Using the clipboard. Moving and copying graphic objects Chart data area

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You can move object representations to new locations the same way you move objects—either by dragging them or specifying horizontal and vertical offsets. Representation rules are dynamically reassigned to object representations in their new positions.

In addition to moving geometry, you can override representation rules by interactively moving certain properties of the representation rules relative to the object's representation shape.

Moving object representation geometry

All feature representations can be reassigned by moving them using the Select tool or the Move tool if the Geometry tab box is checked Tools in the window Representation Properties.

Parts of one or more views can be moved by selecting and dragging vertices with the tool Partial selection (Direct Select). . Alternatively, you can use the tool Move Parallel to move the selected segments parallel to their original location, or the Transform (Warp) for smooth proportional movement of selected segments.

How to move the geometry of feature representations

  • To minimally nudge feature representations in one-pixel increments, either horizontally or vertically, right-click the selected representation, select Nudge, and click in the desired direction.
  • To align two or more selected views relative to each other, right-click, select Align and click on the right way alignment.
  • To distribute three or more selected views relative to each other, right-click and select Distribution, then select Distribute Horizontally or Distribute Vertically.

View Move and Shift Properties

Representation rules can include geometric effects and marker placement styles, some of which have properties that can be interactively moved using the Move tool. or the Offset tool. Opposite these properties in the window Representation Properties window, when the tool is active, a mark will appear. By checking these options, you change the value of the associated view property and create a replacement for the selected objects when you use the tool.

In details:

The Move tool works with geometry and any displacement properties possible in two directions (x and y). The Offset tool works with the offset properties of a view in one direction only. It does not affect geometry. Use the Move or Select tools to move the geometry.

How to move view properties


How to shift view properties


Parallel transfer of linear representations of objects

Move lines or polygon edges parallel to them original position– one of the most important editing tasks in cartography, since such a procedure can maintain spatial relationships between objects (for example, between a road and an administrative boundary, a forest boundary line and a river, a house and a plot of land) while adding space between them to accommodate legends corresponding to scale cards. The parallel translation operation can be used for both curves and straight lines.

Any object, before any action is performed on it, must be selected. The selected object's icon and label color changes. Windows 95 has several options for selecting objects:

1. one object is selected by clicking on its icon;

2. several objects placed in random order are selected by clicking the mouse while pressing the Ctrl key;

3. several objects located sequentially are highlighted in two ways:

Place the mouse pointer next to the first of the selected objects, click left button and, without releasing it, drag the mouse across the screen, all objects falling into the expanding rectangular area will be selected;

Click on the first selected object and press Shift key according to the latter, a rectangular area is selected.

4. all objects in the folder are selected from the Edit – Select all menu.

Copying - moving.

Copy is the operation of creating a copy of an object in a new location. The position of the original object will not change. When copied, an object appears to multiply.

Moving is the operation of moving an object to a new location. When moving, an object was alone and remains alone; only its location changes.

In Windows 95, there are many ways to copy and move objects. Let's look at the most common ones.

Copying – moving using the “drag and drop” method:

1. Open two folders on the screen at the same time: the folder with the objects that need to be copied (moved) and the folder into which the copying (moving) will be performed.

2. Select the object or objects to be copied or moved.

3. To copy, you need to press the Ctrl key and, hooking the object or objects with the mouse pointer, drag it to the destination while holding down the left button. To move, do not press the Ctrl key.

Copying - moving using Explorer.

1. Open Explorer.

2. Set the object to be copied/moved into visible in the left panel, and in the right panel—the object to be copied/moved.

3. Select the object(s) in the right panel.

4. To copy, you need to press the Ctrl key and, hooking the selected object or objects with the mouse pointer, drag it to the left panel while holding down the left button, while the object into which you are copying should be selected. To move, do not press the Ctrl key.

Unsuccessful results of copying or moving objects can be corrected immediately. If immediately after performing these operations you find a result that you did not expect, run the command Edit - Undo copying (moving).

Copying - moving using the clipboard.

Clipboard– a place for temporary storage of information. It is located in the computer's memory, so its contents disappear when the power is turned off or when the computer is restarted. You can store everything in it: folders, files, documents, fragments of text. The clipboard is used so that information temporarily stored on it can be pasted into another object.

To work with the clipboard, use the Edit menu commands: Cut, Copy, Paste, Paste Shortcut or the same commands from the context menu.

Cut– moves the selected object to the buffer, and the object in its original place disappears.

Copy– transfers a copy of the selected object to the buffer while preserving the original in its original place.

Insert– copies the contents of the clipboard to the position of the mouse pointer or cursor. The contents of the clipboard are preserved, so the insertion operation can be performed as many times as desired. An object in the clipboard is replaced only when new information is written to it.

Insert shortcut– places a shortcut with a link to an object placed on the clipboard. Placement is made in the folder from the menu of which this command was executed.

Rules for using the clipboard:

1. Open the folder from which copying - moving will be done.

2. Select object(s)

3. Call the context menu.

4. To copy to the clipboard, use the Copy command; to move, use the Cut command.

5. Open the folder into which the copying - moving will be done.

6. In an empty space inside the folder, open the context menu and execute the Paste command.


1. Select the object whose name is to be changed.

2. Execute the command File – Rename or call the context menu and execute the Rename command.

3. Enter the new object name in the icon label field.


The delete operation is performed if the object has become unnecessary for further work or the user destroys the object by mistake. To protect the user from errors, Windows 95 provides a special folder called the Recycle Bin. Any object to be deleted is placed in this folder. Basic rules for deleting objects:

Select an object or group of objects.

Using the drag-and-drop method, drag the item to the Trash or press

Delete or execute the command File – Delete or the Delete command of the context menu.

In this case, the objects are placed in the Recycle Bin, from which they can be restored if necessary. By selecting the Trash icon and executing the Empty Trash command from the context menu, objects are completely and irrevocably destroyed.


Objects can be restored using the command Edit - Undo Deletion, when quickly restoring erroneously deleted objects, and returned from the Recycle Bin if it has not been emptied. This way, you can restore even those objects that were deleted several days or weeks ago. To return items from the Recycle Bin you must:

Open cart.

Select the object(s) that need to be restored.

Execute the File – Restore command or the Restore command from the context menu.

In this case, the objects will be returned to their original place, i.e. to the folder in which they were located before deletion. If you need to place the restored object in a new location, you need to use the “drag and drop” method or the clipboard. To do this: expand the Trash and the folder in which you want to restore the object and drag the object to the expanded folder.

Quick view.

This is an operation that allows you to see the contents of a document without calling a special program for working with documents of this type. To view Windows documents 95 opens a special window, with its help you can see the contents text files, figures, tables, etc. Moreover, the system itself determines the type of window suitable for viewing. of this document. Basic viewing rules:

Select required document;

Execute the File – Quick View command or the Quick View command from the context menu.


In order to find an object in Windows 95, it would be good to know its name and approximate location, and if in addition to this you know the approximate date or time interval of its creation, then the search will be even faster. As a last resort, you need to know a few letters of the name or two or three words from the text of the document.

Click the Start button and select Search - Files and Folders. The “Find: All Files” window opens on the “Name and Location” tab. If you know the creation date, you can select the Date Modified tab, and the Advanced tab allows you to enter a piece of text.

If you double-click on the found object, you can launch it for execution.

Launching programs.

Windows 95 provides the following ways to start programs:

If there is already a button with the name of the program on the Taskbar, click once on this button;

If on the Desktop or in open folder there is a program icon or a shortcut icon with a link to it, double-click on the icon;

Use the Main menu item Programs, find the corresponding icon and click on it;

If you know the name and location of the program, use the Main Menu command Run.

Working with floppy disks.

Pentium computers are equipped with a floppy drive with a diameter of 3.5 inches and a capacity of 1.44 MB. The floppy disk must be formatted before use.

Formatting is the process of creating electronic marks that allow data to be written to a specified location on a disk. When formatting, any information from the disk is destroyed and cannot be restored.

To work with a floppy disk, you need to double-click on the My Computer icon, select the floppy disk icon, and execute the necessary command from the File menu or the context menu:

To format a floppy disk, run Format and select a formatting mode (full - the entire surface of the disk is checked, quick - files are erased, but no errors are checked);

To read information from a floppy disk – execute Open;

To copy the entire contents of one floppy disk to another, run the Copy disk command;

To quickly open a floppy disk, just open window My computer double click on the floppy disk icon. For copying and moving files to a floppy disk, all standard methods copying - moving. You need to remember the following: if you drag an object within one drive using the “drag and drop” method, it will be moved; if you drag an object to another drive, in particular to a floppy disk, using the same method, it will be copied. To move an object from one disk to another, you must use the clipboard or drag and drop with the right mouse button.

To copy objects to a floppy disk, it is convenient to use the context menu. You need to select objects, call the context menu and execute the Send to floppy command.

Context menu: Properties.

All context menus contain the Properties command, which describes the parameters of the selected object. Since an object can be a disk, a Desktop, an application, or a folder, an individual set of properties is formed in each specific case. For example:

If you select drive C in the open My Computer window and context menu run the Properties command, you can get detailed information about parameters hard drive: disk capacity, free and busy values disk space, in the Service tab, access disk maintenance programs;

If you select a folder, then by executing the Properties command of the context menu, you can see the name of the folder, its size in bytes, the number of files and folders in it, the creation date, attributes, and in the Access tab you can see who is allowed access to the folder while working V local network;

If you select a shortcut to a program, then by executing the Properties command of the context menu, you can see the name of the shortcut, in the Program tab the command line for calling the program and its location is shown, here you can change the shortcut icon, in the Screen tab you can set full screen mode program operation, etc.

To perform any operation the system Windows provides several various ways. Working with objects in Windows can be performed using the mouse and keyboard, context menu commands, and window menu commands.

In order to perform any actions on an object, it must be selected. To do this, just click on its icon. Some operations (copying, deleting, moving) can be performed on several objects at once. To select several adjacent objects, you need to circle them while holding down the left mouse button. In this case, the mouse pointer will draw a rectangular frame. If objects are located in different places of the window, then they should be selected by clicking the mouse while holding down the key. To select all objects in the window, use the command Edit/Select All (keyboard combination - [A]). Moving objects is often required to bring order to disks: icons and shortcuts are moved between folder windows and the Desktop.

Mouse movement. If the source and destination folders are on the same disk, then you can move an object from folder to folder by dragging the mouse (moving the mouse while holding down the left key). If the folders are on different drives, then you must hold down the key while dragging. You can also use special drag and drop (while holding down the right key). Upon completion of dragging, a menu opens in which you need to select Move.

Moving with toolbar buttons. In this case, the object is transferred via the clipboard. In the source window, click on the button Cut, and in the receiving window – on the button Paste from clipboard. Clipboard Windows is a special area in random access memory computer in which they can temporarily store Windows objects. It is widely used to transfer data between applications. The clipboard allows you to use multiple programs to design one document. IN Windows available special program to view the contents of the clipboard. It is called by the command Start / Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Clipboard.

Moving menu bar commands. In the source folder window, select the menu command Edit/Cut , and in the target folder window - the command Edit/Paste

. Navigate using the context menu. Right-click on the icon of the desired object and select the item in the context menu that opens Cut. In the receiving window on free space also right-click and select the item in the context menu Insert. This method is useful when moving objects between windows and the Desktop, since the Desktop has neither a menu bar nor toolbar buttons.

Move using the keyboard. This is the most quick way. The key combination -[X] deletes the selected object to the clipboard, and the key combination -[V] pastes it to a new location.

Copy by dragging. If copying occurs from one disk to another, then the object is simply dragged with the mouse. If an object is copied within the same disk, then while dragging you must hold down the key. When using special drag and drop, select the item from the menu that opens Copy.

Copying using toolbar buttons. In the initial window, click on the button Copy, and in another window – on the button Insert.

Copying with menu commands. In the source window they give the command Edit/Copy , and in the receiving window - the command Edit/Paste .

Copy using the context menu. In the context menu of the copied object, select the item Copy. In another window, right-click on an empty space and select the item in the menu that opens Insert.

Copying with keyboard commands. The -[C] command copies an object to the clipboard, and the -[V] command pastes it to a new location.

If you click on the object icon and then on its signature, a text cursor will appear in the signature. At this point, the signature can be edited.

To rename an object in the window of the folder containing it, you can issue the command File/Rename Rename.

Please remember that you cannot rename multiple objects at once.

IN Windows There is a special “safe” tool for removing objects - Basket. When you delete objects in the Recycle Bin, they do not cease to physically exist on the hard drive, but are only marked as “deleted”.

You can delete an object by dragging its icon onto the Trash icon. In the folder window, you can use the menu command to delete objects File/Delete and button Remove toolbars. The object's context menu also contains the item Delete. Most easy way deletion - using the keyboard: just select the object by clicking the mouse and pressing the key. In either case, the OS will display a dialog box asking the user to confirm the deletion.

Objects deleted to the Recycle Bin can be restored. To do this, open the Recycle Bin window, select the desired objects and give the command File/Restore . You can also use the point Restore context menu of the desired object. In addition, the desired object can be restored by dragging its icon to its original location or to the Desktop.

To permanently delete objects, i.e. physical removal from the disk, you should give the command in the Recycle Bin window File/Empty Trash or select item Empty trash in its context menu. If you need to remove only some objects from the Recycle Bin, you should select the necessary objects in the Recycle Bin window and give the command File/Delete . A dialog box will open Confirming the deletion of a group of files. You have to click on the button Yes, and the selected items will disappear from the Recycle Bin and the hard drive.

It should be remembered that files and folders deleted from floppy disks are not placed in the Recycle Bin, but are deleted immediately and forever.

Creating a new folder. You should right click anywhere work area window where the new folder should be located, or on the Desktop and select the item in the context menu that opens Create, subparagraph Folder. A folder icon with a signature will appear on the screen new folder and the cursor in the signature. You can enter the desired name and press the key. You can also create a new folder inside an existing folder using the window menu command File/New/Folder . New folder cannot be created in the My Computer, Trash and some others window.

Create an object shortcut. If the object for which you want to create a shortcut is present on the screen (on the Desktop or in an open folder window), then a shortcut for it is created by special dragging. If an item is not visible on the screen, you can create a shortcut for it using Masters– special system program, intended for automatic execution service operations.

In the first case, after specially dragging the object icon, a menu opens, in which there is an item Create shortcut(s). When you select this item, a shortcut is created whose name begins with the words Shortcut for... This name can be changed with any rename command.

In the second case, right-click on an empty space on the Desktop (or in the workspace of a folder window) and select the item in the context menu Create/Shortcut . This will open a wizard window Create a shortcut. IN command line wizard, you need to enter the search path for the object for which the shortcut is being created, or use the button Browse to find the required object. Clicking a button Next> opens the window Selecting the program name. Here you need to enter the name of the shortcut. By clicking a button Ready a new shortcut will be created. If a shortcut is created for a new installed program, then the wizard will offer to choose an icon for it.

Even with a well-thought-out organization of information on disks, it is not easy to find the desired object by navigating through the folder hierarchy. Windows OS allows you to search for objects in several ways.

Quickly search for an object in a folder. You need to open the folder in which the object you are looking for is located and press the key with the first character in the object name. The closest object whose name begins with this character will be highlighted. Pressing the same key again will highlight the next matching item. In this way, all folder objects whose names begin with this character are iterated.

Searching for an object by label. An object and its shortcuts can be located in different folders. To find an object, you need to open the window of the folder containing the shortcut, select it and give the command File/Properties (or select Properties shortcut context menu). Then in the window that opens Properties go to tab Label and press the command button Find object. The folder containing the original object will be displayed.

Search by complex criteria. In OS Windows there is a special team Find. It can be launched from the Main Menu ( Start/Search/Files and Folders ) or from the context menu of the My Computer folder or button Start(paragraph Find). This command opens a dialog box Find, containing three tabs.

On the tab Name and location In a special text field you can enter the name of the file you are looking for or a name template using the symbols? And *. You can search multiple files at the same time. To do this in the field Name you need to enter file names or name patterns separated by a space character. If you know the approximate location of the file (drive, folder), you can limit the search by selecting the known drive and folder from the list Where to look. In field Search text can be specified keyword or a phrase contained in the searched file.

Tab date allows you to limit the search based on the date of the last access to the files you are looking for.

On the tab Additionally You can specify the type of file you are looking for and its size.

After entering all the search criteria, you need to click on the button Find. The window will expand and a panel with search results will appear. You can perform all valid operations with found objects (copy, open, etc.), as in a regular folder window. Only on the menu File a new team appears Open the folder containing the object, which opens the folder with the desired file.

When working with drawings, it becomes necessary to copy or transfer some part of the image within one document or to other documents.

KOMPAS uses its own Clipboard mechanism (rather than the standard Windows clipboard). Having selected the desired part of the image and placed it in the buffer, you can then insert the objects in the buffer either into the same or into another document loaded for work. This eliminates the need to repeatedly draw identical or very similar objects.

There is no limit to the amount of information that can be placed on the clipboard. The contents of the buffer are stored on disk in a special system file.

The clipboard allows you to quickly and conveniently copy or transfer drawing objects. However, in cases where complex copying is required (for example, on a rectangular or concentric grid), use special editing commands.

Cut to clipboard used to place an object on the clipboard. This removes it from the document.

To clip objects to the buffer, do the following:

Select all document objects that you want to place on the clipboard by cutting.

Cut (it is only available if there are selected objects in the active document) or press key combinations + or +.

The cursor will change appearance to a small coordinate system symbol. The system expects the indication of a point that will be the base point for the selected set of objects. You can enter the desired coordinate values ​​in the fields of the Properties panel.

If objects belonging to different types drawing or views as a whole, then the origin of the coordinate system of the zero view (lower left corner of the drawing sheet) will be automatically taken as the base point.

After entering the coordinates of the base point or specifying its position, the selected objects will be copied to the clipboard and deleted from the document.

Copy to clipboard used to place an object on the clipboard. However, it remains in the document.

To copy objects to the clipboard, follow these steps:

Select all document objects that you want to copy to the clipboard.

Select a team Editor > Copy (it is only available if there are selected objects in the active document) + or +.

Please note that the previous contents of the clipboard will be deleted.

The cursor changes its appearance to a small coordinate system, and the system waits for a point to be specified that will be the base point for the selected set of objects. You can enter the desired coordinate values ​​for the base point in the fields of the Properties panel.

After entering the coordinates of the base point or specifying its position, the selected objects will be copied to the clipboard.

Copy to clipboard can be done differently:

select the objects you want to copy;

press the right mouse button to bring up the context menu.

In the context menu that appears, select Copy . You can click the button instead Copy in the Standard panel; In this case, the cursor will change its appearance to a small coordinate system, and in the message line the system asks you to indicate the base point for copying.

After specifying a base point, the object will be copied to the clipboard and the previous contents of the clipboard will be deleted.

Pasting objects from the clipboard used to place an object on the clipboard at a specified location in the document.

To paste objects from the clipboard into a document, follow these steps:

Select the command from the Editor menu Insert or press the key combination + or +.

A phantom of objects pasted from the buffer will appear on the screen.

Use the cursor to point at the point to insert or enter the required values ​​for its coordinates in the fields of the Properties panel.

Once the base point is fixed, the contents of the clipboard are pasted into the document. You can continue inserting objects, placing them in the desired places in the document. There is no limit to the number of buffer insertions that can be performed in one command call.

To finish pasting the contents of the clipboard into the document, press or button Abort command on the Special Controls panel.

Copy a view(or several types) with all the objects located in it to the same or another drawing. Special Team There is no copying of the view. For this purpose, the clipboard (Clipboard) COMPASS is used.

To copy the view(s), follow these steps:

Select the view(s) with any in a convenient way(see Selecting a view).

Call the command Editor > Copy or press the key combination "Ctrl"+"C" or "Ctrl" + "Insert". The selected view(s) will be copied to the clipboard.

Since the base point is known for each view, the system does not prompt for its position, as when normally copying objects to the buffer.

To paste a view from the clipboard into another drawing:

open the drawing into which you want to paste the copied view(s);

run the command Editor > Insert, or press the key combination "Ctrl"+"V" or "Shift" + "Insert". The view(s) will be pasted from the clipboard into the drawing.

If a view with the same number already exists in the drawing, the system checks whether the contents of the view from the clipboard can be pasted into it (merge views). To combine views, the condition of complete coincidence of numbers, coordinates of base points, rotation angles and scales must be met (system views always satisfy these conditions). If this cannot be done due to differences in scales and rotation angles of the views, a the new kind, which is assigned the first free number.

If you need to copy the view(s) into the same drawing, you can bypass the clipboard by using the standard mouse copy technique (see Copying Objects with the Mouse above). In this case, the system does not try to merge views, but creates a new view, assigning it the first unoccupied number. The name of the copy of the view is the same as the name of the original.

Processing is capable of transporting any objects, but this example made in the form of transferring all documents for a certain period. If necessary, it will not be difficult to modify the object selection interface.

When unloading objects, objects linked by links to the currently unloaded object are also unloaded.

Uploaded documents are posted at the end of unloading, if the corresponding flag is set, in a natural time order.

The integrity of data uploading is maintained taking into account the possible network structure of links, i.e. when “ELEMENT_1” refers to “ELEMENT_2” through details, and “ELEMENT_2” refers to “ELEMENT_1”. Including more complex and long network structures.

Since the directory synchronization key is not always unambiguous, it is possible to choose to disable the uploading of some directories. If during unloading there is a need to create an element of a “disabled” directory, the corresponding message “object not unloaded” will be displayed.

It is also possible to select a synchronization key. If the directory does not have the “Code” attribute (zero-length code), then, as an option, for transfer transparency, you can add the “Unique Code” attribute to the directory structure and indicate it in the transfer scheme as a synchronization key.

The entire transfer scheme boils down to setting up the basic transfer parameters and specifying synchronization keys for directories. The diagram can be saved in a file.

At its core, this processing has great potential. It is capable of transferring any objects between identical configurations - both directories and documents, i.e. universal.

This is just a convenient template for creating data transfer processing for specific clients.

  1. You can, by passing the transfer scheme and other settings to the form as a parameter, hide it from the user unnecessary information, automate the process of data transfer for a specific client.
  2. You can “hang” a call to a certain processing (report) on the selection of objects, which allows you to flexibly select objects according to various parameters, depending on the wishes of the client. Selected objects are transferred to transfer processing via parameters.

When developing the processing, the emphasis was on simplicity and ease of use, saving time in the future on the implementation of typical tasks: transferring “gray / white”, transferring directories to a new clean database, etc. and so on.


[Trace messages] - display information about transferred objects during transfer;

[ Post documents ] - post documents after transfer; they are posted at the end all at once in a natural time sequence;

[Replace documents and reference books when loading] - update the details of existing objects found in the receiving database.


[Load structure] - load the database structure (to generate a file with the transfer scheme);

[Load transfer scheme] - load the transfer scheme from a file.


[Transfer Scheme] - file with the transfer scheme;

[Replace Directory Elements] - corresponding flag;

[ReplaceDocuments] - corresponding flag;

[Trace Messages] - corresponding flag;

[ Post Documents ] - corresponding flag;

[ Post Unposted Documents ] - corresponding flag;

[Path] - path to the receiving database;

[UserDialog] - parameter for connecting to the DB receiver;

[ Password ] - parameter for connecting to the DB receiver;

[UploadableObjects] - list of objects (list of values) that need to be uploaded to the destination database;

[Action] - the action that needs to be performed.


"" - for any value, including an empty value, the flags and input fields corresponding to the passed parameters are initialized; in the case of an empty value, the processing form is opened as usual;

“connect_receiver” - the DB receiver is connected, the processing form opens;

“load_structure” - the receiver database is connected and the database structure is loaded, the processing form opens;

"upload_scheme" - the exchange scheme is loaded, the processing form opens;

“load_scheme_connect_receiver” - the DB receiver is connected, the exchange scheme is loaded, the processing form opens;

"unload_objects" - the receiver database is connected, the exchange scheme is loaded, the transferred objects are unloaded, the processing form does not open.


  1. Open processing in the source database.
  2. Go to the "Settings" tab, load the data structure, edit the transfer scheme (specify synchronization keys in the directories), save the scheme to a file so that in the future you can simply load it from the file.