the file name, what kind of craze for metadata ?!

Programs - extensions are all sorts of different. For example, an email client.

Or forums (based on Tapatalk), or something else...

But let's get back to what everything was conceived for - television. So, as we remember, we installed the PVR Simple Client module.

Now it needs to be tweaked a bit. Or rather, download the channel table and specify the path to it. You can download my list from my own disk - I don’t mind (here is the link), but you can always use guaranteed working from (there you just need to register and download the playlist of channels - of course, everything is free ).

Kodi is innovative software, which can replace all multimedia applications in your system.

The program contains the following features:

  • Multifunctional file manager to manage your media library
  • The built-in player supports all popular audio (AAC, MP3, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WMA ...) and video (AVI, MP4, MOV, MKV, VOB ...) file formats, as well as DVD and Blu-Ray
  • A separate section of the program is dedicated to streaming content. Works with all modern network protocols and interfaces. Compatible with broadcast streaming services, supports TV broadcasting, can connect to capture devices, and can be integrated with MediaPortal, MythTV, NextPVR and Tvheadend using add-ons
  • Viewer graphic files opens many types digital imaging JPG, GIF, PNG, TGA, BMP, TIFF and more
  • Support for UPnP technology allows collaboration with other devices, creating a kind of multimedia network to expand functionality and capabilities
  • Support for a variety of schemes remote control, as with the usual TV remote, as well as using modern technologies using a smartphone or remotely via the Internet
  • The program allows you to customize the graphical interface in every possible way. A variety of themes are available and completely changing appearance skins

Switching the language of the Kodi interface

To switch Kodi to another interface language, you need to use the "System" settings menu item, then go to "Interface settings". Then select "Regional" and in the drop-down list "Language" select the desired language.

Kodi (early titles for XBMC Media Center and Xbox media player) is a powerful cross-platform application for organizing a full-fledged multimedia center based on desktop and mobile devices. This player allows you to view various media files on your smartphone, as well as structure locally located content. The program can be used as a remote control for a modern TV.


  • content structuring;
  • support for files of all common image, audio and video formats;
  • access to DLNA and UPnP devices;
  • expansion of functionality through plugins;
  • recording of online broadcasts.

Principle of operation:

the application implies sharing with other devices, therefore, in order to receive a list of added content immediately after launch, we recommend registering or logging in account("Settings" - "Profiles"). Navigation through the menu is done by horizontally scrolling the bar in the center of the screen. A significant disadvantage is that on high-resolution screens, the buttons are very small and it is inconvenient to navigate through the menu.

All functionality is divided into five blocks:

"Pictures" - pictures;

"Videos" - videos;

"Music" - audio files;

"Programs" - plugins;

"System" - settings.

Adding content is most conveniently done in the target section. During testing, the program coped with the playback of movies in 4K resolution without any problems.


  • the application is free;
  • the ability to create a web server;
  • playback of content from archives;
  • the program allows you to create slide shows;
  • automatic addition to the library of files located on the device.


  • no translation of the menu into Russian;
  • too small controls.

Kodi for Android will turn your portable gadget into a full-fledged media combine. The application is often used to create a web server.

Many users of mobile devices based on operating systems of the Android family want to watch TV, clip collections, listen to music or audio books directly on their device. And, as the reviews testify, the universal Kodi program is best suited for this. Setting up Kodi on Android for an unprepared user can initially cause some difficulties. Meanwhile, if you understand the main sections of the menu, there is nothing particularly complicated here. But first things first.

What is Kodi?

The Kodi application is a unique media center that can replace both a hardware (or software) player, a TV, and a set-top box.

The program has so many possibilities that the user can not only watch television programs, but also view photos, video clips, listen to music online, broadcast a signal to a TV panel and control television directly on a computer with a stationary analogue installed from his mobile device, as if if the user had a remote control in their hands. All settings may seem somewhat unusual at first, but there is nothing particularly complicated in them.

Kodi: installation and setup in the first step

First, as expected, the application must be installed by downloading it from the repository Google Play. At this stage, there should be no difficulties.

True, if the installation is performed using an APK file that was not downloaded from the storage, the option to allow installation from other sources should be enabled in the device settings.

After installation and the first launch of the application, it will meet you with a somewhat unusual interface on English language. In order to avoid difficulties with translation, first the Kodi settings in terms of the language used should be changed.

You can carry out such actions in the system section by going to the items System> Appearance> International> Language, where the required language is selected from the list.

Kodi XBMC Setup: Set Text Encoding and Keyboard Options

The next step is setting the text encoding. At this point, special attention should be paid, because even if the text will not have to be entered so often, you can change these parameters only in this section.

By default, it is proposed. You can leave it unchanged, although you can choose any other of the proposed options in the list if you wish.

Expert mode and advanced options

After that, many users will be pleasantly surprised that the weather can also be configured in the parameters (the application can even "predict" it). Here, too, there is nothing particularly complicated. Along the way, in the file types section, you need to mark what is needed.

Customizing the splash screen

But the Kodi settings for the splash screen is a very interesting thing. By default, the user has two preset options: blackout and full blackout.

However, if you tap on the “More” item, you can refuse to use standard screensavers and set, say, a random change of images from some site on the Internet.

Also, setting RSS feeds as a screensaver looks like a rather interesting option. In addition, you can use the Video Screensaver function, which allows you to set any video as a screensaver, offering you to download beautiful screensavers with aquariums, falling snow, fireplaces, etc.

Fonts and sounds

Now let's take a look at the cover section. Setting up Kodi in Russian makes it possible to use standard and non-standard fonts.

In this section, you can select an enlarged font (it is recommended to use it, since all controls will be enlarged). The sounds accompanying this or that action can be turned off (like how it is done in the settings sound schemes Windows systems).

Again, the "More" button is used to select the cover, after which you can select something as you wish. Yes, at least set the weather, only from the list of service providers it is better to choose Open Weather or Met Weather and indicate your own location along the way, plus data display parameters (degrees, wind speed, etc.).


For themes, Kodi settings offer two options to choose from. But the main problem is that additional themes do not support the Russian language, so you have to put up with it.

On the other hand, it all depends on the version of the program or even the operating system itself.

Video Options

Now briefly about the video settings. If you use not the basic, but the advanced mode, you can find quite a lot of parameters.

In principle, there is no point in dwelling on them. Here and so everything is clear. We choose what we need. But there is one parameter that deserves special attention. This is the ability to use a forced 3D effect, or, as it is called in the settings, a stereoscopic image.


With music settings, not everything is so simple. It seems that the main parameters are exactly the same as in a regular software player, however, to get information about tracks and albums from the Internet (like ID3 tags), it is better to choose Universal Scrapper as a source.

But it is better to turn off the setting for preference in obtaining information online. The fact is that when loaded, it completely replaces all existing tags.

In the playback settings, there are options for setting rewind steps and setting an automatic volume level not only for a single track, but for the entire album as a whole (a very necessary function).

In the file lists, you can specify how information about them will be displayed. For karaoke and CD reading, all parameters can be left unchanged (it is unlikely that most users will want to connect a drive to mobile device, since it is completely impractical and difficult). Well, if you want to sing, it's optional.


Finally, a few words about how the Kodi TV module is configured. Most users install the app mainly to watch its main purpose).

In the Kodi application, TV settings are made in the corresponding section of PVR modules. You don't need to use all of them. In or ordinary online broadcasting involves the use of only one module - PVR Simple Client, on which you need to tap and turn it on. The rest can be safely turned off.

In the programs section, everything is simple, but it is advisable to increase the update to about 700 minutes, which will allow you to save battery power somewhat more economically.

But the option to play the last channel is better to activate. Then, when you enter the application, you can watch TV, even if you are just going to listen to music.

Next, you can set the channel switching delay time. This is useful when scrolling quickly from one channel to another, and not when choosing desired channel by pressing the number buttons. You can immediately set the recording of the selected channel, although in the presence of playlists and Torrent TV, this clearly looks irrelevant.


So, we've dealt with the media. Now consider what is offered as add-ons. The very first and most important thing is to enable automatic updates, since the functionality of the application is constantly expanding and replenished with new modules.

You can install module updates immediately from the repository. True, it is completely in English, so you can download the Russian versions, and then use the installation tool from the ZIP archive. But you can use Sippius as a repository.

By the way, all add-ons are sorted into categories. For example, if you want to use audiobooks, you just need to select the appropriate item and click on the install button.

Video is easy too. Many users prefer the Ukrainian resource FS.UA or Russian portal MY-HIT.RU. You can find almost anything on them. Torrent-TV is immediately configured.

As a source of information, it is better to choose "Kinopoisk". Additionally, you can use photo add-ons that allow you to download and view images from social network"In contact with".

For videos, you need to specify your preferred category (clips, movies, series, etc.) at your own request.

For television, you must also specify the path to the source of playlists and channel tables. A good choice would be to activate the link to the EDEM.TV resource. Unfortunately, it is not possible to paste the copied addresses into the settings fields, so all the data will have to be entered manually.

Upon completion of all settings and installation of add-ons, the application must be restarted, although you can do it much easier by unchecking and re-checking the box on the TV item.

For more comfortable channel switching, you can additionally install Kore ( virtual remote control remote control via Wi-Fi). True, when installing the add-on, you will have to create an account with a username and password, and also choose computer system for management (for example, if a stationary Kodi program is installed on a laptop). In addition, when connecting to the Internet, you must first test by clicking on the appropriate button. The interface of the program itself is quite simple, the main Kodi application is in perfect harmony with it, and all the main buttons, playlists, etc. are displayed on the screen. Thus, even outdated TV models can be turned into real SmartTV panels, and computer equipment- in multifunctional media players.

And of course, it is simply impossible to describe all the parameters and settings of Kodi, so only the most basic points have been touched on here. If you wish, it will not be difficult to deal with everything else.