Where does the memory disappear in the iPhone and where to look for it? What to do if there is not enough space in iCloud storage Why there is no space on iPhone 5s

It seems that iPhone memory is always in short supply, especially if you have a model entry level with 16GB (because of the desire to save money when buying). A rare user does not know that heartache when trying to download a new application or take a few more photos and see the terrible message "not enough memory".

You've probably heard all the usual tips for freeing up space by now, but I'm willing to bet you haven't heard this one. This is truly a magic trick, one that can fill you with joy while also making you a little mad at Apple.

You won't need to jailbreak your phone, and it won't void your warranty or pose any danger. Try it and see what happens. Here is the sequence of steps.

Step 1: Open the Settings app and then tap General > About Phone to see how much storage is available. Note that this is the "Before" quantity.

Step 2: Open the iTunes Store app, navigate to Movies, and find really big file. "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" will do, it weighs 6.83GB. (You just need to find a movie that requires more download space than you have available on your phone.) Press the "Movie Rental" button twice, but you won't actually end up renting it (and therefore you won't pay anything).

Step 3: After you see a message that you don't have enough space to download your rental, open "Settings". Then go back to General > About Phone and you should see that you have an extra couple of hundred megabytes available - maybe even more.

Step 4: Repeat this process! (That is, go back to the iTunes Store app and try renting the movie again.) Each time, you should see more space freed up. Continue until you either see enough gain free space(meaning you can actually download the movie) or the available space will stop growing.

It's not immediately clear why this works, but it works. I just tested the trick on an iPhone 5c (running iOS 9.1) which had 4GB free space. The result after the first attempt is 4.4 GB.

Alas, that was the maximum I could get. Repeated attempts did not add free space. But judging by the posts in the forums dedicated to this topic, you will see that many users have freed up hundreds of megabytes of space many times, and some of them were able to recover gigabytes of space. So far, no one has noticed the shortcomings of this method. It doesn't look like iOS is secretly destroying any important data.

This method is likely clearing out caches that shouldn't be filling up in the first place, suggesting that this is a storage issue (if not a bug) that Apple would do well to investigate.

Everyone has it iPhone user and iPad, no matter how much memory its device has, there comes a moment when it reads a terrible phrase on the screen: "There is almost no space." What to do? Now I will try to tell everything.

No need to panic and run to the store for a new phone. I agree, some do, but we're not the type to take the easy way out, so I'll list ten easy steps to free up memory, or as Apple calls it, "storage."

1. Checking the amount of storage

To check how much space is available on your iPhone or iPad and how much is occupied, you need to go to the menu Basic - Statistics . The top line shows the amount of used space, the bottom line shows the amount of free space. In my case, a little free - only 1.4 GB. That is, a normal movie, even from the iTunes cloud, can no longer be downloaded. I recommend doing such a check once a month in order to avoid embarrassment in the form of overflowing memory at the most inopportune moment.

2. Deleting information through the Vault

Many programs themselves take up little space, but the information they pump from the Web makes them bulk up. For example, harmless Twitter in its pure form it weighs only 38.4 MB, and with the saved cache 269 MB.

Tap on any app from the list and see how much it really weighs and what exactly made it gain weight.

3. Remove unused games

Yes, sometimes I myself don’t want to delete the game I once liked from the device. After all, there are collected records, and pumped characters, and, to be honest, bought inapps. But such games litter the storage of the device so that there is simply nowhere to put something new and no less interesting. Delete without regret.

4. Delete all old podcasts, music and movies

Admit it, how many times have you listened to old podcasts? For example, the September issue about rumors regarding Apple devices that have not yet been released or “Seeing 2014” from Mayak radio station? I'm sure never. And they clog the memory on the phone! The most innocuous podcast for 5 minutes can weigh 25 MB, but what if you have a dozen or a hundred of them?

I deliberately save only those old podcasts that do not carry a news color. For example, brand creation stories from Brandyatina or interesting non-fiction episodes of the Non-Fantastic Horizons podcast. And then, in order not to listen to it again, but to let the children listen.

The same goes for the uploaded video. If you buy it from the iTunes digital store, it will still be available in the cloud at any time, if not, you can always find it online again and review it online at your leisure. There is absolutely no need to store it on the device.

5. Message retention period

Everyone who uses the iPhone knows that changing one phone to another does not mean losing all the SMS from the previous device. Progress has ordered in such a way that all our once magical manipulations with file managers and pulling out the folder with SMS, became irrelevant (although, as they say, you can’t drink away experience). They were replaced by the restore from backup function. No photos or SMS are lost. Even those that you have long forgotten and would like to get rid of.

You can set their storage time by entering the menu: General - Messages - History . There are three options offered: 30 days, 1 year and indefinitely. The default is the third item, which clogs the memory. Replace it for 1 year and you will not feel the difference, and you will have a little more space.

6. Use the cloud to store photos and home videos

Now wet rags with accusations will fly at me, but think about it and take a look at the statistics of using the storage of your device. In the first place for 90% of us is precisely "Photo and Camera" .

I will give an example of how you can back up on Google Plus. Download the app from App Store[download] , enter your personal account settings and set the slider in the section A PHOTO on the autoload.

Google+ app skins from the AppStore

The next step is to upload all the photos and videos to the cloud.

In the same way, you can set up Dropbox if the service of your native iCloud does not suit you.

7. Stop using the photo stream

Photo Stream automatically syncs the last thousand(!) photos between your iOS devices. However, you should know that 1000 photos is about 1GB, which doubles. So if you don’t have an urgent need to share pictures between gadgets, turn off the photo stream on all your devices.

Settings - Photos and Camera - My Photo Stream

8. Only save photos in HDR quality

If you have set automatic backup photos through cloud service, then you should take care in advance that the excess does not fly away for storage. By "superfluous" I mean doubling photos of ordinary and HDR. Why would you keep two identical photos, besides, if one is even worse in quality?

Settings - Photo and Camera - Keep Original

9. Subscribe to a streaming music service

The days of fiddling around with downloading music to your iPhone are long gone. Those who are less stingy buy albums and singles directly from the iTunes Store, without bothering with any special services. Those who are accustomed to being in trend, hastened to acquire streaming music broadcasting services.

Many of my friends have opted for Google Play Music preferring it to all others. For now I'm satisfied Jamendo, finding it the most convenient for you. Another Favorite Streaming Music Stream Spotify(Unfortunately not available in our region). By the way, some of my friends "from the west" have abandoned the Apple music app, choosing it. Why? Yes, because you can download the desired songs and albums directly over the air at any time.

10. Explore the "Other" section of iTunes and restore your phone

"Other" - this is the volume of your e-mail, music cache, saved browser pages. Sometimes in the process of loading pages or mail, download breaks occur and then the data takes up more space than it should. The simplest and most efficient way is backup And restoring the phone from a copy.

Tired of constantly getting notifications about what storage your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch packed to the brim? Before installing a new application, do you have to find the very “extra” game or program that needs to be donated? Enough tolerating this! These 40 ways will help you free up space on your iPhone and iPad.

The problem with the lack of memory on the iPhone and iPad is familiar to many. Users of devices with a memory capacity of 8 or 16 GB are especially affected by this - they have to think more than others about how to fit on their smartphone or tablet both their favorite music and the applications and games necessary for work that help pass a free minute. Depending on the activity of using the device, owners of 64-gigabyte iPhone models and iPad. In any of these cases, the following 40 ways will help you.

How to free up space on iPhone and iPad

1. Reboot your device regularly

Daily restart iPhone or the iPad not only provides an impressive performance boost, but also clears the iOS cache, which gets clogged all the time. You can see a clear example of how badly your device needs a reboot in iTunes - when you connect the gadget, the garbage is displayed as a storage section " Other”, in some cases occupying several gigabytes.

Delete system cache manually is not possible, but iOS gets rid of everything unnecessary itself during the reboot. Therefore, do not neglect restarting your iPhone and iPad - due to it, you will be much less likely to think about how to cram a fresh game or movie that you wanted to watch on the road into the device’s memory.

2. Perform a hard reset

In addition to a normal reboot, a hard reset helps in the fight against the full memory of an iPhone or iPad. During its execution, all temporary files that can take up quite a lot of space are also deleted from the device. To perform a hard reset, you need to simultaneously hold down the buttons Nutrition and Home and hold them until the Apple logo appears on the device screen.

3. Remove unwanted apps and games

One of the most simple ways freeing memory. Just remove unused apps and games from your iPhone or iPad that have been gathering dust for months in various folders on the main screen of the device. This method, despite its simplicity, is one of the most effective - many users sometimes simply forget that this or that application is installed on their device, which has not been launched for a long time.

4. Delete documents in apps

Documents created third party applications, also take up space on your device's memory. If you have a whole bunch of personal documents that are no longer needed, just delete them directly from the applications in which they were created. Be aware that some apps move deleted documents in special temporary folders and the space may not be freed immediately.

5. Remove pending iOS updates

New versions of iOS are automatically downloaded to your device over Wi-Fi, which means they take up storage space. Even if you decline the installation of a fresh update, it remains in the device's memory, waiting for you to finally mature.

Delete Pending iOS update very simple. For this you need to go to Settings -> Main-> and select " Manage". Here you need to find the firmware hanging in memory, select it and delete it. In order to disable automatic download updates, go to the menu Settings -> App Store, iTunes Store and turn off the switch Updates».

6. Update iOS via iTunes

Process iPhone updates or iPad over the air is incredibly convenient, however, to maximize the release of device memory, install new versions iOS is better via iTunes. Downloading new firmware directly to the device is inevitably associated with saving temporary files in memory, even after the installation is completed.

When installing new iOS versions through iTunes, the firmware is unpacked and stored in the computer's memory, and therefore the device is not clogged with all these temporary files.

7. Delete old voicemail

Don't leave old voice messages collect dust in the memory of your device. To remove them, go to the application Telephone -> Answering machine, then highlight unwanted messages and click " Delete". After that, you must go to Telephone -> Deleted messages and press the button " clear all”, only after that the old voice mail permanently disappear from the device memory.

8. Remove Message Attachments

Over time, investment in the application Messages, especially if you are a lover of chatting, can start to take up quite a lot of space in the device's memory. It is very easy to delete attachments, while leaving the correspondence intact and safe.

Go to app Messages, open any dialog and click on the " More” located in the upper right corner of the screen. Tap and hold on an attachment until a pop-up menu appears. From this menu select " More” and start flagging all attachments that you no longer want to see on your device. After that, you should click on the icon with the image of the basket and confirm the deletion.

9. Set a limit on how long messages are stored

In addition to deleting attachments from conversations, you can also set a limit on how long messages can be stored in the device's memory. To do this, go to the menu Settings -> Messages -> Leave and select " 30 days».

Please note that after setting this option, text messages will be permanently deleted from the device's memory after 30 days. Be careful with this setting, especially if you care about correspondence.

10. Set a shorter retention time for audio and video messages

And another way to save memory related to the application Messages. After you send or listen to audio or video messages, it is moved to the device's memory, where it continues to be stored for an unlimited time. By going to the menu Settings -> Messages and selecting in the section " Audio messages" paragraph " Expires”, you can specify a shorter time for automatic deletion of audio and video messages, for example, 2 minutes.

11. Delete old photos and videos

A huge amount of space on iPhone and iPad can be freed up by deleting old photos and videos. To do this, go to the application A photo, select the photo or video you want to delete and click the trash can icon. After that, you need to go to Albums -> Recently deleted -> Choose -> delete everything and confirm permanent deletion of media files from the device.

12. Disable Photo Stream

When Photo Stream is enabled, photos taken on one of your iOS devices automatically appear on your other gadgets linked to the same account. All this, of course, is very convenient, but the memory of devices due to this function can fill up much faster than usual.

To disable this option, you must go to Settings -> iCloud -> A photo My photo stream».

13. Turn off iCloud Photo Sharing

General access iCloud allows you to create shared albums with other users and subscribe to already created albums. Photos from albums you subscribe to will be sent directly to your device's memory, so if you want to save as much space as possible, it's best to disable this feature. To do this, you just need to go to Settings -> iCloud -> A photo and remove the switch from the item " iCloud Photo Sharing».

14. Refuse to store HDR originals

When you take HDR photos, iOS automatically saves regular versions of the photos, thus doubling the storage space for media files. Fortunately, you can opt out of storing originals in the system settings by telling iOS to only store HDR shots. Go to menu Settings -> Photo and Camera and remove the switch from the item " Leave the original».

15. Use iCloud Photo Library

With iCloud Photo Library, you can store optimized versions of your photos and videos on your device while leaving the originals in high quality in iCloud storage. This feature allows you to significantly save space on your iPhone or iPad, even if your media collection is not very large.

You can activate the option to store optimized photos and videos on your device in the menu Settings -> Photo and Camera. Depending on the size of your library and internet bandwidth, the initial sync process can take several hours or even days.

16. Store photos and videos in the cloud

You can free up several gigabytes at once on your iPhone and iPad just by starting to use cloud storage. By uploading to Dropbox, Flickr, Google Drive, Yandex.Disk or OneDrive all photos and videos from mobile device, you will still always have them at hand, along with this, having the opportunity to fill the memory of the iPhone and iPad with whatever your heart desires.

17. Remove Unused Content from iBooks

Books, magazines, and textbooks stored in iBooks can take up a lot of space on your device's memory. This is especially true for books with advanced features, such as embedded audio or video content. In order to remove them, launch iBooks, click " Change", select the books you want to delete and click " Delete».

To prevent automatic download of book and magazine updates from the App Store, go to the menu Settings -> App Store, iTunes Store and remove the switch from the item Books In chapter " Automatic downloads».

18. Delete the contents of the Videos app

Your personal videos, along with movies and TV shows purchased from the iTunes Store, can take up a lot of storage space on your iPhone and iPad. To delete unwanted videos, go to standard application Video, click on the button « Change”and erase everything unnecessary from the device’s memory by pressing the button“ X».

19. Delete unwanted podcasts

Podcasts downloaded to your mobile device can take up quite a bit of storage space, particularly if you don't monitor the Podcasts app's content rate. You can delete unwanted or old podcasts directly from the app itself. To do this, click on the icon in the form of three dots to the right of the podcast name, click on the " Delete uploaded object» and confirm the process.

20. Turn on Auto Delete Played Podcasts

You can also delete podcasts immediately after listening to them. You can activate this option in the menu Settings -> Podcasts -> Delete Played.

21. Start using Apple Music

It's 2016 and fiddling with your music collections, constantly syncing them to your iPhone and iPad, is already tantamount to using CDs. Of course, there are more convenient ways to move music to devices other than iTunes (like MoboRobo), but it's best to start using Apple Music.

For only 169 rubles a month, you get access to over 30 million songs, personal collections, themed radio stations and more. In order to join the army of Apple Music users, you just need to go to the Music app and begin the registration process.

22. Clear the Safari Reading List Cache

The Safari Reading List is a great feature that allows you to access your saved articles and web pages without an internet connection. But filling this list can get carried away, eventually clogging the device's memory with hundreds of files related to the saved pages.

To clear the Safari Reading List cache, go to the section Settings -> General -> Using storage and iCloud and select " Manage". After that, you need to find in the Safari list, click " Change' and delete the reading list files.

23. Clear Safari Cache

In addition to the previous method, deleting your Safari browsing history and search queries can also help clear up some memory on your iPhone or iPad. This process is extremely simple - go to Settings -> safari, press " Clear history and site data” and confirm cleaning.

Keep in mind that clearing your browsing history on one device will automatically delete it on other devices linked to the same iCloud account.

24. Clear App Cache

Many applications that download data from the Internet can store real mountains of temporary files in the memory of your iPhone or iPad. Most of these files eventually become unnecessary, so they can be deleted, freeing up a couple of hundred treasured megabytes.

To delete the cache of a specific application, go to the menu Settings -> General -> storage and select the item Manage. You will see a list of applications installed on the device, sorted by the amount of memory used - select the ones you need and clear the cache, if possible.

25. Reinstall especially power hungry apps

If some separate application literally settled in the memory of your iPhone and iPad, having arranged its cache in it in a businesslike way, then you need to resort to a radical solution to the problem. This solution, however, is not particularly difficult - you just need to delete such an application and download it from the App Store again.

26. Use special utilities

The mechanism for cleaning up temporary files built into iOS does not work perfectly, frankly. There are much more powerful third party utilities like PhoneExpander . With it, you can clean your iPhone and iPad of temporary files as much as possible without losing a single important document.

To start using PhoneExpander you just need to download the utility, connect your mobile device to your computer and click the " Clear temporary files". Further, the cleaning process will proceed automatically.

27. Set up your device as new

Quite a radical way, but, in fact, why not? Start the life of your iPhone and iPad with clean slate, after making, of course, backup data in iTunes and iCloud.

In order to set up an iPhone or iPad from scratch, you need to go to the menu Settings -> Main -> Reset and select " Erase content and settings". Please note that this process will remove all files and settings from the device, so double check that you have backed up.

And 13 more ways in one line:

28. Remove all duplicates from the Photos app, blurry photos and screenshots.

29. Download high-resolution panoramic photos from your mobile device to your computer, then delete them from your iPhone and iPad.

30. Delete or export photos from apps like Camera+ or VSCO.

31. Turn off high quality voices by going to the menu Settings -> General -> Universal access -> Speech -> Vote -> Russian by unchecking the checkbox Milena (improved). Here you can also remove this voice option by clicking on " Change».

32. Disable unused system languages ​​by going to the menu Settings -> General -> Language and region.

33. Remove unused third party keyboards on the menu Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Keyboards.

34. Remove custom hotkeys that you no longer use. You can do it in the menu. Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> Text replacement.

35. Limit the background activity of applications in the menu Settings -> Main -> Content update.

36. Select 1080p video recording format instead of 4K in the menu Settings -> Photo and Camera -> Video recording.

38. Clear Siri cache by disabling and re-enabling voice assistant on the menu Settings -> Siri.

39. Turn off automatic downloads of music, apps, books and updates in the menu Settings -> App Store, iTunes Store.

40. Sync iPhone and iPad with iTunes from time to time, this will allow the system to transfer error logs from the device and delete them automatically.

Despite the fact that modern smartphones iPhone and iPad tablets have a large amount of permanent memory, sooner or later, but most of their owners are faced with a lack of free space on the device. It is especially disappointing when you need to download or save something very important on your phone, and here, as luck would have it, the iPhone writes “There is almost no space.”

What to do in this case? The answer is simple - delete unnecessary. Many users imprudently rush "in all serious", deleting everything in a row. Often this ends in tears because they can get caught under a hot hand system files or just something important to you.
In this article, I want to tell you how to free up memory on an iPhone without the risk of deleting something you need or even disable it. operating system on your iPhone and iPad.

1. Total cleaning of the Safari browser

The very first thing to start with freeing up iPhone memory is a web browser. In some cases, it inflates like a balloon.
Let's start by clearing the Safari cache, cookies, and deleting temporary files. To do this, go to the settings of the mobile gadget and find the section safari:

Once inside, we find the point Clear history and site data.

After that, go to the "Additional" section>> "Data" sites:

We click on the "Delete all data" button in order to delete all saved information about sites and thereby, at least a little, but free up memory on the iPhone.

Do not forget about the separate "Offline List" function, which serves for delayed reading of pages in Safari and thus also takes up space in the ROM. Moreover, sometimes the volume occupied by this can reach a gigabyte and even more.

To clear it, go to "Settings">> "General">>"Statistics">>"Storages">>"Safari". Here you need to tap on the "Delete" button to completely demolish the entire offline list. Keep in mind that clearing the cache will not remove objects from the read list.

2. Search for unnecessary applications

For those who are fond of various games on a mobile phone or tablet, the memory is often full of old games that have not been used for a long time, and they forgot to delete them. To fix this and clear free space on the iPhone and iPad, open Settings >> General >> Statistics >> Storage:

Here you will see a list of applications sorted by memory usage. We select those of them that are not needed and are not used by you and delete:

Also, as an option, you can try to completely reinstall the "heavy" applications that you use. The fact is that in order to roll back in case of failure, they can, in parallel with current version the previous ones will be preserved outdated versions, which also take up the disk space you need. Reinstalling will simply remove everything you don't need. After that, your iPhone will most likely no longer write "There is almost no space."

3. Proper iCloud setup

In the operating system, everything is closely tied to Apple's proprietary service called iCloud. Here and cloud storage, and streaming broadcasting of audio and video content, and backup of information and much, much more. His correct setting and use will free up memory on the iPhone for the necessary data. So what should be done?!

- Enable iCloud Photo Library. The purpose of this service is to allow users to synchronize all their multimedia content with Apple's cloud storage. By enabling it, you can upload all your photos and videos to the cloud in full, deleting them from your iPhone or iPad. This is done in the "Settings" >> "iCloud" >> "Photo" section:

Slide the "iCloud Library" slider to "On" and uncheck "Save Originals".

By the way, after that it is better to listen to music in streaming mode via iCloud, and the tracks themselves should not be stored on the phone, but simply deleted. The iPhone can receive podcasts of content downloaded to iTunes. Also, I would recommend connecting some streaming service. The Yandex.Music service is very good in this sense.

- Turn off Photo Stream. In apple devices, there is one very interesting and absolutely unnecessary feature for most users, which is called "Photostream". This album is created by iCloud. All photos from the Camera Roll album are automatically copied to it. This is done in order to automatically upload new photos to the cloud so that they are available on other iPhones and iPads connected to this account.

Do you need it? Most users do not even know about this function while it is actively eating up space in the gadget's ROM. To disable Photo Stream- slide the corresponding switch in the “Settings”>>”iCloud”>>”Photos” section to the “Off” position.

4. Operating system update

Remember to update your iOS operating system to the latest and most current version.

The fact is that in updates, as a rule, old bugs about flaws are fixed. Including those related to the use of permanent memory of the smartphone. Besides, in latest versions developers have significantly improved iOS performance and stability on the iPhone 4, 5 and 5S. Check Availability and Availability new version The OS can be found in the "Settings">>"General">>"Software Updates" section.

5. Clear iPhone memory using third-party utilities

To be honest, now the AppStore is full of programs that offer to optimize the iPhone, which allows you to speed up its work and clean up the device's memory. More than half of them do not bring any positive effect. From myself, I can recommend a couple of successful programs.
First, the application PhoneExpander.

It can perfectly clean traces of programs by deleting their temporary files on iPhone, iPad and even on the iPod touch media player. In addition, the utility can remove unnecessary applications, video and music.

Very often, many iPhone owners take screenshots. Although these pictures are small in size (on average 200-300 KB), they accumulate a lot and the amount they occupy in memory increases greatly. You can, of course, climb the repository on your own and look for all such pictures. But there is more fast way clean the memory on the iPhone from such unnecessary images - use the utility Screeny.

It is specially designed to find and remove screenshots on apple devices. It will scan all the pictures on the device and give the predicted amount of free space. If everything suits you, click on the “Delete” button and see the result!

Everyone has experienced the problem of running out of free space on their iPhone, especially when using a device that does not exceed 32 GB of storage. Next, we will tell you how to clear the memory on the iPhone 5s (and other models) so as not to damage system files and data from other important applications.

How to clear "other" on iPhone

After synchronizing the iPhone with iTunes, on the status bar you will see how much space this or that content (media files, applications, etc.) takes up. The "other" section includes various temporary files, cache and "unnecessary" information. To clean it up and free up space, follow these steps:

  • Clear the application cache. The memory of WhatsApp or another messenger is released through the "Settings" menu. You can get rid of the temporary data of other programs by reinstalling.
  • Disable iCloud Drive via the Settings menu. Move other data to cloud storage.
  • To free up memory in Viber, delete your chat history, unnecessary sticker packs, saved voice messages and other temporary files. All these data also belong to the "Other" section.
  • Use special software to optimize free space and delete temporary files.
  • Delete history in Safari browser, saved passwords, bookmarks.

This will clear the cache memory and free up additional space. You can check the volume of the "Other" section through the "Settings" menu or by synchronizing the device with iTunes.

How to delete temporary files in the browser

Safari automatically saves data from websites you visit. These are passwords, cookies and other temporary files. To remove them, do the following:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu and at the very bottom of the list, find the "Safari" item.
  2. Will open new page with all available options. Click on the blue inscription "Clear history and site data."
  3. If you want to delete other data, including bookmarks and saved pages, then in the "Safari" section, click on the "Add-ons" button (located at the very bottom of the list).
  4. After that, select "Site data" - "Delete all data".

This method allows you to get rid of "junk" files and free up memory on your iPhone. For faster device operation, it is recommended to clear your browser history at least once a month. If you use Safari too often, then you need to delete the history every week.

If you want to clear RAM, then close all unnecessary applications, prohibit them from working in background. This can be done through the "Settings" menu or using special programs to optimize the device.

How to customize iCloud settings

Photos and other media files take up a significant amount of free space. If you get a message that the iPhone memory is full, then to save space, use the following tips:

  • Turn off Photo Stream. This is a service that automatically collects the latest photos from your library and copies them to all linked iOS devices. To free up space and turn off the photo stream, go to the "Settings" menu and find the "iCloud" - "Photos" section here. Move the My Photo Stream slider to off.
  • Turn on iCloud Music Library. After that, photos and videos will be uploaded to the cloud storage, and not take up space in the device's memory. To turn on the library, go to the "iCloud" menu through "Settings". After that, in the "Photos" section, move the slider opposite the "iCloud Photo Library" item to the on state.

Using the methods described above, you will clean up the device’s memory and allocate additional space for storing other files and documents.

How to remove unnecessary applications

If there is not enough free space on your iPhone, then try deleting unnecessary games and applications. Some programs consume more and more memory over time due to the use of temporary files. To remove an unwanted application:

  1. Go to the "Settings" menu on your iPhone and find the "General" section.
  2. Select the "Statistics" item and go to the "Storage" block.
  3. This will display a list installed programs. Opposite the name it will be written how much memory the application takes (for example, telegram or instagram).
  4. Choose the most resource intensive programs. To do this, click on its name to access additional documents and data.
  5. Here, click on the red inscription "Uninstall a program".

After that, the application will be unavailable for use. In this way, you can separately delete temporary files and reinstall desired program. The total application memory will be displayed at the very top of the list.

How to reset iPhone

If you want to completely clean your iPhone, then perform a factory reset. After that, all user data, temporary files and other information will be deleted from the device. Therefore, before starting the reset, make a backup copy of important documents. Procedure:

  1. Go to iPhone settings and find the "General" section here.
  2. A page with available options will be displayed. At the very bottom, find and select "Reset".
  3. A list will appear options. Select "Erase Content and Settings" to remove all user files.
  4. A system notification will appear. Confirm the action and, if necessary, enter the password for the account Apple records ID.

After that, the smartphone screen will turn off and after a few seconds the Apple logo will appear. Depending on the model of the device and the amount of iPhone information, the process takes from two to twenty minutes. Then set up your phone like new. The method helps to clear the internal and system memory.

To clear your iPhone's memory of junk and free up space, delete unnecessary programs, temporary files manually or using special software. If necessary, reset to factory settings, discard offline content in favor of listening to music online, storing photos in the cloud storage.